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Quote: 10645; Rating: 73; [+|-]
<@netwerk> the kill i sent to nickop lagged so much that it killed me instead
<@p00mint> HAHAHA
Quote: 10646; Rating: 446; [+|-]
<hybridy2k>u00a0 how do i give ppl ops with a certain level
<@netwerk> rephrase your question in english before i find an axe and murder your parents
Quote: 10647; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<EuRaSiAn`GuY> If Someone query's me typing #Channel, and there in a channel i have ops in, how do i auto ban them?
<@netwerk> thats stupid
<@netwerk> go sit in the corner and think about wat you just said
Quote: 10649; Rating: 48; [+|-]
<freshmint> SHE is teen pr0n in the flesh
<freshmint> Too bad she's fucked in the head
Quote: 10655; Rating: 731; [+|-]
Quote: 10659; Rating: 511; [+|-]
<pplante> it doesnt seem to be getting sent to the client
<pplante> hmm what to do what to do
<omega> beat your head repeatedly with a steel post.
<pplante> tried that
<pplante> it didnt solve the problem though
<omega> do it harder, it will solve mine.
<pplante> die
Quote: 10660; Rating: 452; [+|-]
Quote: 10661; Rating: 698; [+|-]
<Spooky42 > was taking a bath with my son the other day.. and he said.. daddy why is my penis different than yours?.. and i said.. because yours isnt erect
<Ize > eew
Quote: 10665; Rating: 251; [+|-]
HolyViper7: it could be worse :P
Ebyan: It could be better
HolyViper7: everything could be better
Ebyan: everything could be worse
HolyViper7: not oprah
HolyViper7: she cant get any worse.
Quote: 10666; Rating: 37; [+|-]
<WAP> @find indonesian girl
Quote: 10672; Rating: -71; [+|-]
<Nexstar> What's Sonic the Hedgehog?
Quote: 10676; Rating: 34; [+|-]
<ZackSmurf> ur a gay cs whore rnt u skratch
<[-FeC-]sKratch> other than the gay and whore part, yes
Quote: 10682; Rating: 606; [+|-]
<Birk> Since you know, you get to choose a name when you are pope
<Birk> If I ever became pope I would choose the name Perri.
<Birk> So then people would call me pope perri, and they would be forced to laugh whenever saying my name.
Quote: 10684; Rating: 180; [+|-]
<mag8|iron^^> I really want to masturbate. All of my friends are doing it. But there is a problem: I am a Roman Catholic, and my religion considers it a sin. I want to do it one time u0097 where should I do it, and how can I make it the most
Quote: 10686; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<astroDZ> i brought back marlbro 100s
<astroDZ> a carton of them to smoke
<astroDZ> i was told that were was enuff tar in 1 pack , to zip up all of freebsd and openbsd
<astroDZ> anyone care to confirm?
Quote: 10688; Rating: 275; [+|-]
<_astrOdz> you know if you shoplift , you dont pay tax
Quote: 10691; Rating: 614; [+|-]
<Zorix> this room... heh.. its so immature
<ichibod> fuck off dicklicker
<Zorix> bite me fucktard
Quote: 10699; Rating: 1547; [+|-]
* Basil|ArFr was promised a BJ from a member of the opposite sex if he gets a C in Literature.
<Fozzie> I've heard of parents giving gifts for good grades, but this is ridiculous!
Quote: 10702; Rating: 1471; [+|-]
<Jubei301> So I walk into the room with the cat on my shoulder, facing backwards, and my stepdad is trying to watch TV, and I step in front of him, point at my cats ass, and say "ARG! shiver me timbers, its me one eyed parrot" and he laughed for a long mom was just staring at me like im some kind of pervert.
<Jubei301> What? doesnt everyone use their cats brown-eye for their punchlines?
Quote: 10705; Rating: 389; [+|-]
<Xellchiri> BFS, I have a message for you
<BloodFromStone> A message for me?
<BloodFromStone> From whom?
<Xellchiri> Darthie
<Xellchiri>u00a0 "May you be cursed with the flatulence of a rabid camel."
<BloodFromStone> Xell: Hrmm... I find myself uninjured by her attacks. =P
* Xellchiri rolls 1d20 :: 8
<Xellchiri> yeah, she missed
Quote: 10707; Rating: 39; [+|-]
<BloodFromStone> I suck at weeping... But, ill try my best...
Quote: 10714; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<Joe_> <DarkVeng> if you wanna just be a yesman, there are thousands of jobs in corporate amercia that have better hours and better pay for less worku00a0 <-- where are they?
<Technogeek> Enron.
Quote: 10718; Rating: 209; [+|-]
HiTtHiS2002 : i'd drive by with all the neons on... and guys everywhere in a 1/4 mile radius would run to the nearest bathroom to nut one
BeHeMoTh101 : who needs a bathroom
BeHeMoTh101 : that's why god invented pants
Quote: 10724; Rating: 1640; [+|-]
TX Luder : dude
TX Luder : i just had a genius idea
TX Luder : m&ms frozen in ice cubes
TX Luder : just think of it man
TX Luder : your sucking on ice
TX Luder : then WHAM
TX Luder : m&m
Quote: 10725; Rating: 275; [+|-]
urban13eatnik : I wonder. is there a feeling when you see a woman in porno and you're sure that she's someone you know?
BeHeMoTh101 : yes
urban13eatnik : what is it?
BeHeMoTh101 : it's called IKNOWDATBITCH
Quote: 10730; Rating: 353; [+|-]
<+Genome> the next version of mirc should support 3D visualisation plugins like winamp
<%Yukanojo> wtf would you visualize with mIRC?
<+Kumaneko> text rate?
Quote: 10732; Rating: 1266; [+|-]
<Locke> Thats three nights in a row I've been awake and glanced at the clock and seen 3:14 and thought "Hahaha, it's Pi Time. Man Pi Time, how lame, I can't believe I thought that"
Quote: 10734; Rating: 246; [+|-]
*** Sipx ([email protected]) has joined #aol
<kas> do you enjoy cox?
<Sipx> hm
<Sipx> its OK
<Sipx> not really though
<Sipx> im in rhode island.
<kas> is cox big in rhode island?
<Sipx> yes, it is
Quote: 10735; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<@j0no> tigerbot_hesh: These are not the brains you are looking for. Move along.
<tigerbot_hesh> shouldnt that be droids?
<@j0no> You don't really need droids, do you?
Quote: 10737; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<kas> did you getta message from Mike last night?
<kas> he msged you on aim
<SDMF> he msged me?
<kas> i put in big bold letters
<kas> and yur roommate answered
<kas> and was like who's this
<kas> and ize like
<kas> Johns cyber boyfriend, Mike
<kas> is he there?
<kas> i wanna cyber sooo bad
<kas> yur roommate blocked me or signed off
Quote: 10739; Rating: 7883; [+|-]
* Spoon casts Wall of Silence
*** Spoon sets mode: +m
<Goku> why?
<Spoon> Because exo went insane
<Goku> no, he just brought his insanity up to another level
* Sentinel checks..
*** Sentinel sets mode: -m
*** Sentinel sets mode: +m
Quote: 10745; Rating: 223; [+|-]
<Atlas> Wouldn't it be easier to sneak a gun in, shoot Ben, and STEAL BEN STEIN'S MONEY!
Quote: 10746; Rating: 317; [+|-]
<Cuban Atlas> See, Zeir, FD is smart..He ops himself the moment he enters
<FD> This way I can abuse the power faster
<Polo> That's the American way
<FD> Damn right
Quote: 10749; Rating: 133; [+|-]
<davidc> we will set you up a refuse where you can make PHP5 if you ever have to flee the country!
<[Rizz]> start a fund "bring zeev to the UK"
<@Zeev> I'd rather die than make PHP 5.0, thank you :)
Quote: 10751; Rating: 38; [+|-]
@(camo) erawtic: any chance of getting pussy?
@(camo) lol
@(camo) just tell her: "i got a better play to see... a puppet play... now unzip my pants and say hello to mr. helmethead"
u00fau00fau00fa Topic: rew sets topic [ten bucks says camo has no game. oh wait, whos dumb enough to bet against that.]
@(diffuse) camo: that wasnt even funny.
@(diffuse) at all.
@(rew) hence my topic.
@(erawtic) camo jesus
@(rew) if i had said that in front of real people i would have gone 'im really sorry im going to leave now, dont worry about calling me'
@(diffuse) yeah no shit.
Quote: 10756; Rating: 38; [+|-]
<MP|Pooty`Shocksbitch> ok we are going to make one up
<chibi> 24hrs or something
<MP|Pooty`Shocksbitch> and stage it
<chibi> k
<MP|Pooty`Shocksbitch> the next thing i say u say "count me in"
<chibi> k
<MP|Pooty`Shocksbitch> im going to take a dump on your face
<chibi> count me in
<MP|Pooty`Shocksbitch> rofl
<MP|Pooty`Shocksbitch> GENIOUS
<chibi> indeed
<chibi> help if you spelt genius right :D
Quote: 10758; Rating: 1113; [+|-]
Gr8Hamster: what's the thing I type to see the commands the ftp can do?
Jeff: ?
Gr8Hamster: there was a thing I thought that you could do that would show the commands you could do with something.....
Jeff: ?
Gr8Hamster: nevermind
Jeff: dude, it's a question mark.... type a question mark :-D
Gr8Hamster: oh.. OH!u00a0 :(
Quote: 10760; Rating: 224; [+|-]
jd1seeker: ok heres the the problem ... ive been seeing this girl for like a year now and i think shes getting bored of me ... we havent gone out or done anything fun in months , all we do is sit home and watch movies... so what i need help with is what should i with this girl , meaning bring her somewhere fun so she dosent think i a total loser ..
TripleZero: Stick it in her butt, that always brings new excitment to the relationship
Quote: 10764; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<Falcon> bk is your name turd mcturdburger. fuck you.
<bk> what why did you just go off on me
<bk> when we are clearly best friends for life
Quote: 10767; Rating: 1032; [+|-]
<angie> yea, finally finished moving all my stuff in today.
<guyen> can't be that bad, she's pretty hot.u00a0 i could tap dat azz all day
<guyen> godamn i need a picture of her so i can at least jerk off to it
<angie> isn't she in your class, just stare at her with your photographic memory.
<guyen> believe me i do, she's got an azzzzzzz
<angie> she's also right behind me.
<guyen> are you serious?
<angie> yea.u00a0 she says you're pretty cute too.u00a0 says you should have the balls to ask her out though.
<guyen> um, will you go out with me?
<angie> she says yes.u00a0 pick her up tomm 7:30 after her evening class, she wants to see kate and leopold or whatever.
<guyen> are you kidding me?u00a0 holy shit!u00a0 im calling your house now
<angie> no i'm just fucking with you.
<guyen> your're a bitch you know that
<angie> i know.
Quote: 10768; Rating: 114; [+|-]
<@haleguu> I cant believe RKelly has more kids out
<@haleguu> err vids
<spookz[d34dNb3d]> what
<spookz[d34dNb3d]> lol
<spookz[d34dNb3d]> what vid does he have out now?
<@Tama|LongVacation> the one where hes humping little 13 year olds
<spookz[d34dNb3d]> is it called "i am a lolicon" ft 14yr olds
Quote: 10769; Rating: 24; [+|-]
<Ozzy|> whoa, now i understand why its cheaper to build your own comp
<Rufio]LK[> explain your reason
* Rufio]LK[ drinks his milk so it can come out his nose :P
<Ozzy|> haha
<Rufio]LK[> hurry, i wanna hear why :P
<Ozzy|> ok, cuz i thought the motherboard costs the most... but i'm lookin at em here and its only around $30
Quote: 10772; Rating: 61; [+|-]
<CiaAgent> if worldcom goes under they will have to close the internet
Quote: 10774; Rating: 1910; [+|-]
<guyen> so she gets pulled over, and as the bike cop walks up to her, she asks "are you going to at least try to sell me a ticket to the highway patrolmen's ball?"
<guyen> then the cop goes "highway patrolmen don't have balls, ma'am"
<guyen> and she busts out laughing, he finally gets it and just turns around, gets on his bike, and rides away without another word
<guyen> she just sits in her car laughing for like five minutes before she starts her car again
<guyen> shit, if i'd try to say something like that he would have gone LAPD on my ass
Quote: 10781; Rating: 289; [+|-]
<Jed_D`Lagged> I don' tknow, I really woulden't want a penis I coulden't hide under my desk.
<Jed_D`Lagged> Or one that would take more than one hand to masturbate
<Farnarcle> did i miss something
Quote: 10783; Rating: 720; [+|-]
<gr0undh0g> I spent an hour and a half once trying to tie a hair to a fly
<kritical> whyd you do that?
<gr0undh0g> so I could have a pet
Quote: 10785; Rating: 531; [+|-]
<rogers> hahah
<guyen> roger: i love you man
<guyen> and by "love" i mean that special "stab you in the face and shit down your throat" love
<rogers> i love you too man
Quote: 10793; Rating: 104; [+|-]
<CrushWork> hes got that "im a barbarin caveman who eats snails and says ooga booga" style look to him
<Jed> "I'm a barbarian caveman that eats snails, says ooga booga and lays cable for a living"
Quote: 10798; Rating: 1825; [+|-]
<Sparky> My new years resolution is 1280x1024.
Quote: 10805; Rating: 264; [+|-]
dsp/#nz2600 boggles at chick logic , "i know you're upset with me, and that
upsets me, which is why i'm bitchy at you"
-dsp, nz2600
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