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Quote: 10931; Rating: 451; [+|-]
-(+MinioN5000)- k
-(+MinioN5000)- installing
-(+MinioN5000)- oh shit
-(+MinioN5000)- illegal operation
-(+MinioN5000)- wtf
* @Cuthbert calls the police
Quote: 10937; Rating: 503; [+|-]
*** IlhMansiz sets mode: +o goTurkey
*** goTurkey sets mode: -ooo ccg-afk da-away Drugh|
*** goTurkey sets mode: -ooo IlhMansiz RavenL0v3 v\zzz
*** goTurkey sets mode: +b *!*
*** goTurkey was kicked by X (### MASSDEOPPRO TRIGGERED! ###)
<v\zzz> IlhMansiz
<v\zzz> if you op anyone here again you will be on perm ban
<v\zzz> nuff said
later in a prv window :
<IlhMansiz> sorry
<IlhMansiz> who is nuff?
Quote: 10940; Rating: 202; [+|-]
<Jess> can anyone even see what I am writing?
<GoddessAmadeo|TheImpaler> no ...
<Jess> OK
<Mike> no jess, you gotta do it different
<Jess> how can I then
<Jess> ?
Quote: 10941; Rating: 560; [+|-]
<Drezdar> I am a white, supple 21 year old male from New York City.u00a0 I enjoy the big life...when I leave my house.u00a0 I enjoy computer games, PS2 games, Xbox games, Dreamcast games, SNES games, N64 games, GBA games, Genesis games, Amiga 500 games, C64 games, Atari 800XL games, and porn.u00a0 I am very good at masturbation so I think I would be very good in bed.u00a0 If you would like to meet me, email me or cyber me on AIM.
Quote: 10942; Rating: 725; [+|-]
<Sparky^> fucking perverts on Direcct Connect
<Sparky^> downloading all my porn
Quote: 10943; Rating: 328; [+|-]
barry: 41 pix til my cam rolls over
barry: woo
Eoghann: how many til it plays dead?
Zaren: </rimshot>
Quote: 10945; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<@Ded|> filled another glass of wine while I was at it
<@Ded|> oh damn someone else just pulled up w00t party on
<@oak> its me
<@oak> i'm there to slap you for drinking boxed wine
Quote: 10946; Rating: 280; [+|-]
* wrostek [[email protected]] has joined #root
<wrostek> can anyone tell me if its possible to get windows ME to boot to the command prompt and not load windows?
<Varak> ask in #windows
<wrostek> They dont know
<Varak> big suprise
<Varak> go ask in #cisco, they are really helpful with windows questions too
<wrostek> ok thanks
Quote: 10947; Rating: 469; [+|-]
<@Drezdar> This summer I'm gonna buy a DDR pad.u00a0 I figure I can kill three birds with one stone by doing this:u00a0 1) play a game, 2) exercise, 3) swear off heterosexuality for good.
Quote: 10948; Rating: 106; [+|-]
<@Twitch`> i wish there was a special room in our building where guys could go and jerk off on their coffee breaks
<@Twitch`> that'd be a fuckin stress buster if there ever was one
<@Path> hahahah
Quote: 10949; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<@Twitch`> i should get "caution: filling is hot" tatooed on my ass
<@Twitch`> i'd be just like a mcdonalds pie
Quote: 10950; Rating: 347; [+|-]
<Drezdar> I yelled at my mom the other day for opening my shades while I wasn't home.u00a0 I told her "I don't allow sunlight to enter my room."u00a0 She looked at me funny and then walked away.
Quote: 10951; Rating: 60; [+|-]
<oak> i extracted like 80 .bin/cues before my trip
<oak> and have no fucking clue what they are now lol
<Path> IDIOT
<Path> mass bin/cue extracting before trip = no
Quote: 10953; Rating: 434; [+|-]
<hoche> you know, qdb mostly reminds me that none of us are as witty as oscar wilde
Quote: 10957; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<Kateryne> brb
<Kateryne> back
<Malcavious> front
<Kateryne> side
<Malcavious> middle
<Malcavious> other side =P
<Zarakinthish> bottom
<Zarakinthish> top
<Malcavious> no i wanna be on top
<Zarakinthish> Of who exactly?
<Kateryne> ....dude....
<Kateryne> ew.
Quote: 10958; Rating: 9219; [+|-]
(morganj): 0 is false and 1 is true, correct?
(alec_eso): 1, morganj
(morganj): bastard.
Quote: 10964; Rating: 487; [+|-]
<Flash> you can start it by typing alt+F4
<Digimon> wot does that do
<FanBoy> and a little window will pop up
<FanBoy> its a secret
*** Digimon has quit
<FanBoy> it is an IQ test
Quote: 10965; Rating: 36; [+|-]
<Wilson99> omg thats so phat !! i never knew saw that
<T1Jr> yeah it is pretty overweight.
Quote: 10968; Rating: 607; [+|-]
<Gamblor> are you trying to play NES games on an SNES emulator?
<Gamblor> or perhaps on notepad.exe?
<RomminAvatar> listen gamblor. SHUT UP!
<RomminAvatar> YOU AREN'T HELPFUL!
Quote: 10972; Rating: 331; [+|-]
Lara: I wonder if something scary will happen if I rotate my Everglide 180 degrees
*** Joins: Twitch ([email protected])
Lara: |\O_o/|
* Lara rotates it back
Quote: 10975; Rating: 316; [+|-]
<GreyPawn> My friend Dan once woke up screaming because his nuts got twisted around each other.
Quote: 10976; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<Dryzzid{Nap}> So I people in France, England, etc. measure their penises in the metric system?
Quote: 10979; Rating: 229; [+|-]
<Dryzzid{SAS}> OOOOOW
<Dryzzid{SAS}> I just sat on my nuts :(
* Jaedra stares at Dryzz
<Jaedra> dude...
<Dryzzid{SAS}> What? I sat down the wrong way..
<Dryzzid{SAS}> I crushed one :(
Quote: 10983; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<outlaws> that's so gay
<joyrekz> speaking of gay
<joyrekz> i watched the gay pride parade on tv just to see some lesbians, is that wrong of me?
<outlaws> nope
Quote: 10984; Rating: 615; [+|-]
<Seros> Did you get my hat back?
<Spleen> what kinda question is that?
<Seros> An easy one?
Quote: 10988; Rating: 60; [+|-]
<TheFoo> I can have so much fun before he can even shoot at me.
Quote: 10989; Rating: 333; [+|-]
<Vang> No matter how dead one is, it's still demoralizing to see one's crotch get hurled explosively across a warehouse.
Quote: 10992; Rating: 194; [+|-]
<Peter> Scooby-doo. Reason enough to *never* get your pets high, especially on weed.
Quote: 10994; Rating: 599; [+|-]
<Hiryuu> When you pull the pin from Mr. Grenade, he is no longer your friend.
Quote: 10997; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<Aiee> That statement is either so deep it would take a lifetime to fully comprehend every particle of its meaning, or it is a load of absolute tosh. Which is it, I wonder?
Quote: 11003; Rating: 328; [+|-]
<Journey> I get, from the reactions of the world to our policies, that it doesn't matter what the hell we do--we're always the bad guy. So fuck everybody else.
<RedFox> You've been a chanop before, haven't you?
Quote: 11004; Rating: 422; [+|-]
<blue-elf> IRC Weather: Partly laggy with an 80% chance of netsplits.Expect some afternoon smurf attacks coupled with windbags from the east.
Quote: 11009; Rating: 834; [+|-]
<Mae|str0m> fuckensonofabitchdamnitalltohellfuckmedeadbastardofaprick.
<Mae|str0m> I just dropped a weight on my foot.
<Mae|str0m> FUCK.
<Mae|str0m> they should make those things lighter.
Quote: 11014; Rating: 238; [+|-]
<PreZ> u'd think I'd dream about britney spears, or christina ricci, or something
<PreZ> but nooooo
<PreZ> I dream I'm on IRC in #aussies
<PreZ> *sigh*
<goombah> wake up prez.. your having a hard disk crash
Quote: 11028; Rating: 509; [+|-]
<evn|z> Anyone who feels like sending me GTA3?
<Zappha> no
<dkcp> You can download it from
<evn|z> Thx...
<evn|z> ...
<evn|z> asshole
Quote: 11032; Rating: 239; [+|-]
<jablowme> why do some people associate nerds with small cocks?
<Jonny-TD> so girls wont like nerds.....duh
<jablowme> those fucking fags.
Quote: 11033; Rating: 699; [+|-]
<Rammie> how do I change my quit message
<EileenB> type /quit message
*** Rammie has quit IRC (message)
<EileenB> :D
Quote: 11036; Rating: 620; [+|-]
<Swamp|haircut> omg @ big breasted hairdressers
*** Swamp|haircut is now known as Swamp
<Swamp> whenever she leaned over it looked like i was wearing a mickey mouse hat
Quote: 11038; Rating: 410; [+|-]
<+darkmind> Report him :x
<+darkmind> Or try to flood him off
Quote: 11042; Rating: 905; [+|-]
(@MpTaNk) today, somthing on TV was going in slow motion, and my first reaction was "Damnit, the tv is lagging"
Quote: 11050; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<Zuwadza> "When all you've got is a penis, everything looks like an anus." - Japanese proverb
Quote: 11053; Rating: 151; [+|-]
<L33t_Hax0r[no_job]> hey, i (illegdibly) wrote a pretty damn good essay in class today, with no grammarical/spelling errors to be seen
<L33t_Hax0r[no_job]> Mr_X : when i type i fucking spell and wahtever all fucking bad cuz i dont give a fuck'
<Mr_X> ...
Quote: 11061; Rating: 134; [+|-]
<Fustard> i dont understand this commercial
<orion> because that guy was in sandlot
<orion> and his career sucks so much even cold storage doors won't open for him
Quote: 11066; Rating: 190; [+|-]
InVerSeX: I scanned my penis in a flatbed scanner once.
The Spunn: did it hurt?
InVerSeX: No, I didn't close the lid.
InVerSeX: It was only a 14" scanner.
The Spunn: Ah, so you couldn't scan the whole thing.
InVerSeX: Exactly.
The Spunn: I had to fold mine in half to fit it all on the 14" scanner, that's the part that hurt the most.
InVerSeX: Well, I scanned mine limp and then used photoshop to get a stiffy.
Quote: 11067; Rating: 34; [+|-]
<_Mantis_> ok
<_Mantis_> but get out of my parking spot
<_Mantis_> I dont care if its "your corner"
Quote: 11068; Rating: 277; [+|-]
<Zarzig> If i had a cup of liquid nitrogen right now, i would drink it.
<Zarzig> Granted my stomach would solidify and i would die in a matter of seconds...
<Zarzig> but at least my underwear woulden't be so sweaty...
Quote: 11073; Rating: 610; [+|-]
<SpunOne> To The Taliban:
<SpunOne> Give US Osama Bin Laden or we'll send your women to college.
<nersh> To the US:
<nersh> Leave us alone or we, the Taliban authorities would not hesitate to cut off America's supply of convenience store managers.
Quote: 11074; Rating: 401; [+|-]
<Wi|d-Ride> I'm madder than a 3 legged dog trying to hide a turd on a frozen pond.
Quote: 11083; Rating: 370; [+|-]
<SporkPrez>u00a0 largo, whats it like being net-famous?
<asr> whats net-famous?
<largo[mt]> net-famous is when you get the all drawbacks of having computer geek fans who know about you, without any of the benefits.
<asr> like groupies?
<largo[mt]> no, you get those, but the rank smell takes awhile to get used to.
<SporkPrez> like when you mix bleach and ammonia?
<largo[mt]> I wish it were that pleasant.
Quote: 11085; Rating: 412; [+|-]
<MissTika> how have you been?
<Sage> Good, good. And you?
<MissTika> oksy I guess, had a falling out with two of my " best" friends but other then that heh
<Ne0_Rat> Tika has been arguing with her boobs again.
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