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Quote: 9031; Rating: 535; [+|-]
<DJTodd> My sister in law once asked me if it counted as sex if she fucked some guy but didn't kiss him.
<DJTodd> She's a real brain.
Quote: 9034; Rating: 320; [+|-]
<ggeyton_hewitt> <_git_> hey folks, what does @ mean in front of someones nick?
<ggeyton_hewitt> <thorn``> The @ symbol identify's the channel operators.. Chops have extra commands for control of the room
<ggeyton_hewitt> <_git_> does it mean that persons is a sad wanker who spends his life on irc, has no real friends, and prefers to chat on here than in a pub?
<ggeyton_hewitt> it's funny cos it's true
<Syncope> lol
<Syncope> very true
<Syncope> :/
<ggeyton_hewitt> `deop
<Syncope> `deop
Quote: 9036; Rating: 1329; [+|-]
<DJTodd> Which is gayer? Pokemon or Pro Wrestling?
<LarsC> wrestling.
<Amoeba> Wrestling.
<jt`> wrestling.
<[prone]> wrestling.
Quote: 9038; Rating: 163; [+|-]
ilsa: well i suppose calculus isn't rocket science and some people can't do that...
MistrE: calc is nearly rocket science
CuriosCat can do rocket science
CuriosCat: it's easier than calculuc
CuriosCat: caalculus
Quote: 9041; Rating: 1190; [+|-]
<phatmike> i want hard boiled eggs
<phatmike> why is that?
<Dayv> Your body is craving extra fat and protein.
<Dayv> Obviously, you are preparing for mitosis.
Quote: 9043; Rating: 269; [+|-]
<Dayv> I was also raised by women.
<Dayv> Soft mother and wire mother, to be specific.
<Dayv> I chose wire mother.
Quote: 9045; Rating: 485; [+|-]
<DogDiggity> I've worked here for 5 years.. might get laid off tommorow and have never jerked off in the bathroom here... BRB got a mission.
Quote: 9057; Rating: 286; [+|-]
The-ill-man- *beat kicks in* yo yo you know i be somkein some grass, tappin some ass, while rippin on bowls, and hittin on hoes
-cyanide- ur smoking weed while fucking girls while smoking weed while trying to pick up girls.. nice rap..
Quote: 9070; Rating: 320; [+|-]
<piccchic4ever> oh boy
<piccchic4ever> listen to some of the email's i got today
<piccchic4ever> Lose weight with hypnosis!!
<piccchic4ever> Get FREE Condoms, Lube, T-shirts and more!
<piccchic4ever> why is tshirts in that sentence?
<GoalMstr22> haha
<GoalMstr22> to wipe yourself with
Quote: 9076; Rating: 259; [+|-]
<+violus> fucking figures, the week the modem gives out is the week I can't spend time with the woman.
<+Pavius> violus, just inflate another one
Quote: 9080; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<Umbillical_ED>seems like there's a lot of out of work java developers
<st0w> yeah
<st0w> that's 'cause everybody is finally realizing....
<Umbillical_ED>y u say dat?
<st0w> because one day... I went to a farm, right?
<st0w> and there was this horse
<st0w> and he had this MASSIVE cock
<st0w> and I looked underneath it
<st0w> and I saw the little Java mascot with it's lips parted and the majority of the horse's unit inside it's mouth
Quote: 9081; Rating: 6898; [+|-]
Spin: arrrr, pirates of the south west
Spin: thar be large pipes o'bandwith near ye'ol univarsety.
Pirate: yearg, ye may be an ta somethan thar.
Spin: what say ye we pull yonder USB hard disk longside yonder NMSU puter and begin tha lutin and plunderin.
Pirate: yearg. The master done gaved me a testin machine with a grand ol CDR.
Pirate: Avast!
Pirate: MP3s off the starboard bow!
Spin: stere clear of ye porn pop ups rollin in from tha east.
Pirate: I have mah trusty Opera browsa to help me fend em off.
Spin: encrypt the data holds, batton down thar security patches, argh thar be spyware abound.
Quote: 9082; Rating: 19; [+|-]
<sprite> jorn, haven't you had a few drinks yet?>
<sprite> sounded like you needed them three hours ago....
<jorn> no drinks yet
<jorn> :(
<jorn> maybe if i drank more, i coudl tipe beddur
Quote: 9083; Rating: 159; [+|-]
<[-FeC-]Ca53y> but me and my GF are going to buy a DVD pr0n
<[-FeC-]Ca53y> :)
<PasTe> nice
<[-FeC-]sKratch> lol
<[-FeC-]Ca53y> hell yeah
<[-FeC-]sKratch> special features: see from the camera in the guy's urethra
<PasTe> lol
<[-FeC-]Ca53y> nice
<[-FeC-]sKratch> and see from the camera in the other guy's ass
Quote: 9085; Rating: 114; [+|-]
<pure_sin> oi!
<pure_sin> i nearly had a heart attack this morning:/
<pure_sin> i thought my computer died on me:~(
<st0w> wow... I'd hate to see what happens when your vibrator batteries die
Quote: 9091; Rating: 132; [+|-]
<Nomel> i'll have to bring it over later today...we can go for a ride...
<Nomel> its funny stopping fast in front of people...cause there like..oh shit...its a pinto...its gunna blow....but that only works on old people...
<Nomel> cause the young ones dont know what pintos look like...
Quote: 9092; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<Cassius> erm
<Cassius> why does the gurl in final fantasy look so much more real than the others?
<JtHMx> so you can fap over her
<bleetz> cause then she'll make little boys more aroused.
<bleetz> and they'll buy the game
<bleetz> or.. much better put.. by jt..
* JtHMx bows
Quote: 9095; Rating: 127; [+|-]
<cams> eewwww
<cams> my mom got that easy squirt shit
<cams> purple ketchup
<nzc> now you can be flaming while you eat, too.
Quote: 9099; Rating: 5; [+|-]
<UTF-Xanieth> damnit
<UTF-Xanieth> im gonna have to lube up this space bar
<UTF-Low_on_Life> :o
<UTF-Xanieth> EmptyStare, you got some of that astrolube your bro uses?
Quote: 9100; Rating: 187; [+|-]
* Ryo curses his swiss-cheese memory
* Grue curses his fondue memory. It's all melty and stuff. o_o;
Quote: 9101; Rating: 497; [+|-]
<Hiryuu> "War, the musical!"
<Ten> "With Sean Connery as Iraq!"
Quote: 9102; Rating: 218; [+|-]
* Gygaxis breaks a carrier pigeon in half and removes a cryptic message from inside, along with his lucky lotto numbers
Quote: 9103; Rating: 718; [+|-]
<vmob_babe> french is a beautiful language.
<agent_rot> i dont like it
<vmob_babe> why is that?
<agent_rot> cuz i dont like words like 'bourdoeux' or whatever are "bordo"
<vmob_babe> hmm.
<agent_rot> theyre just trying to cheat at scrabble i tell you!
Quote: 9106; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<axial> Which are the best PDAs these days?
<Chibby> when girls are kissing guys in the stairwell at school
<Chibby> i think
<Chibby> i have no clue
<Chibby> why do you ask something like that?
<Quinn> That was a really bad one.
<Chibby> well whats a good PDA then?
<axial> ..huh?
<Chibby> you said: "what's the best public display of affection?"
<Chibby> i attempted to answer it
<Quinn> I think ax was meaning personal digital assistant.
<Chibby> OMFG
: Chibby slaps myself
<Chibby> k bye~
<Quinn> I thought you were joking, heh.
<Chibby> persocon is the best PDA then
Quote: 9111; Rating: 477; [+|-]
<ChuffyCow> pr0n heals all wounds
<ChuffyCow> except cuts on the penis.
Quote: 9112; Rating: 696; [+|-]
<ManC0W> Mikado : Mitsukake is an ass pirate
<Mikado`> ManC0W: I believe so, yes.
<Mikado`> ManC0W: can he see this?
<Mikado`> ManC0W: if we prefix our sentences with our intended targets, the others can't see it, right?
<ManC0W> Mikado : I think so Brain...
<Mikado`> ManC0W: Cuz I'd really hate for Mitsukake to know how gay I think he is
<Mitsukake> Why is this room so dead all of a sudden?
<Mikado`> LOL
<Mitsukake> What?
<Mitsukake> What's so funny?
Quote: 9113; Rating: 616; [+|-]
<Gekigangr> somewhere, out there on the net, is an HD full of lame quotes
Quote: 9114; Rating: 626; [+|-]
<D`Amour> time to gogogadgetbacktoworkasquickasfuckbeforeigetfired
Quote: 9116; Rating: 257; [+|-]
<^cell^> he was one of those people that had to make multiple objects.. like.. he makes 1 tree, so he says "lets give him a little friend" and at the end there is like 50 trees and like 3000 squirrels
Quote: 9117; Rating: 696; [+|-]
<Mikado`> 128's were down to 70 1.5 months ago
<JohnnyBra> 1.5 months???
<JohnnyBra> when the hell did we start talking in decimals!
<mankindJB> 2.3 minutes ago
Quote: 9119; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<Mikado`> dammit
<Mikado`> I misspelled a l33t w3rd
<^cell^> u have brought shame to the l33t community
Quote: 9127; Rating: 264; [+|-]
Join: []{3V0R]{] [[email protected]]
(]{3V0R]{): is it possible to register a channel on EfNet ??
Kick: []{3V0R]{] was kicked by [@BEF] [Your nick is excessively retarded.]
Quote: 9128; Rating: 298; [+|-]
(Striker): 42 is the answer to the biggest question
(Smoke): what question
Quote: 9130; Rating: 656; [+|-]
<FairLighT> you know something's wrong when you have dreams about eating pudding and you wake up with a spoon in your ass
Quote: 9131; Rating: 107; [+|-]
<FairLighT> we'd have to do something incredibly crazy to distract the wal-mart staff
<V3nOm> lol yeah go take a shit in the front garden
Quote: 9136; Rating: 183; [+|-]
<Odin_Tiger> Even those maps that the psychics show of the earth flooded (the ones where science says there isn't enough water on earth for it to be possible) would have me a good 4 or 5 hour drive from any beaches.
Quote: 9137; Rating: 5; [+|-]
<Smoke> shoot me in face with a shotgun so i can't be identified
Quote: 9143; Rating: 13; [+|-]
<waffle> <+SKubber> as if I'd remember all my one night stands. <+SKubber> hehehe maybe I COULD remember them by smell
<waffle> #bearcave
<Proz512> He remembers by the smell of one's colon
Quote: 9148; Rating: 552; [+|-]
<midi> if you find some poor idiot with his tongue stuck to the rail
<midi> with a train coming and decide that you really don't wanna see
<midi> him splat, a convenient source of warm mostly-clean saltwater
<midi> is indeed your bladder...
<midi> (or so said one of my scoutmasters...)
<Squeedle> midi: though they might just rip their tongue off trying to
<Squeedle> get away from a scoutmaster pulling his pants down at them
<midi> squee: either way, he gets his tongue off the track. and if
<midi> you're lucky, you get to piss in an idiot's face.
<midi> it's cathartic and good karma. how cool is that?
<Squeedle> well hey, what more can you ask for
<hoche> o/~ hey baby, if you'll be my dog, i'll be your tree, and you
<hoche> can pee on me! o/~
<Squeedle> schadenfreude: A malicious satisfaction in the misfortunes of
<Squeedle> others
<midi> which is kinda neat. you get a choice between letting natural
<midi> selection work or pissing in the idiot's face. it's win-win.
Quote: 9151; Rating: 110; [+|-]
<Deke> i figure if I can eat in a country, I speak the language well enough
Quote: 9152; Rating: 439; [+|-]
<Wampa> Screw the little children of the world
<Falcon24> ok
<ROFISH> he didn't mean that literally falc
Quote: 9154; Rating: 312; [+|-]
<Skitzo> fuck my image, i get off on huge horse wangs inside of human female vaginas
<Skitzo> esp when they fill with cum and it gushes out
<Skitzo> yeah
<Skitzo> bestiality :D
<Skitzo> this is what happens when you go to church as a child and attend christian private schools, folks
<Skitzo> <--------- end result
Quote: 9157; Rating: 339; [+|-]
Moonli3756 : my butt looks 100 times better than your face
Shaboobooboo : and gets fucked over 10 million times more
Quote: 9160; Rating: 12; [+|-]
(@Tu[Y]eN) Kaze: The 8ball Says: You have small penis
Quote: 9169; Rating: 861; [+|-]
[Modnar] 3y3 0wnz j00
[TMBG37] n0 j00 d0n7
[Modnar] dude, i've got the inv0ice right here
Quote: 9172; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<coldacid> someone poured cleaner into the toilet bowl
<coldacid> now when i piss
<coldacid> i get the smell of cleaner instead of urine
<nover> damn that has to suck
<coldacid> and the normal pee-bubbles look like cleaner bubbles
<keerus> things must be rough for ou coldacid
<coldacid> yes
<coldacid> next thing you know, i'll be bathed and wearing fresh clothing
Quote: 9178; Rating: -1; [+|-]
<lovemebaybee'> hey guys asl?
<rafeil> she just wants to be loved, look at her screen name
<helminthes> so stick it to her.. a sharp knife that is
Quote: 9185; Rating: 654; [+|-]
<helminthes> i had a vision today of an infomercial where someone goes, "only 29.99??!" and shoots himself
Quote: 9186; Rating: 302; [+|-]
* Hawx grins and wonders if Steve Jobs has ever been called Mac Daddy :D
Quote: 9190; Rating: 524; [+|-]
<heyyohey> Im having a lot of lag here. i cant answer the questions in time
<Damarr> Pressing Alt+F4 should help. It stops the client sending useless information to the server
*** heyyohey has quit IRC (Quit: Client exited.)
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