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Quote: 9418; Rating: 362; [+|-]
(@Sin-away): have to ask Night about Trigger^
(@Sin-away): he doesn't talk
(@Archon`): how come he doesnt say anything?
(@fragge): dunno he's never told me
Quote: 9427; Rating: 118; [+|-]
<daniel> Scoobi Doo == communist regime funded propaganda used to infiltrate capitalist pop-culture to instill a low rate change in american ideals, they always said they'd take us over without firing one gun
Quote: 9438; Rating: 506; [+|-]
<phiber> advice: dont call a girl ugly when you have your manhood in her mouth ;/
Quote: 9452; Rating: -14; [+|-]
<F|ashBoy> i want to be ur friend but u are makin fun of me
Quote: 9462; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<F|ashboy> im on a cable so how do i packet them
<F|ashboy> is cable a fast connection
Quote: 9465; Rating: 38; [+|-]
<DogFu> what kernel u have rental
<rental> slackware
Quote: 9474; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<Undine> So he dumped her, "Nothing about sex should remind you of a cauliflower"
Quote: 9478; Rating: 259; [+|-]
<Gothmog> bastard, foiled by my own stupidity
<Gothmog> again
Quote: 9479; Rating: 266; [+|-]
<Wynn> I put the 'asian' in 'caucasian'
Quote: 9484; Rating: 255; [+|-]
<asvisn> there is no /leave
*** asvisn has left #quickbasic
Quote: 9490; Rating: 81; [+|-]
<avalach_> "not even i", that is so arrogant and deluded. "look at me, i'm so pretty, it's a MIRACLE i've not been raped yet!"
Quote: 9494; Rating: 863; [+|-]
<normaliamnot> u ppl here about this building, i think it called, trade center, or big trade center or something?
<normaliamnot> it broken
Quote: 9496; Rating: 115; [+|-]
<@[DO]-Fury-SLeep> fuck yes
<@[DO]-Fury-SLeep> my ace of base is done downloading
Quote: 9497; Rating: 1064; [+|-]
@eliaz`medal): i have broken two of my erm
(@eliaz`medal): foot things
(@eliaz`medal): extensions
(@eliaz`medal): those little thigns on ur feet (@eliaz`medal): 5 on each :: (@eliaz`medal): :/
(@eliaz`medal): dunno name
(@Ched): toes?
Quote: 9501; Rating: 12488; [+|-]
<AgentSmith> It seems you have been leading two lives, Mr. Anderson. In one life, you are Robert Anderson, assistant cook at a Jack in the Box in the go by the chat alias "Randerson"...spreading homosexual propoganda, lying, and being a generally immature pest...
<AgentSmith> One of these...has a future.
<Randerson> LMAO OMFG where's the phone, I have to tell Dean about this
<AgentSmith> How can you use the phone when you cannot...speak?
*** AgentSmith sets mode: +m
Quote: 9511; Rating: 597; [+|-]
<BoShekk> hey
<jstepka> hey
<merkzu> hey
<BoShekk> its fat albert
Quote: 9526; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<MadMax> press the Alt key.
<MadMax> Once.
<MadMax> press the left arrow key
<MadMax> Once
<MadMax> press the down arrow key
<MadMax> then you should get a list...
<MadMax> ?
<MadMax> that works for me at least..
<Altariel> that takes me into the tools menu
<MadMax> which left are you going 8p
<Altariel> oh fuck
Quote: 9528; Rating: -100; [+|-]
<lurtz_the_orc> i did not know how stupid someone can be that actullay read LOTR so right know i do not know
Quote: 9532; Rating: 352; [+|-]
<Sir Mordred> I was a real bad mo'fo in high school
<lancelot> do you play chess Mordred?
<Sir Mordred> Yeah I used to play a few times a week
Quote: 9534; Rating: 337; [+|-]
<Alvie> we have too much fun in #ops
<Gandalf> yes its a very professional environment
<Gandalf> hmmm
<Gandalf> there is a difference between #staff and #ops though
<Gandalf> an example you ask?
<Gandalf> no problem!
<Gandalf> ops:u00a0 <Alvie> concering my sack and his chin
<Gandalf> staff: <Arathorn> I thought that ICMP message types offered a reasonably well thought out protocol for tracerouting
Quote: 9544; Rating: 317; [+|-]
<Sco0ter> kelly osbourne is hot
<Eficent> i would hit it
<Carface> I would hit it
<Carface> In the face with a sledgehammer
Quote: 9545; Rating: 455; [+|-]
<InSaNe-CON> how do u put irc always on top ?
<@arc|hw> ctrl alt del twice
*** InSaNe-CON ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout )
*** InSaNe-CON ([email protected]) has joined #r
<InSaNe-CON> umm alt cntrl delete restarted my computer
<@arc|hw> you must have pressed something wrong
Quote: 9547; Rating: 654; [+|-]
<Tharivol> once I had to write something on the computer on paper..
<Tharivol> i hit ctrl-c then...
<Tharivol> my brain sorta got jammed in neutral
Quote: 9555; Rating: 315; [+|-]
<^Amber^> I didn't spell that right did I?
Quote: 9560; Rating: 307; [+|-]
<PYRoTkNiX> i dont look at naked horses
Quote: 9565; Rating: 182; [+|-]
<[S]evered> man, diego, how fast would a 2 60 gb hds ata raid setup be?
<stoldark> rpm?
<[S]evered> 7200
<stoldark> what kind of raid setup?
<[S]evered> yes
<stoldark> mirroring or striping?
<[S]evered> connected
Quote: 9567; Rating: 195; [+|-]
<[S]evered> UT has shit framerate
<[S]evered> how do I fix it?
<stoldark> [S]evered: i believe UT has an uninstall option
Quote: 9575; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<Parc[Cleaning]> I'm starting to worry about my memory :-(
<Parc[Cleaning]> I was walking along, and it struck me that I had to go to the bathroom. So I went to the place, unzipped my pants, and then realized I was standing in front of the trashcan o_O
Quote: 9587; Rating: 912; [+|-]
<Lloyddy> Can anyone tell me what sex feels like?u00a0 My friend wants to know
Quote: 9589; Rating: 24; [+|-]
<CMR> We're having a solar eclipse!
<RJR> Oo! Where?
Quote: 9595; Rating: 887; [+|-]
<Sunil> Theoretically, if I were to know your password, what would it be?
Quote: 9596; Rating: 413; [+|-]
<@PikaChan> the four greatest numbers in existance: 13, 69, 666, 1337
<@PikaChan> man, it'd be cool to have the phone number 1-337-666-1369
<%ragna> pika, you thought long and hard about that didnt you?
<@PikaChan> yes i did
Quote: 9605; Rating: 447; [+|-]
<SaBaS> brb. food stuck in throat
Quote: 9610; Rating: 206; [+|-]
<MrFreeze> !google turkey+baster
<djcrom> see, my bot rocks
Quote: 9611; Rating: 105; [+|-]
<djglitch> my house is full of doctor's mask and water bottles
<djcrom> house party?
<djglitch> yea, hehe
Quote: 9613; Rating: 429; [+|-]
<issuez> im skinny for an irc girl
Quote: 9616; Rating: 263; [+|-]
<@djcrom> she looks like shes about to giggle, then strip naked and wail away at her clit with a hammer in a sweaty, bloody session of demented masturbation
<Insolence> damn that's what my mom looked like when she found a porno in my room
Quote: 9624; Rating: 416; [+|-]
<caspah> I woke up
<caspah> half on the couch
<caspah> half off
<caspah> with no clothes on
<caspah> and a condom next to ther couch
<djcrom> used?
<caspah> yeah
<caspah> BUT
<caspah> my gf left last night
<caspah> she went to a friends
<caspah> my gf wasn't here
<Vapno> was your ass sore?
<caspah> actually yeash
Quote: 9625; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<Giuslaien> hi!!
<Giuslaien> I am dj of the brasil I have you vary music with Latin interferences.
<Giuslaien> do I like to change music, some kindred dj of changing music?
<Giuslaien> are you of where?
<Giuslaien> which your name?
Quote: 9635; Rating: 453; [+|-]
<orion> i'd rather pull their addresses and braid a friendship bracelet with their spines and intestines
<jestuh> <wondering if pen would accept that quote>
<orion> <wondering what the stomach lining looks like draped inside-out over someone's skull>
Quote: 9638; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<Twid> ha ha, dsl is now available
<Twid> living in parent's basement required
Quote: 9639; Rating: 126; [+|-]
<tigerbot_hesh> "Knuckles of Fury" on amazon? heh heh
<MikeyPain> I actually got mine in the mail from him
<MikeyPain> some of the pages were stuck together though
Quote: 9642; Rating: 215; [+|-]
<Saktoth> I hope blackthorn takes over brittania and institutes a new regime of laser lights and techno music
Quote: 9645; Rating: 294; [+|-]
<reflexive> ehehehehhehehe.
<|reptile|> coffee blackens your teeth, taints your breath, and thrashes your nerves.
<reflexive> ...where's the downside?
Quote: 9649; Rating: 126; [+|-]
<Xellchiri> I crave RP in which guys do not get pregnant.
<Xellchiri> Oh wow, the paper just got here
<UndeadFromStone> Wha?
<UndeadFromStone> We generally avoid that sort of thing. @_@
<Xellchiri> what, the newspaper?
Quote: 9659; Rating: 1119; [+|-]
<nikki> can you tell me what a clitoris is because someone is asking me about mine and I don't know what the hell it is
Quote: 9662; Rating: 171; [+|-]
corpratewar: gah, why would somebody encode a song @ 28kbps
arkain88: Thats so small it could fit through a condom.
Quote: 9665; Rating: 764; [+|-]
<d4d5d6>anyone interested in beta testing a virus that i just compiled?
<|89|> hell yeah
I Have Finished Sending File virus01.exe to |89|
<d4d5d6> open it
|89| has quit IRC (quit: computer - dead)
<d4d5d6> haha what a tool
Quote: 9668; Rating: 155; [+|-]
DiamondbacksNo1Fan : Heh.
DiamondbacksNo1Fan : Theoretically, the human brain could act as quite the processor.
Eluorn : Theoretically.
can_of_mtdew : yeah, but a processor can't act like a human brain
DiamondbacksNo1Fan : We're talking in the terahertz range.
Eluorn : You plug your brain into a computer then plug it into the wall, and try to run Unreal Tournament 2k3
Eldoran : Err I dunno...
Eluorn : Blam. Instant South American dinner.
Quote: 9670; Rating: 674; [+|-]
<[ryan]> nah when i first saw porn of any kind i was like "man, that must get boring after a while"
<[ryan]> then i went back to programming heh
<shea_> when i first saw programming
<shea_> i was like
<shea_> "man, that must get boring after a while"\
<shea_> then i went back to porn
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