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Quote: 8613; Rating: 39; [+|-]
<zealot_> man, if aids made you not want to masterbate, it would be the most
awful disease ever
Quote: 8614; Rating: 133; [+|-]
<shwartz> anyone know about text interface ftp browsers?
<inflex> "text interface ftp browsers"
<inflex> are you referring to ftp(1)?
<Deviate> Like the kind where you have to do all that typing?!
<Deviate> Those are so 80's!
Quote: 8617; Rating: 223; [+|-]
<inflex> the best way would be to be a lesbian stuck in a chicks body
<inflex> that way when you couldn't get any, you would still enjoy fucking
<inflex> wheras whenever i want to fuck myself i've gotta touch some dick
<inflex> and any situation where i have to touch a dick is undesirable
Quote: 8618; Rating: 964; [+|-]
<Inflex> Oh my lord
<Inflex> This is so wierd.
<Inflex> In fact, it's wack.
<Noonan> what is
<Inflex> Non engineering classes.
<Inflex> They're like 40% chicks.
<Noonan> heheh
<Noonan> sometimes more
<Inflex> It's so fucked up.
<Inflex> When I walked in, I thought I was in a bar.
<Noonan> hahah
<Noonan> Welcome to the real world
<Inflex> This new world scares me.
Quote: 8620; Rating: 620; [+|-]
<Cyride> the other day i was in the mall with my wife and we pass by a pictuer of two girls that are in the playboy bunny
suits and my wife says i bet you wished i look like that... what is someone supposed to say to that? is "duh" the
proper response to that?
Quote: 8628; Rating: 121; [+|-]
<FactsOfLife> wasn't linux a peanuts character?
<FactsOfLife> yeah linux, the kid who carried a blankie to keep the bad guys away...
<FactsOfLife> yeah yeah, linux, short kid, charlie brown's friend...
Quote: 8632; Rating: 115; [+|-]
<@Lum_> 128 mb is enough
<@Lum_> it's fucking enough for microsoft dev studio
<@Lum_> I think it's enough for my TANK GAME
Quote: 8634; Rating: 80; [+|-]
<gord> i dont like you
<gord> and if i met your mom i probly woudlnt like her either
Quote: 8636; Rating: 292; [+|-]
<teste_fly> i talk shit, and none of it's true and i'm a skinny pussy who wouldn't harm a turd
<teste_fly> but i will give it a stern talking to
Quote: 8637; Rating: 1438; [+|-]
<NiTro> i gonna go test for hiv
<NiTro> bbl
<Impolite> think positive
Quote: 8643; Rating: 150; [+|-]
<mewse> we all gotta satisfy our irc addiction in one way or another
<mewse> if that means using aol, so be it
Quote: 8644; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<Wehrwolf> From CNN: "Sci Tech / Featured Sections : Is VHS obsolete?"
<SD-Crono> this is a followup to thier Future of Gaming E3 2002 report with a Dreamcast picture ... nice ^^
<Wehrwolf> Maybe their sci-tech guy is some 90 year old who lives in the woods
Quote: 8645; Rating: 419; [+|-]
<dr_rotcod> if my computer were human it'd be a limbless retard
Quote: 8647; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<helminthes> the pest control people showed up
<helminthes> and obviously this guy had a sense of humor and sprayed by face with pesticide
<helminthes> oh he's so funny
<helminthes> i'm never sleeping in the den again
Quote: 8648; Rating: 254; [+|-]
<hakan> i asked this hot girl out, she said she just wanted to be pen pals
<hakan> and she dropped our class
<dr_rotcod> haha
<hakan> is that a good thing?
Quote: 8649; Rating: 58; [+|-]
<snoggerT11> fuck you
<helminthes> obvious immature retort:
Quote: 8650; Rating: 50; [+|-]
<gallagher> why the fuck do my fingers smell like something i have never smelled before
<gallagher> and it smells horrible
Quote: 8653; Rating: 489; [+|-]
(u00a8) signoff/#housemartin.. erandus (Quit: If a guy builds 1000 bridges,
and sucks one cock, he isn't a bridge builder. He's a cock sucker.)
Quote: 8655; Rating: 34; [+|-]
<Roga> wats the dirtiest thing clare has sed to u while ur goin at it?
<grinners> dunno jake... can i shit on your face maybe?
<grinners> she a nice girl
<joker2> "got a hand free? 'cause i forgot to wipe"
Quote: 8656; Rating: 30; [+|-]
<Pottsy> <- heh
<JtHM> whats funny about that jpg?
<Pottsy> look at what hes pointing at
<JtHM> ah
<JtHM> yes well.. kids are 'tards
<JtHM> as are people who make webheaders for large corporations it seems
Quote: 8658; Rating: 252; [+|-]
<imsuxok> Maybe there'll be some breakthrough in internet technology
<imsuxok> I hear the powerline stuff is close to being released commercially
<imsuxok> I'm just worried that it'll overload the outlets in my old house. I don't feel like burning to death just so I can download porn faster.
Quote: 8659; Rating: 20; [+|-]
<cryt> germans can't speak straight.
<tyree> cryt, ever been over here?
<cryt> unfortunately.
<cryt> found meself shitting on the park benches. no public toilets.
Quote: 8660; Rating: 225; [+|-]
<CactusJac> masturbating is like pringles
<ori0n> once you pop, you can't stop!
Quote: 8662; Rating: 894; [+|-]
<iggypop> i told my gf some shit when i was drunk, and now she's like "you weren't just saying that because you were drunk, were you?"
<iggypop> and i don't have a fucking clue what i said
Quote: 8663; Rating: 55; [+|-]
<Renegad3> Cannibal Corpse is good just cause of the lyrics
<Renegad3> i cut her from her neck down to her anus. then i cut out her vagina. then i ate it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Quote: 8664; Rating: 34; [+|-]
<litigator> alcohol always helps the cause
<litigator> roofies only as a last resort
Quote: 8665; Rating: 301; [+|-]
<iggypop> if i dont get on tomorrow, i'm probably burnt up
<iggypop> i took the battery out of my smoke alarm for my digicam
Quote: 8666; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<bbl-away> sheeesh sickjay, ease up on the #eos spam
<CactusJac> don't talk to him that way
<CactusJac> he's my boyfriend
<bbl-away> well, take him and get a room
<CactusJac> we're exhibitionists
Quote: 8667; Rating: 323; [+|-]
<cryterion> that the girl had a nickname.
<cryterion> "mouse"
<cryterion> have you ever stepped on a mouse's tail?
<cryterion> and heard it squeak?
<cryterion> this girl did that at the point of orgasm.
<cryterion> "EEEEEEEEEEEE!
Quote: 8668; Rating: 10; [+|-]
<cryterion> hooker fucking is an art.
<cryterion> you have to be able to do it with one arm up
<cryterion> and shave her pubes
<cryterion> while doing your business through shaving cream.
Quote: 8669; Rating: 6; [+|-]
<SDGR406> I'll send you some of my worn panties
<SDGR406> will that work?
<|Spanky|> i need womens
<|Spanky|> men dont get me off anymore
<|Spanky|> i want hair though
<|Spanky|> those are like finding a treasure
<|Spanky|> finding a pube on a this week's stolen pair is like having a goose that lays the golden egg
Quote: 8670; Rating: 700; [+|-]
<|Spanky|> peeing your pants it like happiness
<|Spanky|> everyone can see it, but only you can feel its warmth
Quote: 8671; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<DigDug> i'm so tired of reformatting quotes :/
Quote: 8672; Rating: 209; [+|-]
<Duck[STFUF]> you know ath, why did you change your name to avin...A, V, I and N are pretty much as farthest they can be from one another:<
Quote: 8673; Rating: 287; [+|-]
<X-man> i had a comp sci teacher that named her dog scsi
<X-man> i felt bad for it
Quote: 8674; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<jamesm> fear the day when the president sends an icq message to the loser saying 'eye fuxx0red j00!!'
Quote: 8677; Rating: 37; [+|-]
<drewb> I still dont get how you can use linux when it doesnt have a control panel
<jamesm> well duh, use xeyes
Quote: 8679; Rating: 46; [+|-]
<toNe> Nall is like an xbox
<Nall> thank you
<toNe> big, heavy, not fun, and useless!
<Soopa> good graphics though...
<Soopa> and easy to develop for...
<toNe> and you have to pay extra to get all the features
<Soopa> and will be dead in a year
<acetonic> and Bill Gates spends Billions on it
<Nall> who will die
Quote: 8680; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<jamesn> max: best become a sales guy
<jamesn> those jobs are easy to get
<jamesn> and you dont need skillz
<undrewb> heh
<MMouse> both. yeah i was thinking sales, but that's like a last resort
<undrewb> but to get into sales, you need to be a superficial wanker with no clue...
<undrewb> oh.. ok :)
Quote: 8681; Rating: 227; [+|-]
<Ryk> you know the bottom half of an egg carton? I got me one of those, and cut holes where the eggs sit. I'm gonna take it home tonight, get nekkid, and have my own game of "smack the weasel".
Quote: 8682; Rating: 82; [+|-]
<jamesm> what are you running on the alphas?
<MMouse> tru64 at the moment
<MMouse> with oracle
<jamesm> no wonder so many dotcoms go under
Quote: 8684; Rating: 917; [+|-]
<Pryk> I am so fucking h0nry today, I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like someone is licking the crotch of my voodoo doll.
Quote: 8685; Rating: 183; [+|-]
<jamesm> geez, it's only 10:20am and i'm already completely e-bullshitted out
Quote: 8687; Rating: 383; [+|-]
Ryk> "let's be friends" is what chicks say when they're feeling guilty about shafting someone.
<Ryk> they don't mean it.
<Ryk> they mean the kind of friends that never speak and never see each other.
<Tippytoes> thats the best kind of friends
Quote: 8689; Rating: 359; [+|-]
<MMouse> the dates I started and left positions "dont give an accurate impression of how long you worked at that position"
<drewb> god, it almost sounds like you were deliberately vague about dates to hide the fact you didnt last long in a job..
<Tippytoes> what format did you put the dates in, max?
<SataniKKa> roman numerals
<Sep> binary
<SataniKKa> Monday is not a date.
Quote: 8691; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<^_^Sasha^_^> im unzipping ma pant
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> wait a second
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> Does Allah know you are fucking an american?
<^_^Sasha^_^> yeah he knows everything
<^_^Sasha^_^> He
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> so is he cool with it?
<^_^Sasha^_^> no:|
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> oh, so do u want 2 stop? allah might get mad
No such nick/channel
Session Close: Sat Jun 08 02:05:24 2002
Quote: 8693; Rating: 93; [+|-]
<mmm> i'm single and stuff
<Bobski> mettas relationships have an idle timer
Quote: 8695; Rating: 451; [+|-]
<spoob> MCSE is to computers as McDonalds Certified Chef is to fine cuisine
Quote: 8700; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<Bleve> where an engineer says "1/0 = infinity"
<Bleve> and a mathematician says "1/0 is undefined"
<Bleve> and a SPARC designer gets root
<Bru> which sparc designer is this?
<Bru> oh
<Bru> heh, I read that as 'and a SPARC designer gets A root'
<Bru> hence my scepticism
Quote: 8701; Rating: 77; [+|-]
*** jamesm sets mode: -snt
<jamesm> dunno why people keep fucking up the channel modes, like, who gives a fuck
<jamesm> oh my god, someone protect IRC!
<jamesm> fucking choad munching morons
*** cactoid sets mode: +k jamesmisgay
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