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Quote: 8499; Rating: 248; [+|-]
<Tippytoes> i have kids in the room
<Tippytoes> is it safe to look at?
<bark> i don't think they mention any words like CUNT on that page, no
<tm> just hide it behind your anal porn
Quote: 8500; Rating: 325; [+|-]
<Dane> i had a nice shave just then
<Dane> it turned out really well for mew
<Dane> purposely left just enough growth so that i still appear young and "hip" but still sufficiently mature and masculine
<cactoid> in other words, gay
Quote: 8501; Rating: 325; [+|-]
<cactoid> you love the Colonel
<cactoid> I like KFC chippies
<cactoid> and zinger burgers
<cactoid> the rest tastes ok while you're eating it but it's just fucking gross greasy fried vermin
<Bayls> Yeah, the chips are ace.
<Bayls> The actual chicken pieces are shit.
<Bayls> You may as well sculpt some lard into a shape the looks like a drumstick, then coat it with butter. Then roll it in lard, then melt fat onto it, then fry it in animal fat, dip it in lard then eat it.
<Bayls> I think 10 out of the 11 secrec "herbs and spices" are "lard".
<Bayls> Mmmm, making me hungry. Might go get a 21 piece bucket. :)
*** Signoff: Bayls
Quote: 8502; Rating: 433; [+|-]
<Doc> hmm.. AOL has this great new thing where you can chat with your friends online!
<Bru> yeah I saw the ad on TV. that would be cool - then I wouldn't have to chat with this bunch of losers and social misfits
Quote: 8504; Rating: 584; [+|-]
<dr_rotcod> my poo was white again. this cannot go on
Quote: 8505; Rating: 1528; [+|-]
<Doc> hmm.. IE crashed
<Doc> but i suppose it was my fault... after all, i did press teh "Back" button
<Doc> what was i thinking...
<cactoid> you madman
<Tippytoes> risktaker
<Doc> i like to live on the edge
Quote: 8506; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<aversion> i was takin a dump today in the stalls
<aversion> and someone stuck their dick through a hole
<aversion> i didnt even get to finish
Quote: 8507; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<helminthes> what girls have to realize is that every other guy is wrong and i am right
Quote: 8511; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<dr_rotcod> i wonder if my life sucks cause i jerk off after i pray
Quote: 8522; Rating: 17; [+|-]
Quote: 8526; Rating: 933; [+|-]
<helminthes> haikus are real gay
<helminthes> cause they put limitations
<helminthes> on syllables used
Quote: 8527; Rating: 457; [+|-]
<dr_rotcod> you know its days like these when you say to yourself, 'If I don't become famous, how am I going to kill these people and get away with it?'
Quote: 8528; Rating: 12; [+|-]
<aversion> i have an idea
<aversion> how bout i show you my middle finger and you get offended
<aversion> kthxbye
Quote: 8529; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<teste_fly> "um yes, i'd like to withdraw from life please"
<teste_fly> "will that be checking or savings?"
<teste_fly> "hmm, i think i just want to cancel my account"
Quote: 8530; Rating: 172; [+|-]
<[Bryan]> cams: Damn I'm ugly man.. how do you hang around me?
<cams> i have no idea
<cams> it might be my blindness
Quote: 8531; Rating: 41; [+|-]
[invertiga] back
[Lord-Data] we missed you
[Lord-Data] wait.. no we didnt
Quote: 8534; Rating: 133; [+|-]
<Ookey> it's the pop ups that I just want to rip out of the computer, and stomp on repeatedly
<Ookey> especially when, like the one I just had, the only way to get rid of the 10 or so that you have + ones that are opening every 2-3 secs is to close down all of ie, and loose any pages etc that you have
<JtHM> are you going to that 'YES, I AM LOOKING AT GAY PORN' page?
Quote: 8535; Rating: 105; [+|-]
<BathTub> isn't that your homepage JtHM?
<JtHM> no, mine is
<BathTub> ah yeah that shrine site you made
<JtHM> worshipping the gayest man alive
Quote: 8537; Rating: 2235; [+|-]
<jackal-> someone guess what my cat will type when i drop it on my keyboard
<jackal-> hello i'm a very intelligent cat, save me from my cruel master and free me from this prison
<jackal-> omg
<jackal-> bad cat
Quote: 8539; Rating: 322; [+|-]
<teste_fly> wish me luck on my date tonihgt guys
* aquacavi crosses fingers
* dr_rotcod crosses his penises
<teste_fly> :0
<aquacavi> the secret is out ladies and gentlemen
Quote: 8540; Rating: 139; [+|-]
<helminthes> does anyone else ever notice when you're sex0ring a fat chic it seems like a good idea at the time, but when your done you feel an overwhelming emptiness?
<helminthes> no one?
<hakan> ...
<helminthes> :p
Quote: 8543; Rating: 12; [+|-]
<DeadsouL> poke
<T-Broken\w> *giggle*
<T-Broken|w> *giggle*
* DeadsouL boots T-Broken\w in the snatch for giggling like a sissy
* DeadsouL boots T-Broken|w in the snatch for giggling like a sissy
Quote: 8544; Rating: 344; [+|-]
<timovgod> why is it that not 10 minutes after they put the straight-jacket on my nuts start to itch?
Quote: 8545; Rating: 665; [+|-]
[@Gentleman_Junkie] Sure your ass will hurt, but its better than getting pregnant...
Quote: 8554; Rating: 481; [+|-]
<JungleMason> There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by you.
<Gabealicious> Have you tried epoxy?
<JungleMason> Yes, and the smell reminds me of you.
<Gabealicious> Or... maybe some of that spray foam insulation...
<JungleMason> I LOVE that shit.
<Gabealicious> me too!
<JungleMason> Tastes GREAT on a Triscuit.
<Gabealicious> Yes ... some folks call it 'ez cheez'
<JungleMason> Burger King calls it "Ranch Dip."
Quote: 8555; Rating: 200; [+|-]
<Gabealicious> Will you please yank all these goddamned hairs from my nose???
<JungleMason> You need to go to Sharper Image or something and get a fancy nose-hair cutting gizmo.
<Gabealicious> I think so.
<JungleMason> Make sure you read the warning label though: "Not safe for most rectums."
<Gabealicious> It's a bit late for that.
Quote: 8560; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<@xpro> sweet, just found 13$ in some dirty pants
<@pimp> who was wearing them?
Quote: 8562; Rating: 507; [+|-]
<Minstrel> OMG!
<Minstrel> OMG!
<Minstrel> OMG!
<Minstrel> Tornado!
<Guantlet> better get to the basement mins
<Minstrel> bbl, Ima go get stoned and go outside.
Quote: 8565; Rating: 1065; [+|-]
<TF_Baxter> fucking plug and play my ass
Quote: 8569; Rating: 104; [+|-]
<BJKlein> so you download opera and use bsd on that?
Quote: 8571; Rating: 261; [+|-]
## baguette is away since Mon Sep 10 12:31:41 2001 -- fuck
<screampuff>u00a0 gee, that's not a bad reason to be away...
Quote: 8573; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<baguette> dude, my grandmother's sexier than your grandmother
Quote: 8576; Rating: 592; [+|-]
<baguette> hey, anyone know how to find a hamster?
<is> set a cat loose
<is> the location of the hamster and the location of the cat will converge quickly
<is> though it may be difficult to separate them again...
Quote: 8577; Rating: 29; [+|-]
<sugar> nm, i cant reason with yall. but im right
<sprinkles> s/right/wrong/
Quote: 8578; Rating: 201; [+|-]
<cheesecake> differential equations sedate me.
<kg> strange... i usually get turned on by differential equations..
Quote: 8583; Rating: 926; [+|-]
<sugar> if superman and batman got into a fight, who would win?
<muffins> well, superman wears his undies on the outside...batman wears his on his head
<muffins> tough call
Quote: 8586; Rating: 358; [+|-]
<rg> my f key got fucked once
<rg> i tried to tell people to use the shift key and all hell broke loose
Quote: 8588; Rating: 351; [+|-]
<baguette> and it's a pain in the ass
<baguette> guys, that is
<waffles> You're probably doing it wrong then....
Quote: 8590; Rating: 196; [+|-]
<mrempire> humm
<mrempire> -7% burning an iso here
<mathew2> now we know why you work for PC World.
Quote: 8592; Rating: 123; [+|-]
<halos> i went to lunch with a couple co-workers and before we left they both
+went to the bathroom
<halos> when they came back out I asked, "Who won?"
Quote: 8593; Rating: 104; [+|-]
(nathan) weird.u00a0 my dsl works better as long as i'm constantly pinging the server
(nathan) as soon as i stop pinging one direction or the other, it blocks up
(nathan) like a bad bowel movement
Quote: 8595; Rating: 28; [+|-]
<vkeks05> you blow
<pies> rather in than out
<vkeks05> you'd rather stick a dick in your ass?
Quote: 8598; Rating: 16; [+|-]
<[T]ANGo> I fear that Tech Knight would not pass through a metal detector unnoticed.
<Crashie_> and he has no hobbies :)
<Filly-O-F> apart from masturbating furiously into fistfuls of his own feces
Quote: 8600; Rating: 12; [+|-]
<Wickedstar> so i saw bastard mcfuckhead today
<Wickedstar> i decided it wasn't really worth getting into it
<Wickedstar> and it will make it so much better when she eats his soul
<Wickedstar> on that note, i have to go eat dinner
Quote: 8603; Rating: -73; [+|-]
<sleepswithangels> quiet in here
<sleepswithangels> HII!!!
<sleepswithangels> oh fuck this
Quote: 8604; Rating: 344; [+|-]
<Atg[M]> Their latest album was going to be called " You are gay" and the cover was going to be a mirror.
Quote: 8605; Rating: 99; [+|-]
<Primal[Djedi]> rent: am i in wife wants to know NOW
<tiepilot> I told you Primal, you should fuck the wife inbetween rounds
Quote: 8606; Rating: 131; [+|-]
<Meridian`> Fancy is going to find me and rape my sister.
<Meridian`> And I will be like "be quiet, I'm playing tf."
Quote: 8610; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<Xmit> And I wont be on irc ever again
<coaxial> Why not?!
<Xmit> Because it is a waste of time
<Xmit> I am declaring that I will never waste time like this again
<coaxial> but we lub u
<Xmit> I hate you you stupid bitch
Quote: 8612; Rating: 126; [+|-]
<zealot_> gopher is the protocol of the future
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