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Quote: 6948; Rating: 58; [+|-]
<glasnost> 1040 ez e
<glasnost> peace to all my bruvas at the iRS
Quote: 6949; Rating: 417; [+|-]
<dh> man irc is a waste of time...i should go play quake or something...
Quote: 6951; Rating: 221; [+|-]
<glasnost> i didn't have a life.
<glasnost> i had a BBS.
Quote: 6954; Rating: 485; [+|-]
<glasnost> i just talked to some girls on this hall.
<glasnost> they're like, female and stuff.
Quote: 6955; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<null> glasnost: what version of the internet did you install?/
<glasnost> null: 5.0
Quote: 6956; Rating: 474; [+|-]
<friction> hey hey.
<Turbovec> yo yo yo flapjack
<friction> i... don't know what that means.
<Turbovec> its raper talk, you're not supposed to understand dawg ;-)
<FlipTopBox> Turbovec: i believe you either mean "rapper" or "rapist".u00a0 considering the context, i'm supposing the first.
Quote: 6958; Rating: 24; [+|-]
<ZXTPKNNOBBBSSCS> rosy palm pilots?
Quote: 6959; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<greg> I like bush, but i dont like Busch or Bush.
Quote: 6960; Rating: 323; [+|-]
<ZXPKNOBB> I invented this incredible cough drop medicine!u00a0 The side effects include mild coughing.
Quote: 6961; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<zhixel:#916> <matrix> woah. I know perl. </matrix>
<junk:#916> you forgot the trailing dude
Quote: 6962; Rating: 298; [+|-]
<SlapAyoda:#916> felix, do these girls names end in jpg or gif?
<felix:#916> slap: names are insignificant
Quote: 6963; Rating: 340; [+|-]
<felix:#slackware> ne1 isn't here.u00a0 try AOL
Quote: 6964; Rating: 56; [+|-]
<lokia:#916> you obvioously havent been modeming long
Quote: 6965; Rating: 359; [+|-]
<glasnost> kkf: we should get married, so you can be kkk.
<kkf> hmm...u00a0 wow, another reason not to marry you :)
<glasnost> ouch, that backfired
Quote: 6967; Rating: 909; [+|-]
<kate> you MALE.u00a0 always wanting to talk about football instead of my menstrual cycle.
Quote: 6969; Rating: 292; [+|-]
<glas_paper> my paper has the word count of the beast
Quote: 6970; Rating: 327; [+|-]
<RunMe> I saw people fucking in the NRV parking lot once back in high school
<RunMe> it was pretty fucking disgusting
<glasnost> thats an appropriate type of disgusting.
Quote: 6975; Rating: 204; [+|-]
<vampyr> i didn't lose it in the sense of i can't find it
<vampyr> i lost it networkically
Quote: 6976; Rating: 465; [+|-]
* vampyr giggles in a sinister manner
<vampyr> hmm..that didn't come out right
* vampyr chortles in a sinister manner
Quote: 6977; Rating: 487; [+|-]
<ZXPKNOBB> I should make a cereal, where it is potato chips.
<ZXPKNOBB> And you must eat it in water, not in milk.
<ZXPKNOBB> It'll be called Gross Flakes.
Quote: 6978; Rating: 194; [+|-]
<pkt> if i was giving some one cpr, and i heard my ups beeping, i would stop the cpr, and make sure my computer got plugged in somewhere else
Quote: 6979; Rating: 327; [+|-]
<glasnost> shiva: the zoo is where are the hardcore niggas hang out
<shiva> we chill next to the lions
<shiva> with our gats
<shiva> lickin' our snow cones
Quote: 6980; Rating: 163; [+|-]
<chococat44> you just cant keep a good man down
<greg> Conversly, you can't keep a bad man up.
Quote: 6982; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<zoner> anyone know the content-type for a .exe
<ZXPKNOBB> It's content-type is "fun".
Quote: 6983; Rating: 314; [+|-]
<unlord> you are now talking to a man who owns a piece of furniture for the express purpose of sleeping on it
<Animix> oooooooooooh
<Animix> can I have your autograph
Quote: 6986; Rating: 372; [+|-]
<vamp_work> some guy named Debian hacked my box and made it unstable
<vamp_work> it tells me every time I log in
Quote: 6987; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<@vampyr> clearly Trent Reznor is a debian user
Quote: 6992; Rating: 247; [+|-]
<mantid> outlander, it's a simple analog controller
<warptail> like my wang.
Quote: 6994; Rating: 647; [+|-]
<mgod> weights 300 or something
<mgod> she sez she has a thyroid problem
<bats> um i didn't know nabisco made thyroids
Quote: 6996; Rating: 241; [+|-]
<Javi> a gijoe game would suck
<Javi> cause nobody ever dies
Quote: 6998; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<enojy> im gonna tell my parents im a father so i get a present on sunday
Quote: 7000; Rating: 215; [+|-]
<evenpar123> Radioactive rain would be pretty freaky
<evenpar123> You'd need a pretty strong umbrella...
<Slant> evenpar123: Umbrella wouldn't help.
<evenpar123> Lead bubble?
<Slant> Shit, living inside of a motorized lead bubble would be cool.
<evenpar123> Where would you get gas?
<Slant> You could use the rain.
<evenpar123> But, how would you use the internet?
<mightyflo> use aol
Quote: 7001; Rating: 275; [+|-]
<LizziBabe> Kiri!u00a0 I got something you just *gotta* have!
<Lazarus> Lizzi: Sex?
Quote: 7004; Rating: 170; [+|-]
<@Logan> I think my roommate has a strong aversion to taking out the trash.
<@drini> kill him
<@drini> ok maybe not a good idea
<@drini> you'll have to take out garbagetwice
<@drini> as often
Quote: 7005; Rating: 222; [+|-]
<Rikhei> I am *not* a pricktease
<K`shandra> oh - you follow through.u00a0 Okay. ;-)
Quote: 7009; Rating: 48; [+|-]
<`Kd> in status..that ppl talking in there not knowing we see them or something?
Quote: 7010; Rating: 57; [+|-]
<`Kd> theres another good spelling leason
Quote: 7013; Rating: 521; [+|-]
<`Kd> iv finally mastered my keyboars
Quote: 7017; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<Ac3d> i guess this isn't TOO bad..i mean it could be worse...
<Ac3d> I only have to re-install my modem everytime i want to get on the net
Quote: 7018; Rating: 120; [+|-]
Topic is 'God made drunks so ugly people could get laid.' Set by Ac3d
<Ac3d> man..i think im getting drunk
Quote: 7021; Rating: 131; [+|-]
<Ac3d> ima redneck now...Chevy sent a magazine to my house under the name Bob Jones
Quote: 7022; Rating: 611; [+|-]
<Ac3d> uh oh, i think i just sent a nude pic of me to my friends mom
Quote: 7023; Rating: 217; [+|-]
<Ac3d> think i should archive my pr0n acording to type (movie,picture,interactive,etc...), alphabetical (a-f,g-m,etc..), size, or genre?
Quote: 7025; Rating: 282; [+|-]
<skychic> how do you exit channels?
<anarch> use /quit
*** skychic has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<anarch> heheh
*** skychic has joined #lummies
<CrashCat> hmm, you must have missed a parameter
<CrashCat> try /quit #lummies
<skychic> cheers!
*** skychic has quit IRC (Quit: #lummies)
Quote: 7026; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<ori0n> why did you name yourself after a video file?
<zorack> hehe
<avi-> because i'm long hardcore and take forever to download
Quote: 7027; Rating: 56; [+|-]
<rb> eminem vs a terrorist organization
<rb> weird
<JtHM> heh
<JtHM> Eminem_Vs_Al_Qaeda-BattleRap_12"-2002-RNS
<rb> hahahaha
Quote: 7028; Rating: 737; [+|-]
<Conskill> That kinda gun brings out the raving gun loving American in us all.
<The_Tick> Over and under shotgun.u00a0 Three throwing knives.u00a0 The ability to hide.
<Rain> yeah, seriously.
<Rain> The_tick - Huh?
<The_Tick> That's all you need.
<The_Tick> And it's cheeeep.
<Twinkcide> Rain: The bullets are embedded in cakes of propellant instead of casings.u00a0 It was designed to overcome the problem of recoil pushing the barrel off target while firing in bursts
<Twinkcide> Has an insane ROF while in 3-round burst mode, and no recoil until the third round has left the barrel
<Pander> Tick:u00a0 That won't kill a velociraptor.
<The_Tick> On the other hand, I'd sleep with that thing if I had one.
<Pander> I base all gun purchases on "Will this kill a velociraptor?"
Quote: 7030; Rating: 296; [+|-]
<Adar> "If you handle an envelope and some white powder spills out, you should _____________?"
<Boog|Happy> "Sniff it?"
Quote: 7031; Rating: 464; [+|-]
<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> HATE
<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> PAIN
<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> LOATHING
<Somebob> Can I have some?
<Cute_Fuzzy_Kitten> no.u00a0 this is my own personal stock.
Quote: 7033; Rating: 194; [+|-]
<Paine> "What body parts would you be willing to give away to play AO normally?"
<Paine> I mean, are you really using that little toe for anything important?
<Rattran> Depends on how many are in the freezer, doesn't it?
<Burimpu> I'd give my left vaginal wall to play AO properly!
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