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Quote: 6629; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<markd2> kompressor is not dancing
<evand> kompressor does not funk
<markd2> kompressor needs therapy
Quote: 6630; Rating: 97; [+|-]
<atl_jimbo> I wonder is Sara's still pissed at me....
<atl_jimbo> being her friend and not being her friend, there's not much difference.
Quote: 6631; Rating: 303; [+|-]
<Hawx> wtf is Scotty
<Shinji> Hawx - ScottyFox, he's in here occasionaly, I used to live with him in Canada.
<Hawx> scottyfox is one letter away from being scattyfox
<Shinji> Hawx - and you're four letters away from being 'fuck'.
<Hawx> :D
Quote: 6633; Rating: 435; [+|-]
doubting: interesting
doubting: popup ad suggests I use to backup my critical data
doubting: strangely, I'm not wont to gamble with my backups
Quote: 6645; Rating: 68; [+|-]
<Sonya> 14/f/nj
<rewben> oh
<rewben> im 54/n/netherlands
<Silvana> what's n?
<elph> i guess n is for nice ass
Quote: 6646; Rating: 306; [+|-]
<rewben> we are not perverts ;p
<akiron> speak for youself ;)
Quote: 6649; Rating: 2633; [+|-]
(talking about a guy that worked at the world trade center)
<@PowrSlave> this poor fuck is getting divorced cuz of 9/11
<@PowrSlave> lol
<@PowrSlave> his wife filed
<@PowrSlave> he didnt go into work that morning and went to his mistresses' house instead
<@PowrSlave> had his phone off
<nonzeRo> haha
<nonzeRo> lucky guy
<@PowrSlave> he turned it on at around 11:00 and his wife was like "OMFG ARE YOU OKAY WHERE ARE YOUR?"
<@PowrSlave> hes like "im at the office honey. whats the matter?"
<@PowrSlave> lol
Quote: 6651; Rating: 327; [+|-]
<Kron-Away> iam an accountant
<Kron-Away> 1,2,3,5,6,9,10
<Mr_Squidgy> kron what comes after 10 :P
<Kron-Away> my 15%
Quote: 6653; Rating: 504; [+|-]
<LR|Midnight> this ice cream owns
<[ice]> omfg
<[ice]> this Midnight cream 0wns
Quote: 6655; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<arfer> sticks and stones may break my bones but life contingencies and statistics are pure shit
Quote: 6656; Rating: 441; [+|-]
(@TRCC|shot): directX 8.1 any good?
(@landje): i havnet pld it
(@ui|ICEMAN): dirext X isn't a game
(@landje): what is it
(@landje): if any;one puts that in their quit message i'll feckign kil ythe,
Quote: 6658; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<o0o> i had 5 days of smoking the sickest shit
<meiso> dog turds?
Quote: 6660; Rating: 166; [+|-]
<spikoh> thats a dilbert phrase isnt it ?
Quote: 6661; Rating: 319; [+|-]
<enrol> pure fucking godfather of IDM
<jj_> whats IDM
<jj_> is it
<enrol> intelligent dance music
<jj_> oh
<jj_> close enough
Quote: 6662; Rating: 223; [+|-]
<enrol> my new ircing technique is unstoppable
<jj> do you think youre dalnet sword can defeat me!?
<jj> en guard, ill let you try my efnet style
Quote: 6664; Rating: 1601; [+|-]
<qik> ur at school?
<De-Gen> yer
*** De-Gen has quit IRC
Quote: 6666; Rating: 54; [+|-]
<Electric> Jester says he's gonna rub deep heat into my bollocks at 4AM
<AdmV0rl0n> does he now....
<Electric> But when he goes back to bed, he'll still smell the fart I did there earlier :)
Quote: 6674; Rating: 1117; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #tZrhj26trDS4yurgrCNR4eyd
*** Topic is 'The Only Channel With A Name Created By Head-Butting The Keyboard'
Quote: 6679; Rating: 237; [+|-]
<coulson> Check this quote :) "<n|ghtOUT> my gf can smoke cigarettes with her pussy"
<BiOHaZd> She must taste like an ashtray
Quote: 6683; Rating: 230; [+|-]
<alex> well with the intel pentium III processor enhancing the web as it is, who knows
Quote: 6685; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<alex> I have this great method of watching someone through the crook of my arm that I developed when I was in grade school so I could look at pretty girls with my head down on my desk
Quote: 6687; Rating: 26; [+|-]
<alex> I'll beat you 'til you have your Native American vision
Quote: 6688; Rating: 376; [+|-]
<kitten> Dan, you're my honey bunch sugar plum, pumpy-umpy-upmkin.
<kitten> You're my sweetie pie.
<Danelope> Oh yeah?u00a0 Well, you're my cuppycake gumdrop snickums-snookums.
<Danelope> You're the apple of my eye.
<ry4n> fuck you guys.
*** ry4n has quit IRC (Quit: Trillian (
<Danelope> Hahaha.
Quote: 6689; Rating: 47; [+|-]
<FatElvis> The only that comes from Texas are steers and...
<josh> ... Jews?
Quote: 6690; Rating: 134; [+|-]
<zork> man sun fsck scares me
<zork> etc etc
<phrog> U R SKRWD
<zork> L@@K R@RE ERROR, ROFL
Quote: 6692; Rating: 1041; [+|-]
* TT205 wants to build a SNOT-HIPPO!!!!
<TT205> *blink*
* TT205 wants to build a SNOW-HIPPO!!!!
Quote: 6695; Rating: 212; [+|-]
<BlznAzn> i find it kinky to use my cock as a probe tool to remove lint between the toes of a foot thats been inside a work boot all day
<pagan> you must like to have Athlete's Cock
Quote: 6697; Rating: 397; [+|-]
<Tre`> I've got to find away to earn some dough
<bishoptl> sell some sperm. that's legal in the States, isn't it?
<bishoptl> or plasma - that should free up some $$$
<SHD> he's too young for selling sperm
<Tre`> I need *a bunch*
<bishoptl> sell your friends' sperm
<Tre`> that's just disgusting
<bishoptl> how badly do you want NWN
<bishoptl> I'm not saying you have to go milk them yourself
<bishoptl> just pass around the tupperware container
Quote: 6698; Rating: 1125; [+|-]
<Fiction> man, I LOVE Sigue Sigue Sputnik so MUCH!!!!
<Fiction> they're almost as good as Catholic Discipline
<MaCk> then why don't you marry it
<Fiction> cause I want to marry you, Mack
<MaCk> ewh
<[enki]> I think you had that one coming, Mack.
<[enki]> Besides, I told you he'd get the wrong impression if you sent him those chocolates.
* Fiction makes moon eyes at mack
* [enki] shakes his head.
<[enki]> I knew this would happen.
* Fiction writes bad poetry about his love for mack
* [enki] preps the firehose.
* Fiction buys a harley and a tshirt that says: "if you can read this, Mack fell off" on the back
<Fiction> someday I'll buy you a cubic-zirconium ring and we can move to a trailer in Rock Springs Wyoming
<Fiction> we'll be so happy!
<[enki]> And you'll drive a 78 Camaro to work.
<Fiction> YEAH!
<Fiction> only "work" is hanging out at the local high school selling crank to teenagers
<MaCk> SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
<MaCk> someone is going to die
<Fiction> and mack can learn how to make casseroles with potato chips in them
<[enki]> And get denim fringe jackets.
<Fiction> and we'll drink coors
<MaCk> I hate you guys
<Fiction> cheer up, I'll get some real wood panelling to put up in our trailer
<Fiction> or at least I'll tell you it's real
<Fiction> and we'll live on food stamps but have 300 channels of DirectTV
<MaCk> I hate you all
<Fiction> c'mon baby, you're hot with a capital HO!
<[enki]> LOL
*** MaCk has quit IRC
Quote: 6699; Rating: 298; [+|-]
<dbaker> Whoever thinks rc5-64 will be cracked in 50 years is an idiot.
<dbaker> It'll be cracked before the end of 1998.
Quote: 6701; Rating: 244; [+|-]
Chargon[HorsebackArchery] is now known as Sir_Chargon
<Eric> Horseback Archery.
<Eric> D00d, drive-by shooting. It's a sign of the times.
<Kataclysm> Yes, butu00a0 a ride-by shooting just doesn't have the same effect as a drive-by.
<Eric> Good point. ANYONE can kill a horse, but a car doesn't stagger when it's down.
<Kataclysm> That, and horses don't have tinted power windows either.
Quote: 6703; Rating: 681; [+|-]
<Dynamo> [Destiny's Child - Say My Name.mp3]-[4.34mb/4m 30s]
<Dynamo> [Pet Music - 04 - Warm Hugs.mp3]-[5.23mb/5m 26s]
<Dynamo> No one saw Destiny's Child, or Pet Music, aight?
<Dynamo> [Destiny's Child - Independent Woman Part 1.mp3]-[3.6mb/3m 44s]
<Dynamo> [Pet Music - 08 - Chasing Clouds.mp3]-[4.4mb/4m 35s]
<Dynamo> This PC must hate me.
Quote: 6704; Rating: 646; [+|-]
<Expresso> I don't play alot of first persons hooters
Quote: 6706; Rating: 497; [+|-]
<boomer> mount rushmore, contrary to popular opinion, did not grow that way
Quote: 6711; Rating: 339; [+|-]
* Racked recalls the past: my teacher said, "I have a 10-foot snake here" which I replied, "oh no you don't....snakes don't have feet!"
* GPF recalls saying something like that to a teacher and getting detention
Quote: 6713; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<Targaff> MUD = fighting and stuff, MUSH = sitting around getting collectively high ovr a net connection
Quote: 6714; Rating: 645; [+|-]
<_git_> hey folks, what does @ mean in front of someones nick?
<thorn``> The @ symbol identify's the channel operators.. Chops have extra commands for control of the room
<_git_> does it mean that persons is a sad wanker who spends his life on irc, has no real friends, and prefers to chat on here than in a pub?
Quote: 6715; Rating: 704; [+|-]
<Tajador>u00a0 I'm a pseudomasochist, pretend to spank me
Quote: 6716; Rating: 385; [+|-]
*** Foxers has quit IRC (If idiots could fly,Dalnet would be an airport.)
Quote: 6717; Rating: 270; [+|-]
<WinTek> whats a good efnet server?
<Julie2> thats an oxymoron
<ToidyMan> WinTek, good and efnet don't belong in the same sentence
<F`Nar> they don't belong on the same internet
Quote: 6719; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<Snoopen_Man> who wants to be nuked?
<jeffx> me!
<dedsmurf> i have already been nuked, my microwave is one of the first models made, it's leaking i think
Quote: 6721; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<PUTZINGoff> Does a kid wake up one day and say Mommy/Daddy I want to grow up to be a PROCTOLOGIST!!!!!
Quote: 6724; Rating: 235; [+|-]
<Goldenstimme1> 46 M lonely, self-employed, employed myself earlier this evening
Quote: 6727; Rating: 599; [+|-]
<k8_fan> I have this nightmare that I die suddenly...and everyone I know starts looking through my browser cache.
* Hogie-One has that same dream!
Quote: 6731; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<mynx> hahaha i had a construction worker holler at me today
Quote: 6733; Rating: 223; [+|-]
<pms> Three Baby Boomers are still missing following Friday's collapse of a massive Jenga tower in this Atlanta suburb.
Quote: 6734; Rating: 165; [+|-]
<pms> If you spot a minority in your gated community who is not holding a leafblower or other lawn-care device, call your local police immediately.
Quote: 6737; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<dav^> uncola: man im in big fuckin trouble
<dav^> uncola: help
<uncola> dav^: what did you do?
<dav^> i haxed my schools web page and i accidentally used my friends login/pass
<dav^> and they fucking looked at the log, bastards
<uncola> haha
Quote: 6738; Rating: 452; [+|-]
<Trog> I pity the english
* Yarn smacks trog
<Trog> they go to all the trouble inventing all these sports.. and then they turn out to SUCK ASS at them
Quote: 6742; Rating: 283; [+|-]
<ProFessional_Widow> i have back stage asses
<ProFessional_Widow> passes
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