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Quote: 113418; Rating: 272; [+|-]
Quote: 113423; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<Locke> I went on an exciting box and pie adventure.u00a0u00a0 <Locke> It wasn't nearly as sexual as it sounds.
Quote: 113443; Rating: 109; [+|-]
<`Hunter> Dutch tv sounds really shite, the only good stuff is what you steal off us :/
<RevMonsta> wtf your right
<RevMonsta> he is giving a sausage a blowjob
Quote: 113511; Rating: 825; [+|-]
<WoG> wanna play me in UT J?
<J_Dawg007> Sure, I just got it again. Gimme a few minutes to practice though, I need to learn to nut suck again.
<WoG> lmao
<J_Dawg007> Err... not*
<J_Dawg007> Great, I'm never gonna live THAT one down..
Quote: 113520; Rating: 303; [+|-]
<oR1on|Trivia> 6. What is a leech a type of?
<AuthSrev> woman
Quote: 113533; Rating: 365; [+|-]
<Beltz> This condom in my drawer, it's about to expire. Two weeks left! And those things last for 5 years.
<Dindrane> ... wow.
<Dindrane> Tell me it's a family heirloom or something, passed down?
<Mickster> Just tell me it's not used
<Dindrane> Ya, cuz keeping a used condom as opposed to a packaged one makes you more of a loser?
<Kyatoru> I'd say so. That's a disgusting trophy.
<Beltz> My last 2 or 3 were in my wallet for so long they eventually had holes all over them and were brown inside due to dust. I started carrying one in my wallet at all times due to my last near-sex experience. I have such a wild imagination.
<Dindrane> Beltz - I hear of people having near-deather experiences... but near-sex? Holy shiznit, man.
Quote: 113542; Rating: 416; [+|-]
@zacke u009b i got in trouble once, and my mom installed windows me as my punishment
Quote: 113578; Rating: 630; [+|-]
<idiotdude>My mom's boyfriend gave me some magazines and one of them was an FHM from last month, and i pick it up and a penis enlargement ad falls out, and the order form is cut out and theres some notes scribbled on the bottom on how much it would cost plus shipping and handling
Quote: 113589; Rating: 206; [+|-]
Frost: :p
Frost: lol dood
Frost: my brother and his friend come home just now
Frost: and theres 5 kids coming up the street running
Frost: im like wtf
ape: lol
Frost: and he tells me they are chasing him and his friend
Frost: so i go out there like wtf fags what do you want
Frost: and they said my little brother and his friend hit some lady in the head with a rock and shes bleeding
ape: ROFL
Frost: man my brother is dumb
Frost: im gonna let them beat him up
ape: thats the funniest shit ive heard in a long time
Frost: :P
Quote: 113632; Rating: 202; [+|-]
<MKendora> Unfortunately, Win2k still needs electricity to run >_<
<JB> Heh.
<JB> Maybe for 2k5.
<Fancia> They fix that in Windows SG (Supar Gud), which runs on the power of pure dreams.
<Tagrineth> Hehehe ^_^
<JB> Well, we're all screwed.
<Tagrineth> But that probably still won't run on most people's comps
<JB> Anyone here besides Fancia have a pure dream in teh last year?
<Fancia> ;b
<Tagrineth> NOT ME
<MKendora> I have impure dreams.
<MKendora> I have purely violent dreams.
<Fancia> Well, they're thinking of expanding Windows PG (Perfikt Gud) to run on any dreams. ;o
<JB> That may help.
<JB> Methinks some of the dreams here may corrupt it, though.
<Fancia> True. ^.^;
<Tagrineth> LOL
<Fancia> "Windows received an Illegal Dream error! Please reboot!"
<Tagrineth> Hehehe
<Tagrineth> "*PLEASE* reboot... (sicko)"
<JB> Windows has committed suicide to remove the image form it's memory. Please order a new copy.
Quote: 113653; Rating: 329; [+|-]
<Catmando> I've never had an IDE cable with a hole like that
<Catmando> I've had floppy cables, but never IDE
<dealer_> youve never had sex with a girl, but that's not saying it doesnt exist
<narayan`> ouch
<ran_dogg|> i can't top that
<Catmando> well, I do have more experience with IDE cables than with women
Quote: 113943; Rating: 1490; [+|-]
* St-Lemur puts pasta next to antipasti
<KCaesar> You FOOL! You'll kill us all!
Quote: 113949; Rating: 230; [+|-]
<ph0rce> this is like turning into a war
<ph0rce> back like vietnam
<ph0rce> RETURN FIRE
<ph0rce> *dos attack*
Quote: 114068; Rating: 301; [+|-]
<dj_enkie> im a good babysitter
<dj_enkie> the boy is older
<dj_enkie> e is like 8
<dj_enkie> and he will become me someday
<dj_enkie> i give him porn to not tell his parents that i drink their booze
Quote: 114202; Rating: 812; [+|-]
<typobox43> brb, grabbing a floppy dick
Quote: 114332; Rating: 2397; [+|-]
<Kazak> man I am bored, Im gonna try some weird shit
<Nash> uh oh
<Nash> ?!
<Nash> You really are a crazy bastard!
*Killer_jeep has joined the conversation.
<Kazak> good fucking hell this hurts LIKE HELL
<Killer_jeep> What?
<Nash> he put a staple thru his dick
<Killer_jeep> DEAR GOD
*Killer_jeep has left the conversation.
<Kazak> shit now I have to piss! Brb
<Nash> this can&#8217;t be good
<Nash> what happened!
*Darkness has joined the conversation.
<Kazak> the piss flew out of the staple holes
<Darkness> WTF!?
*Darkness has left the conversation.
<Kazak> I had to straddle the toilet to get it in!
<Nash> are you gonna go to the ER?
<Kazak> are you crazy? no fucking way
<Nash> well try pulling it out
<Kazak> I can&#8217;t it hurts like hell if I try!
<Nash> well it has to come out sooner or later.
<Nash> better off sooner, before anyone sees you.
<Nash> its your own fault, you know.
<Kazak> shutup! augh this hurts!!!
*Aaron has joined the conversation
<Aaron> whats up guys?
<Nash> The crazy bastard put a staple through his dick
*Aaron has left the conversation.
<Kazak> THANK GOD!!! I got it out!!!
<Nash> right&#8230;what about the holes?
<Kazak> uhh&#8230;
*Malaina has joined the conversation.
<Kazak> I&#8217;ll have to cover my dick with band-aids.
<Malaina> what the hell are you talking about?
<Kazak> oh shit. Nash, don&#8217;t!!!!
<Nash> your boyfriend put a staple through his dick
*Malaina has left the conversation.
Quote: 114347; Rating: 1032; [+|-]
<Skilless15> what's rtfm
<Skilless15> i forgot
<@avaxx> read the fucking manual.
<Skilless15> why
<Skilless15> you could just tell me
Quote: 114352; Rating: 2255; [+|-]
SenorWeird: who?
Momog: hehe
SenorWeird: who is that?
Momog: kelly hu = the wolverine chick from xmen
SenorWeird: Kelly who?
Spoon35: exactly!
SenorWeird: Kelly Exactly?
Momog: heh
Momog: it's a trap!
SenorWeird: Just tell me the chick's name. It's Kelly what?
Spoon35: Hu.
SenorWeird: ?!
SenorWeird: The chick you just posted a picture of!
Spoon35: Hu
SenorWeird: That's what I wanna know! Kelly who!
Spoon35: exactly!
SenorWeird: So it's Kelly Exactly!
* Marty11 Laughs in the strange confusion
Spoon35: Hu.
SenorWeird: The girl in the picture you posted is Kelly Exactly
Momog: Hu, Kelly.
Momog: HA!
SenorWeird: Yes, Kelly, Momog.
Spoon35: Kelly Momog??
SenorWeird: Kelly Exactly
Momog: doh
SenorWeird: Okay, you know what? Forget this.
SenorWeird: Let's talk about that hot chick in Mulholland Drive and The Ring.
SenorWeird: What's her name?
Momog: who?
SenorWeird: her name
Spoon35: Watts.
SenorWeird: yes, I think my question was quite clear.
Spoon35: Watts.
* Momog covers his ears and screams
SenorWeird: are you not understanding me?
SenorWeird: Who is the chick from The Ring?
Spoon35: I think I understand. you want to know Watts.
SenorWeird: Not What, who. Who is the chick from The Ring.
Spoon35: no, Watts is the chick from the Ring
SenorWeird: Who is?
Spoon35: no, she was in X2
SenorWeird: What?!
Spoon35: exactly.
SenorWeird: Exactly was in X2. okay.
SenorWeird: so then Who was in the ring?
Spoon35: Hu was.
SenorWeird: Who was in the ring?
Spoon35: no. Watts was in the Ring. Hu was in X2.
SenorWeird: Exactly. Now, let's get back to the Ring. What's that chick's name?
Spoon35: watts.
SenorWeird: okay, I'm lost.
SenorWeird: What's the name of the chick from X2?
Spoon35: no, Watts is the name of the chick from the Ring
SenorWeird: Forget about the ring. I don't want to hear about Who was in the ring.
Spoon35: watts
SenorWeird: Am I not clear? Who was in X2?
Spoon35: yes.
SenorWeird: Yes?
SenorWeird: Yes what?
Spoon35: Yes Hu! No Watts.
SenorWeird: ....
SenorWeird: What?!
Momog: i am logging this and using it as blackmail against you both
SenorWeird: oh, this is either genius or stupidity.
Quote: 114358; Rating: 488; [+|-]
(maddox@) I just thought of a joke, I don't know if someone has already made this up, but here it goes: What actor would Christopher Reeve be if he could trade places with anyone? Christopher Walken
Quote: 114377; Rating: 207; [+|-]
< Teratogen> Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon filled with backup tapes.
Quote: 114413; Rating: 391; [+|-]
<NekoLocke|Runescape> What the hell? some girl offered me cybersex on Runescape in exchange for all the gold ore I had in my inventory. @_@
<Danny> now you do it be a man whore :P
<Eden99> LOL XD;
<Noval> Wow, a game with real hookers. That's inpressive.
Quote: 114470; Rating: 670; [+|-]
* flathead has joined #zdoom
<Zack`> a dragon in thick, fluffy white diapers
<flathead> sounds like I missed one hell of a discussion here
Quote: 114600; Rating: -29; [+|-]
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 MY GROUP NAME IS
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 REAL MOVIES ON KAZAA
amanda:u00a0 the link
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 ITS ON MSN
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 SO AMANDA WILL YOU JOIN
amanda:u00a0 no
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 WHY
amanda:u00a0 i dont usa kazaaa
amanda:u00a0 and u wont give me the link.
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 WHAT LINK
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 I DONT HAVE A WEBSITE
Mix-Master-Movies:u00a0 ITS IN THE MSN GROUPS
Quote: 114610; Rating: 1112; [+|-]
Aaron|SYS> Hello
<Aaron|SYS> I am Aaron, a System Operator (SYSOP) for Mindspring
<Aaron|SYS> I will be monitoring the activities of Mindspring and Earthlink subscribers this evening
<Aaron|SYS> Have a pleasurable and enjoyable day or night!
*** Quits: Aaron|SYS (Killed (SFC (hi, I'm an ircoperator, and I will be regulating your activity monitoring)))
Quote: 114622; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<Berrik> my goddamned school has fat cheerleaders
<Berrik> let me tell you something
<Berrik> there's only one half of a girl's chest I want to see jiggle when she jumps
<Berrik> and it ain't the bottom half
Quote: 114724; Rating: 1173; [+|-]
* +ramoth4 slaps politik with an unsigned long double
* +politik comes back with a _uint64 uppercut
* +ramoth4 pulls out a struct and returns fire
* +politik corrupts ramoth's heap
* +Fire_Elemental-Coding- ducks to avoid leaked memory
* +politik pops Fire_Elemental-Coding- square in the stack
* +ramoth4 stuffs politik's face in the bitbucket, and begins to operate on nil pointers
* +politik throws uncatchable exceptions around the room
* +ramoth4 dodges skillfully with his try-catch block
* +politik cuts off ramoth's private member
* +ramoth4 encapsulates the wound in a protected class
* +politik destroys all foes with up-casts to inappropriate derived classes!
* +politik is out of ideas
* +politik :: ~politik();
* +ramoth4 declares flipcode his namespace!
<+ramoth4> I win!
* +ramoth4 beat C++.
<+ramoth4> The last guy was hard.
Quote: 114920; Rating: 545; [+|-]
<-M-> i went and bought a mint flavoured condom just to see what it tasted like
<-M-> i regretted it a lot when my bro walked in on me licking it
<exclamation> did u munch the jobe?
<-M-> i thiink he's gonna need more therapy than me
<BigKev> did u turn to your bro and say "well.....we were out of mints"
Quote: 114988; Rating: 1089; [+|-]
(@zany-) omg, I can hear my mom masturbating :l
(@NpZ^) Ahaha
(@zany-) wai... she doesn't think I'm home
(@zany-) brb
(@zany-) great now I'm grounded
(@NpZ^) HAHA :D
Quote: 115126; Rating: 108; [+|-]
<Thin-H-Line> what's the best thing about an ethiopian blowjob?
<Porn_Angel> what?
<SKS> wat?
<Thin-H-Line> you know she'll swallow..
Quote: 115192; Rating: 425; [+|-]
Whitetail deer18: Attention all pokemon card trainiers!!!u00a0 I am starting up a internet membership where those who have card decks can play eachother over the net.u00a0 Only catch is honesty about the types of cards you have.
Trazzy: attention all pokemon card trainers: GO GET LAID.
Quote: 115217; Rating: 717; [+|-]
[(chillin)] did u have sex with my penguin
[(AtTi2uDe)] say what? lol
[(chillin)] sex
[(chillin)] with my penguin
[(AtTi2uDe)] umm, no, don't think so?
[(AtTi2uDe)] lol
[(chillin)] are u sure
[(chillin)] cause i think u did
[(AtTi2uDe)] i think i didn't? lol
[(chillin)] well all the witnesses and evidence point to you
[(AtTi2uDe)] my wife would be jealous
[(chillin)] sir i dont think the penguin is any more ok with it than your wife is
Quote: 115370; Rating: 16; [+|-]
* @baafie creams over AngelPHiSH
<@AngelPHiSH> o_O
* @AngelPHiSH wipes up
<@james> that's parksie's job O_o
<@AngelPHiSH> a little warning next time please
* @james hides
* @AngelPHiSH slaps james gently
<@AngelPHiSH> also:u00a0 repeatedly
<@james> :(
<@james> ;P
<@AngelPHiSH> wah now you made me think about parksie again >.<
* @AngelPHiSH snivels in her corner
<@AngelPHiSH> im so aloooooooonnnnnnnneeeeeee
<%Lioness> wahh wahh :oP
<%Lioness> Quit being emo
<@AngelPHiSH> sob sob
<%Lioness> It's been.....over 2 months for me.
<@AngelPHiSH> i cant help being emo!
<%Lioness> And I've still got 4 weeks to go.
<@baafie> That's because she doesn't do anal.
<@AngelPHiSH> O_O
<@baafie> ;P
<%Lioness> lollers
<@AngelPHiSH> wtf
<@a-arse[away]> lollerNOTFUNNEY
<@a-arse[away]> -e
<@AngelPHiSH> wtfwtfwtf
<@AngelPHiSH> i..
<@AngelPHiSH> O_O
<@AngelPHiSH> from cream to anal.. IN ONE EASY CONVERSATION!
<@AngelPHiSH> Just add baafie
<@baafie> ^_^
Quote: 115397; Rating: 203; [+|-]
<WiteRabit> the thing you gotta ask yourself is: do I really want snail shit on my face?
Quote: 115462; Rating: 324; [+|-]
<@B-Spider`> you young bastage
<@B-Spider`> your balls drop yet?
<@|Qc|Cutthroat> all 3 of them
<@|Qc|Cutthroat> to my surprise
Quote: 115468; Rating: 363; [+|-]
<Bendit> damn it, the cherries I bought yesterday are bad
<Bendit> cherry season is already over
<Bendit> :(
<Bendit> 1/3 of them seem to be almost rotting
<Bendit> and the rest have no flavour
<Bendit> there are so few things I like, WHY MUST THEY BE SEASONAL??!!?
<Bulk> ://
<omega> lucky for you cock isn't seasonal, so you may continue to enjoy it all year round.
<Bulk> im so glad you're in a good mood omega
Quote: 115471; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<ginzo_> my company sponsored a 50 Cent/Jay-Z concert
<ginzo_> on july 9th
<ginzo_> hahhaahhaha
<ginzo_> WE ROCK
<therdrai|> ginzo - what company is this?
<ginzo_> Cincinnati Bell
<therdrai|> oh
<therdrai|> are your CEO's and upper management gonna attend
<ginzo_> but i bet the pres will
<ginzo_> he's very into hanging out with africans
<therdrai|> ha
<ginzo_> PR trip or something
<therdrai|> yea
<therdrai|> so he can say "look i'm not racist, fifty cents is one of my best friends"
Quote: 115473; Rating: 696; [+|-]
* Kep hugs awsome
* Kep quickly flips her over and punts over over the field goal... three points!
<Kep> woot! =)
<Kep> the keppies win the superbowl!
<Kep> =)
* Kep pokes aws
* Ghaurok|afk has joined #tz
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Ghaurok|afk
* Kep punts Ghaurok|afk through the field goal!
* [3x]Taenarin trys to punts Kep, but [3x]Taenarins foot gets stuck in Keps ass!
<[3x]Taenarin> HELP!
<[3x]Taenarin> GET IT OFF!
<Kep> =(
<Kep> HELP!
* Kep has quit IRC (Client Exiting)
<[3x]Taenarin> fucker, he stole my shoe =(
Quote: 115477; Rating: 385; [+|-]
<Tea_Bag> yo fox is Mulder your surname
<FoxMulder> Tea_Bag:
<FoxMulder> is Bag yours?
Quote: 115483; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<DontHurt> do i want to be here? :x
<DontHurt> ^^;;
<hakootoko> nah, you wanna be out having wild sex
<Tirith> wild sex... like... beastiality?
Quote: 115490; Rating: 243; [+|-]
<aen> That's weird. I thought someone told me .bins were better than .isos because you can repair them more easily or something, but also that it had compression.
<Gayo> He was a .bin propagandist, tricking you with his honeyed lies.
Quote: 115506; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<chris> i've been to a lan-party with 130 people on the weekend
<Matthew> Cool.
<Matthew> I have the internet.
<Matthew> It's one big lan party.
<Matthew> But the difference is...
<Matthew> You can jerk off, and no one knows.
<chris> true that
Quote: 115606; Rating: 310; [+|-]
<LaaG> i wonder if sponge bob has a square dick
Quote: 115625; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<Godspore> lmao, 3 1/2 floppy(a;) total size: 864GB, 224 objects...
<Boko> :O
<Godspore> XD thats once fuckt up bootdisc
Quote: 115626; Rating: 574; [+|-]
<Lailoken> On Cinemax tonight they're showing Shrek from 11:00 to 12:30 and then Best Sex Ever from 12:30 to 1:00.
<Lailoken> Somewhere in America parents leave their child to go to a dinner party, "Here honey, you just watch Shrek and we'll be home some time after midnight."
Quote: 115646; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<pathogen> <(^_^<)
<pathogen> (>^_^)>
<pathogen> kirby dances
<pathogen> for money
<pathogen> <(^_^<)
<pathogen> (>^_^)>
<pathogen> <(^_^<)
<pathogen> (>^_^)>
<pathogen> <(^_^<)
<pathogen> (>^_^)>
<pathogen> <(O_O)>
<pathogen> cha-cha-cha!
<kermit> gay
Quote: 115711; Rating: 353; [+|-]
[mdtown] I wouldn't screw Dionne Warwick with a 10-meter extendopenis.
[Jade Lotus] lol
[mdtown] You've never heard the term extendopenis before?
[mdtown] Well, welcome to a new level of human consciousness.
[mdtown] "Go Go Gadget Cock!"
Quote: 115726; Rating: 582; [+|-]
* |SiN| yawns.
* Asfand_Yar has quit IRC (
* mattsteg|mobile has quit IRC (
* paq_ has quit IRC (
* sleep|761 has quit IRC (
* |SiN| has quit IRC (
* Tang has quit IRC (
* rasp has quit IRC (
* hack|afk has quit IRC (
* thorak has quit IRC (
* Jim_ has quit IRC (
* kampf_wk has quit IRC (
* hack|afk has joined #2cpu
* Asfand_Yar has joined #2cpu
* mattsteg|mobile has joined #2cpu
* paq_ has joined #2cpu
* thorak has joined #2cpu
* rasp has joined #2cpu
* Tang has joined #2cpu
* kampf_wk has joined #2cpu
* |SiN| has joined #2cpu
* Jim_ has joined #2cpu
* sets mode: +oooo hack|afk kampf_wk |SiN| Jim_
* sleep|761 has joined #2cpu
<DracoDanMP> wow sin, you must have some nasty, nasty breathe
<DracoDanMP> you just blew half the channel away with a yawn
Quote: 115765; Rating: 626; [+|-]
<spungles> ooh
<spungles> hot chick in the park
<spungles> bbl
<moleman> WAIT
<moleman> give us a URL first!
<xanex> no
<xanex> I think he means IRL
Quote: 115781; Rating: 706; [+|-]
<noddy> oops, i banned tgo last night and forgot to remove it :/
<Mortarion> yes you did
<noddy> sorry dude :*(
<The_Gifted_One> yeah, u whore :P
<noddy> :/
<Mortarion> am i gonna have to start checking the ban list when i get up every morning again?
<noddy> again!?
<Mortarion> yes, when i first gave you ops i'd have to check the banlist, usually you hadn't banned anyone in particular, you'd just filled it up with crap banmasks
<Mortarion> i got up one morning and like 40 countries had been banned
<The_Gifted_One> ROFL
Quote: 115783; Rating: 857; [+|-]
<su-Septik> canada has a nuclear program?
<su-noel> yeah it's some old dood that survived chernobyl
<su-noel> we keep him in a box
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