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Quote: 87748; Rating: -155; [+|-]
<Logic_BomB> could you create an infinite loop with a jew if you put a quarter on one side of the room and a quarter on the other side of the room and told him he could only choose 1?
Quote: 87751; Rating: 758; [+|-]
<revmoo> download the cky movies, they are a lot better
<ImpLin> where i get those?
<revmoo> kazza mart
<ImpLin> wheres that?
<Geoff-> at the corner of kazzalite and google
<ImpLin> what town?
<Geoff-> takingthistoofar, USA
Quote: 87759; Rating: 909; [+|-]
<hawkman> my friend had a huge bloody nose in 11th grade, and he just shoved toilet paper up his nose until it stopped. then my friend grabbed a coat hanger out of his car (i'm not really sure why he had one), then we went into the girls bathroom and spread blood _ALL_ over one of the stalls, left the coat hanger
there, and put up a sign that said "please dont flush my baby"
Quote: 87809; Rating: 1100; [+|-]
<p_digga> oh god i'm dumb when i'm stoned
<j3r3miah> why
<p_digga> i lost something on my desk, and i couldn't find it, so i moved my ssh window on my computer desktop to see if it was under it
<j3r3miah> oh god
Quote: 87873; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<Fa||an> Steve Irwin
<Fa||an> Description: Ever since he walked in on his wife and an alligator having an affair, he hasn't been the same
<@Cyber|NWN> She loves the Croc ;)
Quote: 87981; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<jeff> A man goes into a pharmacy. He says to the druggist: "I need
<jeff> some birth control for my eleven-year-old daughter."
<jeff> "Is your little girl sexually active?" asks the druggist.
<jeff> "Nah, she just lays there like her mother."
<Wintermute> bring your family problems somewhere else
Quote: 88064; Rating: 210; [+|-]
<Diggy> rgr
<S5474> stfu
<trinity> ?
<Ne0N> IRC is a strange thing... thousands of users... yet less than 20 words said in a day
Quote: 88096; Rating: 426; [+|-]
<Howdizzle> I put the Laughter in Slaughter
Quote: 88200; Rating: 306; [+|-]
<Eternity> anyone got that year 3000 song on mp3 ?
<pb2k> the one about the year 3000 ??
<pb2k> lalalala ... year 3000 ... llalalalal ... etc one ??
<Eternity> yeah
<pb2k> sorry ... never heard of it ...
Quote: 88217; Rating: 875; [+|-]
<SomeRandom> Looks like Operation Iraqi Freedom is almost over.
<Diablo1399> Bah, "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is a shit name.
<SomeRandom> Well what would you call it then?
<Diablo1399> Why, "Operation Who's Your Baghdaddy" of course.
Quote: 88255; Rating: 104; [+|-]
<JoeMoFo> (clothing) FUBU = Farmers Used to Buy Us
Quote: 88262; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<Bmann> -sigh- was looking for my chap stick blindly and picked up a battery and started rubbing it on my lips
Quote: 88272; Rating: 189; [+|-]
<eye-dee-ten-tee> is this kazaa an indian program??
<eye-dee-ten-tee> I mean the name sounds like something from arabia
<Moo> Yeah.. president of Afghanistan, Hamid Kazaa
Quote: 88277; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<spacemank> I boiled an egg once, and only totally ruined one pot, one knife, and one spoon!
Quote: 88306; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<timmo> wtf you need resin for
<timmo> you have more pot then you can handle
<c-rOCK> im like an indian
<c-rOCK> I use all of the weed. time to hit my peace pipe, bitch.
Quote: 88313; Rating: 132; [+|-]
<b1u3> they should have a tv station that randomly joins and broadcasts dalnet rooms...nerds everywhere would afk irc to watch and judge other nerds from afar
Quote: 88314; Rating: 286; [+|-]
<b1u3> i got this college professor who forgets stuff all the time, every week, the first half of his routine is the ending half of the previous session
<b1u3> finally some dude jumped up and went 'yo man, you already told us about file transfer protocol', so the prof asks where we are, the guy tells him, the rest of the day runs smooth
<b1u3> now we're learning twice as much and the guy who spoke up got his car egged four fucken times this week, community college is da rulz
Quote: 88320; Rating: 170; [+|-]
|N3O| ([email protected]) is now known as windowsxp
<+windowsxp> thought a nick like this would be taken
<+windowsxp> guess whoevers computer who had this nick before crashed
Quote: 88324; Rating: 1326; [+|-]
<|Wolf|> So I meet this chick, right
<|Wolf|> And she's like "what do you want?"
<|Wolf|> So I say, "I wanna stick my little wood elf in your forest!"
<|Wolf|> And she's like "Die Fetcher!"
<|Wolf|> and I'm like "woah, bitch! calm yo' ho ass down!"
<|Wolf|> and i stab her in the face
<|Wolf|> and she dies
<|Wolf|> Then I'm like "told ya slut, don't mess with dis"
<|Wolf|> and i take her clothes and her money and leave her ass in a gutter
<|Wolf|> but instead of pawning the shit, i end up trying it on
<|Wolf|> and thats the story of how i got this cool green skirt in Morrowind
Quote: 88332; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<lichen> hahah i love spic
<lichen> me and him have this special bond
<Avram> KY jelly is a lubricant, not an adhesive
Quote: 88352; Rating: 662; [+|-]
<enderin> anybody knows what to do with freeCell other then watch the king's head move?
<kailus> enderin: move the cards around and hope for victory?
<enderin> what cards?
<shoonra> try starting a new game
<enderin> 1 sec
<kailus> Press F2
<DarkGildon> lol
<enderin> wow! full of cards!
* DarkGildon knows how play o.o
<uhuf> This didn't just happen...
<uhuf> Let me guess, he has no idea what the numbers in minesweeper are used for either, right?
<enderin> okey, too complicated..
<enderin> so, what do you do with the numbers at minesweeper?
<lphnt> XD
<ifireball> XD indeed
<lphnt> wow, and we didn't even get to hearts
<DarkGildon> Press F1
<enderin> where?
<lphnt> on the keyboard!!!
Quote: 88364; Rating: 100; [+|-]
<Azmodan> this is so useless
<Azmodan> 1 ping, 10 fps
Quote: 88367; Rating: 177; [+|-]
<+SROL> Megaman is REALLY hard to play without a gamepad
<+Redlof> what are you playing it with?
<+SROL> keyboard
<+Redlof> What? I love the keyboard.
<+Redlof> just pretend it's commander keen.
<+SROL> I can't get the hang of it
<+SROL> I'm used to playing it with my thumbs
<+SROL> So I picked up the keyboard and tried playing it with my thumbs :D
<+SROL> That didn't work :(
Quote: 88377; Rating: 431; [+|-]
<Rejo> cpufreak: The trouble with troubleshooting is that trouble sometimes shoots back.
Quote: 88378; Rating: 1039; [+|-]
<eViLegion> my brother was using Word, trying to edit the format of his text, and the bloody paperclip turns up instead... his voice command to it "piss off you little shit"... it deleted 2 paragraphs of text
Quote: 88379; Rating: 755; [+|-]
<Cow> i want to have sex with this girl so bad but she wont because of her relgion
<Dr_Kevorkian> She's Hindu obviously... cant have sex with cows
Quote: 88389; Rating: -2; [+|-]
<Born_In_East_LA_2> We should tell all the now free Iraqi people about how France wanted them to remain under Hussein's rule, so that way they'll raise their kids to hate France instead of us.
<uni> Yeah :)
<kuribo> yeah
<kuribo> but then the iraqi kids will go to france and confront them
<kuribo> and france will surrender
<kuribo> and then france will become new iraq
Quote: 88406; Rating: 349; [+|-]
<ORi0N> What good are you with a high IQ if you, for example, can't even tie your own shoe laces or something?
<BaToR> Ask that to Stephen Hawking :p
Quote: 88475; Rating: 297; [+|-]
<[Cable]KingKapalone2> anyone have a blackhawk down serial or key generator?
<Claus> 6uy-th3-m0v1e-1n5t3d
Quote: 88482; Rating: 1744; [+|-]
Unregistered> I think shes finally lost it...she sitting in the corner going *beep* *beep* and pretending shes a computer in the hope I will pay attention to her....
Quote: 88519; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<Cantu> whats a SARS? ;[
<FoshM|J1> =/
<FoshM|J1> true..
<acidangel> do u live in a cave cantu lol
<Cantu> n, los angeles
<Cantu> and i dont know all the cute little irc abbreviations anymore
Quote: 88527; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<over> k though... my best line ive said in an interview... they asked "what do u do if you explain something to somebody and they dont understand... what can u do to make them understand?"
<over> "say the exact same thing but louder"
<Unfy> hehe
<over> and the funny thing is that the interview i said that at was the one i got my internship at
Quote: 88528; Rating: 175; [+|-]
<Fark_Ninja> The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if it fouls up there's no law against wacking it around a little.
<Cerebus> The same is actually true for a penis.
Quote: 88535; Rating: 567; [+|-]
<KublaiKhan> Pedophiles are like the tortoise.
<KublaiKhan> They want to get there before the hare does.
Quote: 88536; Rating: 277; [+|-]
<GreenJeanz> Go gnaw on your delicious genitals, Squink.
<Squinky> If I could touch my mouth to my genitals, do you think I'd be HERE?
Quote: 88551; Rating: 1005; [+|-]
<Pie> I don't play with WD40 anymore. I actually managed to light a fish on fire. while it was underwater
Quote: 88560; Rating: 9; [+|-]
<grendal> what is it with Mexicans that they have to stand in the front yard?
<grendal> like ... frequently
<grendal> like... daily
<aNuBiS-> its cleaner than inside their house
Quote: 88569; Rating: 495; [+|-]
<Sabrejack> everything is generalized
Quote: 88572; Rating: 182; [+|-]
<seeksama> i think my semen is the color of the last gatorade i drank
<seeksama> like thos commericials with the guys sweating red
<seeksama> i can cum red if i drink the right gatorade
<seeksama> or purple
<seeksama> it owns
<Mikelite> ...
Quote: 88575; Rating: 10063; [+|-]
<Stormrider> I should bomb something
<Stormrider> ...and it's off the cuff remarks like that that are the reason I don't log chats
<Stormrider> Just in case the FBI ever needs anything on me
<Elzie_Ann> I'm sure they can just get it from someone who DOES log chats.
*** FBI has joined #gamecubecafe
<FBI> We saw it anyway.
*** FBI has quit IRC (Quit: )
Quote: 88600; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<Fredrik23> Wirre? ASL?
<wirre> sorry....only isdn
Quote: 88607; Rating: 161; [+|-]
hijak231: $795
hijak231: for a 1 meter long CABLE
hijak231: A PIECE OF WIRE
Kesk2501: Does it have a red "R" printed on it or something?
Kesk2501: Because Type "R" wire is faster.
hijak231: it must...i hope it fucking came with a fucking computer
Quote: 88623; Rating: 104; [+|-]
<Psychedelia> i live here with my two flatmates in one room, a small corridor and a toilet
<Psychedelia> i'm in poverty lol
<Abrid> ha ha! right on
<PornoFiend> Where's poverty? Is it nice?
Quote: 88627; Rating: 811; [+|-]
( @Kaygo ) Arguing with the ops is like shaking your fist at God. There's nobody there; and if there is, he's not listening. And if he's listening, all you're doing is pissing him off.
Quote: 88655; Rating: 414; [+|-]
<Angelic> the best ones are the people who call up claiming to be network admins
<Angelic> and you can tell its a total lie
<Angelic> I had a "network admin" call once stating that he had the house wired with cat5 when it was built
<Angelic> so he should be able to connect all 6 computers to the internet without a router ot hub
<Angelic> wanted to know why the tech insisted it couldnt be done
<Angelic> I asked him what was going to assign the dynamic addresses and he said the house
Quote: 88661; Rating: 1132; [+|-]
<jamz> hmm
<jamz> I have a bottle of waterless hand cleaner
<jamz> for car work and grease and stuff.
<jamz> It's almost empty.
<jamz> So, in order to stretch it out, I added some water to it.
<jamz> In retrospect, not the smartest thing to do.
<dan0_> this had better end with an explosion of some kind
<jamz> and there was a huge explosion that could be seen from space.
Quote: 88666; Rating: 774; [+|-]
<Draffa> it's sad. When I was 14/15/16, the hottest women were 25. Now that i'm 25, the hottest girls are 14/15/16 :(
Quote: 88683; Rating: 654; [+|-]
<OO7MIKE> superconducting is how you turn a 3ghz processor into a 30ghz processor
<OO7MIKE> which is my main research subject
<Rukee> how do you get it that cold and keep it that cold? Liquid nitrogen?
<pocketMidget> use a woman's heart as the heatsink
* pocketMidget rimshot
Quote: 88688; Rating: 292; [+|-]
<productiveslacker> what is the +v and +o and stuff, blood types?
Quote: 88709; Rating: 636; [+|-]
<-MIKE-> fuck i downloaded the movie but no sound or picture
<Patrick> that sucks.. so what the fuck did u download?? internet air?
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