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Quote: 49265; Rating: 135; [+|-]
<RetardedCrow> Crap, I put the head phones in, and I here "Anal beads, whatever. Now you can get realistic animal genitals. How bout a kangaroo penis?"
Quote: 49268; Rating: 41; [+|-]
* Potatocake wonders why the fuck he is listening to DDR songs
<cbf> double data rate is a band now?
<Potatocake> Dance Dance Revolution :P
Quote: 49271; Rating: 203; [+|-]
<Vexer`> i'm arabic / muslim
<Traktopel> im more muslim than you
<Vexer`> you are?
Quote: 49278; Rating: 139; [+|-]
<ctrlbreak> i went to Coles to get cigarettes
<ctrlbreak> but forgot what i went there for
<ctrlbreak> and came home with cordial and milk
<ctrlbreak> instead
<ctrlbreak> i feel ripped off
Quote: 49288; Rating: 131; [+|-]
<Morokiane> you go fishing for couches?u00a0 that's gotta suck
<Khe> you're telling me
<Khe> only got two catches last month
<Khe> had to throw the other one back, too small
<Morokiane> damn...bad day
<Khe> they bag you if you keep loveseats
<Morokiane> figures they wouldn't let you have the best
<Khe> cause then they can't go upsteam and spawn
* Morokiane makes note not to couch fish in Cali
<Khe> and you fsck with the population for next season
Quote: 49289; Rating: 16; [+|-]
[gsf]Tomato: It's only rape if you don't take them out to dinner first.
Quote: 49293; Rating: 209; [+|-]
MetalMantisX: ozzy's daughter obviously got none of her fathers talent
KennyGetsum: both of the kids look like the mom.. ud never guess they were even related to Ozzy
MetalMantisX: his other daughter looks like him though
MetalMantisX: the smart one, thats not on the show
KennyGetsum: ya cause she was concieved while ozzys blood alcohol content was under 20%
Quote: 49295; Rating: 323; [+|-]
<Japhro> I like my coffee like I like my women: $2.50
Quote: 49298; Rating: 274; [+|-]
<Tetsubo> ever wish you could just start life over cause you didn't know what to do the first time around and messed it all up?
<Tetsubo> why doesn't real life have a tutorial mode?
Quote: 49300; Rating: 159; [+|-]
<NikJam> gonna take a shower
<NikJam> cause i smell, i feel dirty, and worse of all
<NikJam> I have school tommorow
<NikJam> and I can't look bad in front of the girl at the counter
<Lime> you like her, dont you
<NikJam> well
<NikJam> there's noone else to like, i go to community college
<NikJam> i take what i can get
Quote: 49309; Rating: 365; [+|-]
<Mardom> what?
Quote: 49310; Rating: 333; [+|-]
<Gir> brb I gota get out of the shitter now.
<Mardom> what
<Mardom> the fuck
Quote: 49313; Rating: 210; [+|-]
<dustin> seti@home isn't actually doing anything worth while, they're just trying to see how many morons they can get to waste cpu cycles
<Teck7> no there doing a great thing
<dustin> when they finally do find intelligent life they're gonna come down and kick your ass for wasting cpu cycles
Quote: 49315; Rating: 128; [+|-]
<Nerd> IE closed while I was logging in and now when I try to open it, it triggers a fatal exception.
<MikeyPain> hmmm
<Nerd> I really don't want to be forced into using the AOL browser, damn it.
<MikeyPain> Does it say "Click Yes if you have a small penis?" and then won't let you click no?
<Nerd> Exactly.
Quote: 49317; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<CommanderStab> ARGH
<CommanderStab> It just dawned on me that the "pen" I was chewing was actually a pair of scissors @_@
<CommanderStab> It dawned on me when I cut my lip on them >_<
Quote: 49322; Rating: 81; [+|-]
<Lestat> I should invent a way to make porn into music.
<Matrix_McCloud> yes
<Lestat> So you could be rocking out and looking at porn at the same time.
<Matrix_McCloud> oh
<Lestat> By like, rocking out to porn.
Quote: 49323; Rating: 367; [+|-]
<CoRDS> there is a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore like an idiot.
Quote: 49325; Rating: 64; [+|-]
<FatZZ> sif vinc, you were just so uncool that even the magic players rejected you ;)
Quote: 49326; Rating: 182; [+|-]
<red_one> fear the wrath of the sexually frustrated op.
Quote: 49328; Rating: 292; [+|-]
<Tetsuo> Isn't using NOSPAM in a Hotmail address kind of like trying to stop a hurricane with plywood?
Quote: 49329; Rating: 321; [+|-]
<Ronwe> when I signed onto IRC I didn't expect to be involved in sodomy
<Ronwe> or incest....
<Ronwe> or be enjoying it....
Quote: 49336; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<Mhoram> I'll just say, anus is an aquired taste
Quote: 49341; Rating: -24; [+|-]
<Kamatz> Tails is cute. But I part of what I like about him is his innocense.
Quote: 49346; Rating: 317; [+|-]
<sampson> twisted my fuckin ankle...don't go to riots in birkenstocks
<sampson> they aren't good rioting shoes
Quote: 49347; Rating: 62; [+|-]
<Upth> did you know that the plastic used to make the keyboard keys warps when it gets wet and dries off?
<ChryoZach> Nope.
<Upth> my keys are beginning to wrinkle from sheer skin moisture.
<ChryoZach> And now I've learned something today.
<Upth> a bunch of the keys you can't even read anymore.
<ChryoZach> I don't know whether to laugh or feel really bad.u00a0 Wow.u00a0 This place really has made me numb.
Quote: 49349; Rating: 150; [+|-]
<Compute> man I'm going insane here..I hope katie decides not to go clubbing tomorrow night :|
<Mercster> com: so lay down the law and tell her not to go.
<Compute> merc:u00a0 I don't think she'd pay any attention ;)
* Mercster hands compute the pants.
Quote: 49355; Rating: 21; [+|-]
<TimboFinanceBlows> <---!!!!!
<HUGE_SUCKER> Is that supposed to be a dick, Timbo?u00a0 Because I read that (including your nick) as "Timbo Finance Blows Cock"
<TimboFinanceBlows> it would not be far off from teh truth
<Nicodemus> man... if that is supposed to be a dick, timbo needs to see the doctor
<TimboFinanceBlows> finance sucks my left nut
<HUGE_SUCKER> Of course, the fact that I see '<---!!!!!' and read 'cock' means I've been reading bash too much
Quote: 49363; Rating: 72; [+|-]
<@elf> my liver is more masculine than yours
<@Vexer`> my liver is a female.. ofcourse yours is..
<@Vexer`> but i bet mine is hot..
<@elf> of all the dumb things you've ever said, i think that's the dumbest.
<@Vexer`> i don't say many dumb things..
<@Vexer`> do i?
Quote: 49369; Rating: 123; [+|-]
<Ronwe> I think I've done one of the evillest things imaginable
<Ronwe> in my twins search I came across faked olsen twin porn
<D`mer> what?
<D`mer> ick
<Ronwe> I downloaded them
<Ronwe> so I went into channels on IRC the other night and said..
<Ronwe> If anybody is interested in some decent faked celeb pron to /msg me
<Ronwe> those who messaged me got olsen twin porn
<Ronwe> I'm banned from about 20 rooms in dalnet now
* Ronwe grins evilly
<D`mer> lol
Quote: 49377; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<Howard> My wife keeps getting sales calls on her cell.
<Howard> I picked it up this afternoon and told the salesperson "I need two things from you."
<Howard> "First, I need you to put me on the no-call list."
<Howard> "Second, I need your credit card number so I can charge you for calling me on this cell phone."
<Howard> They fell all over themselves apologizing and hung up.
Quote: 49393; Rating: -4; [+|-]
<PooJou> very very wrong
<milenko> btw, how did goatse start?
<Rainwulf> i think the only pic that ever really made me feel funny was that pic of the guy whose cock was split down the middle
<Rainwulf> that was..... not good
<Rainwulf> i mean wow, that must of hurt. fuck.
Quote: 49398; Rating: 180; [+|-]
<Nick> i go over my friends' houses with the sole intention of eating their food.
Quote: 49409; Rating: 36; [+|-]
<pr0tman> my gpa was in airforce. flew u2 n shit in cold war
<sn1per> i don't like u2...none of their music is any good
Quote: 49425; Rating: 14; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #athlon
*** Topic is '<pitz_> just good ol fashioned diesel talk <---Iu00a0 thought this was Taxi Cab Confessions?'
*** Set by [email protected] on Tue Nov 26 23:37:20
<Weng> Diesel talk: What goes on in truck stop diners when teenage prostitutes are absent
<Weng> Suddenly, pitz appears out of nowhere and refutes the idea that semis use true diesel because there is no "Freightliner FL70 TDI"
Quote: 49429; Rating: 186; [+|-]
shocka: God should have put women's eyeballs in their boobs
Quote: 49438; Rating: 204; [+|-]
<Rogue> lol @ my dads message just sent to me
<Rogue> "Press down if you think your gay"
<Rogue> i pressed down
<Rogue> "You fucking faggot"
<Rogue> he is an asshole
* Rogue slaps his dad
Quote: 49441; Rating: 286; [+|-]
<+sp0re> most CS players are illiterate
<+sp0re> infact nearly everyone on the internet is
<@nem0r> sp0re
<@nem0r> its alliterate
<+sp0re> no
<+sp0re> illiterate
<@nem0r> nah
<@nem0r> alliterate
<+sp0re> shut up
<+[IRF]Peng> illiterate nem0r :P
<+DCCwis> <nem0r> alliterate
<+DCCwis> lol
<+sp0re> he's a n00b
<@nem0r> smb
<+DCCwis> so if you were sick you'd say i'm "all"
<@nem0r> forget it
<@nem0r> fucking n00b clan anyway
* Parts: nem0r ([email protected])
<+sp0re> you can tell the CS players from a mile
Quote: 49446; Rating: 283; [+|-]
<radiohead> hey emp
<Emperor3D> i'd fuck her
<photons> hahah
<Emperor3D> and cum on her tummy and face.
<photons> did you go all the way down..
<photons> brrwwahahaha
<radiohead> would you cum on her dick too?
<Emperor3D> :(
Quote: 49449; Rating: 274; [+|-]
<sad|st> grrrrrrrr
<sad|st> im going to *kill* my ex
<TblunT> good
<TblunT> ex's suck
<TblunT> fuck em
<sad|st> i spend 20 mins making fresh whipped cream every year and she demands i put Cool MotherFucking Whip on her shit
<sad|st> %&)%&*%&
<TblunT> sounds like the cream isn't the only thing whipped y0
Quote: 49462; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<energize> i just cant' think of anything to code
<pantherqs> code some porn
<energize> how the fuck do you code porn?
<Linkadmin> haha I wish I knew
<Linkadmin> but it would be cool... a random porn scene generator
<pantherqs> that'd be sweet... have the program randomly insert a chick's body with randomly generating tit size, hair color, shaved or not shaved.. then have a whole slew of randomly chosen actions... suck, fuck, bukakke.... oh man. i wish i could code.
Quote: 49468; Rating: 71; [+|-]
<Targen> I'm using a particular method to take the gas out of my coke that involves sinking the bottle's head somewhat deeply into my mouth...and some of the coke was dripping out because of a miscalculation.
<Targen> and my hand was right next to my nose
<Targen> I don't think I have to tell you what my hand smells like
<Targen> but the point is... eww, I will never use this method again
<Ender_Ray> thats what you get for having oral sex with a coke bottle :
Quote: 49470; Rating: 28; [+|-]
<jkl> umm.. I felt a slight fastening of my heartbeat...
<jkl> but that coulda been cause i farted :\
Quote: 49471; Rating: 222; [+|-]
*** Set by JoeMustDie on Tue Nov 12 18:34:04
*** Sopabuena changes topic to ' | I WILL ASK THIS FOX FOR GUIDANCE 4818'
*** Squinky changes topic to ' | WISDOM SHALL BE RECEIVED'
<Sopabuena> No keep that number there
*** Sopabuena changes topic to ' | WISDOM SHALL BE RECEIVED 4818'
<Squinky> What is the number?
<Sopabuena> part of a phone
<Sopabuena> i put it there or i will forget to call
<Squinky> Hee!
<Squinky> You may be addicted when you use channel topics as reminder notes
Quote: 49472; Rating: 85; [+|-]
<DiamonDie> why does asl matter?
<enzo_> age,sex ,location?
<DiamonDie> yes i know, i've irced since '97, but why does it matter?
<enzo_> because i am n ot gay!
<enzo_> and i do not chat with men!
Quote: 49474; Rating: 38; [+|-]
<sk8er^BzY> But i want to have Sex
<sk8er^BzY> when i press sex
Quote: 49476; Rating: 248; [+|-]
<Byte> i cant find a good isp :(
<Byte> looked good
<Byte> but 30 hours/week...
<Byte> i use at least 56 hours
<Byte> per day
Quote: 49477; Rating: 292; [+|-]
<aNuBiS-> she humps me from behind sometimes tho
<aNuBiS-> as a joke
<aNuBiS-> when shes walking behind me
<JayWhoa> she wants to be a man
<JayWhoa> a gay man
<pagan> its all fun and games untill soemone gets their anus poked out
Quote: 49480; Rating: 148; [+|-]
<+Zebz> someone should plot a graph of how much money each of these nigerian emails is offering against time
<+Zebz> I think it's some kind of hidden message
Quote: 49481; Rating: 66; [+|-]
Quote: 49483; Rating: 138; [+|-]
<[-FcG-]Digger>u00a0 Let's all hold hands and sing...on second thought, let's wait until Soad washes his hands.
<[-FcG-]SOAD17[-RawR-]> i don't f@p THAT much :/
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