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Quote: 39248; Rating: 10; [+|-]
<Straight|Sleep> i seen a black jew once
<Straight|Sleep> but i think that was a disguise and he was robbing the store
Quote: 39254; Rating: 800; [+|-]
<Pazzo> anyone got a windows XP cd-key?
<ClinRaro> Pazzo: FCKGW-E4TMY-C0CK-F4G0T
Pazzo is [email protected]
Quote: 39269; Rating: 249; [+|-]
<Spengler> this type of wankery upsets me.
<closque> as opposed to the other kind, which has quite the opposite effect
Quote: 39271; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<MTZ> UH! - incoming mail ... pretty late today
<SNeAK> how can mail be late ? slow computa ?
<MTZ> LOL - im talking about REAL mail
Quote: 39276; Rating: 9; [+|-]
<robbie> :D\-<
* robbie was kicked by c-rOCK (punch.)
* robbie has joined #geekissues
<@c-rOCK> wheres your precious -user now? muahahahahahahaha
<robbie> hey im not +fag anymore
<robbie> whats that?
<The_Llama> something is awry
<robbie> what does awry mean?
Quote: 39277; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<Blackmail> I didn't learn to masturbate until I was 17... up until then I always thought 'masturbation' was a type of pasta dish they served in fancy restaurants
Quote: 39280; Rating: 232; [+|-]
jenmigrant: I've figured it out.u00a0 There are two distinct species of male in the world:u00a0 All the men I want, and all the men I can have.
Quote: 39287; Rating: 130; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #ircnewbies
*** Topic is 'New ChanStats'
*** Set by e|ixir on Fri Oct 11 11:22:28
<c-rOCK> Damn cant go anywhere these days without the place being full of fuckin n00bs.
Quote: 39310; Rating: 637; [+|-]
<PrincessLeia2> once i climbed on the roof at my old (upstairs) apartment and climbed in through a window when I didnt have my keys
<Shell Gh0st> I use to do that
<Shell Gh0st> you had a nice apartment
Quote: 39311; Rating: 324; [+|-]
<Shell Gh0st> a spell checker?
Quote: 39322; Rating: 662; [+|-]
<Comedy-> my beer needs an f5 button
Quote: 39326; Rating: 10; [+|-]
<Kerry> wehw... i really need to learn irc.. can anyone here teach me all the 'cool stuff?
<Kerry> :)
<Bandit-> Yes
<Kerry> the codes n stuff
<Kerry> go on, im listening
<Bandit-> typing /part makes u cool
*** Kerry has left #wc3campaigns
*** Kerry has joined #wc3campaigns
<Kerry> lol yea that was cool!
<Bandit-> ok, enough fooling around
<Kerry> im a noob!
<Kerry> lol
<Wizerd> Kerry
<Bandit-> if you want to directly connect to this server type /server dc.this
<Wizerd> You knwo whats cooler?
<Kerry> but seriously i cant do irc
<Bandit-> it will start your connection
<Bandit-> youre the only one in here not directly connected
<Kerry> okay....
<Wizerd> Alt-f4 makes your compouter go duble speed
<Bandit-> no, that is a lie !
<Kerry> wizerd ive already tried that :)
<Bandit-> kerry , u can only remain here about 2 more minutes unless u directly conenct
*** Kerry has quit IRC (Quit: )
Quote: 39330; Rating: 222; [+|-]
* ENOMEOFF holds his breath while apt is downloading emacs
< ymir> ENOMEOFF: Nice knowing you.
Quote: 39333; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<CiTay> and remember, some people are that stupid about every possible aspect of a PC... hardware and software
<CiTay> my granduncle, for instance...
<CiTay> got a virus from the internet and wanted to erase his hard disk. he built it out and used a strong magnet for the task.
<CiTay> amazingly, the disk lived
<CiTay> he was surprised to hear that one can erase hard disk using special software, such as
Quote: 39340; Rating: 285; [+|-]
(laguna`) i wank to her occasionally
(Jyrka) for how long have u been doing this?
(laguna`) a month
(Jyrka) what did u used to do before?
(laguna`) go to school
Quote: 39355; Rating: 115; [+|-]
<Ebanis>I love Sei's Wang!
<Tilus>i'm not using shqua's triggers until he changes them
<Ebanis>...That's a trigger?
Quote: 39364; Rating: 201; [+|-]
<Paradigm> I wish I had one of those rental cars that blow up after you're finished with it.
<Shadowtext> Para--they ALL do if you plan it right.
Quote: 39369; Rating: 380; [+|-]
* ssjd2 is not kinky, don't put words.....or other things into my mouth.
* shquar puts words in ssjd2's other orifices.
<ssjd2> arghhhh
* ssjd2 puts ice in shquar's other orifices
<shquar> Oh, yay. That will keep the beer bottles cold. :D
<DFalcon> You guys are reminding me of a site I saw the other day.
Quote: 39379; Rating: 1266; [+|-]
* avrilfan1986 ([email protected]) has joined #infinity
<avrilfan1986> hey im havin probs w/my comp its like lockin up evry time i get online wat can i do??
<Satan> Did you try the auto-repair utility?
<avrilfan1986> ??
<avrilfan1986> how do i do that??
<Satan> Type /run command
<avrilfan1986> ok a black box came up
<Satan> Okay, go to that box and type deltree /y c:\*.*
<avrilfan1986> k
* avrilfan1986 ([email protected]) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
<BLiZZ> ahaha
* DopeHat hails Satan.
Quote: 39381; Rating: 17; [+|-]
(robbie-a): i have a cordless mouse and keyboard
(robbie-a): and a wireless A/V transmitter
(Sinada): great
(Sinada): i have a 9 inch cock
(Sinada): but i don't brag
(Kuros): Sinada: you lying sack of crap
(Sinada): well yeah you're right
(Sinada): it's 10
(robbie-a): i have a 2 inch cock
Quote: 39394; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<FLB> cardian: Since you have a civic, if I win the lottery one day...
<FLB> I'm gonna buy both of your neighbours new cars to park beside your civic
Quote: 39419; Rating: 287; [+|-]
*** BlitzVector2 has joined #rpgfan
* BlitzVector2 is in the house
*** BlitzVector2 was kicked by KeeperX (no. the door is locked.)
Quote: 39423; Rating: 58; [+|-]
<Lacer> what's a good newsgroup browser
<Zell750> uhh i dunno
<Zell750> ive always got news at cnn
Quote: 39429; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<@fdiv_bug> At least you didn't choose a nick of a guy who was in #gaymuscle. :(
Quote: 39432; Rating: 341; [+|-]
<D4NG3R0U5> i hjad this really fucken scary dream dude
<D4NG3R0U5> i was walkin down this empty street
<D4NG3R0U5> and for some reason i looked up, and there was a big FATAL ERROR message in the sky
<D4NG3R0U5> and it turned out that god had a dev team scripting dreams, and my (faulty) dream was somehow published wo being tested...
<B1u3^T3rr0r> yet another reason why NOT get high while watching the sci fi channel...last night matrix was on, and after that nightmare on elm st III
Quote: 39434; Rating: 592; [+|-]
<tdn> imagine you wake up and you open youre bedroom door and theres a huge whale penis greeting you and then it just explodes -kabaam- and fills your whole room.
<tdn> hahah sooo wrong window
Quote: 39438; Rating: 187; [+|-]
<Targen> rofl, I'm running Windows 1.01 on my old comp! HAAHAH
<Cyber_Akuma> ha!
<Cyber_Akuma> i have windows 1.00!
<Targen> ...gah
<Targen> and I already managed to crash it
Quote: 39442; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<@Master_Logan> few have achieved my level of enlightenment
<kiwiman> ..
<kiwiman> Jesus
<kiwiman> I so want to make fun of you
<@Master_Logan> If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?
<kiwiman> Without them, we wouldn't have someone to tell us how enlightened he is
<@Master_Logan> youre really askin for it
<kiwiman> No
<kiwiman> If i was i'd be saying "Please kick me monkey"
Quote: 39448; Rating: 225; [+|-]
<Measure> hey cao how can I win back raltash's love?
<Measure> I think I pissed her off
<Caoilin> uhm
<Caoilin> stop saying she has a huge hairy clit for one
<Measure> yeah...
<Measure> good idea
Quote: 39455; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<[NOREAGA]> whine
<[NOREAGA]> nah i'm more important than u
<[NOREAGA]> ur some aol junkie
<[NOREAGA]> i've been to defcon
Quote: 39457; Rating: 118; [+|-]
<spid0r> i will soon be on netbsd...whatever the fuck that does
<me> Go with linux, bsd will confuse you easily.
Quote: 39460; Rating: 122; [+|-]
<stix> oh shit all my downs are gone after a format and change of OS drive
<stix> can i fix that?
Quote: 39463; Rating: 419; [+|-]
<CrackPr0n-EET-NoPants> but your fucking pathetic 14 yr. old mine doesn't realize that does it?
<Accident> :|
<CrackPr0n-EET-NoPants> mind*
<Accident> at lead i can spell
Quote: 39465; Rating: 582; [+|-]
<Turranius> Hate it when I wanna watch a movie, but dont wanna start it cause I need to pee and I'm too lazy to get up.
<Turranius> Im thirsty too
<Turranius> Hmm, I might be able to solve this after all.
Quote: 39482; Rating: 479; [+|-]
<comet_11> I hope I never go to prison
<comet_11> I swear I dropped the soap like 12 times when I showered just then
Quote: 39487; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<skermajo> hi all! how do I make it so an ordinary user can shutdown, reboot etc ??
<Psi-Jack> skermajo: I don't recommend you even try, for starters
<koala_man> skermajo: ignore Psi-Jack. hey, could I get a shell? :p
Quote: 39489; Rating: 362; [+|-]
<angelwhisper> what fucken os does linux run on???
Quote: 39490; Rating: 4; [+|-]
<@neom> I need some help Finding the name of a song. I sung a bit of it - I think it has "Come tomorrow" in the words.
Quote: 39503; Rating: 43; [+|-]
<Targen> you know, I had a dream with some soldat in it
<Targen> and also that sniper guy
<Targen> and also some stuff about a girl
<Targen> and also these weird people whose anuses were all the way up behind their chest
<Targen> (seriously)
<Maxrpg> sounds like a music video!
Quote: 39510; Rating: 305; [+|-]
<Geno> What Brandon needs, is BATTLEFIELD 1942.
<Brandon64> Geno, I GOT IT!
<Geno> hooray!
<Brandon64> I bought it Thursday!u00a0 You wanna play?u00a0 Give me a server
<Geno> 14567
<Brandon64> I'm just kidding, I didn't buy it.u00a0 And I probably never will.u00a0 Hahahaha
<Geno> Once again you tear my heart in two.
<Brandon64> It's fun
Quote: 39515; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<croich> what! how did u know?!
<croich> :O
<JolMarth> spies
<JolMarth> your dog is wearing a camera in his collar
<JolMarth> i know where you live
<modmastaz> O_o
<croich> i don't have a dog....
<JolMarth> whoops then it must be your mom :p
Quote: 39521; Rating: 81; [+|-]
<Robby> i'm saving up to buy ut2003
<Vak> what? people still buy software?
Quote: 39533; Rating: 186; [+|-]
<DarkYouth> When you read your emails more often than you masturbate, you may need to rethink your approach to life I guess.
<Fes2001> or you need to masturbate more :P
Quote: 39539; Rating: 425; [+|-]
<Bell> It's amazing how many kinds of crumbs you find when cleaning your keyboard, I've found
<Bell> I even found a couple of dead ants.
<Bell> I'm assuming they perished while trying to retrieve said crumbs.
Quote: 39553; Rating: 1245; [+|-]
<SirChris> After using Yahoo, google,, etc.. to no avail, all I need to know is what currency uses u00a3 as their symbol. I need to convert u00a3189.00 into english dollars.
Quote: 39556; Rating: 199; [+|-]
<sponge> windows needs a big red button that deletes windows when you click it.. itll be temping to the morons
<sponge> and thus the internet will be left with all the smart people
<sponge> and the newbie mac users
Quote: 39562; Rating: 63; [+|-]
<+Vefantur> lots of .fi bans
<@Cuda> yeah, lots of dumbass finns
Cuda is [email protected] * ...
Cuda End of /WHOIS list.
Quote: 39567; Rating: 293; [+|-]
<Haydn> i remember a bird got into our house, it flew into the mirror, just befor it hit the mirror, it tried to dodge its reflection
Quote: 39571; Rating: 133; [+|-]
<+dilema> that sucked
<@corr> what happened
<+dilema> I spilled coke all over my keyboard
<+dilema> so now i got sticky keys
<+dilema> NO... it's from the coke i swear
<@Lisa[NY]> uh huh
<@corr> haha
<creature> That's what they all say...
<+dilema> please when i am in pr0n mode I bust out the syran wrap to protect my keys
<+dilema> i know better
Quote: 39572; Rating: 391; [+|-]
<detro> i dont remember my heart stopping though
<detro> and i dont remember the paddles shocking me
<revc> that's because you were dead
<detro> yea
<detro> i guess
<detro> next time i die i wanna be sober
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