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Quote: 38491; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<@Godfather_> ?? french army
<AnswerBook> french army: undefined term
<@Godfather_> lol
<@Godfather_> exactly!!!!
Quote: 38500; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<LunchBox> i'm not all that intoxicating
<LunchBox> er, intoxicated. i think i just disproved my point.... :(
Quote: 38503; Rating: 545; [+|-]
<27946889> hola.
<Losifer> Do I know you?
<27946889> No, I found you on random chat.
<27946889> What, just because you don't know someone you won't talk to them?
<Losifer> Pretty much.u00a0 This is my work account.u00a0 I conduct business through this account.u00a0 I don't have time to chat.
<27946889> Sorry.
<27946889> i think you're very rude
<Losifer> That's interesting.u00a0 I find it more rude to continue to send unsolicited messages to a stranger once you've been told that the stranger in question isn't interested in talking to you.
<27946889> why are you in such a bad mood, you are so young, sorry that i thought it would be nice to talk to you because i saw your info and i found you interesting,,,
<Losifer> I'm in a bad mood because I'm working and you keep interrupting me.u00a0 Please go away.
<27946889> so where do you work?
<27946889> let me ask you something, how come it says satan ate your ears in your info?
Quote: 38506; Rating: 50; [+|-]
<Damanique> The only thing to ph34r is peer itself!
Quote: 38511; Rating: -14; [+|-]
<deathr0w-> i fuck decent looking women
<SForce> i fuck hotties
<SForce> thats the difference between us
<SForce> there's no hotties in thailand
<SForce> i've seen the pictures of those cyclops looking lazy eyes bitches you bring home
<deathr0w-> yeah there is
<SForce> not in your house
<SForce> and you know what we call the few you have there?
<SForce> Americans
Quote: 38516; Rating: 163; [+|-]
<strego> sweet the hot girl just came to visit
<strego> and I was all like "hey, baby! I've got Pez" and she was all like "Aw Yeah"
<kingBooze> so did you guys do it?
<strego> well she "ate my Pez", if you know what I mean
Quote: 38525; Rating: 117; [+|-]
<willyy> licq:u00a0 [ERR] Unable to load plugin (qt-gui): /usr/local/lib/licq/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
<willyy> which is the problem ?
<Lion-O> willyy: you're missing a file.
<willyy> which ?
<loply> willyy: Isnt that a tad obvious? ;)
Quote: 38529; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<Razzar> Gamer dead after 86 hours of straight gaming
<Razzar> lol
<Smax> darwin awards candidate
<Razzar>u00a0 Hope he got some good frags
Quote: 38539; Rating: 374; [+|-]
<+JerryGodd> last time i lost internet i made a kid
Quote: 38543; Rating: 164; [+|-]
* Protozoa has quit IRC (Killed (Ukyo (<No reason given>)))
<Ukyo> gah
<Ukyo> damn misclicks
Quote: 38552; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<[TX]-KnacK> I removed irc from the office and saw a 300% increase in productivity
Quote: 38556; Rating: 432; [+|-]
<DaveMan> if a cop ever shoots, he/she means to kill
<DaveMan> standard practice is two at the torso, then try to put one in the head
<jitspoe> getting shot twice in the torso would suck
<Fryth> getting one would be a breeze, though
<jitspoe> Fryth: that only drops me to 60 health
Quote: 38565; Rating: 120; [+|-]
<KrayZie> you know what pisses me off
<KrayZie> all those damn contests that offer as their grand prizes and all expenses paid vacation to hawaii.
<KrayZie> funny part is, contests in hawaii offer that as their prizes as well
Quote: 38569; Rating: 3; [+|-]
<robbie-a> for shure
<orion> sure*
<orion> ;[
<robbie-a> really?
<robbie-a> sure?
<robbie-a> fuck thats whack
Quote: 38573; Rating: 279; [+|-]
<Marcus> Heaven has no videogames. I saw for myself. It's just a bunch of old guys in tunics, laughing cause nobody has been admitted for the last three centuries.
Quote: 38579; Rating: 2146; [+|-]
<TheThree> your special?
<Mj> you're
<TheThree> sorry my grammer sucks
<Mj> grammar
<TheThree> as dose my spelling
<Mj> does
<TheThree> i give up
<Mj> I
Quote: 38580; Rating: 22; [+|-]
<Opie> tell her to sing on aol
<Puck> To sing on AOL?
<Opie> that is all she has
<Puck> I didn't know you could sing on AOL
<Urban> Keyword: Karaoke
Quote: 38597; Rating: 794; [+|-]
<JtotheD> do you even know what mecca is
<Loopy1> yea
<Loopy1> a robot that people fight in
Quote: 38614; Rating: 94; [+|-]
<FLB> v700s?
<Syfoon> Sony headphones
<FLB> Ahh
<FLB> What is so custom about them?
<Syfoon> u00a3100 :)
<Syfoon> well
<Syfoon> they should be silver....
<Syfoon> but picotto has his custom coloured by sony
<Syfoon> to be green and yellow
<FLB> Ahh.
<FLB> So they are better, like a ricer, right?
<FLB> Green and yellow makes them pound harder?
Quote: 38617; Rating: 534; [+|-]
<Rav3n> if eminem had a 15 year old sister, she would look like this$$~4AAACAAAAEVyAFyBKsl7uXPmYHd1ECNoIXtgGXx*RzqyY$
<kluster> that's the weirdest ascii art i saw in ages
<kluster> oh, it is a link. nm
Quote: 38618; Rating: 291; [+|-]
Quit: FliPmodE`[email protected] Kill by OperServ (You are banned from this network: Harassing opers on this network is not allowed. If you feel this akill is in error, GO FUCK YOURSELF AND DIE BITCH (ID: =ZYJgAzlVFwPzgQ<))
Quote: 38636; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<Threeboy> neeks. i hate it when i type "~" by accident.
<Threeboy> it makes me question my sexuality.
Quote: 38638; Rating: 131; [+|-]
*** Joins: Mikey ([email protected])
<Mikey> Whoops, gotta go to a meeting, sorry guys
*** Quits: Mikey
<Fayn> Poor guy...
Quote: 38640; Rating: 1065; [+|-]
<Myren> someone ping flood this bastard please:
<darthv> ok
*** darthv has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Quote: 38645; Rating: 215; [+|-]
<KamiNoBaka> like a version, wooo, ctcp'd for the very first time
Quote: 38646; Rating: 690; [+|-]
<@Adam>Wow, this apple sure does look good...
<@Eve>No Adam!
* @Adam eats the apple.
*** @God sets mode: -oo Adam Eve
Quote: 38659; Rating: 2128; [+|-]
<wangsta`> damnit
<wangsta`> how the fuck do i turn that off
<wangsta`> everytime someone pastes a link it pops up
<@Ele|HW> oh?
Quote: 38667; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<Xerox> Apparently NOBODY wants to be a librarian in Compton.
<ToastyGhost> Because it's a do-nothing job
<ToastyGhost> "6:00 - showed up, unlocked. 9:45 - dodged gunfire. 14:06 - the police called, asking for a witness. 20:00 - close"
Quote: 38687; Rating: 351; [+|-]
<Creedy> fucking jesus
<Creedy> i have to kill that bitch
<logicalentity> jesus?
<logicalentity> the romans beat ya
Quote: 38697; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<GenLeo> I had sex in 5th grade, 6th grade, 8th grade, and sophomore year
<GenLeo> er, sex ed even
Quote: 38699; Rating: 881; [+|-]
<Jikg> Might anyone have a CD burner that could answer a few quick questions?
<SinclairC> my CD burner doesn't talk to strangers
<SinclairC> >:(
Quote: 38703; Rating: 299; [+|-]
*** MC-Magical_Tetris_Challenge is now known as MC-MarioGolf
<Magisa> do you like
<Magisa> run all the way over to the computer to change your away nick every time you put a new cart in your n64
Quote: 38705; Rating: 448; [+|-]
<Jade> they should make a chinese scrabble
<Jade> you have 40000 tokens and they all spell words
Quote: 38716; Rating: 195; [+|-]
<Loopster> im acculy very smart
Quote: 38717; Rating: 345; [+|-]
<Foxworth> well, I just saw an ad for a birth control patch
<TRC> yeah
<TRC> they have had it for a while
<Stom> does it go over the vagina?
Quote: 38719; Rating: 276; [+|-]
*** ProgrammerX ([email protected]) has joined #vgmusic
<ProgrammerX> Hey, anyone in here want to cyber with a male?
<TriforceOfMusic> ?
<TriforceOfMusic> what do you mean?
<ProgrammerX> Cyber.
<TriforceOfMusic> ...?
<ProgrammerX> You know....cyber sex? sex over the internet?
<Shosuro-chan> jesus fucking christ, who advertized this place to an AOL chatroom
Quote: 38722; Rating: 777; [+|-]
*** Alluro95-School ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: typos sick)
*** Alluro95-School ([email protected]) has joined #vgmusic
<Alluro95-School> I mean
*** Alluro95-School ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: typos suck)
Quote: 38725; Rating: 313; [+|-]
<CLIP3r> PLease can anybody help me how can I unpack this?u00a0 mysql-3.23.52-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz
<stuu> CLIP3r: tar only works on versions of mysql earlier than 2.01.15 i think theres another command though, i'm not sure
<Apollo-> stuu: So, tar doesn't work on any tar files that have mysql in the filename?
<stuu> Apollo-: as long as the version number isn't higher than what i speacified it should be fine
<Apollo-> stuu: I see
<Apollo-> stuu: DO you have clue why tar wouldn't untar a file called mysql-3.23.52-pc-linux-gnu-i686.tar.gz? what if I just named the file this and it was really something else?
<stuu> Apollo-: it examines the binary information stored in the files boot sector
<Apollo-> stuu: the tar file has a boot sector?
<Apollo-> stuu: So, I can boot to it?
<stuu> Apollo-: oh yeah, well no tar uses it to boot
<Apollo-> stuu:'re full of knowledge, I had not clue tar had to go through a boot process to be able to work
<stuu> Apollo-: oh yeah, thats just the start
Quote: 38732; Rating: 218; [+|-]
*** God was kicked by BlackYoshi (AHAHAHAHA!!!!)
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o BlackYoshi
<BlackYoshi> I guess that's what I get for kicking god. =(
Quote: 38740; Rating: 626; [+|-]
<Daffman> just hold ctrl b4 you start copying and it will take the color codes too
<dannthr> wheres the b4 button
<Daffman> [dannthr] right next to the any key
Quote: 38753; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<DF> Does anybody here live in a dorm ? That would be so cool living right near your mates 24/7
<Cav> i boarded for year 12
<Cav> it was interesting but a pain in the arse
<Cav> err
<Cav> i better change that reply :)
Quote: 38755; Rating: 173; [+|-]
Ibor132: what network u on?
engel of nien: my asshole
Ibor132: efnet then?
Quote: 38758; Rating: 1052; [+|-]
*** Joins: homoman (----------)
<eMans> homoman!
<limpBiz> homoman!!
<hexogan> homoman!
<osiris> homomannn!
<tuckawar> homoman!!
*** Quits: homoman (-------------) (jesus u guys are weird)
Quote: 38759; Rating: 508; [+|-]
<Match> eyeglass repair kits are so retarded
<H4Z3> how so?
<Match> if someone needs to fix their glasses, then obviously they cant see too well. if they know this, why would they make them so fucking small and hard to find?
<H4Z3> umm... cuz then it would be a normal screwdriver
<Match> thats not what i mean. i know that they have to be small, but why cant they make them more visible. like packaging them in bright red
<Match> or putting one of those things on them that when you clap it beeps
<H4Z3> cuz that would seem equally retarded. just imagine someone walking around their house, squinting and claping repeatedly.
<H4Z3> 'what the hell are you doing?'u00a0 'Oh, I just need to fix my glasses.'
Quote: 38772; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<RichiH> yay
<RichiH> my glasses have arrived
<RichiH> this will give me at least 13 geek points
Quote: 38787; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<+Ava|anch3> i was just banned from a hacker channel
<+Ava|anch3> i told him in german that i am his god
<+Ava|anch3> and he understood it
<+Ava|anch3> then i told him i loved him
<+Ava|anch3> and he loves me
[+cerb] hehehe
<+Ava|anch3> now hes packeting me :/
Quote: 38796; Rating: 582; [+|-]
<sparcv9> i'm such a dick
<sparcv9> someone came into my office to ask me if i had a sheet of paper, so he could make a temporary CD sleeve
<sparcv9> so i did an:
<sparcv9> echo " " | lpr
<sparcv9> and said "sure, go pick it up off the printer"
Quote: 38815; Rating: 441; [+|-]
<rhraz_w3rk> recession? pshh, i haven't seen one hobo yet!
<ESD-Wyrk> that's cause you need to go outside to see one
<ESD-Wyrk> most of them aren't 'online'
Quote: 38819; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<KeeperX> "Your profession puts you in a position to be interested in both technology and biosecurity issuesu0097so weu0092ve arranged with COMDEX to offer you a free All-Access Pass when you register by midnight, EST, Friday, October 11. "
<KeeperX> wtf
<KeeperX> i write about video games
<KeeperX> how does that make me interested in biosecurity issues?
<Legacy> You've played RE right?
Quote: 38825; Rating: 286; [+|-]
<revc> asphinctersayswhat?
<Daedalus> what?
<revc> heehee
<Daedalus> ?
<revc> asphinctersayswhat?
<Daedalus> what the hell are you saying
<Daedalus> whats an asphincter
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