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Quote: 38831; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<Tarl> Never try and whack off to TV commercials btw.
<Tarl> Because eventually, the old republican woman will come on to bitch about demoncrats while you're doing it.
<Tarl> And you'll just explode, in a bad way.
Quote: 38833; Rating: 211; [+|-]
<Siidu> What's with the best taste thingie on these cans of pepsi? Has anyone done this? And waited for the date?
<Siidu> This one says... March 10th of 2003
<Elexion> .....
<Elexion> I think that's when it expires, Pete. That's why no one waits that long.
<Siidu> Eh..
<Siidu> Okay.
<Siidu> lol.
Quote: 38838; Rating: 433; [+|-]
<ANonRhymingNick> Messed my english teacher up friday when we were writing that essay..
<ANonRhymingNick> She was like "what school did you come from?" "Live Oak." "Ahh..That's why you don't have a problem with this kind of stuff." "No, I don't have a problem with this stuff because I got most of my education outside of Louisiana" "*silence*"
Quote: 38858; Rating: 1934; [+|-]
<rompiku> I think I am going to wait until the hacker is in my computer, then I will disconnect from the internet and trap him inside
Quote: 38872; Rating: 269; [+|-]
* Andrew has quit IRC (Quit: In the year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland, starving and outnumbered, charged the fields at Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets. They fought like Scotsmen. And won their freedom.)
<Mank> Andrew's quit makes me want to duct tape him to a tree and rip his eyes out.
<Coco13> But then he wouldn't have his FREEDOM
Quote: 38877; Rating: 846; [+|-]
<darknation> wtf is the point in storing quotes?
<boris_> darknation: it's like taking a photo in real life :P
<darknation> I wouldn't want photos of retards
Quote: 38880; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<ComWizz> also, i was thinking that Linux should have a built-in UNIX shell
<ComWizz> because when I once did this: chmod -rwx /bin/sh
<ComWizz> and tried to restart the computer, it wouldn't shut down, so I turned it off
<ComWizz> when i turned it on, it wouldn't boot
Quote: 38888; Rating: 287; [+|-]
<Doomer> i want to compile some kind of calculater
<Doomer> its my first good program
<fraggle> er what language is it in
<Doomer> uh
<Doomer> wait
<Doomer> english
Quote: 38893; Rating: 327; [+|-]
@(mhweaver) new philosophy on life:
@(mhweaver) "I may have to share this planet with animals, but I'm doing my damn best to eat every last one of them."
Quote: 38897; Rating: 406; [+|-]
<|JKZ|Silvr|3ull3t> truth:u00a0 even tho i hav many girlz 2 choose from, i am single b/c i havent found the rite one 4 me
<Mr`K> Translated from nerdspeak: No girls will go out with me
Quote: 38901; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<bender_> lol.. Like 2 women on PMS
<Khafra> Alright, can someone help me with my actual problem before I start craving chocolate then?
<bender_> (I assume there are no women on this channel...)
*Khafra looks at the extensive list of users
<Khafra> Statistically, probably not
Quote: 38918; Rating: 310; [+|-]
<XX01XX> What's an interesting website?
<Phlegyas> an oxymoron
Quote: 38921; Rating: 91; [+|-]
<Zeon> and ya i have a bottle of brut, that stuff smells like crap, i only bought it cus the playboy ad said it would get me sex... anothr broken promise :(
Quote: 38925; Rating: 214; [+|-]
<LunchBox> why is my usb-to-usb networking not working :(
<q[torg]> LunchBox: it's netnotworking
Quote: 38926; Rating: 113; [+|-]
<Mike|sleep> Redwolf probibly has a record for # of people that setinfo him
<RedWolf> :/
<RedWolf> im soo popular
<Mike|sleep> nah. you just say stupid shit all the time.
Quote: 38927; Rating: 1075; [+|-]
<Gemini4t> I'm going to become rich and famous some day when I design a keyboard that has spring-loaded needles hidden inside the caps lock button.
<Gemini4t> Some newbie tries to type 'WOW WUT IS UP???? LOLZ' and instead he types 'AH FUCK MY FINGERZ BLEEDIN'
Quote: 38931; Rating: 13; [+|-]
(Null-O): Women without teeth give the best head.
(Null-O): They "gum it".
Quote: 38951; Rating: 134; [+|-]
(nyisles) see, what i need the dremel for is to cut the center pieces out of the Caravan grille after putting the FMIC in
(TheDrip) use a fuckin steak knife (guess how I know a steak knife cuts plastic grills)
(minime-) because you eat steaks made of plastic?
Quote: 38961; Rating: 151; [+|-]
* ZondrZout has entered
<Arathorn> hello
<ZondrZout> Well, how typical...
<ZondrZout> Only the bot greets me
<Karyon> lol
Quote: 38966; Rating: 170; [+|-]
<PsychicSeagull> I should make a book - Procrastination for Dummies!u00a0 It will just be a bunch of empty pages.
Quote: 38992; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<+Yamatto> im keeping my ass virginal,
<+Yamatto> coz like if i go to jail
<+Yamatto> i want to be like
<+Yamatto> a rare commodity
<+Yamatto> and be protected for my ass
Quote: 39012; Rating: 320; [+|-]
<tngkicksbum> that book sucked ass
<tngkicksbum> there was no sex in it!
<tngkicksbum> and the violence wasn't intense enough
<tngkicksbum> and there was no math either
<tngkicksbum> i liked reading euclid's elements
<fizzie> so euclidean geometry has violence intense enough for your tastes? interesting.
Quote: 39035; Rating: 12; [+|-]
<d00m2k> lol, when have you ever seen an azn be 6'6''
<d00m2k> ive seen an azn on another azns shoulders
<d00m2k> be 6'6''
Quote: 39060; Rating: 458; [+|-]
<darkdragon18> yeah i live in England too
<Crystal> Damnit, the strap on my bra broke.. >_<
<darkdragon18> you shoudl buy a new brassyeah
<Primigenus> "brassyeah"?
<IceDelta> I think he meant brassiu00e8re ;-)
<Primigenus> ...
<darkdragon18> fuck you, i thnk Id know how to spell words tat orignate in my own language
Quote: 39079; Rating: 701; [+|-]
<+EGreg> ATA? RAID? ATAPI? IDE? EIDE? SCSI? what is the world coming to?? FTP? SPAM? HTTP? HD? I have been here for a short while and already so many acronyms :-)
<+EGreg> of course there are 10x more that I know, but still. :-)
<@O_6> ever heard of 'stfu' ?
Quote: 39083; Rating: 223; [+|-]
Quote: 39087; Rating: 160; [+|-]
<Jay^^> But I might interrupt your work...;)
<JaG> im not working im surfing
<JaG> like i work at work, pleeeeeease
Quote: 39091; Rating: 542; [+|-]
<thrust> so, I just went to the snack bar and bought a "Three Musketeers Bar"
<thrust> the label reads "Whipped Up, Fluffy Chocolate-on-Chocolate Taste"
<thrust> which made me think of overweight black lesbian porn
<thrust> and made me realize that I get way too much spam
Quote: 39092; Rating: 92; [+|-]
<WintrHawk> I fart a lot in my jeep so if thieves try and break in to steal something, the gas will repel them
Quote: 39093; Rating: 32; [+|-]
<tulmad> there's lots of hot chicks in the egr building now
<tulmad> too bad they're all freshmen and will all drop out of the CS program
by the end of this year
<tulmad> this hot redhead was just in here for a few minutes
<da4> end of the year = enough time to get some coed action
<da4> tulmad: webcam dood
Quote: 39095; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<jalex> hmm, they recycled 14,226 lbs. of paper here in Sept.
<Vco> all porno?
<cruentus> 14,226 lbs. of pr0n
<cruentus> what is that, 7 tons?
<_spartan_> just over
<roundfeh> heh
<cruentus> what method is used to seperate the paper from the sticky stuff in the recycling process?
<Vco> cheap immigrant labour
Quote: 39108; Rating: 576; [+|-]
<Satan> I need.
<Satan> A fucking optical mouse.
<Satan> So I don't have to deal with dirty balls anymore.
<Satan> .. Er, yeah.
<rapty> X_X
Quote: 39121; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<tofuhunters> what instruments can you play?
<tofuhunters> i can play the electric guitar
<tofuhunters> bass guitar
<tofuhunters> drums
<tofuhunters> and saxophone
<bobsonfire> i play the radio.
Quote: 39122; Rating: 15; [+|-]
<myutwo33> i should stick to stupid jokes... for stupid people... that means you guys!
Quote: 39127; Rating: 334; [+|-]
<lambtron> lol the other day my mom was on the computer and I was in the other room and she goes "I won! I won! What did I win?"
<lambtron> and I yell "what are you talking about?"
<lambtron> and she goes "It says that if this is flashing, I just won!!"
Quote: 39132; Rating: 221; [+|-]
<sac|metal|werk> anyway, star wars is real and star trek is some made up bs
Quote: 39135; Rating: 209; [+|-]
<Tassadar2000> Hey! Why did you ban me? I pay my taxes!
Quote: 39141; Rating: 18; [+|-]
<PenDragon> ((don't... I don't find it funny... and neither does Kelli...))
<Tarl> (Weelll..for some reason, I consider my amusement more important than your own.)
<Tarl> (Besides.)
<Tarl> (Playing brother sister, while being "sexually active"..)
<Tarl> (It kind of opens yourself up to ridicule.)
Quote: 39142; Rating: 256; [+|-]
<Cornell> damn I wish I could have gone to my friends summer camp.. 9 guys my age, 18 girls, and another 18 or so a year younger
<Cornell> *18 or so girls
<Beoulve> Dude.
<Beoulve> You'd still be a virgin in the end.
<Cornell> most likely.
<Cornell> but still, you knever know, and think of all the possibilities...
<Tarl> Yeah..
<Beoulve> It's possible that you'd die.
<Beoulve> Horribly.
<Tarl> "Hey <Insert cornellmun's name here>! Could you go to the convienience store and pick up some more condoms for us? Thanks!"
Quote: 39143; Rating: 170; [+|-]
<Beoulve> Some women insert cups with razor blades in them into their vaginas.
<Beoulve> Would you want to fuck one of those women?
<Tarl> ...
<Tarl> Adam.
<Tarl> That only happens with women *you've* slept with before.
Quote: 39157; Rating: 243; [+|-]
<kryz> You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to build me the ultimate weapon of mass l33tness. Instead of some lame chemical or nuclear POS, it's going to be a giant bomb of ice cream. So when It hits, there will be no collateral damage, but everyone will have the biggest ice cream headache. Then I will win the prizes.
Quote: 39162; Rating: 319; [+|-]
<Whisper> k so I have come to a conclusion about the sniper in DC and it isnt good news for CS players
<Whisper> want to hear it?
<CJ> Sure
<Trent_Alkaline> dont tell me he's wallhacking...
Quote: 39163; Rating: 300; [+|-]
onkeybutt87: I saw more tonight then I've seen in the past fifteen years of my life
onkeybutt87: I saw several girls in their bras
onkeybutt87: (and, yes, they knew I was there)
Quote: 39164; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<Tarl> You ever meet me, and I'm depressed, I will hit you soooo hard if you hug me.
<Beoulve> You're not secure enough in your sexuality for me to hug you.
<Tarl> No. I'm not secure enough in *your* sexuality for you to hug me.
Quote: 39176; Rating: 72; [+|-]
<Diablo-D3> we have seenserv now?
<RichiH> Diablo-D3: ask for BrainServ
<RichiH> perhaps you can pre-order
Quote: 39177; Rating: 620; [+|-]
<Ak> Today, a blind man who was begging for change addressed me as I walked past.
<Ak> I gave him a quarter, and he said "thank you kind sir"
<Ak> then, he asked me what time it was, so out of habit, i held up my watch.
<Ak> He said, "11:56? Thanks buddy."
Quote: 39183; Rating: 394; [+|-]
<fanf1> linux is more compatible with unix than windows is with windows
Quote: 39186; Rating: 541; [+|-]
<Purelimit> Fuck man we hear about all these terrorists nowadays
<SgtPayne> Yeah but most came here legally staying after their visas expired
<Purelimit> Are u fucking serious
<SgtPayne> Yeah compare that too blockbuster if your 3 days late their people are all over you
<Purelimit> yeah lets put blockbuster in charge of immagration
<SgtPayne> rofl
Quote: 39211; Rating: 340; [+|-]
<Asskicker064> I enjoyed the irony at Blockbuster today when a guy whose last name was Moron returned an empty movie case.
Quote: 39231; Rating: 257; [+|-]
<D3v1in^jr> i learned just how hardcore goth girls can be last night
<D3v1in^jr> got with this girl sarah...her clit was painted dark purple
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