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Quote: 37936; Rating: 1000; [+|-]
<Taz> my FTO could top your mates prelude man no worries
<iPRoTiuS> lol are u sure? its 210hp man
<Taz> really? a prelude can do that?
<iPRoTiuS> err, yea
<Taz> bullshit wot year is it?
<iPRoTiuS> 88
<Taz> 1988?
<iPRoTiuS> no u retard. 1888. it literally has 210 hourses pulling it
Quote: 37945; Rating: -41; [+|-]
<fragterm> i was surprised to find wheelchair toilets myself, but hey, they have their uses
<Khel> what would be more impressive was if you had sex with a crippled chick who was in the wheelchair toilet doing her business
Quote: 37952; Rating: 245; [+|-]
* @Jaykul[GonCrazy] is jamming along to Winamp not started
Quote: 37953; Rating: 199; [+|-]
<Ginga> ne1 know if there is a way to remotley switch on a ps2 minus having a large stick
<Mad_Matte> geting kids...
Quote: 37954; Rating: 719; [+|-]
[@Unknown_Source] : Dogs are weird and dumb
[@djjason] : Agreed
[@Unknown_Source] : I mean, wave the biscuit, and the dumbass dogs comes
* Unknown_Source waves a biscuit
[Join (#afterhoursdjs)] : [DJAngelicon ([email protected])]
[@Unknown_Source] : ...
Quote: 37959; Rating: -35; [+|-]
* Wiggle sighs
* boardwild wiggles
<Wiggle> :(
<boardwild> crybaby
<Wiggle> thanks
<boardwild> u gonna cry all day, crybaby?
<boardwild> U LITTLE CRYBABY!
* Parts: Wiggle (blankey@adsl-???-???
Quote: 37964; Rating: 43; [+|-]
<@SD_Liddo-chan> the liddo knew a friend who broke his arm while we were playing chess
<@SD_Liddo-chan> -_-
Quote: 37967; Rating: 99; [+|-]
<Sean> haha you don't like the finns
<Skywalker> i have the finns
<ed|work> in a small box?
<Skywalker> hate*
Quote: 37968; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<Dllem> I like free stuff
<EyePulp> Like herpes?
Quote: 37986; Rating: 17; [+|-]
<Lordy> why dont u got broadband nigga
<h2o> ?
<h2o> my connection?
<Lordy> no your hair style
Quote: 37988; Rating: 567; [+|-]
*** BlackNet21 ([email protected]) has joined #photography
<BlackNet21> anyone here wanna help me with a photo?
<pd_corax> A what?
<danno> wtf is a photo
*** BlackNet21 ([email protected]) has left #photography
<danno> sheesh, it takes all kinds...
Quote: 37995; Rating: 211; [+|-]
<Ouroboros> Bandwidth is my antidrug.
Quote: 37996; Rating: 194; [+|-]
<Soberguy> redhat 8 can't decide ifu00a0 a rpm is installed or not
<toxictv> Redhat is like anal sex - good every now and then, but if you rely on it too heavily, it starts to bleed out the ass.
Quote: 37997; Rating: 257; [+|-]
*** markus has been kicked off channel #rmipeople by DJTodd (DIE.)
*** markus ([email protected]) has joined channel #rmipeople
<DJTodd> What would I do without /kick?
<markus> have your lunch money taken via DCC?
Quote: 38003; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<Dayv> Australia is basically Canada with marsupials and funny hats.
Quote: 38005; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<LarsC> i have women issues.
<LarsC> namely, I hate them.
Quote: 38011; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<A-KO> heh
<A-KO> so
<A-KO> what's the latest on Iraq? heh
<@crw> eh, apparently it's still there.
<@crw> we're working to rectify the problem :P
<A-KO> lol
Quote: 38020; Rating: 26; [+|-]
<MikeG520> Hey how do I ban an ip from my computer
<MikeG520> actually, a whole subnet
<MikeG520> er isp
Quote: 38028; Rating: 148; [+|-]
<Cody> Sign #2 for me to worry about filling out my selective Service Agreement: The City that they mailed from is called "Palpatine"
<Cody> General> If only you knew the power!
<Huntress> LOL
<Cody> General> So be it.... traitor... *Zaps Cody with Tazer*
Quote: 38035; Rating: 285; [+|-]
<Blazen> racism is not tolerated on this network. you have been warned. further actions will include kill/gline.
<gigfood> who is that
<gigfood> everybody says that word
<gigfood> fuck you nigger
<Zt|ReEn^Ni> hes an ircop
<gigfood> shit he is?
<Blazen> is that a challenge?
<gigfood> listen here mr tuff irc cop
<gigfood> fuck you nigger
*** gigfood has quit IRC (G-lined (Multiple harassment/racism issues))
Quote: 38043; Rating: 452; [+|-]
<IICV> This is freaky.
<IICV> My dog is sitting there, winking at me.
<JeremiahSmith> He wants you.
<IICV> He wants my grapes.
<JeremiahSmith> Is that what you call them?
Quote: 38062; Rating: 338; [+|-]
<WillDeed> I hate racists about as much as I hate niggers
Quote: 38063; Rating: 315; [+|-]
<+TheKid> Quake is just IRC with rocket launchers.
Quote: 38064; Rating: 103; [+|-]
<pimpybra> Did you just get off on that?
<Valgar_> On Tuna?
<Valgar_> I like it, but not that much
Quote: 38069; Rating: 547; [+|-]
<slackor> that sounds gayer than the time i had sex with a man
Quote: 38080; Rating: 152; [+|-]
(saboteur) whoa cool
(saboteur) disco lights in bitchx
(saboteur) /disco
u00fau00fau00fa signoff/#computers.. blade2k (Exit: Disconnecting)
Quote: 38085; Rating: 436; [+|-]
<red13n> average blue whale produces over 400 gallons of sperm when it ejaculates, but only 10% of that actually makes it into his mate. So 360 gallons are spilled into the ocean everytime one unloads, and you wonder why the ocean is so salty.
Quote: 38089; Rating: 503; [+|-]
<Soultechh> i say potato, you say potato
<Soultechh> doesn't really work on irc does it? :
Quote: 38091; Rating: 931; [+|-]
(%nickster) my moms gonna be a helper at a school
(%nickster) for mentally handicapped people
(@starbucks_mafia) thats great
(@starbucks_mafia) you'll get to see her more often now
Quote: 38104; Rating: 194; [+|-]
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Anubus
<@Anubus> u00b0 I got the Powwa stick! u00b0
<+DaS> how'd you know I called it that?
<+DaS> and what are you doing holding it?
Quote: 38114; Rating: 751; [+|-]
<me> I had an ex called steve...who spent all his time on the one day I stripped naked and stood beside him...he turned around and said "I get your point" and went back to playing his game
Quote: 38115; Rating: 367; [+|-]
<CptPlanet> man. i just called my finger a faggot for having a splinter in it.
<CptPlanet> i need to get some friends, stat.
Quote: 38133; Rating: 965; [+|-]
<Dedge> When you kill 6 people in Unreal Tournament it's "Monster Kill", In Quake3 it's "Excellent", in Counter-Strike it's "Kicked by console"
Quote: 38135; Rating: 123; [+|-]
<@Crimson> Apache + FreeBSD + PHP + MySQL (or PostgreSQL I've heard) = WEB SERVER HEAVEN :)
<%djlaptop> I don't trust anything I didn't spend a lot of money on
Quote: 38145; Rating: 1116; [+|-]
<dbanks> does anyone know what DS would mean if someone said "you are DS"
<@kellogs> <dbanks>: you are a dumb shit
<dbanks> fuck you, i come in here asking for someeno to hepl me and you abuse me fuckin cunt
*** Parts: dbanks ([email protected])
<petey> lol dumbass
*** Joins: dbanks ([email protected])
<dbanks> oh shit i just got what you meant sorry
*** kellogs sets mode: +b *!*@
*** dbanks was kicked by kellogs (banned: whoever said that about you was right)
Quote: 38156; Rating: 465; [+|-]
<@Gibbon> My cat had a better dinner than I did tonight.u00a0 It has "sliced duck with olives" ... I had a couple of bits of toast
<@Gibbon> there's something fundamentally wrong with that
Quote: 38161; Rating: 371; [+|-]
<DeathStar> i have to flick my balls so the cum comes out
<DeathStar> fuck wrong channel
<DeathStar> ignore that please
<Draebor> haha
Quote: 38162; Rating: 256; [+|-]
*** CloneMar has joined #nevernomore
<CloneMar> I have beat the system!
<Mark> Cloned myself when the rules says no ;P
<CloneMar> your dead sexy Mark
*** Mark has quit IRC (G-Lined)
*** CloneMar has quit IRC (G-Lined)
<DaBeast> Ah, the system works!
Quote: 38180; Rating: -10; [+|-]
<kar^m^27> any female care to chat? ping me
Quote: 38182; Rating: 437; [+|-]
<Deviant> Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
Quote: 38204; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<KodiaK> fuck the oil companies
<KodiaK> 73.9 cents for gas
<KodiaK> why dont they just add a retractable dildo to each gas pump
<KodiaK> so while you fill your tank up, it can fuck you in the ass while you do it
Quote: 38207; Rating: 17; [+|-]
<VanWilder> god i used this massage oil on this chick last night and now my room wreaks of it
<nivenh> were you massaging "her" penis?
Quote: 38215; Rating: 275; [+|-]
<tech-mage> could someone possibly help me. i am studying linux but dont have a *nix box. can someone make me a root shell account that i can practice with?
Quote: 38223; Rating: 238; [+|-]
<Supe> <Beelzebub> SeX SeX SeX !!
<Supe> beelze are you trying to harbour viruses?
<Beelzebub> nothing wrong with viruses
<Beelzebub> they are part of the natural selection process on the internet
Quote: 38230; Rating: 1034; [+|-]
u00abTiGryphonu00bb ...but there's nothing quite as priceless as the look on a teenage cashier's face as she rings up wine, cheese, bread, and chats aimiably with you, and then rings up a cucumber, and a box of condoms and gets suddenly quiet...
Quote: 38231; Rating: 969; [+|-]
<mordac> Beige: I bought a WATCH from some guy in Battery Park!
<mordac> I totally haggled.
<mordac> I told him I only had $10 for it, and he was like OKAY :( except I only had twenty dollar bills.
<mordac> He even gave me the change.
Quote: 38233; Rating: 486; [+|-]
<SteveTheNormalGuy> link plzzzzzzzzz
<SteveTheNormalGuy> wait, another z should do it
<MegamanX2K> x
<MegamanX2K> err
<MegamanX2K> damnit
* MegamanX2K cannot spell "z"
Quote: 38235; Rating: -96; [+|-]
<Powie> When sucking my dad I know which women in the family are pregnant, and which are in their period
Quote: 38240; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<MiLordDemise> My foot is touching the cord for my keyboard
<MiLordDemise> and each time I press a button I can feel the electrical pulse go through the wires
<IntoMyShadows> Now that's something.
<MiLordDemise> Aye...
<MiLordDemise> I wish I could type a bit faster
<MiLordDemise> it makes my foot feel good and strange at the same time
<IntoMyShadows> Just hit random keys
<MiLordDemise> it's like a cord-thin massage
<MiLordDemise> wow
<MiLordDemise> I think I need some alone time with my keyboard now
<MiLordDemise> hehe
<IntoMyShadows> Maybe you should move the cord to another part of you
<MiLordDemise> I just might
<IntoMyShadows> you sick bastard.
<IntoMyShadows> I probably would, too
<MiLordDemise> You suggested it
<MiLordDemise> so that makes us both sick bastards
<MiLordDemise> go us!
Quote: 38244; Rating: 274; [+|-]
<{GkC}-LiQ[na]> have... to... get... out of... chair
<{GkC}-LiQ[na]> argh
<{GkC}-LiQ[na]> i have to go to the toilet but i've to go all the way down then
<{GkC}-LiQ[na]> downstairs
<{GkC}-LiQ[na]> i'm at the attick
* YoungBlood throws a pie down the stairs
* {GkC}-LiQ[na] runs after it
<Azzid> owned!! :D
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