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Quote: 11724; Rating: 1198; [+|-]
<Zardoz> cool. calculated pi to 18 decimal places.
<Trucci> know what would have been cooler?
Quote: 11725; Rating: 267; [+|-]
* mode [+im] by Lucy
* mode [-im] by Lucy
* Lucy [[email protected]] has left #gr []
<Temujin> ..
<Lurker> Lucy sneezed on her touchscreen
Quote: 11727; Rating: 324; [+|-]
<Aboshi> Women. I drive 'em crazy.
<Trinity> crazy = away
Quote: 11735; Rating: 344; [+|-]
<+brx|> u know whats great about spreadsheets..?
Quote: 11739; Rating: 412; [+|-]
<MissJC2k1> geez, we're porning a perfectly normal conversaporn, and you've gotta bring up porn
Quote: 11742; Rating: 44; [+|-]
<jewboy613> flooding chan
<jewboy613> man this flood is so bad if u stick around, noah will come rolling in with his arc
Quote: 11743; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<GoLLuM> my favourite past time is to push little girls off their bikes and sniff the seats.
Quote: 11764; Rating: 211; [+|-]
<Megaglogue> u guyz come anytime pay me a visit
<Megaglogue> paris is cool during the summer
<Megaglogue> no french peeps around
Quote: 11780; Rating: 337; [+|-]
<MED1C> i bet they got their degree from the same vending machine
Quote: 11784; Rating: 505; [+|-]
<Dunrick> My iq is 20/20
Quote: 11794; Rating: 248; [+|-]
<Kimmay> yeah but these are real ppl: they took me (for free) form an XT to a 386, from a 2400 to a 14.4 from a CGA to an EGA and from DOS 2.1 to 5.0 ALL FREE
<medic> and do these "real" people still use a UNIVAC?
<Kimmay> whats that?
<medic> your next upgrade.
Quote: 11801; Rating: 54; [+|-]
<medic> I'll buy your car for a dollar
<dan_> for a dollar I wouldn't let you wash my car
Quote: 11803; Rating: 697; [+|-]
<Zammbo> If you have young children, avoid purchasing bleach products bearing pictures of Pikachu drinking the bleach.
Quote: 11820; Rating: 334; [+|-]
<LL-> why did u msg me?
<marry> realy im searching to get married
<marry> can you help me
<LL-> why u wanna get married?
<marry> becuse i dont want to live in gaza
Quote: 11825; Rating: 297; [+|-]
... signoff!#linuxhelp -> SpamapS(Ping timeout)
... join!#linuxhelp -> SpamapS([email protected])
<SpamapS> Guess who can't tell the difference between the monitor's power cable and the *firewall*'s power cable?
Quote: 11827; Rating: 873; [+|-]
<|nLv|Dasyati> a haiku by Dasyati
<|nLv|Dasyati> LOLOL
<|nLv|Dasyati> ROFLMAO
<|nLv|Dasyati> STFU fag
Quote: 11832; Rating: 151; [+|-]
<diospadre> NO MORE FINALS
<diospadre> im done.
<BuddyLee> good then go update
<diospadre> no must christmas shop
<BuddyLee> no staff job comes first
<diospadre> no buying stuff comes first cant let the terrorists win
<BuddyLee> LOL!\
Quote: 11836; Rating: 135; [+|-]
<Luna`> I need to start getting out there and...
<Luna`> prodding buttocks
Quote: 11839; Rating: 385; [+|-]
<cyxxwirc> Soui's ass is able to compile C
<cyxxwirc> that is pretty godly
<rogueWRC> not when he core dumps
Quote: 11841; Rating: 554; [+|-]
<iNoah> "hi, I'm a lisp virus.u00a0 please read me with an emacs mail reader and eval me."
<moof> (defun email-virus-hook 'my-virus)
<iNoah> s/defun /add-hook '/
<kermit> Noah takes defun out of everything.
Quote: 11849; Rating: 260; [+|-]
<MelissaGod> lol, I accidentally just flushed the toilet and the pipe for the toilets was off in the basement and mine and everyone elses urine went all over
<MelissaGod> wills parents not happy :(
<MelissaGod> i thought it was funny but i tried my hardest not to laugh
<TheSpatulaOfLove> well
<TheSpatulaOfLove> that's a greeting
<MelissaGod> the people in the basement with mine and everyone elses urine on them were not please
<MelissaGod> ho hum
<MelissaGod> pleased*
<MelissaGod> just thought i'd share
<MelissaGod> gotta go match socks...
* MelissaGod has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
<Ouroboros> Um.
<Arilyn> hahaha
<Ouroboros> I think it's safe to say that E-van doesn't date her for her intelligence.
Quote: 11851; Rating: 33; [+|-]
<styx> fera is an old lady?
<+Saiko> yes styx
<styx> you prune
<@PikaChan> i think "prude" would be more accurate :)
Quote: 11859; Rating: 22; [+|-]
* XellInBlack is now known as Xellchiri
<BloodFromStone> No longer in black?
<Xellchiri> No, still in black
<Xellchiri> just no longer watching MiB
<BloodFromStone> heh
<BloodFromStone> New one, or the first?
<Xellchiri> First
<Xellchiri> I want to make my dad take me to see the new one tonight
<Xellchiri> I figure it can be the new hotness to his old & busted
Quote: 11860; Rating: 401; [+|-]
<Fozzie> why is it so hard to find a good windows font?
<Fozzie> bah
<Fozzie> what a craptastic os.
<dithi> you get what you pay for
<Fozzie> you mean the copies you buy are better?
Quote: 11874; Rating: 334; [+|-]
<GIJosh> do you stillu00a0 have an MP3 server robin?
<robin> yes
<GIJosh> same place as before?
<robin> nope
<GIJosh> where is it?
<GIJosh> cant connect
<GIJosh> default port?
Quote: 11876; Rating: 183; [+|-]
<[BDT]Karma> put the chicken mushroom [ramen] outside
<[BDT]Karma> and wait with a club
<[BDT]Karma> maybe a squirrel will come by
<[BDT]Karma> and you will have food for another day
Quote: 11882; Rating: 219; [+|-]
<mage> it will be nice to be back in america
<sparks> I feel the same way
<sparks> having come from alabama
Quote: 11885; Rating: 189; [+|-]
@@ SignOff Jericon: (Installing Hotline 1.8 Be back later)
<xmatt> that requires signing off IRC?
<HHunter> Heh.. if it does, I'm not installing it.
Quote: 11887; Rating: 440; [+|-]
<justin> why does bitchx sound so excited:
<justin> -:- BitchX: Join to #tenet was synched in 1.161 secs!!
<justin> it's like WOW man!!
<asm-X> cz, it's a hot little BitchX?
<asm-X> with nothing but secs!! on her mind
Quote: 11888; Rating: 209; [+|-]
<sparks> got the house to myself for the evening
<Robert> bbl
<Robert> hehe enjoy ;)
<sparks> guess I'll invite a bunch of friends over and have a party and play rap music
<sparks> by which I mean I'll order a pizza and nair my legs
Quote: 11892; Rating: 396; [+|-]
<lb-> They kept telling me I couldn't talk to a doctor.
<lb-> I was like "Well, I drank a good amount of my own pee. I'D LIKE TO SPEAK TO A FUCKING DOCTOR."
Quote: 11901; Rating: 153; [+|-]
<MikEE-Boy> shit. girls in #mp3rave are like gum in elementary school. you
bring some for yourself, you better have one for everybody.
Quote: 11902; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<Pirelli> ooo thats what i want to buy, a computer made by company whose ceo meets
a cow in a secret place every night
Quote: 11906; Rating: 542; [+|-]
<boy_scout> Open up fucking IE you lazy bastard
<ima`> i don't know how to open IE any other way
Quote: 11909; Rating: 246; [+|-]
<verb`> baby blue pumas are guy shoes?
<Twilo`> yes
<molesto> i might not know how to dress, but i know how not to invite a serial assfucking by the entire crew of an aircraft carrier
<Twilo`> baby blue isnt a girls color
<molesto> <Twilo`> baby blue isnt a girls color
<verb`> any color preceded by baby is a girl color
<molesto> i'll pretend you didn't say that
<Twilo`> dude u serious?
<molesto> any colour preceded by baby gets you on the paedophile register
<Twilo`> u stuck in the 90's?
<molesto> no i'm stuck back in the days when people that wore shoes like that didn't have anuses like exit wounds
Quote: 11918; Rating: 47; [+|-]
<neritz> you're not canadian are you?
<Oozeman> =o
* Oozeman stops mid-sip
<perfekt> no, sadly, i'm a nebraskan ;(
<Oozeman> whew
Quote: 11923; Rating: 164; [+|-]
<Rann-chan> 0123.
<Rann-chan> Er, sorry. ^^;
<Reddjango> at least we know you can count to 3 ^_^
<Gary> And like a C programmer, too. :)
<Rann-chan> Of course I can. That's the number of guys a girl can take without using her hands, right? n.n
Quote: 11924; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<@tag> cant wait for zero state devices :)
<@tag> no wires, no external power
<@tag> just IS
<@Syfoon> tag, by then, we'll be 4ft high, grey, abducting stupid, fat hicks and shoving probes up their asses
Quote: 11934; Rating: 257; [+|-]
<jaydogg14!#devart> is anyone here from europe and hate americans, please msg me for this damn homework i gotta do
Quote: 11937; Rating: 17; [+|-]
<molesto> damn, i submitted "black pride" to and they didn't accept it
<molesto> :(
Quote: 11943; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<Normandy>u00a0 I like Pixie's spelling late at night
<Pixie_Pete>u00a0 kick Normandy SUHT PU 0F0!!!11
Quote: 11955; Rating: 119; [+|-]
<@wyrd> ok if ya female hot n horny and live with a hours drive away from me ..... come over to my place in 2hrs
<@NeoMatriX> why 2 hours?
<@wyrd> the priest is here and i'm repenting
<@wyrd> u00dfe u00dfack u00cen u00c2 u00dfit
Quote: 11956; Rating: 242; [+|-]
<susan> haloooooo
<Phuser> susan
<Phuser> now theres a soon to be guest nick if i ever saw one
*** susan is now known as Guest70397
Quote: 11960; Rating: 316; [+|-]
<Gabooz> I wouldn't say I'm a geek
<Steve> You live at a computer, and claim you know your IP, but not your home phone #
<Steve> You're a geek
Quote: 11964; Rating: 370; [+|-]
<MAC_OS_X> why is everybody an asshole on here?
Quote: 11967; Rating: 286; [+|-]
<Xyonz> there are gay girls in my class that use me to get porn for them
<Xyonz> which i find amusing
<Xyonz> since i hardly look at porn
<Xyonz> :
<_rb> are they hot?
<Xyonz> not by most people's standards, but i'd say they are
Quote: 11969; Rating: 258; [+|-]
<blitzoid> Goddamn... skid marks on underwear are bad, but you know you've been sitting for too long when you see them on your chair.
Quote: 11973; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<Tribespr0n> oh wait
<Tribespr0n> i have an 80 gig drive full of porn
<Tribespr0n> i need to hook that up
<Tribespr0n> Dude at work, brought in an 80 gig drive full of asian porn
<Tribespr0n ok
<Tribespr0n> wtf
<Tribespr0n> this drive is part of a raid array
Quote: 11978; Rating: 870; [+|-]
<melvin> booz stabbed a teacher???
Quote: 11981; Rating: 433; [+|-]
<oreth> Jay and silent bob said the f-word 227 times
<huzyrdadi> in all five films?
<@Breathe> I think he means just in the trailer.
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