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Quote: 7925; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<DarkWarrior> I know... I'm Mainly reffering to t3ch. I have nothing against him but i'm just saying thats what gives us *nix people a bad reputations
<t3ch> I dont try and do anything, If i'm going to spend the time doing it i'll do it right.
<t3ch> and two we alwasy had a bad rep. FreeBSD was created by a bunch of college kids on LSD. i dont think you can have a worse rep.
Quote: 7931; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<SPACEBOY|GTA3> when the pain stops... thats when you know you've kicked the bucket
<nuggetman> i just read the obituaries to make sure i'm not there
Quote: 7932; Rating: 274; [+|-]
<@n909> this guy is traveling in oregon
<@n909> and ran out of weed
<@n909> so he comes to #oregon
<@n909> and asks us for some
Quote: 7935; Rating: 256; [+|-]
(CubsWoo): Hehe... all this talk about failed abortions
(CubsWoo): is making me hungry
Quote: 7936; Rating: 8027; [+|-]
*** Quits: TITANIC (Excess Flood)
Quote: 7940; Rating: 189; [+|-]
<videogamenerd> a real hacker not a "$kr!p7!3"
<kt> videogamenerd: your geek is showing
Quote: 7943; Rating: 83; [+|-]
<Neptune^> ok you jackasses..just cause im drunk doesnt mean the discussion has to degrade to high schools
Quote: 7947; Rating: 542; [+|-]
<fvdl> How can one fuck and wank and the same time?
<cjs> It's a secret the English have kept for centuries.
<mothra> tell fvdl: you're fucking her, but thinking of your hand.
<d@n> "oh, hand!u00a0 i mean cindy!"
Quote: 7949; Rating: 150; [+|-]
<Paeyl> Sometimes I yearn for the peace and simplicity of a low-stress startup job
Quote: 7951; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<sommerfeld> perl: what you get when you take a couple features from every known language and toss them in a blender.
<sommerfeld> with 20g of crack and a dab of lsd
<perry> sommerfeld: the LSD is purely for flavor.
Quote: 7952; Rating: 197; [+|-]
<ZangTT> it's like a massive 300 story zombie john maynard keynes is wandering through california, tearing down buildings and breathing fire.
Quote: 7953; Rating: 260; [+|-]
<gkm> mmm, me.
<garandou> glen - when you say 'mmm me' i can't help but imagine you rubbing your nipples
<gkm> mmm, nipples.
<gkm> i'm as happy as a little girl.
Quote: 7954; Rating: 1036; [+|-]
<wisner> I walked past a protest on Market Street yesterday evening.
<wisner> I didn't burst out laughing, but I really had to work for it.
<wisner> There was singing.
Quote: 7955; Rating: 121; [+|-]
<weezyl> I figured I'd just fellate my students for the protein.
Quote: 7956; Rating: 648; [+|-]
<dr.jd> whenever I think house is too cheesy, I just look towards dip and it makes me laugh happily
<dr.numa> dip is a good dancer.
<dr.jd> dip is, to my mind, the epitome of a disco house freak
<heathen> i remember once at wiltis some girl asked jeremy to dance.
<heathen> she was dancing all sexy on him and he was dancing like a spastic ninja mime on muscle relaxants.
<heathen> he began by doing something that looked a lot like the cabage patch as interpreted by rhythmless nun trolls.
Quote: 7958; Rating: 612; [+|-]
<sine> "You couldn't get a stroke of genius if you were giving a handjob to Einstein."
Quote: 7959; Rating: 343; [+|-]
<shoryu909> I wanna be the dell kid.
<@pheer> why?
<shoryu909> He's the most honest person I know.
<zeratul> besides Jesus you mean
<shoryu909> yeah, but jesus has an action figure. Sellout!
Quote: 7960; Rating: 1161; [+|-]
<Agent_grey> Scanner works! scanner wooooorrrkss!!
<artforz> how did you make it work?
<Agent_grey> its very very technical and scientific, involving the introduction of organic substance interfacing with its structural integrity
<Agent_grey> i whacked it really really hard
Quote: 7962; Rating: 203; [+|-]
<ICIST> I get that warm and fuzzy feeling
<@Deth> like when you pee your pants?
<ICIST> kinda
<ICIST> more like when i shit myself
Quote: 7963; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<Vhata> #linux is one of those...
<Vhata> things
<Vhata> what do you call a project that is no longer being maintained?
<Nimnod> a failure.
<Vhata> heh
Quote: 7964; Rating: 770; [+|-]
<akii> what happens when disney goes bankrupt?
<akii> does walt get unfrozen?
<nigd> haahha
<nigd> how pissed would you be
<nigd> "IM ALIVE!"
<nigd> "yes"
<nigd> "Did you cure me?"
<nigd> "no"
<nigd> "Why unfreeze me then?"
<nigd> "You're going broke"
<nigd> "fuck."
Quote: 7966; Rating: 252; [+|-]
(CitizenC): I spilled my ashtray all over my computer earlier today.
(CitizenC): Son of a bitch.
(CitizenC): Took forever to clean up.
(CitizenC): At least I don't have to empty my ashtray now.
Quote: 7967; Rating: 46; [+|-]
(CitizenC): Hey, here's a question for ya.. what if Jesus was gay?
(CitizenC): You know what? I bet he was.
(CitizenC): Walking around in that desert with his apostles forever?
(CitizenC): They didn't have porn back then, which left only two options:
(CitizenC): * Beat off behind a mountain somewhere to memories of Mary, or
(CitizenC): * Say "Yo!u00a0 Deciples!u00a0 Suck my cock!u00a0 I'm the son of God!"
(CitizenC): Personally, I think that second one is much more likely.
Quote: 7968; Rating: 163; [+|-]
<Second-Child> spring rolls? isn't ben vegetarian?
<tef> maybe he doesn't count cat as meat?
Quote: 7969; Rating: 301; [+|-]
<Ron`> My wife doesn't get paid for 2 years
<HeroShot> What is she, a whore?
<Ron`> Actually, one night I came home and I found 200 dollars on my dresser...
<Phrak|t> Damn... she left $400 on mine
Quote: 7972; Rating: 328; [+|-]
<ChuffyCow> I'm having a bagel with nutella
<chrish> gnutella?!u00a0 it'll take you all day to download that bagel!
Quote: 7974; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<Pirificio> Anyone on here with a higher level of Estrogin than Testoterone?
<mogismog> lemme guess, you don't have a girlfriend?
Quote: 7975; Rating: 124; [+|-]
<SkoroWork> Xyverz: where is this coming from?
<Beryllium> ...
<SkoroWork> ahh
<SkoroWork> ok
<SkoroWork> thought he was in some lame IRC channel somewhere and thought we wanted to see the lame discussions going on there :-P
Quote: 7976; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<ErikN|WORK> do you have sdl installed?
<savepotatoes> think so
<ErikN|WORK> hmmm
<savepotatoes> probably
<ErikN|WORK> are you sure?
<savepotatoes> yea
(time passes...)
<savepotatoes> whats sdl?
Quote: 7978; Rating: 153; [+|-]
<chrish> I'd like to know what sort of one-eyed crack whores do the QA testing at ATI.
<AGoddess> the kind that like to shove anything in their pussy?
<chrish> porcupines and cacti are available in the lounge
Quote: 7979; Rating: 577; [+|-]
<VOLVORacr> hello
<VOLVORacr> why are so many pepole here but nobody is chatting
<sc1> i'm masturbating
<sc1> leave me alone
Quote: 7980; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<techzen> fuck lsd
<techzen> i mean dsl
Quote: 7984; Rating: 29; [+|-]
<@primig> why is duct tape like the force
<@primig> it has a dark and a light side
<@primig> and it holdes the universe together
Quote: 7985; Rating: 354; [+|-]
Droogie1115: my grandma is coming dowm tommorrow and my mom is going to uconn on sunday
Droogie1115: its going to fucking suck
Droogie1115: i cant stand my grandma being here
Droogie1115: because when she is here i cant sleep past 7 30
napalm 256: she wake u up
Droogie1115: because she wakes up and takes the nastiest dump that smells up teh whole house and i just wanna kill myself
Quote: 7986; Rating: 221; [+|-]
<CrazySpence> e-mail is just really lagged irc
Quote: 7989; Rating: 289; [+|-]
<br4dh4x0r> if you r 1337, show me your gibson
<br4dh4x0r> wait, that sounds wrong
Quote: 7990; Rating: 370; [+|-]
<Diamond> There's about 800 people tied up in my basement.
<Prophet> Oh my
<Prophet> What do you use them for?
<mordac> They really bring the room together, you know?
Quote: 7991; Rating: 473; [+|-]
<someone>: how good does txt compress?
<overmind>: rather good, they often can be compressed to 10% of their original volume
<someone>: no, i meant which one compresses better doc-files or txt, because I want to export my icq-history and in word it has 600 pages, so which one should i take?
<overmind>: take word and set the font size to 1, so you get the best compression
Quote: 7994; Rating: 447; [+|-]
< BigBadGangsta> I swear, I need to write a book called "Stupid shit for stupid fucks"
<@mewse> by a retard, for retards
Quote: 7996; Rating: 390; [+|-]
<@mewse> contrary to popular belief there are periods where i dont feel like drinking
<@mewse> these periods, i call "hangovers"
Quote: 7997; Rating: 148; [+|-]
<@mewse> man i had this new jacket for like 3 days before i got puke on it
<@mewse> that must be some sort of record
Quote: 7998; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<mewse> i bet she was really hot in preschool
Quote: 7999; Rating: 448; [+|-]
<mewse> i got moderated as a troll on slashdot for defending the mummy returns
Quote: 8001; Rating: 129; [+|-]
<mewse> oh my fuck this is so cool
<mewse> a time-lapse movie of an aquarium of magic mushrooms growing
Quote: 8003; Rating: 135; [+|-]
<Jon-> tom
<Jon-> imagine if your ISP pulled cable
<Jon-> what would you do?
<mewse> quit irc?
<mewse> hah.
Quote: 8004; Rating: 23; [+|-]
<Linguica> I was on the phone
<Linguica> with a girl who i am pretty sure likes me
<Linguica> and i saw this
<mewse_> heh
<Linguica> and i was like "i have to go now"
<mewse_> haha
<mewse_> batman dons his cowl
Quote: 8007; Rating: 389; [+|-]
<quacky> if you get carpal tunnel from giving handjobs, can you still get L&I from work?
<Captain_Tenille> Depends if it's job related, I guess.
<Buggy> hmmm... if the handjobs are for managers, maybe
<geekie> just have to give the handjob at work.
<geekie> and then management is responisble for said handjob
<Buggy> well, it's not really in my job description.. but maybe it's in yours
<geekie> no..if the accident occurs in the workplace, they are liable.
<Buggy> right, so if it's an accidental handjob...
<quacky> that's what I'm talking about.
<Buggy> or an accident occurs while doing the handjob
<quacky> only we're talking about handjob-related injuries
<geekie> right.
Quote: 8008; Rating: 60; [+|-]
<space> got any good tunes to spare?
<ToRMeNTeD> tons
<ToRMeNTeD> what kind
<space> whatever
<space> im easy
<ToRMeNTeD> thas what Im listening to now
<space> lol shit i got no speakers yet brb
<ToRMeNTeD> askin fer music wif no speakas
<ToRMeNTeD> sprocket what are we gonna do wif you
<PsyHawk> like a blind man asking for magnifying glass
<ToRMeNTeD> classic
<space> heheh lame award
<space> im like that fucker sent me blank tracks
Quote: 8009; Rating: 437; [+|-]
<@fragility> why is my modems "activity" lite flashing like crazy??
*** fragility ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
Quote: 8015; Rating: 54; [+|-]
<BCow> Often I see the first year students strut past in their skin tight white outfits and I just drop my dacks and say, "Over here girls!"
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