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Quote: 7831; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<Oberon-> So does anyone have any projection on how cheap Pentium III
chips are going to get in the next few weeks?
<TeeCee> Cheep enough to be able to use them for floor tiles.u00a0 :)
<Oberon-> TeeCee: Wow, cool thought!u00a0 Massively parallel floor tiles -
a kitchen floor you can count on!
Quote: 7832; Rating: 439; [+|-]
* rob` pokes richard.. do an ls `yes`.u00a0 I dare you
[five minutes pass]
<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.
<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.
<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.
<phenyx> INIT: PANIC: segmentation violation at 0x40060fa1! sleeping for 30 seconds.
* rob` .. snickers madly
<Zibblsnrt> Ooh, neat
<phenyx> real funny.
<rob`> I didn't think anyone'd actually _do_ it.
<phenyx> I have enough money to drive to vancouver and kick your ass.
Quote: 7835; Rating: 186; [+|-]
u00f0 Zibblsnrt waaahs. Freezing rain warnings still
<rob`> that's gotta suck :P
<Prophet4> it looks kinda cool though, with a layer of ice all over everything
<Zibblsnrt> it sucks more after two days, when trees start collapsing
<rob`> hey, the daffodils are sprouting.
<Zibblsnrt> don't make me mail you a bomb in a container of Agent Orange
Quote: 7837; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<J-Rock> Thought For The Day: rm -rf customers.
<Zulu> possibilities.
<rob`> bitchslap-over-IP.u00a0 Yes.
Quote: 7838; Rating: 276; [+|-]
<rob`> wai, self-pity.u00a0 is there anything more pathetic? :)
<nev> *nod* whining about it on irc ;)
Quote: 7839; Rating: 165; [+|-]
<rob`> I mean, who would have thought that blood congeals into a pudding? :9
Quote: 7840; Rating: 230; [+|-]
u00f0 Zibblsnrt simply wants food (there's /none/ in the house ATM) .. ponders
making a pizza run or something
<rob`> zib; isn't halifax still under a few meters ice?
<Zibblsnrt> rob: And?
<Zibblsnrt> :)
<rob`> is there a tunnel network or something?
<Zibblsnrt> rob: No, we simply float atop it because we're just that suave
Quote: 7841; Rating: 108; [+|-]
<Lizrdling> bunch other thatway doing swing.
<Lizrdling> bunch of me and others having a picnic.
<nebouxii> swinging? like having sex with each other?
<rob`> nebo; Stanford, not Berkeley.
Quote: 7842; Rating: 1086; [+|-]
<Sandman> You know something? Burning hair reeks.
<Zibblsnrt> I think that's nature's way of telling you, "Don't set your hair on fire, dipshit!"
Quote: 7845; Rating: 457; [+|-]
....u00a0 I love the way Microsoft follows standards.u00a0 In much the same manner
that fish follow migrating caribou.
-- Paul Tomblin, alt.sysadmin.recovery
Quote: 7848; Rating: 1540; [+|-]
Damocles`: o/` we all live in a yellow double hulled boyancy controlled ship of war! o/`
Zibblsnrt smacks Damo for that ;)
Zibblsnrt: Damo: I and my comrades posess as our place of residence the interior of a mid-visible spectrum double-hulled buoyancy-controlled boat ofwar
Zibblsnrt: I can outobfuscate your sorry ass anyday >%)
Zibblsnrt dares someone to bloat that through another level. %)
Damocles`: o/` i and my comrades posess as our place of residence the interior of a mid-visible spectrum double hulled boyancy controlled ship of war!
E_of_C: The carbon-metabolizing physical presence that currently houses my conscious and those physical manefestations of my comrades all possess as our common residential abode the interior of a mid-visible spectrum double hulled buoyancy controlled ship of war!
Quote: 7849; Rating: 568; [+|-]
<FadeJade> Fuck yeah
<Phuser> hell yes
<FadeJade> Business, Economy or Fatty?
<FadeJade> I'll fly Fatty today, thanks
Quote: 7850; Rating: 1074; [+|-]
<JoeCuervo> i miss my gfs vagina...
<psychicbug> me too
<JoeCuervo> shaddap
Quote: 7852; Rating: 239; [+|-]
<+HMetal> isn't it wierd how the obvious things trip you up and the complex things are easy? LOL
<+_underdog> in other words girls are obvious and masturbating is complex
Quote: 7854; Rating: 432; [+|-]
[Zaun] Zoid?
[Zoid] Yes?
[Zaun] Have you ever been to Vegas?
[Zoid] No
[Zaun] Let me rephrase that. Have you ever paid for sex?
Quote: 7855; Rating: 810; [+|-]
<octo> no matter what anyone tells you, or how much you think it would be a good idea, never ever put aftershave on your balls
<HeXeDeCiMaL> OMG 0 ...
<Angelhair> curiosity will get you every time
<Ninja_Bill> as far as i know curiosity didnt make a cat put aftershave on its nuts
Quote: 7857; Rating: 1178; [+|-]
[Hive] You know what really pisses me off? People who point at their wrist when asking for the time. Yeah, buddy, I know where my watch is. Where the fuck is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask for the bathroom?
Quote: 7859; Rating: 555; [+|-]
<Kat> I just got an email from Horny Orgy Babes.
<Kat> oh gee... I wonder what it's about
<kmds> rhinocerous calves studying organic chemistry?
Quote: 7863; Rating: 54; [+|-]
<Goteku> i s'pose Sem is the kind to laugh at poor kids getting sodomized by 10-foot poles.. sideways -_-,
<Sem[class]> "Buah-hah-haaa! Sux0rz to be you!!!!"
Quote: 7866; Rating: 369; [+|-]
<Danzo> damn big txt file
<Danzo> B I G <peaches>
* peaches watches notepad crash
<peaches> should've zipped it up
<Danzo> heh..story of my life =]
Quote: 7870; Rating: 143; [+|-]
=== Action: eltawater RAGES at easynet
<MetalJoe> problem?
<eltawater> you could say that
<MetalJoe> heh
<eltawater> it's a good thing I've got my credit card now, otherwise I wouldn't be able to pay for anything
<genie_> damn those irc subscription fees
Quote: 7871; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<damnyoure> where did you find that link
<Spoof> google
<damnyoure> and why would you believe something that some ass posted :/
<Spoof> cause he is .edu :D
Quote: 7873; Rating: 349; [+|-]
mx> i'm pretty sure XP comes with the same partitioning snap-in as windows 2000
<mx> anything else would be ridiculous
<norsende> yea i thought fdisk would be included but no
<mx> no fdisk
<norsende> dunno if there's some new proggie
<mx> i don't have an english windows, so i can't tell you. Here, it's on Start/Programme/Verwaltung/Computerverwaltung/Datenspeicher/Datentru00e4gerverwaltung (gawd, I HATE windows)
Quote: 7875; Rating: 686; [+|-]
<billa> lol
<billa> sif
<billa> talk to the hand
<billa> cause the cock aint listening
<JtHM> that'd make you the cock....
<billa> yes
<billa> damn.
Quote: 7876; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<Syclopse> my god you again
<gesus> dislexia?
<gesus> i'm sure you meant to say "you my god again"
Quote: 7877; Rating: 489; [+|-]
<craving> I had a great dream last night. I was a servant of Satan, and in return for my services he had given me this enormouse house on the side of a mountain. It had a big balcony and a great bookshelf. I was a little nervous, though, because He had eaten my predecessor alive.
Quote: 7881; Rating: 200; [+|-]
<MafiaLeader> The MORE computers does not mean teh big wang
<pk|notbusy> oh but it does, u knoew. Women go wild for a man with more than 5 obsolete Aplles
<pk|notbusy> they think, like "Cool, he must be a AUTHOR or publisher, maybve he'll make me a webasite for all my dog paintings...."
Quote: 7883; Rating: 451; [+|-]
<djrm> Q what is the penalty for exceeding your space quota?
<Alaric> death by pineapple
<djrm> ooo err
Quote: 7884; Rating: 166; [+|-]
<Kamz> ur a freak chika - go pig hunting or something
<cHIKa`> I do pig hunt
<cHIKa`> Your mummas to fast these days
Quote: 7885; Rating: 1586; [+|-]
<Halcr0> If I had a knife, I'd shoot you
Quote: 7886; Rating: 106; [+|-]
<Grimace> I went to a goon party after drinking a bottle o vodka.
<Grimace> I think I had goon and powerade ... ultra blue puke.
<FiremanSam> fluro pukes own
<FiremanSam> i did a bright green one after a cocktails
<Veggie> i did a red spew once.. but that as cocktail related and not blood so I'm happy
<zer0> I once had a mate drink piss from a gatorade bottle (By accident) and spew it back up.....thats like piss and spew in one!!!
<Grimace> wtf............
Quote: 7887; Rating: 52; [+|-]
<Cheese> I'm going t be a millionaire and buy a bus soon
Quote: 7888; Rating: 202; [+|-]
<Bung-Eye> Its a sweet pickup line, and I even used it!
<Bung-Eye> i was pissed as a cunt
<Bung-Eye> it didn't work though
<Bung-Eye> cos i ended up sayin it to a guy :/
Quote: 7889; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<rabbit|hci> <- fodder :p
<Fodz> welcome to being gay <- rabit
<rabbit|hci> well, a welcome from an established member of a community always means something. :)u00a0 Thanks fodder
Quote: 7890; Rating: 68; [+|-]
<rabbitfood> not for your brains fods, just your arse. :)
Quote: 7891; Rating: 156; [+|-]
<Nebu|sR> least you've got yourself a "real" women
<Fodz> indeed
<Fodz> back to your doll eh nebs? :P
<Nebu|sR> hey im comfortable being alone
<Fodz> pffft
<Fodz> a plastic friend is hardly alone :D
<rabbit> especially when you call it "darryl" like nebs does
Quote: 7892; Rating: 56; [+|-]
<schteve> letu00b4s see how many that want to offer me a penis enlagement today
<schteve> in other words, i am gonna check my mail
Quote: 7893; Rating: 425; [+|-]
<+iNzpekth|buzy> where can i get some ftp programs??
<@pain> try
<+iNzpekth|buzy> <<--Thx pain-->>
<@pain> lol, nice script
<+iNzpekth|buzy> <<--Thx pain-->>
<+iNzpekth|buzy> hey pain, i didnt find ftp from, which link is it?
* pain cries
Quote: 7898; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<aSSMAGGOT> [badpeon_] all humans have to die
<paniq> i dont have to
<paniq> i have won in a lottery for immortality
<wayfinder> i thought you've won a key fob?
<jco> an immortal key fob
Quote: 7900; Rating: 112; [+|-]
<@LoneWo|f> once the divorce is final...i'm getting snipped...and if spermicide didn't taste so bad...i'd kiss condoms goodbye!
Quote: 7901; Rating: 258; [+|-]
* Argent- changes topic to '<beth> IRN has visions of me on my knees, cock in hand, looking up with huge brown eyes, saying "m-mister.. are you sure this is right?"'
Quote: 7902; Rating: 472; [+|-]
<Affe> dude why isa alcohol legal and weed not?
<Ouro[420]> I know
<Affe> i can type and drive stoned off my ass no proeblem
<Ouro[420]> Yeah
<Affe> but drunk i can't'ed do to jack shit
<Ouro[420]> Like type
<Ouro[420]> And think
<Affe> exvatcyL!
Quote: 7903; Rating: 33; [+|-]
<S|Foo2rama> Don't make me go GTA III on your ass
Quote: 7908; Rating: 275; [+|-]
<@dum|work> he's actually quite likeable in RL
<@dum|work> its just when he gets behind an irc session he becomes Bitter-man
<@dum|work> a strange visitor from another planet, zapping the denizens of IRC with his Bittero rays
<@acme> he's got a Bitter-man cape and tights and everything
<@dum|work> the tights are just a recreational thing
Quote: 7909; Rating: -35; [+|-]
<cain> farting in bed
<cain> with your gf next to you
<cain> then holding her head under the covers
<cain> yah baby yah!
Quote: 7912; Rating: 186; [+|-]
<HeadSoft> hehe amazing what a kinda catchy tune and a ridiculous plot and some photoshop edited pics and too many chat room addicts with nothing better to do... can do to make something like a pop culture fad out of "all your base"
Quote: 7913; Rating: 311; [+|-]
<norsende> u00ba dj aligator project - Water In The Ocean u00ba
<roskkouro> water in the ocean. what a stupid, obvious fucking sentance!
<quoz|beer> roskkouro: hey, he's iranian
<quoz|beer> roskkouro: besides, on triton you have oceans of methane
<roskkouro> quoz: bitch
Quote: 7917; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<Zaph23> I wanna go to one of those h00ker golf tourneys
<Zaph23> I can't play for crap but who cares
<DJ_Dave> heh
<DJ_Dave> gotta pay extra to play that hole
Quote: 7918; Rating: 326; [+|-]
<Thru^Me^Cool> you don't know cool until you've played the tuba!!
Quote: 7923; Rating: 59; [+|-]
<VaeShir> i admit to it.. you caught me red handed looking for sex
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