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Quote: 5438; Rating: 200; [+|-]
<Spooky> What agitates your grotesquely large noggin?
<Alexander> Human EXISTANCE
<Spooky> Righto...only that?
<Spooky> I accepted their powerful funk of stupid long ago...only not really.
<Spooky> I can't go to a mall when it's busy or I start shaking.
<Spooky> Shaking (read: Killing)
<Alexander> yeah I know that shaking/maiming feeling
Quote: 5440; Rating: 382; [+|-]
<Spooky> So I'm arguing with this guy about Starwars
<Spooky> which I hate
<Spooky> And he's like: " I hated episode 1 cause jar jar was stupid"
<Spooky> and I said that Jar jar was about as stupid as ewoks
<Spooky> and he got all idignant and said ewoks were cool
Quote: 5443; Rating: 768; [+|-]
<Goku> :O
<kepler> hold that face goku
*kepler unzips
*aegis runs away
Quote: 5447; Rating: 70; [+|-]
<aussie> whats wrong with racial profiling?
<Jake> Absolutely nothing, as long as it's unbiased.
<The_Roach> That's a contradiction in terms.
<JD> I've never been profiled so, I would say nothing
Quote: 5449; Rating: 309; [+|-]
<oogie> I wonder would oral sex would feel like from one of those african women with the big plate in their lower lip
<oogie> you could have a little tray to rest your nuts on on her lower lip
Quote: 5454; Rating: 495; [+|-]
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb has anyone ever dreamt that they were food that was being eaten?
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb I cant find anyone else thats had a dream
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb I was mashed potatoes once
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb I felt like little bits of me were being swallowed and stuff, it was weird
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb then a week later I was jello
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb but nobody ate me
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb I just stood around jiggling
u00ab+ Ryutaro u00bb this was when I did drugs, lol
Quote: 5460; Rating: 736; [+|-]
<Sinner> how do you stop a cat from trying to fuck your other cats
<gjvc> get in there first
Quote: 5462; Rating: 351; [+|-]
<Sinner_> i know someone who fucked a turkey once
<gjvc> i wake up early
<gjvc> check my email
<Murex> i dont see how i could actually fit my average cock into a chicken
<Sinner_> he was mad at his family
<gjvc> and see this shit
<Sinner_> and he fucked the thanksgiving turkey
<lazydog> bhahah
<gjvc> ahahahaha
<Murex> hahhahaa
<gjvc> lord
Quote: 5463; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<Frizz0> anyone want a compaq proliant raid server 256M hardware raid p-pro200
<Frizz0> its about to get sold for drugs
<k5sss> payment in drugs, or payment in cash to buy drugs?
<Frizz0> either way is fine
Quote: 5464; Rating: 45; [+|-]
<abt32v> if you need a car to pull bitchez, plz recheck yer game
Quote: 5465; Rating: 193; [+|-]
moose> my resume is SOILD, but I can't get clueless head hunters to even fucking return a call
<moose> "do you have a ccna?"
<moose> "we need somone who knows PGB in internet lans"
<moose> sigh
Quote: 5468; Rating: 2469; [+|-]
<casmill2> I swear to god i must be the only true optimist left on the planet.
Quote: 5473; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<ExCon> ihave one wish b4 i goto army rho :)
<ExCon> op for 1 day :D
<[SuN]> im not that soft :P
<ExCon> what if i die and never come back ?;D
<[SuN]> ill make a bot called ExCon and give it ops
<ExCon> oh..i feel honored
<ExCon> :D
<[SuN]> ;)
Quote: 5475; Rating: 173; [+|-]
<kaleido> how hard is it to plug a fuckin modem into a router
<kaleido> "well i dont know what to do, man"
<kaleido> fuckin christ
<kaleido> where do we find these field engineers
<PunkScum> compton?
<kaleido> i was thinkin guinea
<kaleido> but compton might be right
Quote: 5479; Rating: 248; [+|-]
<Sinner_> you tell me who you want killed, and ill tell you the girl i want the blowjob from
Quote: 5482; Rating: 390; [+|-]
<foo> You got to think like a poet.
<cain> I think you're a cunt.
Quote: 5483; Rating: 550; [+|-]
<kkenn> Traffic lights
<kkenn> Remember folks. Traffic lights timed for 35 mph are also properly timed for 70 mph.
Quote: 5484; Rating: 390; [+|-]
Quote: 5487; Rating: 491; [+|-]
<gjvc> that is beyond ghetto
<gjvc> that is where trailers go to die
Quote: 5489; Rating: 3261; [+|-]
<Entomorph> you know what cracks me up.. trojan condoms, hehe.. I mean if you think about it, a trojan horse was really full off all these little men, and it was a trick to get them inside the fortress.. once inside, the horse BUSTS open, and all the little men come flowing out
Quote: 5490; Rating: 368; [+|-]
<theForger> it's kind of odd how a lot of planets in star trek have spaceships and transporters, and yet they still live in huts and clay houses
Quote: 5493; Rating: 350; [+|-]
<LuceNT> i don't download and install crap
<Mr2001> that's why you don't get the girls.
<LuceNT> because i don't fill my computer with garbage?
<Mr2001> you have to put up with crap.
Quote: 5495; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<roded> i have one last thing i can try
*** roded has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
Quote: 5500; Rating: 701; [+|-]
<Hahn> Zara, have you ever killed anyone with a crowbar during a soccer riot?
<Zaratustra> Didn't have the chance.
<Hahn> That sounds like an excuse to me.
Quote: 5501; Rating: 292; [+|-]
<maff> word to your mother.
<maff> especially on mothers day.
Quote: 5508; Rating: 419; [+|-]
<[ric]> fucking dicks
<[ric]> we have a huge flat screen LCD display in out presentation room
<[ric]> it's worth about u00a310,000
<[ric]> and now it has "It is safe to switch off your computer" burn into the screen
<roded> hehe
<nakkew> LOL
<Object> hehe
<nakkew> thank god it wasnt a pr0n site burnt into the screen
<nakkew> wouldnt look good for customers
Quote: 5509; Rating: 476; [+|-]
<ScumDog> rah
<ScumDog> this "waking up in the morning" stuff is interesting
Quote: 5510; Rating: 389; [+|-]
<zaril> my x-gf left me sex-deprived, not my fault. :P
<Toen> yeah right.
<Toen> "she let me see her bra once"
<Toen> " of the ones in her dresser anyway"
<Toen> "it was unhooked! eheh! heh!"
Quote: 5511; Rating: 655; [+|-]
*** Moses is now known as Cain
<Cain> oh no I killed my bro
<KeeperS> ...
<KeeperS> what a stirring rendition of the bible
* KeeperS is moved to tears
Quote: 5514; Rating: 214; [+|-]
[Lord-Data] damn. wish gdivx had brought me girls instead of fame and money
Quote: 5515; Rating: 282; [+|-]
<DAL9000> vanilla coke tastes like ass
<mov> i'd like to taste it..
Quote: 5519; Rating: 452; [+|-]
<scoob-e> i got in a fight with the lady at CVS cuz she wouldnt develop the picture of my cock
Quote: 5520; Rating: 189; [+|-]
<Njits> phuk, I just realized I slept thru a dentists appointment :(
<automat0n> were you in the dentist's chair?
Quote: 5521; Rating: 416; [+|-]
<Lord-Data> god dammit. try as i might, i cannot type in the starwars theme music in words
Quote: 5522; Rating: 116; [+|-]
<lerk> yeah, fat girls are fun sometimes
<lerk> especially doggie style
<fate-> slap em and ride the waves
Quote: 5523; Rating: 3324; [+|-]
<Opcode> i was gonna call 911...but i was downloading a file
Quote: 5525; Rating: 181; [+|-]
<illz> i just got a text message on my phone
<illz> "Im playing w/ my clit hehe.."
Quote: 5527; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<slide-> hah, of course their site has popup ads
<eevar> get opera.. - never seen a popup i don't want
<slide-> iv never seen a popup i do want
Quote: 5528; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<Yakface> that all, I need to send you some BD
<Blackdog> nah im weird, dont go for porn
<Blackdog> hands on only, me
<Yakface> me niether, except for the really hard euro stuff
Quote: 5530; Rating: 133; [+|-]
<Spooky> HOLY FUCK
<Spooky> Send her my way when your done
<Anton> will do
<Spooky> I'll knock the mascara off that
<Spooky> Two little black circles on the wall next to the bed
Quote: 5531; Rating: 139; [+|-]
<Anton> my unhairy mates have better luck than me with women
<Spooky> shitty
<Spooky> I figure keep your spirits up and standards low
Quote: 5533; Rating: 338; [+|-]
<gobi> djcrom: most guys would prolly jump on it and put a bag over her head if nothing else
<djcrom> if anything you'd need like 15 condoms tho
<gobi> djcrom: or a full body condom
<djcrom> don't get herpes, get glad (tm)
Quote: 5536; Rating: 900; [+|-]
*** Joins: meganpreg ([email protected])
<meganpreg> hi all
<Ghaleon> hello
<geoffh> meganpreg on #chatzone #chat #netsex #mindspring #CheeseBurger #gameart #gamedev #FSEntertainment #india +#pakistan #xxx
<geoffh> hungry bored pregnant looking-for-sex-chat muslim woman (?) looking to develop interactive media in southern asia while troubleshooting problems with her ISP
<MachinShi> lol
Quote: 5537; Rating: 55; [+|-]
<memo> Brilliant astrophysicists from around the world rely exclusively on Semi for all their toilet-cleaning needs.
Quote: 5541; Rating: 240; [+|-]
* icenine --train &
<j0ker> luck with your new job
<j0ker> :)
<icenine> not going to my job
<icenine> i'm going to go punch a recruiter in the face
<icenine> but close enough
Quote: 5542; Rating: 1819; [+|-]
[guest27125] hi i am very good at irc, i can script and even hack people on irc,but this real good hacker keeps hacking into me and changing my nick, his name is NickServ
Quote: 5543; Rating: 3835; [+|-]
<andy> moo spelled backwards is moo
<andy> no wait
Quote: 5548; Rating: 278; [+|-]
<CoMBo> man i got 12 hrs of sleep about to come in a couple minutes
<vermifuge> you sleep 12 hours everyday ?
<CoMBo> yeah give or take an hour
<vermifuge> i hope thats fucking canadian hours
<CoMBo> main reason why i didn't do good in my grade 13
<CoMBo> i think thats why i look so young, and skinny
<CoMBo> cuz i get so much rest
<|]resta> or it could be the HIV
Quote: 5577; Rating: 318; [+|-]
<MrMoves> Adam, you see driving a car, is a bit like making love to a beautiful woman, take it easy at first, get comfortable, then rag the arse off her until she dies, then trade her in for a new model
Quote: 5579; Rating: 507; [+|-]
<|argh|> I was caring for a woman from Kentucky and asked, "So how's your breakfast this morning?" "It's very good, except for the Kentucky Jelly. I can't seem to get used to the taste," the patient replied. I then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foil packet labeled KY Jelly.
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