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Quote: 5580; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<blitzoid> It's got a thousand people saying that you CANNOT live without a "ULTRA RARE FOIL CARD MTG SUPER GOLEM ORC MONSTER FLOWER" card. I don't even like MTG, and these fucks are saying that without these cards my colon will fuse shut and my eyes will melt and drain down my face.
Quote: 5584; Rating: 703; [+|-]
<Villager> haven't you heard the phrase 'big is beautiful'?
<Alexander> i've heard the phrase 'fat is repulsive'
Quote: 5585; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<Sys> What's *really* not funny is the nasty metal-on-oh-so-sensitive-metal sound my hard drive makes when I try and access anything in the last 2 gig.... oh dear....
Quote: 5586; Rating: 416; [+|-]
| Lavalamp is ([email protected]])
<@madog> vietnam sucks anyway
<Lavalamp> vn = vietnam?
<Lavalamp> maybe that's why it's so lagged
<@madog> *sigh*
<@Guilty> I figured Vietnam would have a wonderful network of fiber since all the holes were already dug
Quote: 5588; Rating: 623; [+|-]
<lusty_guy> any hot lady wanna role play
<+ladyfingerz> okay i'll be me and you be gone
Quote: 5590; Rating: 591; [+|-]
*** Joins: lick_me_man ([email protected])
<@splicer|work> lick_me_man: <-- one of the lesser known superheroes
Quote: 5592; Rating: 201; [+|-]
<bytraper> you idiots!!!
<Synoptica> yeah i confess
Quote: 5595; Rating: 212; [+|-]
<@goose> does any one know a way of checking if some one is online without using msn or any over chat software
<@goose> ?
<+KawaiiUsagi> not unless you know their assigned ip addy
<@goose> nope
<@goose> BT change it every time you log on
<@goose> can you ping the phone number ?
Quote: 5596; Rating: 755; [+|-]
<Fugazi> Like I said before, I never repeat myself!
Quote: 5597; Rating: 852; [+|-]
<Elfin> lkmwclldsldldldldldld,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,,e,e,e,e,e,e
,e,e,e,,,,eee,e,olwowowoowolsalslslsllslslslslslslllsllsllsllslls lsls
<Elfin> That was me playing keyboard drums.
<memo> Rock on.
<Elfin> You know it.
Quote: 5598; Rating: 7207; [+|-]
<Kazz> Do vampires have anuses? Cause that's why I wouldn't let this kid invade a vampire's anus in this RPG, right, I was GMing, and his character was an Anus Shade, with the power to possess and control the anuses of people and animals.. and I figured that vampires don't have anuses.
<Zaratustra> a vampire's anus is present, but non-working.
<Zaratustra> like a network card without the appropriate driver.
<Kazz> Wow. You're the biggest dork on Earth.
<Sharkey> And you're DMing an rpg with Anus Shades.
Quote: 5599; Rating: 212; [+|-]
<xmt> I have a Iframe but when i write text in it, and push ENTER to get a new line it makes like two lines why ?
<trimp> xmt: you're problems are severe
<trimp> I think we have a level 3 drilion
<xmt> trimp: ?
<trimp> well lets just say that people at level 2 are in a druling in a wheelchair and their keyboard is their voice.
<drlion> rofl
<xmt> could u help me with the problem or ?
<trimp> damnit xmt, I'm not a doctor!
<xmt> ok, why didnu00b4t u say that at once
*** xmt has quit IRC
Quote: 5603; Rating: 656; [+|-]
<Khamosis> Man
<Khamosis> this is so awesome
<Khamosis> I'm playing Nethack right after I installed my GF4
Quote: 5604; Rating: 493; [+|-]
<neo[soul]> people cant take jokes anymore
<neo[soul]> this lady at work brought her dog in
<neo[soul]> and i stared at it and said "yummy"
<neo[soul]> and she got scared and walked off
<neo[soul]> fucking idiot
Quote: 5606; Rating: 525; [+|-]
<matts> woooooooooo what
<synja> im celebrating in advance for when one of you guys gives me an acct to an audio warez site that im about to ask access for
Quote: 5608; Rating: 222; [+|-]
<deimos> too bad I didn't beat up quatoria
<deimos> I'm his puppet apparently
<deimos> since he has his hand up my ass all the time
<deimos> plz to be removing that btw
Quote: 5611; Rating: 582; [+|-]
<+straylight> Limp Bizket stole their music from black people... but black people were going to throw it away anyway.
Quote: 5614; Rating: 394; [+|-]
<quatoria> you shat on your daughter? disgusting pervert.
<Plaid> No, you freak. I puked on her.
Quote: 5621; Rating: 829; [+|-]
<Straylight> aw3some
<Straylight> oops
<Straylight> haha... i accidentally l33ted
Quote: 5625; Rating: 305; [+|-]
<Veen> if someone said they were 50% gay, would that probably insinuate that they are bi?
<quatoria> It would insinuate they want you to blow them.
Quote: 5626; Rating: 215; [+|-]
Quote: 5634; Rating: 280; [+|-]
<JibbleWork> I'd rather jiz in the can than shit on the seat
<JibbleWork> holy god that came out wrong
Quote: 5638; Rating: 371; [+|-]
<Krispy> you could double specialize
Quote: 5643; Rating: 228; [+|-]
<anju> hell,not only do i not have brains. . . i have EXTRA BOOBS INSIDE MY HEAD instead
Quote: 5646; Rating: 109; [+|-]
<+stray> Somehow, i cant get behind a prophet named JOE SMITH
<+krispy> hahaha
<+krispy> i can't get behind any
<+stray> the catholic church spent many years getting behind ME (if you know what I mean *wink*)
Quote: 5647; Rating: 202; [+|-]
<Plaid> We got the "Share Minutes" plan. Call it family bondage.
Quote: 5648; Rating: 390; [+|-]
<@Plaid> this song is much better with long hair
Quote: 5652; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<JibbleWork> no amount of work would be able to get my clenched cheeks open
Quote: 5660; Rating: 378; [+|-]
<Sys> I hate maths.u00a0 What do you reckon they'll do if I fail it?
<0ut_Lore> you repeat it.u00a0 fail it AGAIN, and you face the exclusion board.u00a0 guess what they do?u00a0 ;P
<Sys> Exclude you from having to do it a third time? :D
Quote: 5661; Rating: 365; [+|-]
<@Plaid> Somebody just came out of the bathroom across the hall.... and this undeniable STENCH OF DEATH FOLLOWED THEM OUT.
Quote: 5665; Rating: 365; [+|-]
<Spooky> CUNT
<Spooky> Variation on the game fuck (qv), where you have to say "cunt" and get louder and louder.
<Spooky> Use "fatty" near to fat people for a softer version
<Spooky> as it's not really offensive except to the fat person, and fat people can't really punch you because their fingers are like cushions.
Quote: 5667; Rating: 78; [+|-]
<Hendrix> Is it a bad thing when you wank so much cum nothing but air?
Quote: 5671; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<KeeperS> is Jedi Knight 2 more sexy than me?
<Tsunamio> Yes
<Sivako|Morrowind> especially if you have the nude patch
Quote: 5691; Rating: 565; [+|-]
<Daidoji> speaking of old nes games, I recall carrying out clandestine operations in terms of game rentals
<Daidoji> for example, renting a copy of dragon warrior 4, and swapping the chip with urban champion.
<Daidoji> I bet there are 5 or 6 kids who think dragon warrior 4 is the worst vs fighting game ever made
Quote: 5693; Rating: 399; [+|-]
<uglykaka> uhhh AF is making thongs for 6-10 yr olds
<shaan> thongs?
<pagan> ya i saw that on the news, pretty funny shit eh
<_neil> jeez
<uglykaka> thats just wrong
<_neil> that's just wrong
<shaan> shake your pre puebescent groove thing
<shaan> they should market it as a "training thong"
Quote: 5694; Rating: 734; [+|-]
<Luke> spammers probably love receiving spam. "Grow your penis 150% overnight? Why didn't we think of that one!"
* delYsid has mortage, opportunity and penis in his score file.
<delYsid> thats pretty effective against spam
<Luke> aren't you worried about missing opportunities to mortgage your penis?
Quote: 5699; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<Khross{killme}> O_O
<Khross{killme}> I WILL BE BACK SHORTLY
<Khross{killme}> Oh wait I'm heterosexual.
Quote: 5701; Rating: 608; [+|-]
<ssptg> fuck i deleted msn again
<Straylight> good
<Straylight> did you get all of it?
Quote: 5703; Rating: 495; [+|-]
<DAL9000> VB is like fingerpainting.
<Epitaph> except it's not fun.
Quote: 5707; Rating: 260; [+|-]
<+Straylight> Victoria's Secret is probably that she's a man.
<+gwenhyvar> I have a secret in my pants
Quote: 5712; Rating: 87; [+|-]
<+Krispy> i talk about poo a lot
<+gwenhyvar> Krispy: I had to poo really bad when the AT&T guy was installing our phone.. and I couldn't untill he was gone
<+Straylight> why not? installing a phone in the bathroom?
Quote: 5715; Rating: 279; [+|-]
* NovaScorp just taped his old 15" monitor connected to his server sideways on a chair so he can IRC while in bed =-D
Quote: 5718; Rating: 343; [+|-]
[OutLoreu00a0 ] OMFG
[Lord-Data] OutLore: OYFG!
Quote: 5727; Rating: 527; [+|-]
<BloodAngel> I was just trying to find something in my pants pocket- but I didn't know what.
<BloodAngel> [don't start, don't _even_ start!]
<BloodAngel> And then I realized what I was looking for...
<BloodAngel> And proved I'm dumb. :)
<BloodAngel> 'cuz I was trying to find the 2-Litre of Mountain Dew that I set down.
Quote: 5729; Rating: 1126; [+|-]
<Lord-Data> god damn faggot game
<Lord-Data> why the fuck would i wanna pick up a corpse when im on 10% health, theres a minigun in front of me and im under fire
<Lord-Data> when i push use i wanna use the god damn gun, not fuck the damn corpse
Quote: 5731; Rating: 65; [+|-]
<dan-zzzz> got some drab races to go to
<Lord-Data> heh. that when it rains?
Quote: 5732; Rating: 58; [+|-]
<TDragon`> MachinShi: COMMUNIST!
<PitDroid> we take everything you have, divide it equally amongst ourselves, and then return to you a portion of what you originally had
<gIbBeR> lol
<geoffh> taxes?
<PitDroid> taxes are dumb
Quote: 5735; Rating: 799; [+|-]
<robin24> any girls in here?
<cognac> does is really matter?
<cognac> the only thing you're gonna see are letters and numbers anyway
Quote: 5737; Rating: 594; [+|-]
<Anton> mainly becauseone day I'll have a car and drive to every single girl who ever said I was cute
<Anton> so be warned and prepared
<angelic> will do.
<Anton> oh and by prepared I meant naked
Quote: 5740; Rating: 1579; [+|-]
<evenpar123> I think I'm losing it...
<Slant> evenpar123: Losing what?
<evenpar123> my ability to tell the difference between games and reality
<evenpar123> Just today, I was driving down a street, and saw a building that had sunlight reflecting off it...
<evenpar123> And I thought "Damn....these are some nice graphics..."
<evenpar123> It was horrible...
<evenpar123> ugh
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