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Quote: 3594; Rating: 298; [+|-]
<mightyflo> they keep all interesting stuff from entering the country i live in
<mightyflo> and at the same time, flood it with total crap
<Slant> mightyflo: It's a conspiracy to make us stupid.
<Reo> and it's too late for many of us
Quote: 3597; Rating: 276; [+|-]
<kisama_> alright
<kisama_> so you're against christmas presents too?
Quote: 3599; Rating: 313; [+|-]
<xeiro> O_6: what does updating your kernel actaully do
<O_6> xeiro, gets me the chicks
Quote: 3600; Rating: 269; [+|-]
<BombScare> hmmm...choices choices, either get dressed and go get lunch, or sit here and wait for dinner
<BombScare> damn im lazy
Quote: 3602; Rating: 504; [+|-]
<Baby-d> I set up a shoutcast last night while I was pretty wasted, it's fuckin tight though
<SilverJag> I guess
<Baby-d> you guess!?!
<Baby-d> show some more enthusiasim!
<Baby-d> :)
<SilverJag> I cant I have diahreaa
Quote: 3604; Rating: 385; [+|-]
(snpr^): 1337 = l33t = leet = elite = ghey
Quote: 3610; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<sAmEeLl> canada`s fbi is called RCMP
<sAmEeLl> sounds like a dos attack
Quote: 3611; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<sAmEeLl> i smoke dunhills
<aNuBiS-> i assume thats #bearcave lingo for cock
Quote: 3613; Rating: 500; [+|-]
<SinbadTheSailor> hi hedge...are you on turps?
<Hedge> quite sober actually
<sTar69> sober like, just jammed my penis in the door kinda sober?
<Hedge> sober like i just got caught shoplifting a dildo kinda sober
<sTar69> oh THAT kind of sober ;)
<sTar69> i mean err what are you talking about?
Quote: 3614; Rating: 62; [+|-]
<Waters> I practice safe sex
<Waters> I masterbate with a condom on
Quote: 3615; Rating: 518; [+|-]
<DeathFist> hey, can u guys stop talking about racism and shit...its getting old...if you dont like it, then you dont have to own slaves, its as easy as that...
Quote: 3616; Rating: 617; [+|-]
<azmaveth> man u know that is funny as shit is my school ip
Quote: 3618; Rating: 567; [+|-]
<establish> 16/f/virgin/36c/firmtits/5'9/125 pounds/I like guys who are short, overweight, not good looking, and who are really into computers and video games/plus I have genital warts
Quote: 3619; Rating: 446; [+|-]
<kolby> You take that B off and I won't even charge ya.
Quote: 3620; Rating: 223; [+|-]
<meohmy> at the end of the day its smokers that keep the hospitals running
Quote: 3621; Rating: 297; [+|-]
<djcrom> its so hard to create a build in an electro song without any percussion
<noj> no it isn't
<noj> you puss
<djcrom> ok let me rephrase
<djcrom> its so hard to create a build in an electro song without any percussion and make it not sound gay
Quote: 3622; Rating: 8; [+|-]
<shaun|bbl> I've been smokin my cats shit recently, once you get over the bad taste, it actually fucks you up good....:P
Quote: 3623; Rating: 185; [+|-]
<fai|ure> pearl must have some cavern pussy if she's wanting it in the ass everytime
<pearl> i didnt say everytime
<pearl> occasionally is nice :)
<pearl> jd has the nicest thing to say about me usually
<fai|ure> i'm that sensitive type of guy
<fai|ure> ya' know what i'm sayin'
<Ginger> cavernous is not good
<Ginger> cept
<Ginger> for the esophageal capacity
Quote: 3625; Rating: 334; [+|-]
<nakke> !dictionary fellatio
<FillyJonk>u00a0 2 entries found for fellatio.
<FillyJonk>u00a0 fel-la-ti-o (f-l, -sh, f-) n. Oral stimulation of the penis. [New Latin, from Latin felltus, past participle of fellre, to suck. See dh(i)- in Indo-European Roots.]
<JibberJim> So billions is spent on making it possible for people to "chat" across the world, and access dictionary's and what do you do? - look up dirty words...
Quote: 3627; Rating: 116; [+|-]
<Phil> i always have fun when 11 inches is involved
Quote: 3630; Rating: 6835; [+|-]
<blazemore> omg i love this song
<blazemore> Now playing: Unknown Artist - Track 2 @ 128 Kbps. (0:47/3:24)
<Javi> blazemore:u00a0 yeah, that's a bad ass song
Quote: 3632; Rating: 170; [+|-]
<tsui-ji> gyl: go into #asian and tell em you are white, have muscles and drive a nice car and mad chicks will msg you
Quote: 3634; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<tyne> my life consists of 2 things
<tyne> music
<tyne> and debt
Quote: 3635; Rating: 1072; [+|-]
<L0ne_W0lf> I saw a lady at work today putting a credit card into her floppy drive and pulling it out very quickly. I inquired as to what she was doing and she said she was shopping on the Internet, and they asked for a credit card number, so she was using the ATM "thingy."
Quote: 3636; Rating: 148; [+|-]
<kung_fu_mike> its not a fast rmix when all you did was speed up the bit rate
<kung_fu_mike> oh and degrade the quality
Quote: 3638; Rating: 318; [+|-]
<CoMBo> so for job titles, i should put Wholesale Distributor, Bookkeeping and ...what goes here
<jube> Village Idiot
Quote: 3646; Rating: 363; [+|-]
<WhitePony> I want to upgrade my t3 connection to a cable modem, where do i download the patch?
Quote: 3647; Rating: 894; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #funadultchat
<Megumi> i am ready to receive my fun
Quote: 3649; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<PapaWo|f> any girls care to chat with 17/m/Van/Lamer/zits for days/hideously overweight/naked right at this moment spanking off to animal porn? msg me
Quote: 3650; Rating: 292; [+|-]
(@watchy): hey io
(@watchy): i am gonna put up a ebay auction
(@watchy): i'm gonna auction my sperm
(@watchy): haha
*** Quits: watchy (Excess Flood)
(@[IO]): or not
Quote: 3651; Rating: 90; [+|-]
[illz] i could maybe play it off him like 'im just taking my autistic friend out he's never had a drink before'
Quote: 3652; Rating: 565; [+|-]
<blazemore> one time i was camping with a bunch of friends and me and this girl were sleeping next to each other and we were both laying on our sides with our asses touching and i accidentally farted
Quote: 3658; Rating: 373; [+|-]
* auslandr pokes lint in the eye
<EigenLint> no poking.
* auslandr stabs lint in the eye
<auslandr> better?
Quote: 3659; Rating: 692; [+|-]
<Mazroth> A girl waved to me once before making out with her boyfriend, does that count as scoring?
Quote: 3660; Rating: 282; [+|-]
<FlipTopBox> oooh!u00a0 i want a p'zone!
<mightyflo> "we tried spelling 'pizza' and 'calzone' but we fucked up."
<FlipTopBox> i was thinking more like "we were trying to find the most annoying name possible."
Quote: 3661; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<Kiteless> anyways, invite only is often a good thing
<Kiteless> unless youre talking about girls of course..
<ScumDog> Kidon's giving you delusions about girls who like games being 'hot'
<ScumDog> she's a serious rarity - remember that
<mightyflo> sell her on ebay
<Kiteless> 'hot gamer gf'
<mightyflo> LQQK!
Quote: 3662; Rating: 258; [+|-]
<metroid23> all those dumb bots. they all sit around and make each other feel comfortable by confirming each others' decisions. it's like a big self-help group!
Quote: 3663; Rating: 78; [+|-]
<TURBOMEAT> note to self : clean george foreman grille before making grilled cheese
<Megami> Hmmm.... I think it's time for CC again. XD
<TURBOMEAT> the bread tastes of the fat of 1000 meals
<Megami> Why the hell would you make grilled cheese on an inclined grill in the first place? O.o;
Quote: 3664; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<mappyman> i sent off for a PAL videotape of Captain Jack
<mappyman> still in backorder
<Hiko> heh
<Hiko> how you gonna play a PAL tape?
<mightyflo> just crack it
Quote: 3668; Rating: 358; [+|-]
<ThaDragon> money == good life == pussy + beer.
<ThaDragon> Preferrably in that order. Pussy tastes horrible after beer.
<tenfour> eew
* ThaDragon grossed out tenfour
<tenfour> I can't stand the taste of beer
Quote: 3670; Rating: 361; [+|-]
<Object> shutting down your computer is like putting your dog in a cage
<Object> you just don't do that
Quote: 3672; Rating: 332; [+|-]
<blazemore> 1) he has pants listed in the arcade machine section
<blazemore> 2) why would you buy used clothes over the internet :/
<Slant|SCC> Let alone "techno raver DJ" pants?
<Steve-3> 9 bids so far
<Steve-3> maybe i should start selling my old boxers on ebay
<Steve-3> These boxers are in GREAT condition, with the exception of a spot where i let go a little early
<Slant|SCC> But they're not any ordinary boxser.
<Slant|SCC> They're "techno raver DJ" boxers!
Quote: 3673; Rating: 456; [+|-]
<dregan> Shush, or I'll stab you in the groin.
<MightyQuinn> no you won't.
<dregan> Would you like to test that?
<MightyQuinn> no.
<dregan> I accept it may be hard to hit first time, but I'm willing to give it a go.
Quote: 3677; Rating: 1027; [+|-]
<w3nis> I remember discussing bong tactics with a friend and drawing out plans and then we realized we had drew a pelican
Quote: 3679; Rating: 532; [+|-]
*** fr33b1rth sets mode: -o fr33b1rth
<fr33b1rth> shit...
<fr33b1rth> shitfuckdamn
Quote: 3680; Rating: 266; [+|-]
<mightyflo> i still want the milli vanilli cd
<mightyflo> the only place i've seen it is a smoky as hell pool hall
<scummo> Dr Q's.
<scummo> I go there specifically to play that entire CD all the time!!!
<scummo> And the best part is, all the people there never get that I was the one who put it on
<scummo> So they always strike up conversation like "Haha.. I wonder who the faggot who put this shit on was.."
<scummo> especially when I had the whole long-haired rocker image
Quote: 3681; Rating: 310; [+|-]
<rivvah> dude, he's from montana or some shit. 17.50 would buy a new house
<Ouroboros> What's a house?
Quote: 3682; Rating: 429; [+|-]
<Guinivere> they have cable in Montana?
<Ouroboros> Yeah, you use it for barb-wire fences.
<Ouroboros> You know, cable.
<Ouroboros> Or for pulling your truck out of the ditch or whatever.
Quote: 3684; Rating: 129; [+|-]
<dodgey> my g/f somtimes talks to me in html code
<dodgey> quite cute... eheh
<dodgey> like i go to bed the other night, she sais
<dodgey> actually, what did she say
Quote: 3685; Rating: 163; [+|-]
<bytraper> i would have charged data for it, but i felt sorry because he had boobs
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