Quote: 3502; Rating: 346; [+|-]
<Butters> this girl I'm talking to on AIM just tried out her new "pink panther"
<chowda> Butters: I'm sure "she" did :)
Quote: 3509; Rating: 254; [+|-]
<Rasputin> Episode 1 rocked!!!!!
<Rasputin> Let me rephrase.
<Rasputin> The trailer for Episode 1 ROCKED!!!!
Quote: 3510; Rating: 310; [+|-]
*** Signoff: Demamas (Ping timeout)
<Nyphur> oops
<Nyphur> I forgot I left his cage off the server
Quote: 3523; Rating: 283; [+|-]
<JFalcon> sex is too much work... and the customers always complain.
Quote: 3524; Rating: 4513; [+|-]
<Ouroboros> Has anyone ever logged into dev0n's FTP?
<Affe> ouro: that some kind of sexual innuendo?
<xpander> is that a euphemism?
<Ouroboros> Possibly
<Ouroboros> Shhh
<Ouroboros> I try to be subtle about these things.
<Affe> in that case, i 'log into dev0ns ftp' all the time
<Ouroboros> Yeah, she gave me her "login" but she won't reply to my "/msgs"
<Affe> dude i had 'sex' with her in the 'butt' the other day
<Affe> oh wait
<Affe> we're being subtle
Quote: 3526; Rating: 758; [+|-]
<Korben> tits
<darkraZor> yes, tits
<Soopa> i agree
<darkraZor> ...indeed
Quote: 3532; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<blazemore> indian, asian.. same difference, they both end with "ian"
Quote: 3535; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<ScumDog> I never treat women as members of the opposite sex, Tanya.
Quote: 3539; Rating: 1025; [+|-]
<craig> i'm sorry, i should've remembered that many people are pedanic here
<Crappy> it's pedantic
Quote: 3547; Rating: 199; [+|-]
<sQuEeDeN> <applet code="filename.jar"></applet>
<duckman> <monkey sex="now"></monkey>
<sQuEeDeN> <duckman sex="none" orientation="unknown"></duckman>
Quote: 3550; Rating: 17; [+|-]
<PowrSlave> dude once i got an altoid stuck up my gf's pussy
<PowrSlave> and everytime i tried to fish it out with my tongue it went further up. and she said it burned her hahaa
Quote: 3551; Rating: 89; [+|-]
<GiRLiE> hey it was funny the doc asked me if I have blood in my urine
<GiRLiE> thought of u
Quote: 3552; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<DAL9000> he prolly cried and then shot himself in the head 14 times
<Wronski> DAL9000: I think it would be rather difficult to shoot yourself in the head 14 times.
<DAL9000> Wronski: think about it.
<DAL9000> if he's stupid enough to use an imac and need help
<DAL9000> then he's prolly not using very much of his brain
<natescape> b'sides, they say we only use 10% of our brain most of the time anyway
<natescape> his 10% was probably located closer to his ass....
Quote: 3554; Rating: 850; [+|-]
<@Dark_un> is there an actual term for banks lending out money?
<@bytraper> loan
<@Dark_un> i was thinking of the process
<@incorrect> scam
Quote: 3556; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<IceHeartX> we had geekporn.com like, years ago
<IceHeartX> we gave it up 'cause we didn't actually have any hot geeks
Quote: 3557; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<mightyflo> and "what technologies do you like working with best?"
<mightyflo> that's an odd question
<redbatszu> dusteating nanobots?
<mightyflo> i should hook those up to the x10 remote
<mightyflo> i could clean the house from my chair
Quote: 3559; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<Geothermal> "<Sphlynxo> Watch your mouth, son." what the hell was that
<Geothermal> he better be joking
<Geothermal> 'cause this is fucking finalfight
<Kazz-readin> Yeah. Fight the power!
<dregan> Where the men are men, the women are women, the sheep are scared, and the preteen girls are 40-year-old men!
Quote: 3560; Rating: 388; [+|-]
<evilbadz> can i show you my function?
<DAL9000> never on a first date.
Quote: 3561; Rating: 287; [+|-]
<mightyflo> they need to make a car washing sim
<nitrifik_> I'd play it.
<FE2work> what r u a spic ?
<blazemore> haha
<blazemore> would you like to buy a vowel?
<blazemore> or even a whole word
Quote: 3563; Rating: 508; [+|-]
<Slant> Maybe I'll be able to ignore my GOD DAMN NEED TO HUMP ANYTHING HUMAN AND FEMALE
<Zor-SLEEP> i feel for your sisters.
Quote: 3565; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<DMC[tiky]> talon: and dont get me started on your little "provicative" look in the bottom of the picture
<DMC[tiky]> look like someone put ginger ale in your vagina and you are like 'you silly little kitten'
*** DMC[tiky] was kicked by _Talon_ (God, you are so annoying)
*** DMC[tiky] (hi@pcp800792pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net) has joined
<DMC[tiky]> haha
<DMC[tiky]> talon is frustrated with my dmc face
Quote: 3566; Rating: 14; [+|-]
<DMC[tiky]> talon: also can we discuss your choice of hairstyles?
<DMC[tiky]> talon: the nappy-hair crackhead washed up movie star shoulder legth hair cut is sooo not in.
Quote: 3568; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<KoS-> what the hell is a civic hx?
<matts> hx =hax0red
Quote: 3570; Rating: 1440; [+|-]
*** d6|GaiaN has joined #lesbians
<d6|GaiaN> lol
Quote: 3572; Rating: 254; [+|-]
*** Villager has joined #akpcep
<Villager> damn AOL
<Joshua> ...
<Alexander> hi vill
<Joshua> jesus shit!
<Joshua> you ARE using AOL!
<Joshua> i thought you were joking...
Quote: 3575; Rating: 153; [+|-]
<jstepka> perl is the kryptonite of the computer science world
<pagan> if stepka looks at it his penis shrivles up
<pagan> and he gets weak
<pagan> =)
<jstepka> hell yeah
Quote: 3576; Rating: 451; [+|-]
* RedBull has returned.. I degaussed my girlfriend and I'm just not attracted to her anymore.
Quote: 3577; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<Corranfox> GF?
<metroid23> you'll get it eventually...
<Corranfox> guitar freaks
<blazemore> it's not like it'd stand for girl friend.. this IS #bemani after all
Quote: 3578; Rating: 536; [+|-]
<myzery> MIAMI -- An 81-year-old woman who arrived in court Thursday in a wheelchair plotted to smuggle 9,931 doses of Ecstasy in her luggage on a flight from London, authorities said.
<matts> hahah
<[prefix]> haha
<matts> What a doofus
<skycriesx> whered u read that
<myzery> the onion
Quote: 3579; Rating: 226; [+|-]
<Slant> The problem with having gone this long without whacking
<Slant> is that I have no quality pr0n in which to celebrate the occasion
<Slant> that now I can whack
<Slant> and thus I feel the "moment" isn't right
Quote: 3580; Rating: 306; [+|-]
<Slant> Easy way to figure out which episodes Slant likes:
<Slant> for x in StarTrek.Episodes[]
<Slant> if (x.liked_by_everyone)
<Slant> Slant.hates_episode[x] = TRUE;
<Slant> else
<Slant> Slant.likes_episode[x] = FALSE;
<Slant> no wait.
<mightyflo> hahahahahahahaha
<Slant> Slant.hates_episode[x] = FALSE;
<animegoth> lol
<FutabaAoi> so you hate all of tng!
<mightyflo> it's funny when you can debug someone's real life code
Quote: 3581; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<Slant> In the process of arguing for chinese food
<Slant> I appear to have slipped my guilt in .. err .. inability to cook food.
<Slant> If it reaches the complexity of boiling water, I don't have the attention span.
<Slant> As such, we have had a few vict.. err .. accidents around the house.
<Slant> So it looks like I'll be eating ramen tonight. Worse, I'll be eating it carefully monitored.
Quote: 3582; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<duk0r> Don't forget kids, the faster you download the bigger your penis is.
Quote: 3584; Rating: 219; [+|-]
MrProgrmmr: I want to encode my sperms DNA with the DeCSS code, that way when I jack off, I'd be breaking the law
Quote: 3587; Rating: 305; [+|-]
<cheezwiz> anybody know how to have WarCraft 3 run off of a bnetd server??
<eldee> cheezwiz: yeah
<cheezwiz> eldee
<cheezwiz> really?
<eldee> cheezwiz: yeah! first, become a beta tester. then they'll give you a serial number you can use. its hella easy after that. you just hit connect
<cheezwiz> eldee:wow u didn't help at all
<eldee> cheezwiz: cool. mission accomplished
Quote: 3588; Rating: 294; [+|-]
*** da-guvnor (~tonto@pc2-stoc4-0-cust224.mid.cable.ntl.com) Quit (If girls are made of sugar & spice......why do they taste of fish.)
Quote: 3589; Rating: 303; [+|-]
e l i t e m r p: you think you're so smart cause you go to "school"
Quote: 3591; Rating: 254; [+|-]
<Slant> ....
<FutabaAoi> i see your ... and raise you ..
<FutabaAoi> !
<Slant> four baby.
* Slant shoots FutabaAoi for cheating at the '.' table.
Quote: 3594; Rating: 250; [+|-]
<mightyflo> they keep all interesting stuff from entering the country i live in
<mightyflo> and at the same time, flood it with total crap
<Slant> mightyflo: It's a conspiracy to make us stupid.
<Reo> and it's too late for many of us
Quote: 3597; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<kisama_> alright
<kisama_> so you're against christmas presents too?
Quote: 3599; Rating: 276; [+|-]
<xeiro> O_6: what does updating your kernel actaully do
<O_6> xeiro, gets me the chicks
Quote: 3600; Rating: 223; [+|-]
<BombScare> hmmm...choices choices, either get dressed and go get lunch, or sit here and wait for dinner
<BombScare> damn im lazy
Quote: 3602; Rating: 465; [+|-]
<Baby-d> I set up a shoutcast last night while I was pretty wasted, it's fuckin tight though
<SilverJag> I guess
<Baby-d> you guess!?!
<Baby-d> show some more enthusiasim!
<Baby-d> :)
<SilverJag> I cant I have diahreaa
Quote: 3604; Rating: 342; [+|-]
(snpr^): 1337 = l33t = leet = elite = ghey
Quote: 3610; Rating: 239; [+|-]
<sAmEeLl> canada`s fbi is called RCMP
<sAmEeLl> sounds like a dos attack
Quote: 3611; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<sAmEeLl> i smoke dunhills
<aNuBiS-> i assume thats #bearcave lingo for cock
Quote: 3613; Rating: 443; [+|-]
<SinbadTheSailor> hi hedge...are you on turps?
<Hedge> quite sober actually
<sTar69> sober like, just jammed my penis in the door kinda sober?
<Hedge> sober like i just got caught shoplifting a dildo kinda sober
<sTar69> oh THAT kind of sober ;)
<sTar69> i mean err what are you talking about?
Quote: 3614; Rating: 20; [+|-]
<Waters> I practice safe sex
<Waters> I masterbate with a condom on
Quote: 3615; Rating: 490; [+|-]
<DeathFist> hey, can u guys stop talking about racism and shit...its getting old...if you dont like it, then you dont have to own slaves, its as easy as that...
Quote: 3616; Rating: 544; [+|-]
<azmaveth> man u know that is funny as shit is my school ip