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Quote: 666537; Rating: 700; [+|-]
<mima> i have found further proof that irc users are the result of an anti-social break in existence.
<mima> i just went into a bunch of different channels, said "SMILE!~ =D" and everyone said, 'wtf?', 'seriously?', 'what?', or i got kicked out.
Quote: 666666; Rating: 662; [+|-]
<Brian> Hahaha... I spent two hours just so I could get an evil quote number on bash.
<DaKemoBoy> The only thing evil about that is the time you wasted. :)
Quote: 666814; Rating: 542; [+|-]
<Curt^> and mexicans try so hard to goto my land
<Filefragg> electric fences would help
<Curt^> Mexicans would just use them as a power source
Quote: 666982; Rating: 1053; [+|-]
<LavenderD> >:)
<LavenderD> Evil smile or sad jew, you decide.
Quote: 667273; Rating: 2142; [+|-]
<bi0h4z4r_> north korea is test firing missiles right now
<bi0h4z4r_> on fox news
<@argv[0]> thats where i would test my missiles too
<@argv[0]> fox news headquarters
Quote: 667467; Rating: 1223; [+|-]
<@kiafaldorius> is it just me or is it cool that 1337 (string) converted to hex becomes 31333337?
Quote: 667490; Rating: 2965; [+|-]
<Pedlya> So I got this really big usb drive, and me and my dad are trying to put shit on it.
*Simpe has entered #cancelled
<Pedlya> my dad said its too big, and I guess it was
<Pedlya> so my mom comes in and is trying to push it still didnt go in
<Pedlya> my brother uses his and it fits fine, so we just use his
* Simpe has quit IRC (I dont want to know dude... )
Quote: 667596; Rating: 1830; [+|-]
(Patrick82): i have multiple personalities
(tkam): the one that tells you to kill yourself obviously isn't getting its fair share of time
Quote: 667626; Rating: 1613; [+|-]
<Frostfyre> Alright. 5 reasons why I'm convinced that my penis runs Linux.
<Frostfyre> 1. I can create child processes
<Frostfyre> 2. I can handle multiple users on any platform at once.
<Frostfyre> 3. I'm VERY user friendly.
<Frostfyre> 4. I have incredible uptime.
<Frostfyre> and 5. When my system load gets too heavy, I end up dumping my core and the system shuts down.
Quote: 667639; Rating: -211; [+|-]
<leeg> I heard that Vista will support Duke Nukem Forever OOTB
Quote: 667677; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<@kazin> why does php have 'echo' and 'print'?u00a0 Do they do different things?
<Bluefoxicy> kazin:u00a0 echo prints in a big empty room.
Quote: 667747; Rating: 251; [+|-]
KrazyKanuk: the canadian customs people rule
KrazyKanuk: i get to the border right, coming from the us
KrazyKanuk: and the guard asks me if i have any weapons in the car
KrazyKanuk: im like, im CANADIAN, what do u think?
KrazyKanuk: he let me through without another word
Quote: 667762; Rating: 908; [+|-]
<Ghaleon> I'm a programmer for a company that ports english made games to the japanese market
<PcChip> Make one say "ALL YOUR BASE" in japanese to get back at them.
Quote: 667770; Rating: 2806; [+|-]
(sean__) i want to call you with my cell phone whats your #
(@Pain`) (911)-323-4155
(sean__) dude you made me call the cops what the fuck
Quote: 667811; Rating: 154; [+|-]
* Digi disconnects
<Eliza> you're still here
* Digi has disconnected
<Eliza> you're still here
* Digi has disconnected
<Eliza> you're still here
* Digi has disconnected
Quote: 667868; Rating: 883; [+|-]
<demonotaku_> hate when you fall asleep and your cat jumps on your keyboard
<Facemaker> Yeah, they always talk about you on irc behind your back
Quote: 667958; Rating: 793; [+|-]
Boboray202: If Intelligent Design existed, my hand would be self-lubricating!
Quote: 668041; Rating: 588; [+|-]
<ilius> I'm a canadian
<ilius> theyre sending me on a peacekeeping mission somewhere undisclosed as of yet
<sanzo> i think you mean "im going to try and stop a genocide in africa without weapons"
Quote: 668060; Rating: 2852; [+|-]
kixor: well, how are you going to get around the north american ip ban?
Kovia: duh, last i checked i live in texas
Kovia: and texas is south america
Kovia: way to go, idiot
Quote: 668250; Rating: 1079; [+|-]
<rewind> look! I know how to do YMCA!!
<rewind> \o/ |o| /o_ /o\
Quote: 668269; Rating: 1444; [+|-]
<jab> I just installed some windows updates
<jab> and then Windows Update told me I had some security vulnerabilities in my windows software
<jab> I click OK and the list of vulnerabilities comes up and one of them says "Internet Explorer is not your default browser."
Quote: 668361; Rating: -9; [+|-]
<@Nefro> so Pirates Of The Caribbean 2 sucked?
<malakian> yeah
<malakian> it sucks hard
<malakian> then swallows, sadly
<malakian> so you dont even see the climax.
Quote: 668899; Rating: 763; [+|-]
<Caius> in the last year I've broken the screen on: SE S700i, SE P910i, iPod 40GB, Pentax S6, Palm Zire 72 (and slightly before the last year, Palm M100)
<Libertus> Caius: Have you considered pen and paper?
Quote: 668963; Rating: 871; [+|-]
<wordup> i talk very little
<mop> font size 2?
Quote: 668964; Rating: 1963; [+|-]
<syc> buddy of mine licked a motherboard once while the machine was running
<syc> no problems
<Skiz> I disagree
<Skiz> your friend has problems
Quote: 669058; Rating: 2872; [+|-]
WindMage1: my cat already had kittens a month ago
WindMage1: we took her in to get fixed, and they're like "We can't... she's pregnant"
WindMage1: and I said "That bitch said she was on the pill!"
WindMage1: and then there was very awkward silence in the vet's office
Quote: 669166; Rating: 153; [+|-]
<roric23> i just pulled an elastic thread out of my sock and now I'm flossing with it :)
<Pace|Around> yay for Sock Floss
<rigelIsGood> Dude, that is kinda gross.
<roric23> well, yeah. it does sort of have that sock-like flavor to it
<roric23> not that I taste socks for a living or anything
<Pace|Around> Well, if you ever want to, you now have something to put on your resume
Quote: 669403; Rating: 1935; [+|-]
(@damned) one time, my mom asked me if she copied something, and then unplugged the mouse and plugged it into another computer she could paste it
Quote: 669417; Rating: 69; [+|-]
phoenix8634: are you legally downloading music yet or no?
TwiztidTown: ROFL
TwiztidTown: what is that?
phoenix8634: k ill take that as a no
TwiztidTown: you can LEGALLY DOWNLOAD MUSIC?
Quote: 669587; Rating: 4048; [+|-]
<Argentius> I fell asleep again in class today...
<Darkersun> that sucks man, what did the teacher do?
<Argentius> I am theu00a0 teacher >.<
Quote: 669622; Rating: 816; [+|-]
<Silly-Wurk> how ironic.u00a0 Shell Oil claims that using foodcrops to make biofuels would be 'morally inappropriate' as long as there are people starving in the world.
<Taffer> an oil company has morals now?
<Taffer> will they be shipping these foodcrops to starving people in empty oil barrels/tankers?
<WyldWork> Absolutely, along with barrels of unrefined love and good will
Quote: 669708; Rating: 932; [+|-]
(+[CSI]ACE-340) anybody want to buy my motorcycle and then loan me $3500
(@Ic3x^) what kind of motorcycle
(+[CSI]ACE-340) gsx-r1100
(@Ic3x^) erm, not my style... I don't like speed bikes
(+[CSI]ACE-340) it can go slow too
Quote: 669735; Rating: 1036; [+|-]
<veryinky> Personally I'd rather be adopted. Since it would mean that I was picked instead of randomly produced.
Quote: 669898; Rating: 1485; [+|-]
whatshisname: Why does the media insist on calling intelligent design an 'alternative' to the theory of evolution?
That's like saying pancakes are a good alternative to an internal combustion engine.
What units do you use for measuring Godliness?
mediaho: Cleanliness?
whatshisname: I was thinking more along the lines of Jehovahwatts: "It took 47.3 Jehovahwatts to turn that water into wine"
MrNeutron: "Wha. . . what the hell is a Jehovahwatt"
Smallberries: About 103 Jews.
pwhp_67: Are Jehovawatts metric?
jimmyhaha: Commie.
Quote: 669946; Rating: 196; [+|-]
<Gabe> lol i didnt like the diary of anne frank
<FraudulentTommah> if anne frank was alive today would she make a livejournal
<Super_Moogle> The Livejournal of Anne Frank
<Super_Moogle> "Mood: Happy :))"
Quote: 669947; Rating: 384; [+|-]
<Neal[CoNWork]> Not everyone's goal in life is to malign you
<DarkPaladin> Your's seems to be
<Neal[CoNWork]> Yeah, but I said "Not everyone's"
<Neal[CoNWork]> That doesn't mean nobody
Quote: 669955; Rating: -1294; [+|-]
<Pbob> you know what would be awesome
<Pbob> Get a bunch of jews, herd them into a shower
<Pbob> And then gas them
<Pbob> With that funny voice stuff
<Pbob> HAHA
<Pbob> They would be like I'M GONNA DIE sounding like crazy cartoon charatcers
Quote: 669961; Rating: 3029; [+|-]
<WeirdBeard> well my dad is icelandic, my mother is cuban
<WeirdBeard> i'm an icecube
Quote: 669963; Rating: 2538; [+|-]
* | gets lazy
* | is now known as _
Quote: 669969; Rating: 927; [+|-]
<mocker> I just need to do more than play video games on my day off
<Homeworld> but playing games is awesome
<mocker> I wanna play RL sometime
<Homeworld> rl is boring
<Astorite> RL doesn't have enough upgrades.
<mocker> RL has tons of upgrades, they are just much much harder to get
<mocker> and not as fun
<Astorite> Well, yeah, I guess it's just a lot harder to gain XP and GP.
<mocker> I need to find myself a 'sploit
<Astorite> They've got some, but the Mods are hella anal about 'em.
<Astorite> They're all like, "Crack isn't a legal income producer." or "You have to go to College to say you know how to do that skillset."
<mocker> they are just power-trippin mods jeez
Quote: 669982; Rating: 1222; [+|-]
<Awaken> this is pissing me off
<Awaken> i have some windows updates that just HAVE to restart my fucking computer
<{RANT}> :(
* MaxPower ([email protected]) Quit (
* {Bitch} ([email protected]) Quit (
* aliensoup ([email protected]) Quit (
* Jing|es ([email protected]) Quit (
* Ladywork ([email protected]) Quit (
* TostigAFK ([email protected]) Quit (
<Mr_Power> his computer is the EFnet server?
Quote: 670048; Rating: 994; [+|-]
( Tranks ) when i try to go on my webcam it says 'Sorry you have no video capture hardware' << whats that o.0 /q
( Voltage ) I thought the police told you to stop using webcam after you got caught flashing to 13 year oldu00a0 bisexual boys
( Tranks ) I havnt bin caught
( Voltage ) so you do flash to 13 year old boys
Tranks has left #Cyber
( Fr0r3 ) Voltage you prick i didnt get his msn
Quote: 670063; Rating: 242; [+|-]
<JohnMaron7> JaySea We believe that the Apostles at the Last Supper were not drinking wine, for Jesus said to them "This is My BLOOD".
<JaySea> JohnMaron7: "Oh no!u00a0 There's blood in my alcohol system!"
Quote: 670077; Rating: -129; [+|-]
Baumann: you're like... british and stuff, right
Kevin Smith: like....and stuff, yes
Baumann: so you know soccer?
Baumann: I know, that's like saying "You're american, right? you're fat."
Kevin Smith: football
Kevin Smith: vaguely
Baumann: Pay attention to the world cup any?
Kevin Smith: there's a world cup?
Baumann: you don't think the world just floats in space, do you?
Kevin Smith: pretty much
Baumann: Everyone knows that it sits in a cup
Baumann: That's why no one lives in antartica
Baumann: ...or something
Kevin Smith: right
Baumann: Well, I'm just pissed that Zidane got the golden ball
Kevin Smith: ok, I have no idea what the golden ball is
Kevin Smith: but it sounds impractical
Baumann: yeah, they don't even actually use it
Baumann: man... now I want to visit antarctica
Kevin Smith: \o/
Quote: 670081; Rating: -117; [+|-]
<tomalak> you still appear to be under 12 months of age
<tomalak> btw putting your age in your nick is very immature
<@argv[0]> yes tom, im 0 years old
<tomalak> AND A DAY
Quote: 670118; Rating: 525; [+|-]
<ChaoSynergy> BODY MASSAAGE!
<ChaoSynergy> Where'd that extra 'a' come from
<narunet> My ass
<axiel> you mean your ss
Quote: 670120; Rating: 535; [+|-]
atria ventric: so my life is complete
Crikers042: whys that?
atria ventric: because today
atria ventric: i heard two gay guys shopping for a vaccuum
atria ventric: 'but i bet this one sucks better'
atria ventric: 'but this one will go for longer'
atria ventric: 'go longer? what for? you get dirty you take it out you turn it on and you're done'
atria ventric: 'i mean its fun while it lasts sure but its nothing serious'
Quote: 670121; Rating: 2220; [+|-]
<sigafoo> i realized i loved my girlfriend when i said to her
<sigafoo> <3
<sigafoo> and she said "<3.14159265" back...
Quote: 670129; Rating: 1095; [+|-]
<Dooley>omg </3
<Mstandot>What does that smiley represent?
<mictoboy>a vasectomy
Quote: 670145; Rating: 484; [+|-]
u00b7 Primate u00b7 how do you do actions?
u00b7 Primate u00b7 ??
u00a4 @DjinnWraith slaps Primate around with a /me action
u00b7 Primate u00b7 how'd you do that?
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