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Quote: 105377; Rating: 23; [+|-]
<Radamanthys> BTW, necrophilia is the one who has a friendship with the dead, pedophilia is the one who has a friendship with the children, but, how are called those who have a friendship with animals?
<FlareonAtma> rada: "mexicans"
<Radamanthys> atma- ;x
Quote: 105388; Rating: 56; [+|-]
Lint: *beep* thank you for visitint ghte #macintosh store, we are currently replenishing our inventory of "you are a lozar get lost" shirts. press 1 to continue in statement, press 2 for an argument, press 3 for abuse.
Quote: 105413; Rating: 288; [+|-]
<floop> now... a 22mp camera?u00a0 i'm stoked.
<irving> 22? why not just carry the scenery around with you? It'd be cheaper and smaller.
Quote: 105419; Rating: 529; [+|-]
<Spyduh> wtf happened to
<Spyduh> oh i spelt it wrong
Quote: 105421; Rating: 59; [+|-]
cory: so how much shit did you pack.
tara: like 2 duffle bags.
cory:u00a0 damm thats alot of shit packing.
tara: yeh i inventoried it.
cory:u00a0 huh, so thats what they call it these days.
Quote: 105433; Rating: 844; [+|-]
<kommy> j/oin #horsesex
Quote: 105437; Rating: 228; [+|-]
<Comrade_Ez> watching Teletubbies now
<Comrade_Ez> and I must say
<Comrade_Ez> that fucking baby-sun-thing is fucking scary
<Comrade_Ez> man
<Comrade_Ez> I wish I was stoned right now
<Comrade_Ez> this looks like just the perfect program for stoned people
Quote: 105442; Rating: 37; [+|-]
(cheese) You know why you NEVER have sex first thing in the morning?
(cheese) You ever PEAEEEL open a grilled cheese sandwich?
* cheese pulls his hands apart slowly making squishy noiuses
Quote: 105447; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<DagdaMor> ah well back to my systems of second order differential equations...
<DagdaMor> *ding ding*
<DagdaMor> the fun train is now leaving...all aboard!
Quote: 105455; Rating: 153; [+|-]
<fyre> i have 8 rack units in my pants ready to scale and meet vertical markets
<fyre> say that to her@!
<fyre> "lets see how you perform under load"
Quote: 105457; Rating: 299; [+|-]
<fyre> i'd like to meet a CS chick, just once
<fyre> and ask her if she wants a headshot
Quote: 105459; Rating: 365; [+|-]
Quote: 105462; Rating: 426; [+|-]
<tjr> (a) What is the diameter of a ground-state hydrogen atom?
<tjr> (b) Given this diameter as a position uncertainty x , calculate the equivalent
<tjr> one-dimensional linear momentum uncertainty, in units of h .
<tjr> <scooby doo voice> ruh-roh
Quote: 105463; Rating: 239; [+|-]
<fyre> better delete that file
<fyre> before you steal all my intellectual property!
<black-hand> haha
<fyre> if my intellectual property was a monopoly square
<fyre> i'd be one of the cheap purple ones
Quote: 105466; Rating: 41; [+|-]
<fyre> And then lunix said "bleeding edge idiocy, we want some"
Quote: 105473; Rating: 552; [+|-]
<pq> i had the funniest complaint from a client this morning
<pq> <client> when i turn on that machine it tells me my hymen is missing
<pq> <me> do u mean HIMEM.SYS?
<pq> <client> Yes, thats the one!
Quote: 105474; Rating: 143; [+|-]
<fejed> heh
<fejed> man
<fejed> I was soo about to smack some fuck over the head on the train.
<fejed> there was this guy, he said he was a hacker
<fejed> and like
<fejed> quoting him
<fejed> "dude, to get into a computer, you can guess a password, which is like a 5 in 1000000 chance, but what I do is guess the backdoor"
<fejed> he said alot more shit but got off before I could get to him
<fejed> and on the bus
<fejed> there was this retard
<fejed> saying he was a hacker
<fejed> and a nun goes to him "do you use email?"
<fejed> he says "errr, ddd yy yes.. out l ll llook express"
<fejed> then "hey, i have a jj j jjoke"
<fejed> "what does 'www' mean?"
<fejed> "ww w world wide wait!"
<fejed> I'm like "shut the fuck up you stupid fuck" and he started crying.
<fejed> the bus driver pulled the bus over
<fejed> got up and asked me to get off
<fejed> I was all hyped up from the fucks on the train.
Quote: 105475; Rating: 573; [+|-]
<synik> I just discovered how bad it is to mistake a can of black spray paint for deodorant
Quote: 105481; Rating: 1572; [+|-]
<gweebz0r> i went to the gf's work last week, they had no antivirus
<gweebz0r> 279 viruses
<gweebz0r> the best part was
<gweebz0r> they showed me their backup strategy
<gweebz0r> they use custom software
<gweebz0r> and the backed up the application by dragging the desktop icon ( a shortcut) to their cdrw
<gweebz0r> they had 2 years worth of shortcuts
Quote: 105495; Rating: 225; [+|-]
<tgopiate> you're such an integral part of the channel you just took over, you know. =]
<massa> i'd probably be insulted
<massa> but i dont know what integral means
Quote: 105503; Rating: 290; [+|-]
<hero> ah, this good old channel , where 'gay' is an adjective for shitty, and 'jew' is a verb.
Quote: 105504; Rating: 193; [+|-]
<`Iago> how much is a million yen in canadian?
<teklord^> like one dollar
<`Iago> yeah... cause i figured that the japanese version of who wants to be a millioniare must really suck
Quote: 105513; Rating: 113; [+|-]
<sleepypandabear> homosexual people are so gay
Quote: 105531; Rating: 410; [+|-]
<whoamomma>: ok if we both ping tress, and knowing he is in UK, we could triangulate his position
<whoamomma>: do you have an intercontinental ballistic missle?
Quote: 105546; Rating: 132; [+|-]
<dts|Shadow> theres porn on irc?
Quote: 105553; Rating: 208; [+|-]
<Zaphod`> Put on Pants: 1:00PM
<Zaphod`> Talk to strange people on Internet: 12:19 PM - 1:00 AM
<Zaphod`> Sleep: 1:00 AM - 1:00 PM
<Zaphod`> Repeat.
<Zaphod`> Lazy Geek Factor: 110% Above Normal... Diagnosis = Summer
Quote: 105555; Rating: 136; [+|-]
<+fury> i envy cary... he's half my age and gets access to all the goodies :/
<@Chen> How old are you?
<+fury> 18
Quote: 105571; Rating: 114; [+|-]
[10:30] <nuna> I backed up a load of dot files on floppies, and an airline scanner screwed every one
Quote: 105574; Rating: 208; [+|-]
<Ban> Good lord. My sunburn is peeling and there is another layer of sunburn under my sunburn.
<Sigma> just cut your skin off and tan the muscle
Quote: 105590; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<[mahn]jooce> I was expecting coke when I drank urine
<[mahn]jooce> and
<[mahn]jooce> it took me like 5 seconds to figure out what it was
<Kitsa> lol
<Kitsa> I'm sure the Coke company would be thrilled to hear it took so long
Quote: 105591; Rating: 415; [+|-]
<Kitsa> there used to be one doc who would put apple juice in a urine collection cup
<Kitsa> and walk into the patient room
<Kitsa> take a big swig
<Kitsa> and say "tastes fine to me"
<Kitsa> I always wanted to secretly switch it out with real urine
<Kitsa> the spit-take on that one would be great
Quote: 105595; Rating: 457; [+|-]
(MikeHunt) she told me to kiss her where it smells funny, so I took her to New Jersey.
Quote: 105598; Rating: 45; [+|-]
<TheMeandMe> did you know Free Willy is manipulating?
<TheMeandMe> the movie
<amorph> is this a joke?
<TheMeandMe> its been made by the us government to turn the people into slaves
<TheMeandMe> think about the title
<TheMeandMe> "free will, y?"
Quote: 105605; Rating: 235; [+|-]
<Kyou> lemme guess... i'm 12000 in binary?
Quote: 105608; Rating: 128; [+|-]
<Rach> is it a man thing? I cant wiggle mine
Quote: 105612; Rating: 590; [+|-]
<AssBlade> man wtf
<CobraCommander> No manual entry for wtf.
Quote: 105614; Rating: 344; [+|-]
<Vexer> what do I do with a .jar file? :)
<cky> you unscrew the cap
Quote: 105621; Rating: 380; [+|-]
<Atomsk> I think my cousin just died trying to breakdance to 50 cent
<Atomsk> brb
Quote: 105634; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<hermione-> I'm not a common street hooker! I am a self employed roadside massage therapist
Quote: 105640; Rating: 295; [+|-]
SmarterChild: OK, let me make sure I have the right information about your age level. How old are you?
1 Over 17
2 13-17
3 Under 13
Lisa Garland IV: 1
SmarterChild: Cool! Do you want to have some fun?
Quote: 105641; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<@Dilandou> <-- LMFAO!
* Dilandou laughs like hell
<@Dilandou> i love that guy's robot dance. ^_^
<@Dilandou> he took his top off
<@Dilandou> omfg
<@Dilandou> LMFAO
<+usrbingeek> After watching that video I got to thinking that there are people in some parts of the world that are unfortunate to not be able to afford bandwidth and look how we waste it!
Quote: 105643; Rating: 344; [+|-]
* Dr_Dos|KLONE has joined #zeuxworld
<Revvy> OH NOS
<Dr_Dos|KLONE> How do I kill on esper?
<EvilMario> ghost?
<Revvy> msg nickserv kill
<Dr_Dos|KLONE> I guess.
<Zenholder> /quit <nick> <password>
<Dr_Dos|KLONE> ok
* Dr_Dos has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Dr_Dos|KLONE has quit IRC (Quit: Dr_Dos censored)
<EvilMario> Hahah.
<Zenholder> :D
<EvilMario> You're the best, sir.
* Dr_Dos has joined #zeuxworld
<Zenholder> :P
<Zenholder> Did it work?
<Dr_Dos> heh
<Dr_Dos> Yes
<Zenholder> Good
* Dr_Dos has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by EvilMario)))
<Zenholder> :D
<EvilMario> Excellent.
* Dr_Dos has joined #zeuxworld
<Dr_Dos> That's not right...
<EvilMario> You fool.
<EvilMario> Mwahah.. I mean.. HIIII
Quote: 105648; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<aNuBiS-> :/
<natascam> hi annie, how is your chi today?
<aNuBiS-> un-aligned
<aNuBiS-> i yin, when i should of yang'd
<natascam> did you try booze?
Quote: 105649; Rating: 106; [+|-]
<Luigi30> alt.people.ugly.stupid.ops.term
<Luigi30> The busiest newsgroup in the world!
* You have been banned from #gamecube (alt.luigi.banned)
Quote: 105651; Rating: 219; [+|-]
<thcip> and i try to finger god, but it tells me there is no such users..but my chaplain told me god is everywhere..certainly he should be on my raq..
<websales_arron> Although it's not mentioned in the Rackshack Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policy, we will be unable to provide you support in finding God.
Quote: 105653; Rating: 550; [+|-]
<JonJonB> The url he gave me for gay porn doesn't even work
<JonJonB> ....fuck
Quote: 105667; Rating: 123; [+|-]
iHeartDonKnotts: I just got a prank call from
iHeartDonKnotts: Showed up on caller ID
iHeartDonKnotts: And then internet saved the day
iHeartDonKnotts: I'm gonna letterbomb the place
Verl Is BOSS: what did they say
iHeartDonKnotts: I called back and said "Hi, I just got a call from this number... Who the fuck are you and why are you calling Southern California for a prank call?"
Verl Is BOSS: owned?
iHeartDonKnotts: Probably!
Quote: 105674; Rating: 356; [+|-]
Qualjyn: lost475, you will die alone.
Qualjyn: Do not pass go. Do not collect ASL
Quote: 105677; Rating: 107; [+|-]
<+NoNameAndrew> yeah right, you were rubbing the one eye'd snake to him like I am
<+NoNameAndrew> her*
Quote: 105708; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<timmo> its kind of weird
<timmo> my grandma dropped acid
<timmo> and hijacked a school bus full of penguins
<timmo> so its kind of a family crisis
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