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Quote: 95989; Rating: 1660; [+|-]
<prence> oh
<prence> my
<prence> god
<prence> i just hit the print button
<prence> instead of save
<prence> on some porn
<prence> and its printing out on my moms printer
<prence> and im upstairs
<prence> and cant do anything about it
Quote: 95996; Rating: 132; [+|-]
<noodle> the more i remember school, the more it seems now like a 7 hour a day job that i didnt get paid for
<Wwv> no taxes either tho
Quote: 96007; Rating: -200; [+|-]
h4zin: lol wtf is an aoler doin with a 90gig hard drive
h4zin: thats like a black dude with a textbook
Quote: 96036; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<Oktal> I think MS named .Net so it wouldn't show up in a Unix directory listing
Quote: 96038; Rating: -479; [+|-]
<QBiT> What happens wen all the niggers are standing on the moon ?
<QBiT> Then the problem is finally solved :P
Quote: 96067; Rating: 345; [+|-]
<akim> man, i fucking hate my comtech teacher. he's always riding my ass about something
<akim> i'd like to slap him around with his stupid skullcap
<goojoe> oh is that the uber-jew teacher?
<akim> yeah
<akim> im starting to think it has something to do with the fact that my last name is auschwitz...
<mfer> ahahahahahahahahah
<mfer> i mean.. yeah man, that sucks
<akim> :/
Quote: 96093; Rating: 472; [+|-]
<calen> otyd gimd yp yu[r eoyj upit gomhrtd pm yjr etpmh lrud
Quote: 96125; Rating: 221; [+|-]
<nastsmom> this place looks like a ghost town
<Espresso> try changing the colors of your client so it looks like hawaii or somethign
Quote: 96134; Rating: 1305; [+|-]
<magothy> is there an irish expression for hangover?
<tReMeR> morning
Quote: 96164; Rating: 1020; [+|-]
<the_JinX> Now, Play Russian Roulette In Bash, Just Run This Line:
<the_JinX> [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo "You live"
<psychosquee[]> the_JinX: What are the odds?
<the_JinX> 1 in 6 chance of removing your linux
* psychosquee[] has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<^sWift> haha
Quote: 96202; Rating: 260; [+|-]
<Red_Sky> Time for some Yiddish freestyle rap! This one goes out to all my Rabbi homiez.
<Red_Sky> Wizzord to the oy, oy to the vay- to the 'lom shalabei, rockin with my niggaz, true blood niggaz! Torah torah torah! Hip to the hop to the skip to the drop, schmokin schnitzel mit my schmutzel, rock the block! I'm da freeflowin gentile schlemiel! What now!! What!
Quote: 96241; Rating: 99; [+|-]
[u^A] jimmiejaz: have you use macos?
[jimmiejaz] no.
[u^A] it looks cool on tv
[u^A] oh
[syberghost] You can install MacOS on a TV?
[syberghost] I knew it went on new-age toilets, but not TVs.
Quote: 96243; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<X> we women have this secret society
<X> if we say not to have sex with a guy
<X> then no one has sex with that guy
<X> u just got urself black-listed
<X> heheheh
<Dan> heh
<Dan> i think ive been blacklisted for a while
Quote: 96244; Rating: 111; [+|-]
* Mas_Tnega decides to bring a friend in here
[1718:49] * sibn is now known as Tnegas_Friend
[1718:51] * Tnegas_Friend is now known as sibn
<Mas_Tnega> sibn: My friendships are usually shorter than that
<coolsi> less than 2 seconds?
<coolsi> you must be a really big social reject
<sibn> my friendships are usually shorter than my penis
<Mas_Tnega> sibn: They don't exist?
<sibn> Mas_Tnega: precisely
Quote: 96255; Rating: 288; [+|-]
<ph0tek> Jemm, you're a women-magnet(R) ?
<Jemm> yeah.. unfortunately the wrong end :(
<ph0tek> hehe
Quote: 96274; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<[TFF]Metalstar> dunno. if you were gettin bjs from 13 year olds you would be in jail
<alphaxion|Zzzz> or in japan
Quote: 96275; Rating: 351; [+|-]
<Armand> dude
<Armand> I took a mega shit today
<Dong Abuser> nice work soldier
<Dong Abuser> as you were
Quote: 96295; Rating: 217; [+|-]
< MechaniZM> how do i hack the internet with unix using aol?
Quote: 96309; Rating: 863; [+|-]
<Sonecor> How do you shut down someone else's computer?
<^Kitari^> You mean in mIRC?
<Sonecor> Yeah
<^Kitari^> Oh, you type /q <nick>
<Sonecor> Thanks =D
* Sonecor ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ^Kitari^)
Quote: 96343; Rating: 593; [+|-]
<bill``> I'm taking the AP calc test tomorrow--does anyone have any last minute tips?
<MSINISTER> dont put metal in a microwave!
<MSINISTER> good luck!
Quote: 96345; Rating: 327; [+|-]
wookietwist: update date now updated
DuoGWMaxwell60: wtf did you just say ...
Quote: 96356; Rating: 898; [+|-]
<black-ice> this girl I went out with last night was pretty cute.
<black-ice> I can't believe she said 'no' for a second date.
<black-ice> We had a lot of fun, right up until I beat her at chess.
<goKev> DUDE! You took a girl out on a CHESS DATE and you're trying to figure out why you didn't get a second date?!?!
<black-ice> Good point. I probably should have let her win.
Quote: 96371; Rating: 288; [+|-]
Keerax: i was talking in l33t to my old english teacher
Keerax: she said "i can't believe i passed you"
Quote: 96430; Rating: 169; [+|-]
Brendan Reen: "call for a good time ;-) 0100 0010 0101 0101 0011 0010 0011"
Quote: 96442; Rating: 164; [+|-]
<Lemming> one thing i dislike about broad band
<Lemming> porn popups load before you can close them, lol
Quote: 96448; Rating: 557; [+|-]
(aero-neko) but today in the library, i left "" on the clipboard
(aero-neko) the next period a kid got suspended for fetish porn or something
Quote: 96486; Rating: 580; [+|-]
<MistaED> i've got a great backup idea, get what you want important backed up like work docs and stuff, then zip it all up, encrypt it, then rename it to a porn name .avi and put it into kazaa!
Quote: 96996; Rating: 113; [+|-]
<Toolbox> Mon (11:55 PM) : do you want to come over?
<Toolbox> =-/
<Toolbox> video games > sex with fat chick?
Quote: 97072; Rating: 218; [+|-]
< MrZippy> BBC: "The brains of thousands of mentally ill people were illegally removed for research, a report is expected to reveal."
< MrZippy> Big surprise.
< Leimy> research like what?
< MrZippy> I dunno. Prolly to figure out why crazy people don't go stealing other people's brains?
Quote: 97442; Rating: 678; [+|-]
<A|LOCO> !setinfo #women this is my setinfo, bow down
-ChanServ- You lack access to #women.
<A|LOCO> =(
Quote: 97834; Rating: 279; [+|-]
<N1Hawk> hydro` is trying to find a good copy on kazza
<hydro`> yea
<hydro`> thats like finding a hooker who hasnt been fucked
Quote: 97901; Rating: 151; [+|-]
<deepspring> well.. my car just passed it's blueslip inspection and I mean just...
<deepspring> the mechanic said that he found plenty of "minor" issues that I would have to fix... luckily he let them slide
<deepspring> minor oil leak from the automatic transmission
<deepspring> bad hatch alignment
<deepspring> one of my driving lights (little halogen addon ones) was buggered
<LrdShaper> bad driver behind wheel
<deepspring> my ignition key can drop out of the ignition while the engine is running
<LrdShaper> right front wheel held on by masking tape
<LrdShaper> but the cathodes and led fans are what made himover look the problems
Quote: 97911; Rating: 179; [+|-]
:::: Now in #bearcave
* martraci slowly leaves; back against the wall
Quote: 97923; Rating: 523; [+|-]
<ChangWufei> it was well funny when we all went in a gay bar, they all just stared at us
<ChangWufei> hehe
<loveya> u went in a gay bar???
<ChangWufei> yeah, we didnt realise at first
<astrotrain> what... that you were gay?
Quote: 97927; Rating: 118; [+|-]
<Gav> Freshly reinstalled computers are a bit like a pair of new shoes - you're happy that you've finally got a new pair, but they're awkward to use for a little while :-)
Quote: 97931; Rating: 96; [+|-]
<RugNug> naw......just reboot
<crak_pipe> that works
<RugNug> and fantasize about keeping the inventer of popups in my basement for a coupla years
<crak_pipe> hell yah
<crak_pipe> lemme beat on him for a bit as well
<RugNug> heheheh......i could make millions......with a cover charge
Quote: 97934; Rating: 110; [+|-]
<Nush> im not racist, i had black friends, but my dad sold them all
Quote: 97939; Rating: 71; [+|-]
<Tleilaxu[UN1]> I am soon to be my own corporation!!!
<Tleilaxu[UN1]> now to start the shady deals and insider trading
<BigSax[UN1]|aboot> send some stock tips my way
<Tleilaxu[UN1]> im the only stock owner... guess i shouldnt try to cheat myself
<Tleilaxu[UN1]> ill be a type-s corporation
<Tleilaxu[UN1]> tried for the faster type-r for the extra horsepower
Quote: 97942; Rating: 254; [+|-]
<Dabz> u know i'm currently being paid to sit home reading bash
<FuzzBuzz`> lol
<Dabz> sick pay rules
<Dabz> mind u, i would usually be being paid to sit in work and read bash :/
Quote: 97955; Rating: 346; [+|-]
<Zer0_-X-> animeology - the study of japanese animation
<ecat> u must study it quite well
<Zer0_-X-> yah
<Zer0_-X-> i've got phd :D
<Goddess> permanent head damage?
Quote: 97963; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<Gothic> I sound Lovecraftian backwards
<Gothic> Cithog, the black cloud of despair, hatred, and donuts
Quote: 97977; Rating: 791; [+|-]
<manero> so our friend, she's in the part of med school where you do all the genital exams and shit
<manero> and prostrate exams, etc
<manero> and a couple weeks ago, they had to do it on a real person for the first time. and so she was very nervous
<manero> so she's doing the exam, she does the front and everything is ok
<manero> and she does the back door and she gets through it all
<manero> but at the very end, as she finishes
<manero> she didn't know how to tell the dude she was done, so she slapped him on the ass
<manero> i had tears running down my face for 10 minutes after she told the story
<blach> alright bitch, im done with your bunghole *smack
<manero> the funny part was the dude was like 60, too
Quote: 97980; Rating: 337; [+|-]
* Knives- kicks the modem
<Knives-> I'll call the ISP
<Knives-> They'll tell me "It must be something you've installed"
<Knives-> And then they'll blame the phone company.
<Knives-> And I'll say FUCK IT.
<Knives-> And wait until it fixes itself.
<Knives-> There - saved my self the bother and money of calling those pricks.
Quote: 97981; Rating: 580; [+|-]
<Dave2> Had my french oral exam today
<Dave2> It sucked
Quote: 97983; Rating: 128; [+|-]
<Japhro> cams: think you can try and mention e3 a few more times, I don't think I ignored you enough the first few times.
Quote: 97987; Rating: 14; [+|-]
<rB> best part of waking up is vagina on your cock
Quote: 97989; Rating: 398; [+|-]
<Scoteh> Im depressed
<wizzer> why?
<Scoteh> I realised I have more money in an mmorpg than in real life....
<wizzer> Ah......
Quote: 97996; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<Icedude> you know what pisses me off? when morpheus was jumping for the helicopter in the matrix, agent smith uses a wallhack! THIS IS NOT CS, ITS THE MATRIX! GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT AGENT!
Quote: 97997; Rating: 160; [+|-]
<timovgod> Man, when I saw they said they were going to add color to the $20 bill I thought the meant they were replacing Jackson with Al Sharton
Quote: 98001; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<[CMF]O-Face|wurk> uhm, I never thought that "I am BREADMAN! With the POWER TO EAT A SLICE OF BREAD IN 1.9 SECONDS!!! - would be a valued superhero power.
<Commando^> Superheros have gone downhill recently
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