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Quote: 82205; Rating: -7; [+|-]
* @mootlif3 * [Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit] [3205] [4:18/5.91MB/192Kbit]
<khaos> hm
<khaos> new manson?
<@mootlif3> yeh
<%jdp> LOL dumbass
<%jdp> you couldnt notice that from the song title?
<@mootlif3> lol
<khaos> fu lemar
Quote: 82209; Rating: 35; [+|-]
shoeman: ohhhh Kate Hudson....
shoeman: 0hhhhhh
EvilBanana: eew, bag o' bones
shoeman: oh shush
shoeman: lol
EvilBanana: she is!
shoeman: blah blah blah
EvilBanana: I have zits bigger than her boobs
shoeman: lol
shoeman: and since when are big boobs a big deal?
shoeman: :-P
EvilBanana: neva..but she absolutely lacks in the mammary department
EvilBanana: I'm not even sure she's au00a0 mammal
shoeman: lol
Quote: 82212; Rating: 835; [+|-]
(while watching live firefight in port city of Umm Qasr on TV)
<eva> omg
<eva> fucking campers
Quote: 82217; Rating: 542; [+|-]
<supervillain> i just masterbaited so hard my papercut reopened and then I got semen in my papercut.
<[SA]thatdog> i just masturbaited so hard there is semen all over my roommate
<[sa]hack_the> I just masturbated so hard there is semen all over my living room
<[SA]CrazyAchmed> I just masturbated so hard there is semen all over YOUR living room
<[sa]evensevenone> i just masterbated so hard my cock fell off
<[sa]mrpeabody0> i just masturbated so hard my guitar exploded.
<[SA]thatdog> i just masturbaited so hard mrpeabody's cock fell off
<[SA]StupidWhore> i just masturbated
<[sa]evensevenone> stupid: you're behind the curve there tiger
Quote: 82218; Rating: 121; [+|-]
<astynax> i'm gonna install icq and look for some hoez
<deformated> hoez dont even know what irc is
<deformated> only in other countries do females use it
<astynax> ICQ, not IRC
<deformated> ahh it might help if i read things
<astynax> i heard it helps
Quote: 82222; Rating: 415; [+|-]
<abcbooze> a patriot missle shot down a british aircraft
<i8> Damn British pilots flying into our missiles...
Quote: 82223; Rating: -95; [+|-]
* Robzy spins round in his chair
* Robzy falls off...
* Robzy hurts his head
<Robzy> ouch.
* Robzy obviously needs sleep...
<Robzy> Neways....
Quote: 82226; Rating: 283; [+|-]
<a_passerby> and although she has never given me written consent to check her legs, i most certainly have
<flatface> lol
<Saotome_Ranma> testosterone alert
<Saotome_Ranma> woo woo
<Saotome_Ranma> passerb is becoming horny :o
<a_passerby> testosterone makes the world go round
<a_passerby> estrogen makes the world mad and unfriendly
<Everdraed> Says the person who just went through twenty plus pages of Winnie the Pooh hentai
Quote: 82227; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<idiot> My penis is like a pringles can :D
<DrunkenMaster> the short stack ones
<Bizznatch> LMAO
<Bizznatch> 0WN3D
<xanax`> hehe
<idiot> bah
Quote: 82229; Rating: 253; [+|-]
Sugarhigh0307: i spent 9 months of my life tryin 2 get out of a pussy and the rest of it tryin 2 get back in
Sugarhigh0307: thats what this kid just said to me
Quote: 82232; Rating: 74; [+|-]
* FarmerJoe is the resident pro-war/anti-canada guy
<soopadeop> <--- canadian
<FarmerJoe> aww, sorry...I hate you :P
Quote: 82238; Rating: 197; [+|-]
* Robzy tries to remember wher goatse ASCII is...
* Robzy wonders why the *ENTIRE* geek community is obsessed with goatse
<Tripwire> Robzy: it's tradition
<Robzy> Has anyone ever spared a thought for the photographer of goatse?!
Quote: 82239; Rating: 211; [+|-]
<TwiZTid_CoZa> i told me mum to goto goatse
<TwiZTid_CoZa> she banned me off the net for a week
Quote: 82642; Rating: -4; [+|-]
<Ekstelis> How long did the installation take?u00a0 1300+ Hours of labor involved in restoration and install
<Ekstelis> How much fiberglass and resin was used? 42 gallons of fiberglass and resin.
<TK`Devour> it takes me 42 gallons of fiberglass & resin to put my bong back together after i use it too much
Quote: 82645; Rating: 238; [+|-]
<veruca_girl> wtf?
<veruca_girl> you people make less sense than a david lynch film
Quote: 82808; Rating: 782; [+|-]
<courtney> GOD! I hate periods!
<ken> yea ending sentences is sooooooo over rated
Quote: 82851; Rating: 1105; [+|-]
<WHEELJACK> it's against my religion to drink
<bf> what religion is that
<WHEELJACK> poverty
Quote: 83045; Rating: 512; [+|-]
<CmdrRat|Sick> MARINE shot in the head 4 times, helmet saves him
<Toan> wow
<Toan> He should play CS
Quote: 83094; Rating: 418; [+|-]
<magpie> i bet you just hit a deer with your vehicle
<magpie> and call it "hunting"
<JustNoodle> I drive a saturn, I'd have more of a chance of my car exploding then killing a deer when I hit one
Quote: 83095; Rating: 213; [+|-]
*** Joins: soundsold ([email protected])
<zaps> that is wierd
<zaps> my last name is in that host.
<timmo> WOW
<orion> is your last name 61.w?
Quote: 83130; Rating: 274; [+|-]
<Wraith> What IP addressing scheme should we use for the new lab?
<Rance> 10.10.220 plus the number...
Quote: 83142; Rating: 67; [+|-]
<H|TM4N> \msg [email protected] id rd9alpz%
<H|TM4N> lol
<zAim|trance> lemme try sumthing
* Quits: H|TM4N ([email protected]) (Killed (NickOP (Kill requested by zAim|trance)))
Quote: 83176; Rating: 229; [+|-]
<EnoC> sex should be like a honda slow obsene and loud enough for the neighbors to hear
Quote: 83276; Rating: 177; [+|-]
<Slinky3> i made bricks today!
<Slinky3> with my own home-ground flour!
<Apollo> I made some too, but I flushed them when I was finished
Quote: 83290; Rating: 468; [+|-]
<kingmob> i thought i caught an obscure reference in the last buffy
<kingmob> so i emailed one of the writers and asked him about it
<kingmob> he just responded and told me i was right
<kingmob> i transcend mere dorkiness at this point.
Quote: 83298; Rating: 218; [+|-]
* @Death-Blade wishes hotmail would be smart enough to block any email addresses with painfully obviously invalid domain names
<@Death-Blade> [email protected] most certainly qualifies as such
<Sinclair-> oh shit i know that guy!
Quote: 83310; Rating: 727; [+|-]
(dariball_) n8 all
(jason-) i think it means night.
(jason-) but i'm not leet enough like that.
(Xentac) hehehe
(Xentac) but night ends in ite... and 8 ends in ate...
(Xentac) so he's saying nate
(jason-) i can understand like "i 8 your chicken because it looked at my prost8."
(jason-) that makes more sense
(jason-) well kinda.
Quote: 83318; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<Tagrineth> You shouldn't hit a girl ;P
<[justin]> i dont consider you a girl
<[justin]> i consider you one of the gays
<[justin]> er
<[justin]> i mean one of the guys
Quote: 83322; Rating: 821; [+|-]
* jesuschrist ([email protected]) has joined #tool
<@`2L> *** jesuschrist is back (has been gone for 2003 years 3 months, 28 days)
Quote: 83326; Rating: 408; [+|-]
<Lo-Rez> having sex lowers your immune system
<coalesce> i must be immune to everything then
Quote: 83375; Rating: 282; [+|-]
<Nexus330> we got this phrase back south
<Nexus330> "Old enough to pee, is old enough for me"
<morbid> well that explains alot
Quote: 83445; Rating: -135; [+|-]
[03:25:01] <@holden> damnit i shit myself
[04:04:39] <@holden> god that took forever to clean up
[04:05:08] <@holden> seriously.. shitting yourself at 4 am is gay
[04:05:20] <@holden> i was sitting here minding my own business
[04:05:24] <@holden> and blam!
[04:05:28] <@holden> all this shit comes out..
[04:05:31] <@holden> i was like.. WTF
[04:05:49] <@holden> and its all liquidy and running around my junk
[04:06:01] <@holden> and i'm sitting here like.. well fuck
[04:06:34] <@holden> so i get up.. and its all running down my leg.. so i hobble off to the bathroom, so as not to disjar it anymore
[04:06:40] <@holden> jakdflakjsdf
[04:06:52] <@holden> i can only pray this doesnt happen to someone else
[04:07:54] <@holden> i think it was the pizza i ate last night D:
Quote: 83449; Rating: 99; [+|-]
<Samah> hmm the one bad thing about seeing cute chicks - it gets me depressed.... T_T
<@toe2toe> /j #suicide
Quote: 83455; Rating: 934; [+|-]
<aberration> I hear they opened a wal-mart in china.... i can imagine the people who shop there... "Hey I just made that yesterday !"
Quote: 83489; Rating: 2689; [+|-]
<Luigi30> someone ping flood
<Luigi30> he keeps trying to hack me
<Luigi30> nm
<Floach> This, folks, is why Mario always gets the Princess.
Quote: 83510; Rating: 568; [+|-]
<corey|sleepin> bush is on tv
<static> wut he sayin corey?
<corey|sleepin> 'all yer oil are belong to us'
Quote: 83512; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<{R3D}Hurricane> you know your a geek when the highlight of your vacation consisted of spying on people in the Oracle HQ Building with binoculars from your hotel room
Quote: 83515; Rating: 906; [+|-]
<Starfleet> I'm playin America's Army Online
<Starfleet> My task is to provide Friendly Fire
Quote: 83518; Rating: 270; [+|-]
<Raine> Loggy, you ever hear of Escape Velocity?
*** Loggy has been kicked off channel #mooniverse by Raine (jerk)
<Raine> LMAO
*** Loggy ([email protected]) has joined channel #mooniverse
<Loggy> damn AT&T...
*** Loggy has been kicked off channel #mooniverse by Al (You go to hell and you die!)
<Raine> ROFL
<Al> hehe
*** Loggy ([email protected]) has joined channel #mooniverse
<Loggy> better give them a call..
Quote: 83538; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<Oli> i havent got my email yet.
<Rossell> Oli: That the police found your gay card?
<Reid> You need a CARD now?
<Reid> Where do I, umm, obtain one?
<Rossell> Parliament
Quote: 83546; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<ascii_phil> And if you ever need something to scare children with[0], I'll
describe the tenant cycle implementation.
<ascii_phil> [0] Well, database-knowledgable geek children.
* daveious is scared enough by the implementation of footnotes in IRC,
Quote: 83557; Rating: 863; [+|-]
wildcanary55: go away
xzet27: why?
wildcanary55: I'm working
xzet27: this is ur boyfriend
wildcanary55: this is your girlfriend's mother!
xzet27: o
xzet27: sry
Quote: 83567; Rating: 304; [+|-]
<MuerteDeAngeles> Ironic how shit works theory is matter how much life wants to fuck me in the ass, things always turn out somewhat good
<MuerteDeAngeles> Like a metaphorical reach-around, if you will
Quote: 83592; Rating: 309; [+|-]
<EvilNekoSpork> You know, it's a bad sign when you hear a loud crash and the build process you were watching take place via SSH on another machine abruptly stops... and the other SSH session freezes... brb.
Quote: 83595; Rating: 180; [+|-]
* Treiben has
Azi: how much are they?
Treiben: 8.95
Azi: same as godaddy then
Azi: actually, i'd register for a decade to take care of the next 10 years at a cut rate
Azi: but i don't want to pay for 10 years and then have the human race obliterate itself in 5
Azi: that would be just my luck
Quote: 83602; Rating: 1430; [+|-]
(@Wheelman56) 37.u00a0 What does the average person do approximately 15 times a day?
(@Wheelman56) Answer: _____
(@]D2D[Scratch) masturbate
(+ep`andro`shower) masturbate
(+TD|Canuckistan) masturbate
Quote: 83613; Rating: 30; [+|-]
<Flashfire> 'bad mouth' - a mouth which is evil and wants to take over the universe
Quote: 83616; Rating: 22; [+|-]
<%quickman> i cant remember these chinese names for my history test
<%quickman> they were probably just named by their parents throwing a bunch of pots and pans down the stairs
Quote: 83621; Rating: 989; [+|-]
jeremy rockz: im slowly unbuttoning your blouse, then i rip off your bra, and start to suck on one of your nipples while fondling the other, im getting hard now, and start to unzip my pants
jeremy rockz: shit
jeremy rockz: wrong window
KrazeGuy04: omg! too late! keep going!
jeremy rockz: wow'
Quote: 83627; Rating: 10546; [+|-]
<scirDSL> I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying "You're next". They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.
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