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Quote: 82070; Rating: 451; [+|-]
<Grimp> uh
<Grimp> I think my cd-rom eject si broke
<G_Reaper> Stop putting your drink on it
*** Skky joined the party line.
<Grimp> dammit
<Grimp> my cd-rom drive is dead
<Skky> that's what happens when you use it as a cup holder
Quote: 82072; Rating: 252; [+|-]
<Vexx> laptops needs a new name
<Vexx> 'cause if you keep them on your lap, it burns your crotch.
<+winterlike> sounds like a girl i once knew
Quote: 82073; Rating: 402; [+|-]
<Huan> wtf
<Huan> some guy stuck a condom over his head and is blowing on it
<pleasant_> haha
<pleasant_> what a dick head
Quote: 82074; Rating: 221; [+|-]
<Chu-Chu-Rocket> dole's making it really hard for me to keep my IRC window open when my mom walks by
<Foobar> just /clear
<Chu-Chu-Rocket> yeah, but that looks suspicious
<dole> dude
<dole> she just cut off the second rapist's dick
<dole> and left him to bleed in the bathtub
<dole> and he bled to death
* Chu-Chu-Rocket clears.
Quote: 82075; Rating: -6; [+|-]
<@RxR|Skitzo> !access MyAssHard
* @Anjali accesses skitzo's hard ass
<@Anjali> its to hard
<@RxR|Skitzo> hahaha
<@Anjali> i cant access it
<@Anjali> i cant get thru
<@Anjali> damn
* TheCardboardTubeSamurai takes pics of the action
<@RxR|Skitzo> lol
<@Anjali> lol
<@RxR|Skitzo> try harder!!
<@RxR|Skitzo> it shouldnt be that hard...but you should
* @Anjali fists Skitzo
<@RxR|Skitzo> hahaha
* @Anjali pushes harder
<@Anjali> i feel something smushy pushing against my fist
<@Anjali> ewwwww
* TheCardboardTubeSamurai records action on camcorder
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> omg irc gone wild
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> whoo!
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> who wants beads
<@RxR|Skitzo> lolololol
<@RxR|Skitzo> haha
Quote: 82076; Rating: 539; [+|-]
<ecco> a commercial for the fonz toaster would rock
<ecco> they'd show him in a toaster
<ecco> and he'd be like EEEEEEEYYYYY
<ecco> and then they'd turn it on
<ecco> and the coils would heat up
<ecco> and he'd be like EEEYYAAAAARRRRRGHHhhhhhhh and his flesh would burn off
Quote: 82077; Rating: 336; [+|-]
<Mamoru> ok, i just finished Jurassic Park for snes
<Mamoru> i left my system on for 3 days straight, because it has no in-game save
<Mamoru> and i finish it
<Mamoru> and it says
<Mamoru> aaaargh
Quote: 82080; Rating: 24; [+|-]
* @RxR|SkaAntiFlag slaps TheCardboardTubeSamurai around a bit with a large trout
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> your fish smells like pussy
Quote: 82081; Rating: 141; [+|-]
<InvisableMan> bra!
<s0berer> shit, is my bra showing?
<dz[tetrinet]> O.o
<chris> lol
* s0berer realizes there's no need for a bra, yet alone the lack of wearing one....
<Rocker> i wear a bro
<Rocker> :P
<Rocker> (only people who used to watch seinfeld would get that)
<dz[tetrinet]> you wear a black guy?
<dz[tetrinet]> O.o
Quote: 82082; Rating: 216; [+|-]
james: wouldnt it be cool to live in a giant oval room
james: when ppl come over, u can be like, sit in the corner plz, and they'll get confused
Quote: 82084; Rating: 20; [+|-]
(IllusionS) i eat bacon
(zErO-M|M) i eat sausage
(IllusionS) racist
(zErO-M|M) i know
Quote: 82085; Rating: 20; [+|-]
<kryonik> oh wait
Quote: 82086; Rating: 103; [+|-]
* Giga is now known as Giga|AFK
<Giga|AFK> I think zucchini gives me gas.
<xhg> Giga|AFK maybe you shouldn't eat
<Giga|AFK> But I love farting and pissing my sister off.u00a0 It gets her off the computer.
<Giga|AFK> Did I mention zucchini was my favorite food?
Quote: 82087; Rating: 575; [+|-]
<Foobar> hah the FBI is probably monitoring us
*** Foobar has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Quote: 82088; Rating: 43; [+|-]
* mentor goes fishing for the quote about anal hobgoblins...
Quote: 82089; Rating: 823; [+|-]
* Alpaca is listening to : Celine Dion - Where Does My Heart Beat Now.mp3
Quote: 82091; Rating: 95; [+|-]
<Paxx> What's?
<Paxx> Up?
<x-wing-> nufing
<StealthStalker[G]> thats homo for "buttsex"
<StealthStalker[G]> beelze told me
<x-wing-> k
<Paxx> Beelze is all about the buttsex.
<StealthStalker[G]> and 80's music
<StealthStalker[G]> don't forget that. Beelze = 80's music & buttsex
<StealthStalker[G]> with big hair and tight leather pants, so Wolf says
<Paxx> 80's music sucks.
<Paxx> Buttsex on the other hand.
Quote: 82092; Rating: 117; [+|-]
<LT1-Twitch> Wait wait, one minute, I wanna see this. You can hold on to me and rape me all you want just let me see this!
Quote: 82094; Rating: 341; [+|-]
<EvilDygel> There's not much else I want to do with this until Adam rebuilds the Domino server.
<Foobar> did he knock it over?
Quote: 82096; Rating: 99; [+|-]
[During an online Scrabble game]
<Grimp> I'd have to see your rack to actually play them :P
<Grimp> uh no sexual meaning intended :p
Quote: 82097; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<Grimp> haha
<Grimp> I evolved into a monkey
Quote: 82098; Rating: 17; [+|-]
* [-SeaN-] has joined #@home
<[-SeaN-]> wat up mang0s
<MrWhippy> shutup assface
<[-SeaN-]> :(
* [-SeaN-] has left #@home
Quote: 82099; Rating: 669; [+|-]
<d_e> MarcusYu: why are you learning Japanese?
<MarcusYu> Seriously, to watch anime and play video games
<d_e> I bet it's a retarded reason, like for RPGs and anime
<d_e> oh my god
<d_e> are you serious?
Quote: 82100; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<Barubary> dark: ff4 is harder for 2 reasons - 1. it's just harder 2. I can't read a damn thing
Quote: 82101; Rating: 36; [+|-]
<Tempis> go pick up some chick
<Godfather> u00a4u00a4 mp3: [06 - Meat.mp3] u00a4u00a4 [4:03min - 128kbps - 44.1khz] u00a4u00a4
<dithi> i'm trying!
<dithi> it's not that easy, they're stupid but they aren't gullible
<Godfather> true
<Tempis> they arent as gullible as they used to be
<Godfather> but they're still stupid
<dithi> indeed
Quote: 82104; Rating: 411; [+|-]
<Robbie0> Yoshi: Why can't i ride you on Mario 64
<Yoshi> Okay...
<Yoshi> First off
<Yoshi> I ain't like that
<Robbie0> sorry
Quote: 82105; Rating: 18; [+|-]
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> lmfao i found another phone number for a dude named Dick Ftizwell
<@RxR|Skitzo> lolol
<@RxR|Skitzo> you need life...badly
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> thank you captain obvious
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> what would i ever do without you my trusted sidekick
<@RxR|Skitzo> haha
* RxR|Skitzo is now known as Captain`Obvious
<@Captain`Obvious> side kick?
<@Captain`Obvious> youre my side kick bitch
<@Captain`Obvious> i am 2nd to no one
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> yes, yes you think so, but u see... i have the tube. the all mighty cardboard tube. you do not. your my side kick. deal with it.
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> now that that is settled, let us go save farm animals from being stolen by bandits!
<@Captain`Obvious> haha
<@Captain`Obvious> nah, lets save matts neighbors from having more guns stolen from him
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> very well then! hurry! to the mistery machiene!
<@Captain`Obvious> its Mystery Machine
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> thank you once again captain obvious
<@RxR|SkaAntiFlag> ya i steal guns
<@RxR|SkaAntiFlag>u00a0 so what??
<@RxR|SkaAntiFlag>u00a0 i also stole your 12 year old sister virginity
<@Captain`Obvious> i steal everything else lol
<TheCardboardTubeSamurai> once again, you save the day captain obvious! without your obviousness the world would suck.
Quote: 82106; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<TheGreyOne> I say you dyke it out
<TheGreyOne> I mean duke
<TheGreyOne> oh shit
Quote: 82107; Rating: 210; [+|-]
<overandoutcaptn> get em out
<maxim|away> yeah kate
<maxim|away> if your mum can
<maxim|away> SO CAN YOU!
<maxim|away> (=
<overandoutcaptn> yeah get some mother daughter porn action going
<overandoutcaptn> that'll fetch big bucks
<Bang`Bang> hahaha, yeah, it does
<Bang`Bang> i mean.. it will...
<Bang`Bang> :
Quote: 82108; Rating: 665; [+|-]
<Gage> And then my teacher asked me, "Do you think it's alright for people to wear Confederate flags to school and scream racial epithets?" and I said "Yes, because then it'll be easier for us to know who to beat the shit out of."
<Gage> I thought that was funny
<Gage> And she didn't do anything about me saying "shit" either because we were discussing free speech and its role in school, it would've been too ironic for her to send me to the office
Quote: 82109; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<oz0n3> ;p
--> August8th ([email protected]) has joined #thisChan
<-- August8th has quit (QUIT: )
<Hacky> well. that was productive
<oz0n3> we know there's a party on aug 8
<Twilight> lmao
<oz0n3> just not where
Quote: 82110; Rating: 30; [+|-]
<NES> after 9-11 I was expecting Oasis to release a statement like "While we regret Blink-182's direct terrorist involvement in the incident, we plan to hunt them down like the muslim dogs they are"
Quote: 82111; Rating: 315; [+|-]
<NES> what?
<NES> the pope can't have sex with ANYTHING?
Quote: 82112; Rating: 320; [+|-]
<NES> In about 1-3 grades we used to have long peeing competitions
<NES> To see who could continue peeing while taking steps back from the urinal
<NES> Those bathrooms were a damn mess, hahe
<Kufat> NES I would like to remind you that your GIRLFRIEND is in this CHANNEL at this time.
<NES> shit, you're right
Quote: 82113; Rating: 342; [+|-]
<ecco> when I die I want to be buried in a wetsuit
<ecco> with a snorkel and mask and stuff
<ecco> I just think it'd be funny
<ecco> nobody would know how to react
Quote: 82115; Rating: 508; [+|-]
<|mac|> Had a job in Govt, my mind misfired, I got fired, Maryland says if you get fired from state service cant come back for 3 years
<SideShow_Mike> mac did you chainsaw kill someone at work? I thought it was damn near impossible to get fired form those jobs.
<|mac|> no sideshowmike I had a nervous breakdown and shit on my supervisors desk
<clay45> whoa
Quote: 82118; Rating: 66; [+|-]
<@Gavin> if it were "lough out lough"
<@Gavin> wtf
<@Gavin> lough
<@Gavin> laugh
<@Gavin> how the hell do you spell that
<|DaRNCaT|> loud?
<JustM3> hehe, new word, lough, its laugh and out compiled into one.
<@Gavin> damn
<@Gavin> i smoke too much pot :/
Quote: 82119; Rating: 113; [+|-]
[ Lil_Dude ] i just met mr squeaky!
[ dex-o ] finally find your cock ?
Quote: 82120; Rating: 569; [+|-]
(Elim) bah had to do finals today....finals there like sex, i get done to quick, and i sit there quiet for an hour thinking about what i did wrong...
Quote: 82121; Rating: -58; [+|-]
[ @LoGo ] somethings wrong with the internet
[ Billy ] lol
Quote: 82122; Rating: 225; [+|-]
(Billy) i met a porno star
(@dura) so DID I!
(PyRoWaRrIoR) I am a porno star
(PyRoWaRrIoR) I didn't get paid though
(PyRoWaRrIoR) and there was no cameras =/
(PyRoWaRrIoR) it was just me, a sheep, and this guy named fred who SAID he knew my dad and my dad said it was ok
(PyRoWaRrIoR) but I didn't believe him
(PyRoWaRrIoR) and my ass still hurts
(PyRoWaRrIoR) and the worst part is
(PyRoWaRrIoR) he never called or wrote :(
Quote: 82123; Rating: -1; [+|-]
(Penguin) my cat died from the school bus...
(Penguin) plowed the mother fucker right down
Quote: 82124; Rating: 33; [+|-]
[ Moe ] we may be at war within the next 48 hours
[ Moe ] theres a meeting tomorrow
[ Elim ] wooo...i may masturbate twice in the next 3 hours
Quote: 82125; Rating: 29; [+|-]
[ Melo-D ] If ur a girl you get to be a bitch once a month
[ @Che ] Just once?
[ @Alison119 ] hmm like we really want that :P
[ @Che ] I think almost all the girls I've met are bitchy all the time =p
Quote: 82126; Rating: 106; [+|-]
[ Elim-away ] i wish i had money...they say it cant buy happiness, but fuck them, ima prove em wrong
[ Elim-away ] i wanna buy like designer clothes, and jiz on em...stain em and shit...wooo...i have wierd goals in life
[ phrozenfire ] its true, money cant buy happiness. but it's not happiness i want, it's money
[ Elim-away ] yea!
[ phrozenfire ] if i wanted happiness i would have killed myself already :D
Quote: 82127; Rating: 222; [+|-]
[ @Billy ] elim you type while away
[ Elim-away ] yea, im in my bathroom taking a shit
[ Elim-away ] i have a lil midget tell me what your saying, and ill tell him what to type
Quote: 82128; Rating: 229; [+|-]
<@Beebop> You know you're really addicted to CS when you stop masturbate cuz you think your neighbor has a wallhack
Quote: 82130; Rating: 324; [+|-]
[Moe] Girl you know I like it when you climb on top
[Moe] Love muscles feel tighter than a headlock
[Moe] And you know I love the way you make the bed rock
[Moe] Take me to extasy without taking Extasy
[sp00n] You're a horrible rapper
[+LoGo] and person
Quote: 82131; Rating: 23; [+|-]
[+LoGo] fuck powerpoint
[+LoGo] fuck the wright brothers
[@mick_jager] you dont present for awhile..
[@Elim] if it was possible i would fuck powerpoint
Quote: 82132; Rating: 207; [+|-]
- Elim is now known as Elim-playing-with-penis
(@Elim-playing-with-penis) weeeeeeeee
- who is now known as penis
(penis) yay
(penis) !
! penis plays with elim
(@Elim-playing-with-penis) yea you like that penis...weeee
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