Quote: 80926; Rating: -4; [+|-]
<shortyz> ugly bitches should wear masks all the time.. or rather paper bags
<`FrEaK> plastic bags... so they cant breath
Quote: 80931; Rating: 166; [+|-]
<MooksGirl> Mook you can see boobies if you come in here w/ me
<Mook> brb
<MooksGirl> I'm watching Girls Gone Wild
Quote: 80933; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<jeff-ev1> the security level is now orange...no idling allowed
Quote: 80936; Rating: 203; [+|-]
teh Tycho fan: none of us can get laid
Ketrus: Sure you can. Go commit a felony.
Ketrus: Granted, by 'laid', I mean 'sodomized', but still.
Quote: 80940; Rating: 3; [+|-]
<renegadellf> My anus is being saved for marriage.
<renegadellf> ......DAMNIT XD
<renegadellf> I mean, you know.
<renegadellf> After the wife gets tired of the......youknowwhatnevermind
<Torture> hhmmm
<Torture> Do I smell... 'nasty games'? XD
Quote: 80942; Rating: 120; [+|-]
<robb> i need to go talk to that new hot chick... getz me some kisses
<robb> but she's like hot... and probably *has* a life
Quote: 80953; Rating: 530; [+|-]
<Aemon> so what do you do? network security?
<Dark_Knight> Information security/Network security
<Aemon> cool
<Aemon> i'm a lowly webdesigner/developer
<Dark_Knight> although having IRC on my box at work is a major violation of the security policy
<Dark_Knight> but fuck it, I wrote it
Quote: 80965; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<mog> 4/f/kali, ne1 wanna cybar? omglol moms home brb
<mog> er...
<mog> that was supposed to be 14
<mog> either way
Quote: 80967; Rating: -165; [+|-]
<apoc|21hours> <jas0n> man im a geek
<apoc|21hours> <jas0n> im trying to find the RGB value of my hair
<Ender> wtf
<Ender> ... yaeh
<apoc|21hours> rofl
<Ender> (im gonna post that on bash.org so i can get the girls and jas0n's mom)
Quote: 80968; Rating: 334; [+|-]
<Rambozo> Based on claims of racial stereotypes, they've reworked Jar-Jar into a less offensive character.........
<Rambozo> Jemima Binks! "Oh lawdy lawdy, Jedi massuhs! Dem clones, dey be a'comin'!"
Quote: 80979; Rating: 204; [+|-]
<jUmB0> lets buy cocaine and support south american independence
Quote: 80985; Rating: 76; [+|-]
<@scifixi> dear irc,
<@scifixi> you are being boring.
<@scifixi> yours,
<@scifixi> scifixi
Quote: 80993; Rating: 476; [+|-]
Slava1983: i was walking trought the cafeteria and see a chick
Slava1983: but for some reason there was two of her
Slava1983: so i come up and i'm like am i too drunk or are you twins
Slava1983: turned out they were twins
Quote: 81015; Rating: 11; [+|-]
Quote: 81020; Rating: 215; [+|-]
<xShaitanx> does anyone have yahoo msgner cause this chick is dpoing something with dildos u wana see
<cvz> she using them to make a cake ?
Quote: 81023; Rating: 577; [+|-]
<@Chii_> rkd
<@Chii_> aDSJddsslkslkdaslks
<@Chii_> smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
<@Chii_> OOO OOOOoooo oooooooooooooooooo
<@CoMPLeX> u remind me of a pigeon that sits outside my room sometimes making useless sounds
Quote: 81026; Rating: 164; [+|-]
[23:07] <Wiiseguy> BBL (School.)
[23:07] <IceSynergyIX> seeya
[23:08] <Wiiseguy> Back (Education is for suckers.)
Quote: 81058; Rating: 340; [+|-]
<CoRDWoRK> Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever the hell comes out!"
Quote: 81070; Rating: 278; [+|-]
<cyo> everytime i try to tell my parents that i have a girlfriend they start to walk away
<cyo> i swear they want me to be gay or something
Quote: 81126; Rating: 126; [+|-]
<_Griphin_> Apparently Tori Wilson dealt with Anorexia
<nully> is Anorexia another wrestler?
Quote: 81128; Rating: 188; [+|-]
<@SpAz-o-Licious> i got this dude i know laied like 3 weeks ago... he was like trippin out cause his gf wanted to fuck him so bad... so i told him what to do and he left.
<@SpAz-o-Licious> the next day he came in and said this...
<@SpAz-o-Licious> <@{118th}DJ_Kazul> sex is better than cs!!!
<@[Milo]> maybe on a pub
<@SpAz-o-Licious> lol!
<@Aunt_Jemima> haha
Quote: 81130; Rating: 477; [+|-]
<vellox> goto Google, type in "French military victories" and click I'm Feeling Lucky
Quote: 81131; Rating: 153; [+|-]
<KingKirby> The US is stupid like that. Bomb somebody, give them money. Shoot somebody, give them a band-aid.
<nylint> Fuck somebody in the ass, give them a reach-around.
Quote: 81136; Rating: -7; [+|-]
<InvisableMan> then take them all out
<InvisableMan> all 200,000 of them
<InvisableMan> and deport them
<InvisableMan> to afganistan or something
<InvisableMan> libya
<cheezychops> TO CANADA!
<ChronoKnight> cheezy..my god
<ChronoKnight> im right here
<InvisableMan> hahaha
<cheezychops> like i said ChronoKnight
<cheezychops> TO CANADA!
<chris> lol
<ChronoKnight> pffft
<ChronoKnight> im sorry to hear that
<cheezychops> read it
<cheezychops> not hear
<cheezychops> you read it
<cheezychops> stupid canadians
<cheezychops> :P
<ChronoKnight> read what
<InvisableMan> rofl
Quote: 81138; Rating: 308; [+|-]
<@Lurker> live pics from baghdad on cnn
<@Lurker> nothing happening
<schitzo> nope nothing going on
<@Lurker> We should just go to an iraqi irc channel and when they ping out the war is on
Quote: 81140; Rating: 121; [+|-]
[ @Sin|ion ] it's very hard to take down the internet
[ @Sin|ion ] cuz it's not just one server
Quote: 81144; Rating: -11; [+|-]
*** deathazre sets mode: +o Dean
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o Dean
<deathazre> erm :/
<deathazre> stupid auto complete
*** deathazre sets mode: +o deathazre
Quote: 81152; Rating: 314; [+|-]
<mconp> ?
<mconp> yes?
<copeaway> its jewellery.....
<copeaway> i will never forget how to spell that one......it made me fail my year 6 exam back in 1983.....
<copeaway> i had to repeat my whole year becuz of that damm word........
<copeaway> then i met this group of junkies.....on the year i repeated.......
<copeaway> and went into drugs and shit.........
<mconp> because
<copeaway> stuffed up my damm life
<copeaway> i hate jewellery
Quote: 81154; Rating: 58; [+|-]
bradladuk: How wierd, people now think a .plan file is a day to day diary. What an odd world this is becoming.
Quote: 81157; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<Slayer> tbh i cba
<[S3E]Busy> there u go
<[S3E]Busy> an entire generation in one sentence
<Slayer> two abbrivs in one sentance im good
<[S3E]Busy> i think we have different outlooks on life
<Slayer> notice i abbrieviated abbrieviate
<[S3E]Busy> *sigh*
Quote: 81165; Rating: 206; [+|-]
<Recca_sama> ok ok ok...........cyber........yesterday afternoon.......my mom knocked on my door and I opened it and she was talking to me about if i had enough money for the night and stuff like that.......and out of no where from iparty comes cyber's voice saying "your mom cab sit on my big cock. I want to fuck her
Quote: 81168; Rating: 145; [+|-]
<@Evii> I can't win here, I tell you. If I email my CV from g0atpr0n.org I feel weird, if I send it from hotmail I feel ghay. *sigh*
Quote: 81170; Rating: 95; [+|-]
<wabb1t> no war yet... don't start it while i'm in the shower, k plz thx
Quote: 81171; Rating: 1414; [+|-]
<TalonArkrys> Guys, I've decided that there needs to be an addition to the current laws of nature. "Lesser Life Forms Are Not Allowed To Make Talon Feel Stupid". I saw a bug on my kitchen floor, and it was rather unexpected. As such, I threw my cup at it. The cup was made of glass. And contained my coke. Now, I
have shattered glass as well as coke all over my floor. The worst part was, when I looked closer, the bug was already dead.
Quote: 81173; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<PercyKittenz> Is it war yet?
<Nacho> after this commercial break
Quote: 81206; Rating: 78; [+|-]
<Giygas199X> Do you ever just sit on the toilet, and try to imagine the shape your shit is gonna be by the way it feels while you squeeze it out?
<Majik989s> all to often
<Giygas199X> It's fun. I just impressed myself. It was much bigger than I imagined.
<Giygas199X> My grandma's gonna have to unclog the toilet tonight.
Quote: 81215; Rating: 190; [+|-]
ErikB -> you know what is funny? i can measure my level of health by playing quake2. when i eat bad, sleep irregular and drink much, i play like shit. when i skate, take vitamin pills and sleep good i rule the scene. vitamin C is the key
Quote: 81216; Rating: -158; [+|-]
<@Atropos> we should have a fat people holocaust and just send them into gas chambers full of hotdogs to die
Quote: 81227; Rating: 120; [+|-]
<GaPSk8t3r> if i was drafted for war, id use every fucking cfg hack and aimbot out there.....i doubt iraq has wwcl
Quote: 81236; Rating: 574; [+|-]
<Anumati> oh, thanks, now i have this vision of bush staggering around iraq all osbourne style yelling "where are the fucking weapons of mass destruction?"
Quote: 81238; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<[BCorp]Atropos> you guys ever do something seemingly useless and realize that it teaches you something very valuable, then wonder if your the star of a reality telivision sequel to the karate kid?
Quote: 81243; Rating: 24; [+|-]
<norml> "U.S. and British aircraft earlier Wednesday pounded targets in Iraq's southern no-fly zone and dropped leaflets telling Iraqi soldiers how to surrender"
<norml> lol
<norml> how to surrender, they should have hired the french for that
<pfloyd> rofl!
Quote: 81246; Rating: -9; [+|-]
<[BCorp]Atropos> and if you don't give me 12 dollars i'm going to plunge them into the center of the earth
<[BCorp]Atropos> with those dinosaurs and cave men and shit that got trapped down there
<[BCorp]Atropos> and then they will be severely discomforted
<[BCorp]Atropos> and who will be laughing then?
<[BCorp]Atropos> not you, that's who!
<[BCorp]Atropos> hahahahahahahaaahhahahaha
<[BCorp]Sleight> oh and Washington, cut down on the damn coffee stands
<[BCorp]Atropos> oh, for that remark i'm plunging them anyway
<[BCorp]Sleight> heh I don't care about my dad's side, have your way
<[BCorp]Atropos> i'll be back in a second, gotta pull the "plunge" lever
<[BCorp]Sleight> tell them goodbye for me
<[BCorp]Atropos> no
<[BCorp]Atropos> i'll tell them you said they were fat
<[BCorp]Sleight> cruel
<[BCorp]Atropos> mwamwamwamwamwa
<[BCorp]Sleight> while you are at it, plunge the whole town of Rochester
<[BCorp]Sleight> get rid of those damn neighbors who keep saying pop
<[BCorp]Atropos> alright... but just this once
<[BCorp]Atropos> i'm not a plunging service you know
Quote: 81250; Rating: 177; [+|-]
<CrypticB> I heard the funniest quote on the radio on the way home
<CrypticB> that they are using surgical strikes on military targets only, and only those military targets that wish to fight, and not the soldiers who don't want to fight....
<CrypticB> how do you determine that?
<wo1f> they spin crucifixes and bomb in whichever direction jesus' feet point
Quote: 81251; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<Magus> U.S. forces may release "e-bomb" on Iraqis. Massive rave expected to ensue
Quote: 81264; Rating: 256; [+|-]
<classic07> Is it hard to turn gay ?
<classic07> Girls are just to confusing to me right now.
Quote: 81270; Rating: 801; [+|-]
<Ogredude> Radio Shack... You've got questions, we've got blank stares.
Quote: 81295; Rating: 362; [+|-]
<mefod> anyone ever watch tv...
<mefod> then after 5 minutes or so you think to yourself
<mefod> "omg i better move the mouse, or the screensaver will come on"
<mefod> but then you remember its a tv
Quote: 81296; Rating: 228; [+|-]
<daenonok> texas vs iraq round one
<b1u3> im not particularly worried that iraq start sending ppl over here...but i live in ca, right on the coast, if they did i'd taste the first wave
<b1u3> so right now im sittin here, all the lights turned off, in my faded army fatiques, new tank of co2 in my paintball gun, ready to give anyone to come through my door a hell of a bruise
Quote: 81299; Rating: 782; [+|-]
<mefod> ooh shit
<mefod> afk, war