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Quote: 81264; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<classic07> Is it hard to turn gay ?
<classic07> Girls are just to confusing to me right now.
Quote: 81270; Rating: 839; [+|-]
<Ogredude> Radio Shack...u00a0 You've got questions, we've got blank stares.
Quote: 81287; Rating: 842; [+|-]
* Now talking in #iraq
* Topic is 'u00c7u00e1u00e3u00edu00ca u00d4u00e3u00cfu00d1u00edu00e5 u00c8u00e1u00ed u00edu00e3u00d4u00ed u00ccu00e4u00c7u00d2 u00e3u00e4 u00e5u00d2u00ca u00c7u00e1u00cau00c7u00c8u00e6u00ca u00edu00dau00d1u00ddu00e5u00e3 u00c7u00dau00d2u00c7u00d2'
<Ivca> Hello Gentlemen
<Ivca> All your base are belong to US
Quote: 81295; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<mefod> anyone ever watch tv...
<mefod> then after 5 minutes or so you think to yourself
<mefod> "omg i better move the mouse, or the screensaver will come on"
<mefod> but then you remember its a tv
Quote: 81296; Rating: 243; [+|-]
<daenonok> texas vs iraq round one
<b1u3> im not particularly worried that iraq start sending ppl over here...but i live in ca, right on the coast, if they did i'd taste the first wave
<b1u3> so right now im sittin here, all the lights turned off, in my faded army fatiques, new tank of co2 in my paintball gun, ready to give anyone to come through my door a hell of a bruise
Quote: 81299; Rating: 806; [+|-]
<mefod> ooh shit
<mefod> afk, war
Quote: 81320; Rating: 370; [+|-]
MultiColoredWiz: My grammar's usually pretty good, but I still don't get laid or lain.
MultiColoredWiz: err..
Gizmog1: Heheh.
Quote: 81325; Rating: 21; [+|-]
<jedix> Linus: and your arms are.. a) as big as twigs b) steal gurders c) the train itself
<dwihno> I always keep it in my special handthingy when I run
<jimperson> aha! a custom special handthingy! exactly what i need :)
<Linus> jedix: they are huge! :-)
<Linus> as are all hacker arms
* Zagor tries not to laugh
* Bagder giggles as he can't resist
* jedix runs to the bathroom to not piss himself
Quote: 81331; Rating: 261; [+|-]
<PGM> i thought they where all lame
<Nastard> and since you are the barometer of lame by which we all calibrate our instruments, you would know
Quote: 81378; Rating: 301; [+|-]
<Gwuffy> yay getting new linkin park album
<CoRDS> are you about to break?
<Gwuffy> nope
<Gwuffy> but im one step closer
<CoRDS> thats way too much angst for one person
<devkev> he needs a little room to breathe
Quote: 81379; Rating: 162; [+|-]
<Juz[code]> i think i will call
<Juz[code]> the 5th level in my puzzle game
<Juz[code]> "i'm bored of making levels now"
Quote: 81382; Rating: 1268; [+|-]
Rimbaud: oh my god
Rimbaud: do you have half a minute?
tlaryko: yes. what?
Rimbaud: I just opened a package for the office
Rimbaud: addressed to ________(1)
Rimbaud: I thought it was toner
Rimbaud: :/
tlaryko: ?!?!?!?!?!?! :-))
Rimbaud: He's not here, thank god
Rimbaud: We're all pissing ourselves laughing
Rimbaud: I taped it back up
tlaryko: poor puggy!
Rimbaud: Seriously grim front cover too
Rimbaud: I'm disturbed
tlaryko: can i tell my sister? this is too funny
Rimbaud: sure
tlaryko: oh I had a mighty good chuckle.
Rimbaud: _______(2) was barely surprised
Rimbaud: Although she's still laughing hysterically
Rimbaud: Apparently my reaction was funny
tlaryko: what was your reaction?
Rimbaud: Before I had finished opening it, I made some comment about it probably being gay porn for _________(1)
Rimbaud: Then it was
Rimbaud: And I sort of screamed in fright
tlaryko: hehehehehehehehe
Quote: 81394; Rating: 1; [+|-]
<RichiH> bathing supports terrorism
Quote: 81427; Rating: 629; [+|-]
<nikoJ> Terron, what would you do without the internet?
<Terron> I don't understand the question
Quote: 81434; Rating: 226; [+|-]
* The following takes place the day after the Second Gulf War began.
<@HEMI> kjfklsdf
<@HEMI> All hell is breaking loose!
<@HEMI> Things are falling apart at work. I just got back from lunch. Yay!
<@TenBaseT> god damn you
<@TenBaseT> I just hit refresh on 6 news sites because of that.
Quote: 81439; Rating: 208; [+|-]
<DooD> All of the Kmart's in iraq will be closed, and reopen as Targets in the next two weeks...
Quote: 81449; Rating: 611; [+|-]
<mewse> that was awesome
<mewse> err wrong window
<zarcyb> mewse: cybering? :P
* mewse licks it
Quote: 81451; Rating: 42; [+|-]
* @Steve is suspicious of the one extremely off-colored Honey Comb cereal piece.
<@Steve> This is, like, affirmative action cereal.
* @Steve segregates and puts the darkie in the trash.
<@Jsangspar> it was a honeyCOON
Quote: 81453; Rating: 424; [+|-]
<TygerinFL> Halfy... remember the house I lived in when you and Vio visited us?
<HalfNote5> Yupper!
<TygerinFL> It burned to the ground tuesday night.
<TygerinFL> the lady living in it died
<TygerinFL> guess we shouldn't have taken all the smoke detectors when we left
Quote: 81512; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<Skipp-XP> ok, I don't have a lot of time but I want to ask a quick question
<Skipp-XP> I have a style writer II printer, and I want to connect it to my mac
<barry> use the included cable
<Skipp-XP> barry: go fuck yourself
<Lint> good way to get help retard.
Quote: 81534; Rating: 183; [+|-]
<Dayv> I mean, if we decide that the next one sucks too, do we just keep bombing 'til the Iraqi supreme court elects Jeb Bush?
Quote: 81616; Rating: 338; [+|-]
Mmytacism: this game is so unrealistic
Mmytacism: your common goldfish doesn't cost $100
Mmytacism: then again, I suppose it doesn't defecate coins, either
Quote: 81617; Rating: 181; [+|-]
<drwiii> Happiness is: seeing a news report about how the US government stresses that the conflict in Iraq isn't motivated by a need for "Christian dominance", followed by a commercial for Time Life's "Worship Together" CD set.
Quote: 81695; Rating: 117; [+|-]
* Veng notices that "shock and awe" is an anagram of A Shack 0wned :)
(@Veng): sums it up really
Quote: 81705; Rating: 198; [+|-]
<fo0bar> why the hell is tivo recording cnn?u00a0 I told it I wanted first-run wars ONLY
<fo0bar> this is obviously a repeat
Quote: 81723; Rating: 19; [+|-]
<Space_Boy> 70% of statistics are made up on the spot
Quote: 81725; Rating: 86; [+|-]
<linux-n00b> Now how do I edit a .php in frontpage?
Quote: 81730; Rating: 413; [+|-]
<mithrandi> In addition, U.S. citizens attempting to speak a foreign language are
<mithrandi> urged to curb their Americanisms.
<mithrandi> For example:
<mithrandi> Correctu00a0 : Est-ce que vous l'avez aux autres couleurs?
<mithrandi> Incorrect: Est-ce que vous, like, l'avez aux, like, autres couleurs?
<mithrandi> ROFL!
<Antish> is that supposed to be arabic
Quote: 81732; Rating: 18; [+|-]
<Arawn> wtf is up w/ computer geeks thinking they're black?
Quote: 81736; Rating: 141; [+|-]
<SROL> Alright! I just gave advice on which underwear/bra combo to wear to a party to my New York ho :D
<TheBaskinator> What's his name?
Quote: 81739; Rating: 797; [+|-]
<FGDH> holy fuck, i was talking to this girl i like and we were flirting ..
<ToG> And...
<FGDH> then she said.."Tell your trousers to stop pointing at me".. FUCK
Quote: 81744; Rating: 293; [+|-]
<seaslug> the amish pick wierd names for their towns
<seaslug> for example, i've been to intercourse, pennsylvania
<ctkrohn> If there was a town named "sex" in Maine, it would be written on am envelope as Sex ME
<seaslug> it goes without saying that i've never been to intercourse
<bpt> "How did your trip go?" "I never made it to Orgasm"
Quote: 81759; Rating: 170; [+|-]
-usagi- attacking asians doesn't bother me tubby
-Seethroc- Calling me tubby doesn't bother me either, Mr. Drives-girls-to-being-dykes.
-usagi- At least I can get girls in my area code
-Seethroc- Yeah, at least you have that. Cling to it like a motherfucker.
-usagi- Oh, I will.
Quote: 81760; Rating: 81; [+|-]
<whiprush> #debian is pretty intense too ...
<whiprush> I don't see how anyone can get help in that place.
<ronelson> well whip, you just apt-get irc-logs when you need them :P
<whiprush> ronelson: can you?
Quote: 81762; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<Verl> so who like cherries
<Qtip43> i like to pop them
<Qtip43> with my penos
<Verl> youre a virgin arent you
<Qtip43> totally
<Qtip43> by choice i might add
Quote: 81775; Rating: 187; [+|-]
[MonkeyG0D]: gonna go try linux
[MonkeyG0D]: i'm quite excited
[SPo0n]: hope it works for ya
[MonkeyG0D]: will i grow a beard?
[SPo0n]: yes all linux users must have beards, like jews.
Quote: 81778; Rating: 397; [+|-]
<Renzian> ahh i just swallowed a quarter
<ChrisAFK[motfR3]> ...
<ChrisAFK[motfR3]> You swallowed a coin?
<Aspect> You only have to be worried if you shit out two dimes and a nickel.
Quote: 81779; Rating: 166; [+|-]
[Magus1] I don't crap regularly :(
[AmphibianKnight] You talk daily, don't you?
Quote: 81785; Rating: 393; [+|-]
<dabblerblue> i wonder if anyone in iraq has tried rocket-jumping yet
<DJTodd> Rocket jumping?
<dabblerblue> nevermind
Quote: 81801; Rating: 151; [+|-]
<Black_Raven> how can u tell if pretzels r stale?
<Kreskin> how?
<Black_Raven> i dont know why do u think i am asking?
Quote: 81804; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<Moiee> i have perfect biceps
<demalavor> only in one arm though
Quote: 81810; Rating: 245; [+|-]
<Misty> ...but it's sold out. ;.;
<Sue>u00a0 ;_;
<Alex> Her eyes are producing commas...
<Alex> Maybe you should get that checked
Quote: 81811; Rating: 108; [+|-]
therealspm: u busy whackin off again
wispyspark: no it wasnt leting me
Quote: 81819; Rating: 199; [+|-]
<MrCubanMafia> I love women. I love every bone in their body. Especially mine.
Quote: 81828; Rating: 319; [+|-]
<Ein-> ha, I bet my school is a million times worse
<Pez666> Doubt it.
<Pez666> Unless it's a community college.
<Ein-> ever live with a 300lb man in a skirt?
<Pez666> Man our "dorm" is a fucking hotel they cleaned out.
<Pez666> and they just added it this semester.
<Ein-> so I take that as a "no", you never put up with the sounds of a vibrator being shoved up the ass of a sweaty 300lb man in a skirt before.
<Scarly> wtf
<Scarly> Ew
<Scarly> Ewwwww
<Pez666> haha
* RobertRence recoils in shock and horror.
<Scarly> Ewwwwwwwwwww
<RobertRence> Pleaaaase tell me you're lying.
<RobertRence> And that you washed your hands afterwards.
Quote: 81829; Rating: 155; [+|-]
h4zin: Auuuuuuuuuugh
h4zin: i got fucking dumped. already.
h4zin: at least her T1 was firewalled, so its not like i could have gotten anything out of her anyway
Quote: 81831; Rating: 411; [+|-]
<NikJam> k
<Spazzy-the-Ninja> Hmm, odd. The finger is bleeding more than usual.
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<Torture> holy cow
Quote: 81833; Rating: 182; [+|-]
<Ober> hahaha
<infi> ?
<Ober> MSNBC "No Iraqi Dikes have been blown"
<VistA> lol
<infi> heh
<Ober> the guy said "ahh"
<dragonbyt> dont dykes lack the equipment to get blown?
<Ober> after the word blown
<Ober> like he did a double take
Quote: 81834; Rating: 160; [+|-]
<Izzy-chan> Update (MSNBC): Basra Surrounded by US forces.
<SirLudicrus> Update (my penis): Erect.
Quote: 81836; Rating: 157; [+|-]
<Xan> I wish I had a time machine
<Xan> I would write in the bible "....and every sunday send $5 to <my address>"
<Xan> "If you don't you'll go to hell"
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