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Quote: 71791; Rating: 284; [+|-]
(Craig): watching something on suicide bombers on discovery
(doggie^): lol
(doggie^): wonder how they managed that
(doggie^): not many people to interview or anything
Quote: 71797; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<Tarkaan> Gerbil, I've spent the past three months and about $10,000 preparing for this fucking war
<Tarkaan> although the majority of that was buying property in Canada
<Tarkaan> But I also got a camp stove
Quote: 71815; Rating: 165; [+|-]
<kichigai> *:-}8 8-u00a0u00a0 transvestite
Quote: 71819; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<_Obi-Wan_> so what should we discuss?
<Liquid> ....hmm....Ebonics!
<_Obi-Wan_> ebonics?
<Andy_Hock> The disease?
Quote: 71820; Rating: 463; [+|-]
(m-femme): my ass is too big for hotpants haha
(m-femme): its my muscle...i have too much ass muscle..
(m-femme): haha
(doggie^): lol
([olly]): stop using it to talk then
Quote: 71847; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<Cold_n_Alone> oh yea.. remember that one pretty girl i said i was talking to in emails and staring at in class?u00a0 i asked her about masterbation habits and.. she isnt talking to me anymoreu00a0 :/
Quote: 71853; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<ZiR0> damn
<ZiR0> whenever i clean my glasses, my monitor becomes dirty as hell
Quote: 71857; Rating: 15; [+|-]
<@trizzo:#nanog> if you cant knock the bottom out, knock the fuck out of the sides
Quote: 71885; Rating: 263; [+|-]
<Dramon_Killer> i watch gay porn
<Dramon_Killer> err
<Dramon_Killer> i meant to say im secure in my sexuality
<Dramon_Killer> like, secure enough to watch it, masturbate and still like chicks
Quote: 71888; Rating: 211; [+|-]
* Apollo- pokes IceKarma
* IceKarma pokes Apollo- back
* Apollo- i spoked
<Apollo-> s/i/is/
<Apollo-> s/spoked/poked/
<Apollo-> s/Apollo- i spoked/Apollo is drunk/
Quote: 71890; Rating: 406; [+|-]
<Trax> Raider are you on LSD?
<Raider> ehh, no Im on DSL
Quote: 71892; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<kuribo> i guess if i spent less time deathmatching i'd have a woman
<kuribo> but deathmatching is free
<kuribo> fragging > sex
<WildPegasus> Fragging is kind of like sex. If you do them right, goo goes everywhere.
<kuribo> pretty much, peg... and just like sex, after you're done fragging, you can just leave the server if you want, or stick around for another round
Quote: 71893; Rating: 410; [+|-]
<chuffy> this is fucked
<chuffy> i left my blinds open
<chuffy> and i woke up
<chuffy> and im sunburnt
Quote: 71896; Rating: 346; [+|-]
<SirLudicrus> What are those hats that have beer can mounts on each side called?
<Kurin> Stupid
Quote: 71897; Rating: 332; [+|-]
* iMac therefore iSuck *
Quote: 71904; Rating: 290; [+|-]
<un0> i want them to commit seppuku when they lose on iron chef
Quote: 71913; Rating: 96; [+|-]
<Assid> ack
<Assid> something not right here
<Assid>u00a0 1:58amu00a0 up 1 day, 19:16,u00a0 2 users,u00a0 load average: 149.20, 123.73, 57.51
Quote: 71922; Rating: 171; [+|-]
<fallenMeSsIAH> damn cops, they piss me off, SHE Wanted to have sex infront of the police station not me, i am an unwilling participant, charge her for rape if it will get me out of a indecent exposure charge
<BenZor> fallenMeSsIAH: you got laid... consider it a miracle
Quote: 71944; Rating: 558; [+|-]
<+|neo|> FUCK!!!!!!!!!
<+|neo|> fucking donut
<+|neo|> this is gay
<+|neo|> i bit my lip while eating this donut
<+|neo|> hurt like a bitch
<+|neo|> bout 5 secs later i bit it in the same place again
<+|neo|> then it started bleeding
<@Decco> lol
<+|neo|> then about 20 secs ago i bit the same part again
<sic6sic> neo....dont move
<sic6sic> just....dont move
Quote: 71946; Rating: 197; [+|-]
<z8ball> ive been sitting here for 30 mins trying to get ppp going in fbsd
<z8ball> just realised i only have 1 phone line
<z8ball> and im using it
Quote: 71953; Rating: 1036; [+|-]
<@Mike> OMG
<@Mike> I just got a security alert
<@Mike> OMFG
<@Mike> what do I do?????????
* @Mike clicks the helpful lil message
<@Mike> oooh look. A purple monkey wants to sell me a firewall
Quote: 71954; Rating: 821; [+|-]
<jim_trim> How To Know If a girl likes you
<jim_trim> ?
<sarah> Quite simple: If she sits naked on your hand, and it feels like a horse is eating out of your palm, she likes you.
Quote: 71964; Rating: 599; [+|-]
liz: you know if love was measured in kb's would take HOURS for me to upload my love for you.
mikey: *taps your forehead* that's because of your small upstream bandwidth dear.
mikey: <3
liz: hahahhahahhahahhaha
liz: god i love it when you talk dorky to me
mikey: also, i seem to be dropping syn packets.
mikey: i suspect a collision somewhere on your train of thought.
liz: ping
mikey: host not found :-(
Quote: 71969; Rating: 10; [+|-]
[ @K` ] rac00n: remember the whole noah and the arc story ?
[ @rac00n ] u mean the one where they couldnt fit my beast inside the arc?
[ @K` ] no i mean the one where they had to build an arc because my bukakke covered the earth for like 40 days and 40 nights
Quote: 71975; Rating: 1370; [+|-]
<Raven> spread the word of jesus my brother
<Jonesy> j----e---s----u---s
Quote: 71979; Rating: 624; [+|-]
<Knives> .
<Knives> REFUND
Quote: 71981; Rating: 32; [+|-]
<Tommy^> anybody know if u can download win98 second edition for free if you allready own 98
<Tommy^> cant seem to find it on microsoft site
Quote: 71983; Rating: 1253; [+|-]
<keevs> umm from IRC or IRL?
<Doomers> What program is IRL?
<Mal> my god
Quote: 71989; Rating: 198; [+|-]
<REIDZY> why the fuck is everyone tryign to tlak all fuckign smart
Quote: 71995; Rating: 1202; [+|-]
<Dezmo> man, a coworker of mine had a blind date, so I offered to call him right after he met her so if she was ugly he could act like some emergency had come up and had to go
<Dezmo> so I call, and she answers the phone "is this the emergency phone call in case I'm a skank?"
Quote: 71996; Rating: 374; [+|-]
[Tom] That was unexpected
[Tom] I was playing with my pen
[Tom] And it just exploded
[ReDeeMeR] Quite the contrary; usually if you 'play' with your 'pen' enough, it will 'explode'
Quote: 71997; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<Slicer> Its funny how the thought of sucking on a wet sock makes me feel sick to my stomach
<Slicer> and the thought of sucking on a dick, disturbingly enough, doesn't.
<Red> ...
Quote: 72014; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<urandom> you have kids?
<RangerRick> nope
<urandom> route add -host gw <--- It's comes to this, the only way I can get them to do their chores
Quote: 72043; Rating: 116; [+|-]
<CyniKaL> id pretend I was gay to be the fluffer for a porn movie...
<Kohn|watching|eating> Fluffer: person that sucks the cocks when they go limp during a porn movie
Quote: 72058; Rating: 1943; [+|-]
<JakBauer> oh thats right, we could only use 8 char nicks on efnet.
<CactusJac> 9 chars
<kuribo> cactus...
<kuribo> you're on altnet now
<CactusJac> no
<kuribo> ADD IT
<CactusJac> OK
*** CactusJac is now known as CacktusJac
Quote: 72070; Rating: 355; [+|-]
<Lincoln`s_Wax> Liberal Arts Quantum Physics: Light's damned fast and not everything is as it seems. Space is funny like that. The end.
Quote: 72076; Rating: 376; [+|-]
<Aiwa> I might be writing an editorial about the state of NASCAR and what led to Dale Earnhardt's death...
<Graphic_V> I'm guessing the wall.
Quote: 72079; Rating: 329; [+|-]
<markogogo> :(
<markogogo> I try and try and try....
<markogogo> ... and nothing comes out of it.
<Yellow-Snow> try using the other hand mark
Quote: 72083; Rating: 494; [+|-]
<homework> oh god.. i just hit ctrl+s after putting down my pencil
Quote: 72089; Rating: 1422; [+|-]
<trollusk_zzz> ha ha slip
<trollusk_zzz> i have two quotes on bash and what do you have? a hot girlfriend and a promising sports career! SUCKER
Quote: 72095; Rating: 205; [+|-]
<@nuclear_> anyone know about a/c systems in cars?
<@lucidguy> they blow.
Quote: 72117; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<citizenh8> bubb rubb jacked my GC game
<citizenh8> its been held up in Oakland for 4 days now
Quote: 72122; Rating: 1331; [+|-]
<StreaK> fuck im in a lot of channels
* Volt|Sleep does a whois a StreaK
<Volt|Sleep> StreaK is on #3drealms @#incest_r_us @#animalphilia @#fecalphilia @#luvn_lambs_rule @#mom-fuck-movies #disney_pics
<StreaK> WTF
<StreaK> i thought i had ops in disney_pics
Quote: 72130; Rating: 616; [+|-]
<KKK> hey guys check this out, i can say all the banned words, and not get banned, look
* dv sets mode: +b *!*
* KKK was kicked by dv (banned: Repeated Offence, No Caps! 5min ban)
Quote: 72150; Rating: 522; [+|-]
<+an_ass733> Hey guys I have someting interesing to tell
<+an_ass733> I went to a chinese restaurant for lunch today
<+an_ass733> The fortune cookie said "A successful life comes from a life of virtue and hard work."
<+an_ass733> On the back were the lottery numbers.
Quote: 72159; Rating: 193; [+|-]
* H0merTax ([email protected]) has joined
<H0merTax> hello, does anyone know what it means when it says "need correct key to join a channel"?
<@Opeeo> to fix it type /quit special key
*** H0merTax has left IRC (special key)
* H0merTax ([email protected]) has joined
<H0merTax> hey i tried that and it kicked me off? id really appriciater help
<@Opeeo> try /quit special key 2
<H0merTax> where dop i type ot in... the window that says where i connect?
<@Opeeo> yeah bro
<H0merTax> thanx
*** H0merTax has left IRC (special key 2)
* Opeeo sets mode: +b *!*
Quote: 72160; Rating: 301; [+|-]
<Smmenen> Rakso, as a law student, how can it possibly help you to be so exaggerating
<Tristal> Do you even know what lawyers DO?
Quote: 72162; Rating: 205; [+|-]
<@Jaxxin> your momma's so fat, I want to have sex with her and not tell anyone else :(
Quote: 72175; Rating: 571; [+|-]
<DCGrendel> i spent 8hrs today doing evil code to do evil things i dont really understand
<ragnarok2040> you work for microsoft?
Quote: 72181; Rating: 816; [+|-]
<Null> hittman
<Hittman> hi Null
<Null> you are a load that should have been swallowed ;/
<rb_> 20 bucks says he doesnt get it
<Null> i see your 20 and raise you 20
<Hittman> load
<Hittman> ?
<rb_> YES!!!
<rb_> I WIN
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