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Quote: 58965; Rating: 660; [+|-]
* jesus takes off your pants.
* Sexypants is now known as Sexy
<jesus> rawr
<Sexy> jesus took off my pants
<Kitsa> the lord works in mysterious ways
Quote: 58967; Rating: 118; [+|-]
<The_Snowman> but as always, the kids got a ton of gifts.... :/
<The_Snowman> we've spent all day clearing out their room to get room for all the new shi.... toys
<Scarebear> We did the same thing yesterday. They got heaps! Yesterday was cleanup day
<The_Snowman> im really thinking of kick/banning grandparents from #xmas :/
Quote: 58970; Rating: 441; [+|-]
<Mich> do you call a drinking fountain thing a water fountain or a bubbler?
<Mystiq> who the fuck would call it a bubbler
<Mich> it must be a regional thing
<Mich> everyone here says bubbler
<Mystiq> yeah well your state voted bush
Quote: 58995; Rating: 56; [+|-]
<Rackshack-GregM> got my first DVD-A on Tuesday
<RS-Andrew> dvd-a? double vaginal double anal?
<Rackshack-GregM> hah
<Rackshack-GregM> DVD Audio
Quote: 58997; Rating: 608; [+|-]
<Peter> My brother got a $1500 car deck for $6.58 today.
<kaliyama> Was that the cost of the crowbar and ski mask?
Quote: 58999; Rating: 248; [+|-]
<Ishtar-AFK> during chinese new years... they give redpockets filled with money
<Ishtar-AFK> for good luck or something, but the important part is cash
<SiWaRD> you're chinese?
<SiWaRD> I thought you were Korean
<Ishtar-AFK> i'm chinese
<Ishtar-AFK> wtf
<Ishtar-AFK> when i go back to visit my grandparents... they say i dont follow traditions
* sweeps starts thinking up racial slurs
<sweeps> when i go back to visit my grandparents... they say i dont follow traditions <- you mean communism?
<SiWaRD> do your grandparents know martial arts?
<sweeps> do they fly?
Quote: 59018; Rating: 222; [+|-]
<PhD> i got woken up by a freakin woodpecker today
<PhD> i thought someone was knocking :-(
<Katlizy> doesnt every guy get one of those in the morning?
Quote: 59027; Rating: -141; [+|-]
<biXen> LMAO, I got kicked from DC because of animal porn? WTF?
<biXen> I dont have any animal porn!
<biXen> well I guess for some people movies that has black guys in them, they can go as animals
Quote: 59054; Rating: 1009; [+|-]
<Cithorn> Right now.... I'm killing you with my mind
<Cithorn> Tell me if you die
<AntiarcPrime> If I'm dead, I can't typ........asdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
* AntiarcPrime dies
<AntiarcPrime> [ Restore from last save point? ] (Yes/No)
<AntiarcPrime> Yes
* AntiarcPrime respawns
<Cithorn> Aww sunova bitch, now I know what it's like to be a Final Fantasy Villain
Quote: 59057; Rating: 320; [+|-]
<markogogo> I once had a dream that there was a huge join flood here. And I kept screwing up when trying to set the mode +i. :/
<Kel> geek nightmares
Quote: 59062; Rating: 1301; [+|-]
<X5> do what horny college idiot men do every night, hump park benches!
<smackfoo> last time i humped a park bench i was late into my teens
<smackfoo> it was a quiet, peaceful night in hyde park
<smackfoo> the bums had all been incinerated in an unfortunate event with the department of water and power
<smackfoo> i stepped up to a cute little wood number, couldn't have been older than 17
<smackfoo> i rubbed her, and she cooed in the moonlight
<smackfoo> fearing splinters, i gently waxed her humps, making sure to remove any hint of sharpness
<smackfoo> slowly, gently, i removed my pants...
<smackfoo> um
<smackfoo> you guys know the rest
<Cithorn> Keep going
<Cithorn> I'm not done yet
Quote: 59078; Rating: 124; [+|-]
<Riz> if Ron Jeremy dies I'm gonna put in a request for a "organ" donation
Quote: 59084; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<onelove--> i was going to use the holidays to get some booty from my exgirlfriend
<onelove--> but she's on this big christian kick
<onelove--> complete with no sex before marriage
<onelove--> so i guess there's no reason in talking to her anymore
Quote: 59086; Rating: 8; [+|-]
RetardedCrow: I'm listening to a song called "Back of the bus."
RetardedCrow: Sung by black rappers.
Esotcalag: Oh god....
RetardedCrow: And they yell at us when we call them niggers, wtf?
RetardedCrow: Oh, I'm sorry, 'Niggas.'
RetardedCrow: Fucking crackas.
Esotcalag: I find it ironic that despite the issue that was during the sixties, most black kids always seems to flock to the back of the bus.
RetardedCrow: They still do...
RetardedCrow: I guess habbits are hard to break.
Quote: 59091; Rating: 168; [+|-]
<Mansion_Maniac> 3 types of people on the internet = convinced they're ugly, convinced they're life has no meaning, and convinced they could kick your ass despite they don't know jack about you
Quote: 59104; Rating: -73; [+|-]
<Squanky> I hope they gave me the right CPU because I paid $350 for it
Quote: 59120; Rating: 279; [+|-]
<sgamer> man
<sgamer> i know how pepsi can beat coke
<NookieMonster> Hey Gamer!
<sgamer> they need to get britney dumbass again
<NookieMonster> by tasting better?
<sgamer> and they need a commercial
<sgamer> during the super bowl
<sgamer> at the hottest part of the super bowl
<NookieMonster> Britney with no panties...
<sgamer> and she does this:
<sgamer> takes a drink
<sgamer> *ahhh*
<sgamer> then says "oh yeah, i swallow"
<sgamer> then keeps drinking
<sgamer> fade to pepsi logo, fin
<NookieMonster> Thats great!!
<sgamer> i am an advertising genius
Quote: 59132; Rating: 301; [+|-]
<KeeperX> i have my time machine built into a '67 el camino
<TrueBlue> The front is like a car!
<TrueBlue> The back is like a truck!
<TrueBlue> The front is where we sit!
<TrueBlue> The back is where we... EL CAMINO!
Quote: 59145; Rating: 177; [+|-]
<+m1g> anyone know where i can find the win9X DDK ?
<@tenfour> yeah
<@tenfour> 1998
Quote: 59161; Rating: 11; [+|-]
<Monte`SS`> what?
<Monte`SS`> i'm curious
<pagan> so are homosexuals
<pagan> :(
<Monte`SS`> haha
Quote: 59170; Rating: 455; [+|-]
<Goo> ok when i think to myself "the nazis are coming, protect the churches" in a 17th century english accent, it's time to go to bed
Quote: 59175; Rating: 150; [+|-]
<MudBlud> when i do cp mIRC /home/mudblud/mirc why does it say ommitting: mIRC
<Cheez> because using mirc on *nix is a sin
Quote: 59195; Rating: 397; [+|-]
<nersh> someone said the sexiest part of a woman is her mind... lol
<nersh> i can understand lying about that in front of girls
<nersh> but why do it on the internet
Quote: 59202; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<Ecko24> yo does anyone have a driver for an ethernet cable?
Quote: 59225; Rating: 17; [+|-]
* marc_ ([email protected]) has joined #nullrewted
* marc_ ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (marc_ (ghost)))
* marc_ ([email protected]) has joined #nullrewted
<marc_> damnit wrong one
* marc ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (marc_ (ghost)))
Quote: 59243; Rating: 615; [+|-]
<r-beretta> wow, rape porn pop-ups.
<r-beretta> that's a first
<[Knob]> ever got incest pop-ups?
<r-beretta> yes, incest is common for me
<r-beretta> IN THE POP-UPS I MEAN
Quote: 59248; Rating: 440; [+|-]
*** Laney has joined #everything
<Laney> hi.
<turboke> lo.
<ninjapenguin> in the middle
Quote: 59256; Rating: -268; [+|-]
* ChanServ ([email protected]) Quit (*.net *.split)
<DopefishJustin> damn chanserv
<DopefishJustin> they should rename it NegroServ because it never works
Quote: 59292; Rating: 1220; [+|-]
<The-Dude-> i had a best friend..he gotta GF..we hated each other..2 years later we were having DNS tests done for the kids father...
<Kaenneth> ... DNS tests?... to see if you have a common root domain?
<Kaenneth> "Both parents were from retardation was inevitable"
Quote: 59311; Rating: 108; [+|-]
<|404notfound> I'm angsty. I'm plenty angsty.
<|404notfound> I'm so angsty I make goths look like bright, happy rays of sunshine.
Quote: 59312; Rating: 1512; [+|-]
<Kristy> i remember new years eve, 2000, everyone had their computers off because they were afraid they would blow up cause of y2k, and my boyfriend was begging me to have sex with him. and i was like "look at my ping! i am not going to get a 70 ping any other night! go watch tv and stop interrupting my tribes!!"
Quote: 59329; Rating: 154; [+|-]
<@Hellfire|RS> ... BET has nightly news now?
<@Rei> "And to close, remember, MLK Jr Day is only 234 days away and keep it real, yo. Tonights credits will be done by Jameriquai and remember to tune in tomorrow morning at 6:00 for your AM dose of ethnic stereotypes."
Quote: 59334; Rating: 68; [+|-]
* gryp sets mode: +v WicKeD
<@gryp> he's tight ^
<@IBN-LGBR> like a virgin on prom night?
* IBN-munkeydung sets mode: -v WicKeD
<@IBN-LGBR> cherry got popped
Quote: 59335; Rating: 91; [+|-]
<fatmatt> ha, the raelians claim to have produced the worlds first human clone, I doubt it, haven't they seen the Mormons?
<fatmatt> those guys have even managed to clone the bicycle as well
Quote: 59336; Rating: 311; [+|-]
<|404notfound> My friend, who was new to online gaming, complained to me about a 30 ping.
<donotdisturb> LOL
<|404notfound> But that's not all. His question to me was:
<|404notfound> "Why won't it go any higher?"
Quote: 59471; Rating: 1107; [+|-]
<r0bert> you are officially a complete and utter moron.
<Evil_Girl_55> no u are beacause moran is spelled m-o-r-a-n u dope
Quote: 59500; Rating: 160; [+|-]
(MS^Zealot): i do not have your fetish with dead people marmite
(bovril): its not a fetish, i just like to fuck them
Quote: 59517; Rating: 115; [+|-]
DasKrav: Where do you hide something from a Mexican?
DasKrav: Put it under the soap.
sse2122: Bastard.
Quote: 59551; Rating: 1566; [+|-]
<Slime> I saw a headline on the newspaper today: "Horrific Rape in Alley", or something.
<Slime> I was like "Is there any other kind of rape?"
Quote: 59595; Rating: 298; [+|-]
<chris> i have one guy arguing that init.d scripts need to support mixed-case arguments
<chris> "My first suggestion is to modify the way you match 'start' and 'stop' in
<chris> your case statement. While technically, there is nothing wrong with the
<chris> way you match it, I prefer [Ss][Tt][Aa][Rr][Tt] and [Ss][Tt][Oo][Pp]. Using
<chris> this method, the matching is now case insensitive."
<reflector> I'd email him back: "[sS][hH][uU][tT] [tT][hH][eE] [fF][uU][cC][kK] [uU][Pp]"
<reflector> match that, asshole.
Quote: 59612; Rating: 561; [+|-]
<blitz> i'm allergic to alcohol
<blitz> I drink a 12 pack and I break out in hand-cuffs
Quote: 59623; Rating: -15; [+|-]
<[SoI]{X}CloudsnBunnies{X}> is 1942 a patch of dod or a completely sepereate mod?
<[SoI]{X}CloudsnBunnies{X}> is 1942 a patch of dod or a completely sepereate mod?
<J-0-K-e-R`secksi> .........1942 = different game
Quote: 59633; Rating: 0; [+|-]
barra: do u have to sign up to anythin to go to a lan?
Goliath|LoTR II = Winner: errr... yes
barra: what?
Goliath|LoTR II = Winner: you have to sign up for a lan
barra: how?
Goliath|LoTR II = Winner: sign up
Quote: 59641; Rating: 318; [+|-]
<Fat-Burrick> What i want to know is why gandalf didnt rescue merry and pippin from the ents
<Tumbleweed> would you?
<Fat-Burrick> good point
Quote: 59642; Rating: 132; [+|-]
<LucyFerr> blind apparently..wher the hell is brittneys nipple in that
<LucyFerr> is this one of those "Pin the nipple on the whore" games?
Quote: 59645; Rating: -87; [+|-]
<Ang3lus> half life was lame star trek rip off
Quote: 59649; Rating: 241; [+|-]
* mod7t9z730 has joined #sojaHASH
<mod7t9z730> ehe lets spam these soja lamas ;)
<mod7t9z730> oops wrong chan
<+CHiPiTA> lmao
* sH_Lime sets mode +b *!*
*** mod7t9z730 has been kicked by sH_Lime (wrong chan)
Quote: 59663; Rating: 129; [+|-]
<Jedi_Vader20> anyone know where I can find some goo pr0n?
<PuffinFreshWog> have you tried the internet?
<Jedi_Vader20> whoops
Quote: 59666; Rating: 468; [+|-]
<Mario> were is evesyone?
<penfold> in graamer school
<penfold> grammar*
<penfold> damnit, it backfired :\
Quote: 59671; Rating: 109; [+|-]
<kv9> ive just adjusted my sitting position
<kv9> to conceal any possible sudden hardons
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