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Quote: 58247; Rating: 423; [+|-]
<Turnspike> Wouldn't it be cool if they had implants with goldfish in them
Quote: 58297; Rating: 209; [+|-]
<Sock_Monkee> yeah, i came out of the closet today....i went in looking for my jacket but all that was there was au00a0 bunch of queers
Quote: 58301; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<Oreo_Boy> Wal-Mart = microsoft with groceries
Quote: 58316; Rating: 390; [+|-]
<Wilykat> I'm so goth, I pee black stuff.
<Wilykat> My goth friends say I should go see a doctor.
<Wilykat> But they are just not goth enough to understand!
Quote: 58319; Rating: 1315; [+|-]
<patti11_> anyone wanna talk to a f/10???
<Desantnik> patti11_: Of course you're one of those 10 year olds that goes to Columbia university
*** patti11_ ([email protected]) has left #Kids
Quote: 58392; Rating: -36; [+|-]
<{fedom}> Dude, I am MCSE and A+, but I dont act lame like you!
<{fedom}> I am MCSE, A+, CIW, Oracle DBA......I am sitting here
on a dual p-Xeon 2.8Ghz, 10GB RAM, 1TB 15,000RPM ultra160 SCSI RAID HD;
give a fucking break kid, I make more money than you ever will.
Quote: 58417; Rating: 267; [+|-]
Ryan : political correctness has gone too far! in the card store i went to, the category for christmasu00a0 was labelled "Wednesday, December 25"
Quote: 58421; Rating: 193; [+|-]
<cornbread> The last time I got an SMS from a chick, it said 'i h8 u fgt.'
<cornbread> I shit you not.
Quote: 58422; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<Spammy> shit. i just ate my brothers christmas present
Quote: 58428; Rating: -22; [+|-]
<HitlerYouth88> all i want is a white girl for xmas :(
Quote: 58441; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<Jeph> Anyone have a dedicated server, my host is going out of business, and we were buds so I wasn't paying anything, and can't right now... heh?
<sbrain> maybe thats why they were going out of business
Quote: 58443; Rating: 408; [+|-]
* SilverH|Work is now known as SilverHorse
<SilverHorse> OMFG
<SilverHorse> I mean jesus
<SilverHorse> you could hear the splash across the house
<SilverHorse> it literally covered the entire surface area of my ass
<SilverHorse> japanese people died when I let it go
Quote: 58447; Rating: 84; [+|-]
<threeve> woohoo moms password is still same as last month
Quote: 58449; Rating: 82; [+|-]
* DrZaius sets mode: +b *.*!*@*
<DrZaius> lmao
<sneve> haha
<Air|THPS2> doc
<Air|THPS2> why *.*!?
<DrZaius> i've been using dos a lot lately
<DrZaius> and wasn't thinking
* DrZaius sets mode: -b *.*!*@*
Quote: 58450; Rating: 267; [+|-]
<+ [Frost2] > fuck theres something in my eye
<psychicbug> frost got a cumshot in the eye
<psychicbug> ...again
<@ [ArtForz]> he prolly saw it cumming
<psychicbug> hahaha
<+ [Frost2] > you guys are sick k thx
Quote: 58454; Rating: 139; [+|-]
<Mosqui^> but don't diss clothes
<Mosqui^> clothes rule
<Mosqui^> i love clothes
<Mosqui^> and i love shopping for clothes
<Mosqui^> .....god i'm a woman
Quote: 58455; Rating: 825; [+|-]
<Matto20V> get lost
<uneekwahn> I can't
<uneekwahn> I have a map
* Matto20V points at his asshole
* uneekwahn opens his map for "the grand canyon"
Quote: 58471; Rating: 206; [+|-]
<Kaitlin> Holy shit my chair just broke right out from under me... I was just sitting here and next thing I know I'm on the ground and the keyboard tray has fallen down on top of me
<Kaitlin> I'm not a fatass, I swear!!!! *inno*
<Shala> i was refraining from that comment, tubby
Quote: 58473; Rating: 201; [+|-]
<voidnull> Computers destroyed my life. Today when my mum told me to get up, I asked her for the password.
Quote: 58482; Rating: -72; [+|-]
*** m0ndi changes topic to '[01:08] <Lottiepie> now i don't have pussy anymore [01:10] <m0ndi> u left it at your ex bf's place that he can have some fun with [01:10] <Lottiepie> yepu00a0 :)'
<m0ndi> i guess thats enuff
<Lottiepie> the topic is too big
<mensab> nothings too big as long as is all goes in
<mensab> errrm... that could go into bash :P
Quote: 58490; Rating: 43; [+|-]
<cronwrk> this is a really stupid question.. but anyway.. what drivers should you use with microsoft wheelman mouse.. will logitech drivers work?
Quote: 58491; Rating: 218; [+|-]
joerodZ3: ppl should chase their dreams
joerodZ3: it's the route to happiness
RGarza983: and jailtime
Quote: 58495; Rating: 16; [+|-]
<robg> Fuck. My room is still on fire.
<robg> It's a small electrical one, though.
<robg> My moms trying to take care of it.
<NonToxic> robg then GET OFF IRC!!
Quote: 58505; Rating: 438; [+|-]
<StillAway> omg i got spam saying 'someone at work likes you'. they really dont target this shit well do they, I DONT HAVE A FUCKING JOB
Quote: 58507; Rating: 406; [+|-]
<LeX|NgToN> i got a blister on the inside of my hand =/
<Vagabonde> haha, from wacking off?
Quote: 58520; Rating: 192; [+|-]
* Mr`Anders is now known as MrAndersn
<TreOptik> mrandersn sounds like a pedophile biochemestry teacher
<_spirit_> hmm mr anderson... that reminds me of highschool
<TreOptik> i said something like that too ..
Quote: 58524; Rating: 562; [+|-]
<MightyBlueJustice> If Jesus would've been shot to death instead of crucified would christians wear jewelry with firearms on it?
<K-Necrocide> It kinda makes you wish he was assraped to death with a big black cock.
Quote: 58527; Rating: 515; [+|-]
<Sirex> i should set the ping reply as a negative number
<Sirex> and tell people i'm from the future
Quote: 58531; Rating: 512; [+|-]
<fiddler> how do u ppl say either, like i-ther or like e-ther?
<jnss> i don't say either
Quote: 58532; Rating: 1436; [+|-]
<wangschlong> So i was walking by some house
<wangschlong> and some hot girl was staring at me from the house
<wangschlong> so i go closer and shes still staring at me
<wangschlong> it turns out
<wangschlong> IT WAS A FUCKING LAMP
Quote: 58544; Rating: 114; [+|-]
<_apostle_> yea but all the really fun stuff costs more money
<_apostle_> and you need to find the right kid of hooker
<Monk_Grav> The right kid of hooker?
<Monk_Grav> I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
<_apostle_> *kind
Quote: 58547; Rating: 327; [+|-]
<crunchyfish> It's easier to talk to girls if you find little ways to surprise them.
<crunchyfish> Like punching them in their fucking whore face in a dark parking lot.
Quote: 58548; Rating: 85; [+|-]
<Kevyn> I think I'm going to buy one of those LCD screens and snap it onto my girlfriend instead of my Gamecube.
<Kevyn> So I can play Monkey Ball and fuck her in the ass at the same time.
Quote: 58591; Rating: 293; [+|-]
*this took place on December 26th
[00:01] <chewy> </christmas>
[00:02] <berger> haha
Quote: 58600; Rating: 203; [+|-]
<Meshugga> sleep is supposed to be done between 6 am and 2 pm
<octane> whats this sleep thingie anyways?
<octane> is it something real or yet another urban legend?
<Meshugga> sleep, neut., The thing which makes all your boxen idle
<octane> thats called `power outage' here.
Quote: 58603; Rating: 391; [+|-]
<jihad> i need crack
<jihad> not this fuckin software, the drug
Quote: 58610; Rating: 129; [+|-]
<rover> I took my Ventolin puffer, and puffed it onto this cockroach that was still
<rover> it died
Quote: 58619; Rating: 329; [+|-]
<Bal> saw lotr2
<biff|JK2> u like Bal?
<Bal> when legolas calls out to gimli at the begining, i was expecting him to say 'come on silent bob'
<Lun> LOL
Quote: 58620; Rating: 964; [+|-]
<Arcturus|BuF> The Sims is the only game where you can kill someone by trapping them between strategically placed toilets
Quote: 58625; Rating: 284; [+|-]
<[Knob]> IM NOT COLORBLIND, thanks to this test:
<rTenshi> I WISH I WERE BLIND, thanks to this page:
Quote: 58627; Rating: 312; [+|-]
(@RyJones) new laptop?
(lukehop^) No, it's my old one, just gradually turning it into a cow
(@RyJones) yeah my exwife did that
Quote: 58630; Rating: 14; [+|-]
<bi0cide> this is rad
<bi0cide> its erotic magnetic poetry
<bi0cide> im getting off just reading the words
<bi0cide> errr
<bi0cide> :|
Quote: 58633; Rating: 290; [+|-]
< back2u> yeah ... somme ppl r just born loosers like urslef ...
< pairo> Hey, at least I can spell loser.
< back2u> heh.
< pairo> Not to mention "people", "are" and "yourself".
< back2u> good for you ...
< pairo> Oh, and "some".
< back2u> the caybord is not a good one :P
Quote: 58636; Rating: 452; [+|-]
<[_tOz_]> people saying internet is full of childporn is so full of bullshit...i cant find a single picture
Quote: 58639; Rating: 17; [+|-]
<T`karthon> This is my hard drive assnip, I just don't like having 10 gigs of mp3s slowing my shit down
<Spleen_work> you are a stupid fuck
Quote: 58677; Rating: 235; [+|-]
<Miz> why does windows messager not close? :E
<Miz> there isnt anything using it!
<Cheez> hotmail?
<Miz> not visible anyway
<Miz> nope
<Miz> no windows open 'cept this
<Cheez> try killing the process
* Miz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
<Cheez> wrong process...
Quote: 58683; Rating: 164; [+|-]
<@bmann> once it gets warmer im getting a fucking job
<@rambopfc> just get a snowblower, u could get a blow job
Quote: 58690; Rating: 167; [+|-]
(hydroponik): lol my penis is naked and its 10 inches long :]
(cursor): hydroponik: objects in mirror are nine inches bigger than they areally are
Quote: 58692; Rating: 46; [+|-]
<silk|around> whats that site where you put a name in and it says your a homo or somthing
<silk|around> ahh got one
<silk|around> nn all
Quote: 58715; Rating: 746; [+|-]
<gatewatcher> heh, last year, when my parrents made me goto ccd, i had to sit through a pro-life presentation. after, the guy asked my friend if he was pro-life. my friend goes yes, of course i am, i'm catholic. the guy goes, that's good. then my friend goes, yeah, i mean you can't eat babies unless they're born... the guy was clearly horrified.
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