Quote: 56840; Rating: 223; [+|-]
( dvast8 ) so if a tattoo gets you friends, what gets you laid?
( jesusprime ) military outfits
( jesusprime ) or a loud car
( dvast8 ) i think your getting laid by the wrong sex
Quote: 56849; Rating: 355; [+|-]
<clompers> if i could, I'd paint my room a dark gray
<clompers> maybe a #666666
<Azi> you can tell you're a web geek when...
<Azi> you walk into the home improvement store asking for paint in a shade of #3264AA
Quote: 56856; Rating: 202; [+|-]
<pann> my brother was working on site and they were waiting for a jap cable delivery dude to drop off some cable, anyways
he was 20 minutes late and my brothers boss goes to him 'its about time you rice eating mother fucker' and the
jap guy comes running past 'hey fuck you round eye!'
Quote: 56864; Rating: 88; [+|-]
<@WrmSlayer> i just peeled off my keyboard glove thingy
<Ironmax^> keyboard glove?
<@WrmSlayer> yeah
<@spidey> you got a conny on your keyboard?
<@WrmSlayer> yeah its like a condom
<@WrmSlayer> stops spooge from leaking down between the keys
<@spidey> it must take away all feel :)
Quote: 56865; Rating: 75; [+|-]
<SlimSurdy> remind me never to cyber a 16yr old using bitchx under
linux with no pvt msg windows
<SlimSurdy> at least not with you fuckers in the #
<Fanboy> hahaha
Quote: 56876; Rating: 234; [+|-]
<TittySmasher> Do you think if you were having sex with a chick, and had a condom on and lightning struck you, the condom would melt and the chick would shit/piss melted plastic?
<rTenshi> uhh, you'd die man.
<TittySmasher> ... oh
Quote: 56879; Rating: 1466; [+|-]
<CuZZa> i lived there for a month
<CuZZa> japan is great
<CuZZa> really fucked up, but great
<CuZZa> its weird. me being a 6'4 white guy standing on a train with a bunch of japanese people who are around 5'
<CuZZa> i had a fucking guy dressed as sailor moon looking at me as if I was the weirdo
Quote: 56881; Rating: 494; [+|-]
<Kuroko> Hey...I need to ask you guys something.
<Kuroko> Sleep or Trigun?
<CrackPr0n-E> masturbation -=X
<CrackPr0n-E> c. masturbation </= that's where it's at
<Kuroko> i'm not male.
<CrackPr0n-E> girls can masturbate too
<SPOONwork> Kuroko: what, women don't masturbate? lies
<CrackPr0n-E> spoon:she's 12
<SPOONwork> CrackPr0n-EET-NoPants: it's not stopping you. :P
<CrackPr0n-E> what does stop me?
<Kuroko> my mum also has a lovely habit of checking on everyone late at night.
* Yukanojo thinks this conversation falls under the category of "Reasons Parents Keep Kids Off the Internet"
<CrackPr0n-E> Kuroko:that's what locks are for
<Kuroko> trigun i can explain. irc i can explain. but...yeah...
<Kuroko> Crack: she has the keys.
<CrackPr0n-E> or "I had an itch... that's all"
<Yukanojo> hahahaha
<CrackPr0n-E> psssh, while she's unlocking the door, pull your panties up
* Smugami wonders what he's stumbled into ... o.O
<CrackPr0n-E> and just sit in a blanket
<Kuroko> ...
* Kuroko will spend the entire night trying to erase this conversation from her memory
<Kuroko> Thanks for helping me decide.
Quote: 56885; Rating: 130; [+|-]
<Alien8or> I was using a silicon gel to jack off. i had a little accident.
<Alien8or> i was really rushing and then when I cummed i rest for a bit. The silicon dried and where the silicon squished between my fingers are little spieks. I got a spiked cock!
<Alien8or> heh, wait, its spiked Darth Maul style, this owns!
Quote: 56890; Rating: 27; [+|-]
<pimpybra> christ, my computer is freezing more than a french soldier during wartime.
Quote: 56907; Rating: 244; [+|-]
<-- FaNt0m_ has quit (Quit: Procrastination is like masturbation; it's all good until you realize you just fucked yourself.)
Quote: 56917; Rating: 115; [+|-]
* Angelofmoon is now known as studywudyangel
<AngelSakura> there can be only one true angel in here....me! :)
<Delta> -Services.Aniverse.Com- -- Listing nicknames matching [*angel*] --
<Delta> -Services.Aniverse.Com- -- End of list (88/90 matches shown) --
Quote: 56922; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<Nike> i went to see LoTR with the flu :P
<Nike> i was almost carried
<AardWolf> I tend to go with females... rather than sexless diseases
Quote: 56930; Rating: 23; [+|-]
(Regarding a Diablo II game and password)
SchroeDotOrg: naked/asusual
J Jorenko: *joins you*
Quote: 56943; Rating: 143; [+|-]
<BeZeRK> |NEWS FLASH| ALL K-MART AND WALMART STORES WILL BE CLOSED IN IRAQ. - they will be replaced with Targets!
Quote: 56978; Rating: 87; [+|-]
*** Anatole|ChickFilA is now known as Anatole
<Anatole> I went to the ATM, and I didn't have enough to break $20. So instead of Chick Fil A, I made myself chicken-flavored Ramen. Does this officially make me a college student now?
Quote: 56996; Rating: 419; [+|-]
<Jackal> If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?
Quote: 56998; Rating: -6; [+|-]
<injektion> did she get herpes
<PC|Holo> hahaha
<PC|Holo> yes and aids
2 minutes later
<@pc|dogg> and IMSOMNIA!!!
<PC|Holo> dogg just doesnt know when a joke is over
<PC|Holo> hes like a real life letterman!
Quote: 57008; Rating: 350; [+|-]
DasKrav: We were playing a review game in history class, on the topic of the roman empire
DasKrav: The game was like this: The class divides into 8 groups, and one person rotates with the rest of the group in jeapordy-style questions,
DasKrav: and the question was "What was the name of the emperor who built a wall in britain?"
DasKrav: and nobody knew it, so he said "Here's a hint: Its named after him."
DasKrav: and so this one jock guy in my class goes,
DasKrav: "Berlin?"
Quote: 57013; Rating: 537; [+|-]
<IRh@x0r> h0w d0 1 g3t the m0d5 to @nsw3r my qu35+i0n?
<pualat166> stop talkin like a fucked up irc nerd fuckwit and they will listen to you maybe
<IRh@x0r> 1337
Quote: 57017; Rating: 98; [+|-]
Legion Kreinak: The world's so fuckin' politically correct these days. Before you know it, we'll be required to call black & white cookies african american & caucasian cookies!
Dragon Phoenix: I could just see that on crayons...
Quote: 57041; Rating: 203; [+|-]
<MadHatt3r> if you were around men 24 hours a day, for quite a few years
<MadHatt3r> the idea of hetro and homosexuality would go flying out the window
<Jeeeeebus> MadHatt3r: remind me not to spend long periods of time with you..
Quote: 57047; Rating: 904; [+|-]
<naet> i got my sat scores bak
<naet> 540 verball and 500 math
<naet> so thats liek 900 total
<Go> right
Quote: 57059; Rating: 766; [+|-]
<cgirl> Wouldn't it suck to find a dead body
<InCDeathmeister> male or female?
Quote: 57084; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<Daishi> i cant code though...but its on my list..right above learn klingon and right below get a gf
Quote: 57086; Rating: 834; [+|-]
*** Psy is now known as PSG
*** Signoff: PSG (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Amulya)))
*** Psy ([email protected]) has joined channel #penny-arcade
*** Mode change "+v Psy" for channel #penny-arcade by ChanServ
*** Psy is now known as PSG
*** Signoff: PSG (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Amulya)))
*** Psy ([email protected]) has joined channel #penny-arcade
*** Mode change "+v Psy" for channel #penny-arcade by ChanServ
*** Psy is now known as PSG
*** Signoff: PSG (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Amulya)))
<Anatole> You know, a lab mouse would have learned by now.
Quote: 57110; Rating: 159; [+|-]
danamania: wtf is an "ex police" imac?
gelfie: dana: just means it sat in a police station running word I guess
danamania: phwooooar
danamania: like ex-police camrys
gelfie: either that, or it comes with free kiddy porn and a stash of ecstacy tablets hidden in a false bottom
Quote: 57124; Rating: 165; [+|-]
uroshnor: most oppressed miorities have community organisations - mac user groups are no different
Quote: 57143; Rating: 77; [+|-]
<wankel> can anyone try and get a cd-key for me ive tryed and had no luck its for soldier of fortune 2
<maestro> wankel: can anyone try going to your local wal-mart and BUYING THE DAMN SOFTWARE?
<maestro> if you want to warez it, at least put some effort into it :)
Quote: 57146; Rating: 103; [+|-]
<[IX|BoW]WaCKy-Angel-[GP]> can some1 constantly mesg me in ICQ? coz my connection will only move if i receive icq mesg
Quote: 57148; Rating: 605; [+|-]
<AriaStargazer> the other day
<AriaStargazer> in the car
<AriaStargazer> i was in traffic
<AriaStargazer> and i thought to myself
<AriaStargazer> "jesus this lag sucks"
<AriaStargazer> and then i looked around
<AriaStargazer> and i was like
<AriaStargazer> ..............
Quote: 57161; Rating: 112; [+|-]
<Babau> Anyone know how to enable overburn in Nero?
<live-evil> theres a big button with overburn written on it
<live-evil> press that
<Babau> Is it the big red one?
<live-evil> yer
<Babau> Alright, I'm going to press it.
*** live-evil was kicked by Babau (I pressed it.)
Quote: 57169; Rating: 607; [+|-]
<N1k1tA> me too
<N1k1tA> she also offered penis enlargement
<N1k1tA> and home loans
Quote: 57170; Rating: 77; [+|-]
<jayscrib> I'm hosting a few websites, how can I enable people to connect and edit their sites? FTP is a no-go, and telnet wont work will it? The server is a win98 box (and a lil note: I have a router to go through)
<LilWashu> youre hosting websites for people on a win98 machine?
<LilWashu> good luck
Quote: 57171; Rating: 725; [+|-]
<SMW> howdy Ian
<SMW> how you doin tonight?
<Ian_Sharpe> same as always
<Ian_Sharpe> still smoking
<Ian_Sharpe> drinking too
<Protector> Seems you have something against internal organs that begin with the letter "L"
Quote: 57172; Rating: 204; [+|-]
danamania: wtf... I search on altavista for my page
danamania: and an ad at the bottom goes:
danamania: Find danamania here! www.ebay.com.au - New & second hand!
danamania: I can get a whole new me!
Vash: or a slighty used one, with a few dents
Quote: 57173; Rating: 988; [+|-]
<fustard> one time the band teacher introduced a jazz song with "the negroid population enjoys this piece"
<fustard> there were a bunch of black kids sitting in front of me
<fustard> there was like a collective "what da fuck"
Quote: 57174; Rating: 738; [+|-]
<@Lujan> yet because more and more ppl are getting bigger tvs, and more computers, air con etc
<@Lujan> last house I was in was so old it had 10amps for the whole fucking house
<@Lujan> put some toast in the toaster and the computer rebooted
<Durus> hahahaha lujan. that's some funny shit
<@Lujan> Durus: no its not. I am the only person on the planet who had to run his toaster of his UPS
Quote: 57198; Rating: 366; [+|-]
<ecs> i heard ass and i came as fast as i could
<ecs> oh man...
<ecs> i just realized how terrible that sounded
Quote: 57314; Rating: 19; [+|-]
* billh doing a survey of points in the Linux kernel where mutex replacement would increase preemption and therefore reduce latency for hard RT useage..
<sateh> bill
<sateh> there are too many words in that sentence
<sateh> zzzzzzzzzzz
<sateh> http://www.wegenermedia.com/
<sateh> ibok spare parts!
<sateh> wheee!
<Feanor> hmm
<Feanor> sateh's drunk :)
Quote: 57326; Rating: 224; [+|-]
<hitman> and
<hitman> UNLIKE RageFury...
<hitman> I do do guys.
<hitman> er
<hitman> don't
<hitman> heh
<hitman> man
<ambrosia> lol
<hitman> that was a bad typo
* ambrosia pages dr. freud
Quote: 57374; Rating: 71; [+|-]
<Phobius> I fear nobody
*** Phobius ([email protected]) Quit (G-lined (G-line requested by Jaden.))
Quote: 57407; Rating: -46; [+|-]
amIbuG: ur ass might get numb
Quote: 57411; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<oblique> i dated a canadian once
<Znutar> Did you get a refund?
Quote: 57443; Rating: 84; [+|-]
<Yaleman> omg.. you should see a netsplit / join on a warez channel with over 3000 people in it... intense
<Yaleman> it's like a rollercoaster ride man
Quote: 57515; Rating: 731; [+|-]
<gazzy> fucken dammit u know it's a bad sign when you wake up and "I R 1337" is written on ur penis :/
Quote: 57532; Rating: 536; [+|-]
<Scott> I thought they were all saying "Hi, Hitler!" Makes sense, since they're waving...
Quote: 57535; Rating: 514; [+|-]
<Al> arabs can't spell so we have to spell for them
<Al> that's why it's "Koran"
<Kurt> short for Korean
<Lloyddy> i thought ^_^ was short for korean
<jre> No, kek is
<Alien> huk of the ke
<Lloyddy> so is keke short for a jolly korean?
<jre> A kek is one unit of kekeke
<jre> THis throws people because of the extra letter
<Alien> keks bind together via k-ration-synthesis, where each unit sheds one k to form a long chain of kekekeks
<Alien> They're what we in the business call kekides
*Kurt spanks Alien with moon rocks
<jre> The extra Ks then bind to form the atmosphere of the Zerg homeworld
<jre> Koreans are to the Zerg homeworld what trees are to Earth
<jre> Coincidentally enough, when Zergs respirate, they take in Ks and breathe out chop suey
<Alien> When the polykekide chain is broken the free ks are broken to be used for klysis, rendering the Zerg atmosphere a vacuum.
<jre> LIAR
Quote: 57542; Rating: 391; [+|-]
<santa-tim> cause the photo CRIED OUT TO BE HAXORED
<santa-tim> it said
Quote: 57565; Rating: 67; [+|-]
<Nephilim> No, I'm going out on a date with a girl that's had a thing for me since high school
<Nephilim> And... she gives head!!!!!!!!!!
<+jdp> sooo
<+jdp> she will be repulsed at the sight of you now? ^_^
<Nephilim> ...
<+jdp> j/k good luck!!!
<Nephilim> Damnit