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Quote: 37305; Rating: 247; [+|-]
<Ark> ops kick you from th eroom, opers kick you from the network.u00a0 I kick you in the nuts.
<Ark> choose wisely
Quote: 37306; Rating: 234; [+|-]
(Proalpha): HELP ME OUT, HIS IP IS
*** Looking up
*** Resolved to
Quote: 37315; Rating: 854; [+|-]
<Requiem> wtf r u talkin bout, i droped englsh cuz it suks
<Nolan> As shown by your crappy spelling, you probably should have stayed with it.
<Requiem> fuk u, ur all gay
*** Requiem has quit IRC (FUK U NOLIN)
Quote: 37322; Rating: 44; [+|-]
Sup ([email protected]) is now known as Sup-out
<Judau> good riddance
<|[T]|Hiddenpower{573}> don't be so mean to supes
<|[T]|Hiddenpower{573}> he may be a dumb jock but he has feelings too
Quote: 37329; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<Molloch> hmmm...the police are really pissed about something outside
<Molloch> I wonder what's going on
<Prozzy> its the warez police
<Prozzy> bad boys bad boys what you gonna do? what you gonna do when the RIAA comes for you?
Quote: 37330; Rating: 772; [+|-]
<Lasse> we're playing ping pong lolololololol
<Lasse> !ping
<ChanServ> Pong!
<Lasse> !ping
<ChanServ> Pong!
<Lasse> !ping
<ChanServ> Pong!
<Lasse> !ping
<ChanServ> Pong!
<Lasse> !ping
<ChanServ> Too many commands sent, please wait.
<Lasse> whee I win
Quote: 37334; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<FairchildDrumr> Damn the internet.
<FairchildDrumr> It gives you easy access to lots of great women that are not easilly accesable.
Quote: 37336; Rating: 340; [+|-]
<Aeris> lol once I hit a guy in the eye with a quarter
<Aeris> he threw like 5 quarters at me in revenge, it hurt
<Deltan> At least you got the last laugh
<Deltan> Assuming he threw back your own quarter
<Deltan> you gained a dollar
<Deltan> sowned
Quote: 37338; Rating: 483; [+|-]
<Filia> If you follow the other two stars in the cup of the dipper (Megrez and Phecda) down below the cup, you will get to Regulus.html, the brightest star in Leo.
<Filia> i'll remember that :D
<Havoc> ....
<Havoc> The brightest star in Leo has a file extension?
Quote: 37341; Rating: 311; [+|-]
* cams lights tri on fire
* Trimangle is flame retarded
Quote: 37343; Rating: 235; [+|-]
<`Raphael> <venomz> i broke myu00a0 finger playen halo 2 much!!!!!
<`Raphael> @_@
<Rann-chan> Jamming it on the game pad REALLY hard?
<`Raphael> How??
<Rann-chan> Either that or he, like, played it non-stop for 48 hours or something and his fingers were so overstrung that one fractured when he jabbed a button.
<RichardFox> Could be a stress fracture.
<`Raphael> He said he played it everyday for a month.
<RichardFox> Yup, stress fracture.
<Rann-chan> You know what can cure that? A LIFE.
Quote: 37347; Rating: 267; [+|-]
<Cassara> Oh! and the open trenchcoat. But usually Zan is like. Black slaves, button down shirts, overcoats and stuff. lesse who else..
<Doom> ...Black Slaves.. Nice fashion accessory
Quote: 37352; Rating: 614; [+|-]
<JoltX> i just found out what alt+z does
* Parts: Eaichu250
* Parts: Donald
* Parts: WaterBomb
Quote: 37353; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<[ESF]Pcjoe2> who the fuck is using my name?
<[ESF]Pcjoe2> wait..
<[ESF]Pcjoe2> im using my own name >.<
* [ESF]Pcjoe2 has quit IRC
<[ESF]Pcjoe> hehe:-)
Quote: 37357; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<Neshie> whenever I eat red apples I get bad luck
<Neshie> so it might aswell happen now so I can get over it quicker
<Fariha_UK> :(
<Fariha_UK> i get bad luck when i eat rhubarb leaves
<Fariha_UK> cos they;re poisonous:/
<Neshie> erm ok
<Neshie> I dont want to eat these apples but im bloody starving
<Fariha_UK> ummm
<Fariha_UK> take the skin off, that way they're no longer red
<Neshie> ive eaten everything else
<Neshie> erm
<Neshie> theyre still red apples with or without skin
<Fariha_UK> hmmm this sounds like a philosophical discussion to me
Quote: 37359; Rating: 181; [+|-]
<crazy> you just made a huge withdrawl from the first bank of fag.
Quote: 37361; Rating: 995; [+|-]
<discore> hey kali say 'clue'
<kalihasno> clue
Quote: 37362; Rating: 152; [+|-]
<Luna`> lol okay never mind I did head
<Jamie_M> Luna heads all the time.
<Luna`> DAMMIT
<Luna`> HEAR
Quote: 37364; Rating: -38; [+|-]
<Trivzor-Bot>u00a0 oth.247. Category:If you live in the northern hemisphere, Polaris, the North Star, can be found be looking in which direction?
<Trivzor-Bot>u00a0 1st Hint: *****u00a0u00a0 Question Value : 18 Points
<PCG-Digipak> north
<Trivzor-Bot>u00a0 YES, PCG-Digipak!!!u00a0 got the answer ->u00a0 north <-u00a0 inu00a0 9.564u00a0 secs, and getsu00a0 18u00a0 Points
Quote: 37368; Rating: 386; [+|-]
<Fiero_Firestorm> My sister's singing to her crap...
<Strife> ...
<Strife> Your sister is singing to her turds?
<Fiero_Firestorm> No.
<Fiero_Firestorm> Her music.
<Strife> Does that make it come out easi--oh!
Quote: 37371; Rating: 199; [+|-]
<Altar57> he banged himself a youngin
<Altar57> err
<Altar57> not banged
<Altar57> bagged
<sloane1420> hhaha lmao
<Altar57> hmm, i guess that isnt much better :p
Quote: 37372; Rating: 384; [+|-]
<Laity> this chick had her friend tell me, she's liked me since middle school
<Laity> that's over 5 freakin years
<Al_Koholic> haha
<Al_Koholic> Is she hot?
<Al_Koholic> "No."
<Al_Koholic> "She has a hot personality"
<Laity> i think she is
<Laity> well, not amazingly hot
<Al_Koholic> Just a good personality, no?
<Al_Koholic> "She's a great person"
<Laity> i put her pic on the net
<Laity> lemme find it
<Laity> (No, i'm not pathetic, i run our class website)
<Al_Koholic> haha, and that's not pathetic?
Quote: 37381; Rating: 25; [+|-]
<Curtis> whenever you rub it you know it feels better
Quote: 37383; Rating: 194; [+|-]
<Gryphon> (that's what I thought, but she has good lines, e.g: "You always said you'd die for me, but I noticed you never have!")
<Paradox> tell her you are saving that one for your 50th anversary ^^
Quote: 37385; Rating: 1160; [+|-]
<vogon> abortion should be mandatory if the child possesses the goth gene.
<vogon> and how do we know what the goth gene is, you ask?u00a0 it's the one that's all robed in black and writing bad poetry.
<vogon> "Here I sit / trapped in my double-helix cell / polymerase taunts me with every mitosis / I want to die."
Quote: 37386; Rating: 338; [+|-]
<Zeke> sex to the fifth power seems like a lot of fun.
<Celeste> You can tell what zeke has on his mind.
<Kira> Math?
<Zeke> It's like math, only naked.
Quote: 37389; Rating: 387; [+|-]
<picklehammer> im gay too
<picklehammer> oops wrong room
Quote: 37390; Rating: 230; [+|-]
<Cassara> Linux is like anal sex. It hurts quite a bit at first but then you really like it. And while you stick with it, theres still some aches and pains afterwards.
Quote: 37394; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<Tuxishimo> The old bus station toilets were closed down because people were wiping shit on the toilet paper.
<Tuxishimo> Then throwing it at the wall.
<GM-Mark> ew..
<GM-Mark> why would they do that?
<Tuxishimo> Fun?
<GM-Mark> is that customary in Britain?
<Tuxishimo> Yes. It's part of immigration too.
<Tuxishimo> You stand there.
<Tuxishimo> And have shit thrown at you.
Quote: 37407; Rating: 163; [+|-]
<Salmon Gurl>I like gays because their funny and nice to be with. Thats why I'm not a lezbian.
<Salmon Gurl>Guys....I ment guys....
Quote: 37414; Rating: 276; [+|-]
<cshepherd> i hax0red my first root account at age 12
<cshepherd> i was so proud!@
<cshepherd> no pubic hair, but good god did i have root
Quote: 37415; Rating: 86; [+|-]
<melvin> figures
<melvin> I joined #geekissues on efnet (
<melvin> it's just
<melvin> people trying to be witty
Quote: 37424; Rating: 470; [+|-]
<Gygaxis> and never use your knife on the screaming guys
<Muro> Nah, those are okay to shoot. Just never knife the ones with bombs for hands.
<Gygaxis> muro: those are the ones that scream
<Muro> The shooty ones don't scream at all?
<Gygaxis> not really
<Gygaxis> the ones with bombs CONTINUOUSLY scream though
<Wataru> Can you shoot the bombs?
<Muro> Yeah. The 'splode REAL good.
Quote: 37433; Rating: 108; [+|-]
<XZergonaleashIX> yeah, drowning your fish eh?
<XZergonaleashIX> in prison talk thats
<XZergonaleashIX> ugh...
<XZergonaleashIX> nevermind, thats nasty
Quote: 37437; Rating: 228; [+|-]
<XZergonaleashIX> shut, up, now i'm hungy]ry
<XZergonaleashIX> thats right, hungy]ry
Quote: 37440; Rating: 151; [+|-]
<Tiio> Dude, I don't think I've even SEEN 15.6 gigs of pr0n.
<Tiio> I mean
<Tiio> in all my wanking.
<Dogmeat> (which is quite a bit)
<Tiio> well
<Tiio> I don't get to watch much movies so -_-;
<Tiio> usually have to stick to .txts, bleh.
Quote: 37445; Rating: -62; [+|-]
<aphr0> bowling is definitely a drunk pasttiem
<KArmA-> something like that yeah
<aphr0> some little girl there was like
<aphr0> good.
<aphr0> she was beating me
<aphr0> I felt bad
<aphr0> I was rolling around 14mph and she was rolling about 3
<KArmA-> heh
<KArmA-> those slow balls'll get you sometimes
<aphr0> yea, but I got the last laugh
<aphr0> I raped her in the parking lot
<KArmA-> you can console yourself in the fact that you could still go over there and kick her ass
<KArmA-> or yeah
<aphr0> ha! cunt
Quote: 37448; Rating: 179; [+|-]
<iTM> you can blame that on Power Archiver >:(
<viro|umm> oh and I do
<iTM> i started it up
<iTM> and my comp froze
<viro|umm> that's what it is supposed to do
<iTM> oh yea?
<viro|umm> yeah, set autocrash=0 in the ini file
<viro|umm> by default it is 1
Quote: 37449; Rating: 1341; [+|-]
[@Sekt]: "They say that when you play a Microsoft CD backwards you can hear demonic voices...
[@Sekt]: But that's nothing - When you play it forwards it installs Windows."
Quote: 37459; Rating: 1166; [+|-]
<bansidhe>Last night my wife and I are having sex (me on top) and just as we hit the big 'O', I accedently slip out and make a mess on our stomaches.
<bansidhe>After we catch our breath, she starts laughing and gets this playful/evil look in her eye. Then she gets all serious and says...
<bansidhe>"Honey, I need to tell you something.... I feel something has come between us."
<bansidhe>Hehe... My wife rocks!
Quote: 37460; Rating: 244; [+|-]
u00ab Mo0ze u00bb ye u better not be sucking on your own penis again
u00ab@ young_einsteinu00bb i tried but im not flexible enough
<CrashMan79> Mwa ha ha ha ha ha.....
u00ab@ Octalusu00bb I wish i could suck my own penis
<CrashMan79> I don't
<CrashMan79> who knows where it's been
Quote: 37462; Rating: 1459; [+|-]
<blazemore> my brother is in a quake3 clan
<blazemore> and he had a ctf game tonight
<blazemore> and like
<blazemore> we were walking out of tilt
<blazemore> his friend goes "dude hurry up, you're gonna be late for you clan meeting"
<blazemore> and these black guys were walking by
<blazemore> and looked like they were about to kick our asses
Quote: 37466; Rating: 686; [+|-]
<Measure> haha reading about this japanese video
<Measure> girl has to survive on a few eggs and semen for a week.
<Measure> can't eat anything else
<Ravenlily> ew
<Ravenlily> i hate eggs
Quote: 37476; Rating: 210; [+|-]
<GKirk> MCO = Orlando
<Celestar> MCO == Orlando
* Celestar notices that he is a C programmer and GKirk is not
* GKirk slaps Celestar around a bit with a printf and scanf statement
* GKirk compiles Celestar
Quote: 37485; Rating: 135; [+|-]
<Eticam> ya know
<Eticam> something ain't right
<Eticam> right now, in 1 hour time, I'm downloading 2 hours of video/music
<Eticam> that way I never get to see/hear it all
Quote: 37498; Rating: 158; [+|-]
<Bourbon>u00a0 Conditions :u00a0 with wind NE at 469206mph/755114kmh
Quote: 37502; Rating: 224; [+|-]
<RichiH> lilo: benjamin == fork(lilo) ?
* lilo nods
<lilo> he's a child process
<lilo> eventually he'll have his own process group though
Quote: 37505; Rating: 418; [+|-]
<Ray[RDN]> My skin is all pale, im like superskinny, and I smell bad.
<Ray[RDN]> I think i'm dead
Quote: 37509; Rating: 247; [+|-]
idrinkdeodorant> what OS are u using?
kingart3> i just use the computer
Quote: 37517; Rating: 183; [+|-]
<anarchkitten> whats a google?
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