Quote: 20185; Rating: 331; [+|-]
<Kowalski> Graeme - There are 10 million Norwegians, you can't piss all of them off
<Graeme> i could shoot A-Ha.
Quote: 20189; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<outcaste> When I was single, I used super sensitive condoms. They were so sensitive that they'd stick around and talk to the chiq for an hour after I'd gone
Quote: 20193; Rating: 113; [+|-]
<UncleJed> LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Drop the
<UncleJed> Chihuahua!
<UncleJed> In a surprise announcement Tuesday,
<UncleJed> Taco Bell Corp. said it has decided to
<UncleJed> replace its top executive and the
<UncleJed> advertising agency that introduced the
<UncleJed> chalupa-loving talking pup in
<UncleJed> commercials.
<_duncan> the dog found new employment as taco meat sources reported
Quote: 20203; Rating: 97; [+|-]
<Wilco> [29.3%] 1986|||6770: World Currencies: Vietnam
<MiNTiE_> rice
Quote: 20214; Rating: 235; [+|-]
-!- red_one has quit ["Netscape 4 turned 5. 5 years ago, my best friend wasn't even dating; now he's married and has two kids. Fucking upgrade already."]
Quote: 20220; Rating: 213; [+|-]
<_ohm> sara, as a girl i have to ask you a serious question
<_ohm> girl/woman
<_ohm> do you know when a guy is producing massive amounts of ass sweat
Quote: 20225; Rating: 460; [+|-]
<XDice> My last g/f retrated into a shell, and ended the relationship.
<maxathome> cool, she knew unix?
Quote: 20227; Rating: 451; [+|-]
<@King-Kong> now this fuckin chick doesnt wanna go out
<@King-Kong> i fucking took a shower too, wtf
Quote: 20230; Rating: 855; [+|-]
<Brett> Sara, if two trains depart from Chicago an hour apart at 55 mph and 80 mph respectively.... how good would you look in a bikini? [ ] Hot [ ] Very Hot [ ] Who needs a Bikini?
<sara> do i get new shoes if i answer?
<Brett> For the shoes, you have to answer this question: Explain the difficulties in identifying the source of individual free will in the light of the deterministic theories of neurochemical medicine modern behaviourist psychology. - Just Kidding!!!! Seriously though... Do you like leather miniskirts? [ ] Yes [ ] No
Quote: 20235; Rating: 438; [+|-]
<jimmie> while i was gone
<jimmie> my tivo recored lots of movies with cher in them
<jimmie> i'm not sure what to think
Quote: 20243; Rating: 67; [+|-]
<boii> i used to name a box after each girl i nailed
<boii> that way, whenever i nailed a new girl, id treat myself to a new box
Quote: 20245; Rating: 251; [+|-]
<waug> Did anyone else discover that drunk chicks are easier to seduce?
Quote: 20248; Rating: 139; [+|-]
<notxyst> fuck budget cuts
<notxyst> bush should make wrist cuts
Quote: 20254; Rating: 58; [+|-]
Quote: 20259; Rating: 367; [+|-]
<marcus> what is this "work" thing you've gotten yourself involved with?
<marcus> sounds like some sort of cult or something
<marcus> seemsm you are spending all of your time there lately
<marcus> how does your family feel about your involvement with it?
Quote: 20269; Rating: 258; [+|-]
<Graeme> Fifty-nine people have attempted suicide and, out of this, 26 people have died. This is of great concern
<Graeme> i bet it fucking is.. a return rate of 50% is pretty shitty
Quote: 20274; Rating: 337; [+|-]
<Speedlock> i like to think of sara as my sister
<Graeme> i like to think of sara riding my cock like a sex starved nymphette
<Speedlock> actually, i like to think of sara as a kissing cousin
<Speedlock> or perhaps a sexy auntie
<martin> you'll end up thinking of her as someone you cant go within 200 yards of at this rate :p
Quote: 20286; Rating: 144; [+|-]
jenziie: i have no comment.. my mom is italian my stepdad is indonesian, so its like epcot center at their house
Quote: 20305; Rating: 107; [+|-]
<sara> i <3'ed george michael
<sara> till
<sara> he started wearing his goatee like satan
<[pele]> till he started sucking cock in bathrooms
<[pele]> oh
<[pele]> that too
Quote: 20307; Rating: 158; [+|-]
<Jon2> what's the racial slur for pakistanis?
<log> cab drivers?
Quote: 20309; Rating: -14; [+|-]
<frash> STFU you candy coating lil spin doctor
Quote: 20318; Rating: 193; [+|-]
<Eskimo-Steve> damn it, files are dling too fast
<roninFool> steve: ha ha
<roninFool> wait, TOO fast?
Quote: 20344; Rating: 311; [+|-]
<Hellace> \\\movies2\video clips\kitty stir fry.mpeg
<Hellace> thats fucken wrong
<Gothmog> im not touching anything with a filename like that
<Gothmog> work on your subtlety Hellace...
<Gothmog> call it "dinner.mpeg" or something
<Hellace> well its dodgy hey
<Hellace> its a cat getting cooked..
<Gothmog> yeah i figured that
<Gothmog> stirfried infact...
<Hellace> quote by levi "its fucken wrong"
<Zen> aarg
<Zen> that fucking horrible
<Gothmog> you watched it?
<Gothmog> LOL
<Gothmog> come on, something called that... you expected it to not be fucking horrible?
<Zen> well curiosity killed the cat
Quote: 20347; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<claybats|work> yay, now it says wb to everyone on my users list :)
* placido|working has left #MTFN
* placido|working has joined #MTFN
<claybats|work> wb placido|working
<placido|working> wb placido|working
<claybats|work> see?
<placido|working> Thanks claybats.... didn't know you cared. :D
<Cancel_Man> he doesn't- that's why he made a script that does
Quote: 20351; Rating: 320; [+|-]
<wo1fwork> maybe if you got a giant pole made of the strongest thing in the universe
<wo1fwork> and attached one end to the moon and one to the earth
<wo1fwork> you could fuck shit up, or break the pole
<NOCKY2K> maybe if everyone peed in the atlantic ocean at once jesus would come back and tell us to not be so naughty
Quote: 20352; Rating: -54; [+|-]
<CrypticB> I thought wind was caused by differential pressures initiated by expanding/contracting air from heat/cold
<wo1fwork> i thought wind was caused by the collective farts of all the arabs in the east
Quote: 20358; Rating: 148; [+|-]
<Acela> +v means that the CIA now has a fix on your location
Quote: 20383; Rating: 295; [+|-]
[topic changed [ @lelesan [ Attention IRC Users: No one fucking cares what mp3 you are listening to ]
Quote: 20408; Rating: 327; [+|-]
<marlana> sorry had another contraction
Quote: 20417; Rating: 89; [+|-]
<freedumb> i just made dinner and broadcasted it "online"
<freedumb> im fucking E-Martha Stuart
Quote: 20418; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<StephHauth> why the fuck did my nick have OWNED at the end? i ddnt put that!!!!
Quote: 20431; Rating: 10; [+|-]
<Dirty_Society> im talking this gurl into letting me give her a internet Facial
Quote: 20433; Rating: 182; [+|-]
<Horus-23m> Hello. I am a 23 year old male, with a biology degree. I'm currently involved in the construction industry and will be getting involved in supervision, as well as running jobs which will earn me a lot of money. I'm athletic, strong, intelligent, and fairly good looking. Why do you care? Well most of you
won't and will just mock this, but one of you might, and that one, can message me..
Quote: 20441; Rating: 225; [+|-]
<DaReN^|53|> if ya ever wanna get outta class, just shit your pants
Quote: 20446; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<freedumb> When i was like 8 my dad tried to teach me to count cards in blackjack
<freedumb> for when im 'of legal age'
Quote: 20452; Rating: 215; [+|-]
<KingJehu> you poeple that had part in the steal of this room should be down right shamed and all you that agree with it should be shamed as well, your not of Christ, your evil of the devil... if this room had problems "which it did" then all you had to do is not come here simple as that!!! YOUR OF THE WORLD though so
you cant see hwat this does to the shake of the name of Christ!! the athiest are having a field day... hope you are proud!!!
<ircbuddy> Stop whining.
Quote: 20457; Rating: 22; [+|-]
<Casper> i think we have talked this retard into taking a shit in the sink at school
Quote: 20459; Rating: 145; [+|-]
<weed> the wife goes "Why don't you marry your computer geek friends this saturday instead of me!"
Quote: 20466; Rating: 136; [+|-]
<freedumb> He's the kind of person who will wind up paying for this first sexual-encounter at age 31, get frustrated in the middle, and kill himself
Quote: 20470; Rating: 5; [+|-]
<Fugazi-> one time i was at sibley and playing football and this guy tackled my cousin and fucken ripped his nipple off
<Fugazi-> there was nothing but a goddam bloody nipple
Quote: 20505; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<frink> A properly configured microsoft firewall will stop 100% of hackers.
Quote: 20506; Rating: 224; [+|-]
<ian__> I feel like an idiot sitting here with my face 5" away from the monitor with my eyes crossed trying to see a picture of a mans asshole hidden in a jpeg.
Quote: 20528; Rating: 347; [+|-]
<Nugget94M> I remember when my mom first got on the internet, about 2 years ago. She *almost* had it figured out.
<Nugget94M> she managed to use a search engine, and found a web page she was interested in.
<Nugget94M> so she printed it out, stuck it in an envelope, and _mailed_ it to me so I could see it too.
<acidkill> Nugget94M: hehe, i guess she didnt know about email?
<Nugget94M> she knew about email. it just never dawned on her that she could mail the url.
Quote: 20537; Rating: 175; [+|-]
<Communista> I'm going to hell.
<Communista> I'm just a wicked person.
<Communista> I was on lunch with the trainees and a news story came on about the showing (funeral) of a man that drowned...
<Communista> and I turned to them and said "Wanna go see a dead body?"
Quote: 20541; Rating: 1156; [+|-]
<JBurna> lol you got free AOL knowin AOL sucks ass
<Demi> Its
<Demi> Free.
<@Prowler> So is gum on the bottom of chairs.
Quote: 20623; Rating: 321; [+|-]
[aq] i love irc quotes
[ob0t] i hate them
[ob0t] i always end up looking like a retard
Quote: 20645; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<AvatarADV> Condensed version: "How the hell did his KNIGHTS shoot down my strategic bombers?!"
<ShadowLotus> LOL
<meep_meep> lol. catapults
Quote: 20696; Rating: 713; [+|-]
<Rasix> I like tits and I don't want anything rammed up my ass nor do I want a cock in my mouth. I'd say that makes me hetero.
<Rodent> Heh.
<SirBruce> Honesty is the best policy
<SirBruce> Rasix - What about your cock in someone else's mouth?
<NephKa> jesus
<Rodent> Well, I for one don't belive Bi is the natural state.
<Rasix> Female, yes, man no.
<@Technogeek> Hey, if I'm getting a blowjob, I don't care who it's from as long as they don't bite it off.
<SirBruce> But blindfolded you wouldn't know the difference
<NephKa> i care, it has to be a chick
<Rodent> Unless you felt a beard by the balls.
<NephKa> lol
<SirBruce> Only because you've been trained that way by society.
<Rasix> that's not an issue, when the fuck would I stand around blind folded waiting for a blowjob
Quote: 20739; Rating: 238; [+|-]
** ragum sets mode: +b *!*@Baseball.conversation
<mrclean> guerrero is the best hitter in baseball
<ragum> excuse me
<ragum> didn't I just ban baseball talk?
<ragum> I could've sworn I did
*** HighChief sets mode: +b *!*@fat.ass.chicks
<HighChief> Didn't I just ban all american females?
<HighChief> I could have sworn i did
<Atlantic`> ROFL
Quote: 20740; Rating: 1380; [+|-]
<Inignot> here is a magic trick Mordecai - think of a card in a stardard deck and type done and I will tell you the card.
<Mordecai> done
<Inignot> 10 of diamonds!
<Mordecai> I was thinking 'blue mana'