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Quote: 16913; Rating: 544; [+|-]
<Stemish> my 450Mhz celeron built world in 1:40:18.95
<Stemish> my dual 500MHz celeron built world in 1:44:47.17
<Stemish> what is wrong with this picture?
<todd> There's no naked chicks in it?
<Stemish> well, that too
Quote: 16921; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<[11]HannyArZ> hello, where can i buy chanserv?u00a0 I will trade warez for it
Quote: 16923; Rating: 300; [+|-]
<MrPuppy> like 3 hours ago
<MrPuppy> i was wankin to porn and i just got up
<MrPuppy> my door was open and my parents have been walkin around
<MrPuppy> they prolly saw me
<MrPuppy> i heard them laughing
Quote: 16926; Rating: 513; [+|-]
<@harb> farq: Do I look like the sort of man who'd go and find unsuspecting Japanese schoolgirls in short skirts and white panties and ask them if they want to see my "Cthulu Special"?
< farq> harb: no, but I just got a new .sig
Quote: 16963; Rating: 316; [+|-]
<Evilmonkey> i wouldnt dream about my dad.. im not gay.. er.. shit.
Quote: 16965; Rating: 162; [+|-]
<Wee_AL> ah well im prosb gona buy the new RHCP album
<Wee_AL> actully shit ill just borrow it
<Wee_AL> no cash
<DjSatansfury> im probably just gonna have a wank, and listen to myself moan as i cum, 'cause it'll sound the fucking same
Quote: 16970; Rating: 653; [+|-]
<redfox> hmmm.. i heard a loud noise downstairs
<redfox> nobody's home, brb... investigating
<Rezn0r> it's your sense of self-worth running away
<Rezn0r> and knocking over furniture on its way out
Quote: 16971; Rating: 147; [+|-]
<ncc386> It seems to be an oral fixation that drives me to smoke and when I quit 3 weeks ago I started eating more. If that's the case there is a healther, cleaner, more fun oral practice that could satisfy me.
Quote: 16974; Rating: 229; [+|-]
<Cyc66> plz ruin that auction
<bbz_> what do i want to do that for?
<Cyc66> she's a dirty whore
<bbz> maybe i could get her phone number
<Cyc66> uh why would u do that
<bbz> well, if she is a dirty whore
Quote: 16975; Rating: 338; [+|-]
Nazrag is away now to play Tea Fortress Classic
<Nazrag> thats right kids, Tea Fortress Classic
<TheRiff> sweetened or unsweetened
<Nazrag> sweetened, with crumpets on the side
<TheRiff> alright
Quote: 16977; Rating: 741; [+|-]
<Uzzie> i'm sueing herbal essences
<Uzzie> i didn't get orgasms
Quote: 16979; Rating: 290; [+|-]
<mgt> i can't find any good porn anymore tho
<mgt> i like reading stories now
<mgt> it gets my imagination going
<mgt> the trick is getting yourself to actually believe they are true
<mgt> and not written by some fat horny star trek fan
Quote: 16985; Rating: 1196; [+|-]
<Cross> I was at the kareoke bar last night
<Cross> and i was talking to this hot chick for like 20 minutes
<Cross> and this other girl walked over right in the middle of
my conversation
<Cross> and said "Are you talking to my sister? Cause she's
Quote: 16988; Rating: 130; [+|-]
<Justice-P-> africa totally ruins that picture; the stripes make it stand out too much
<Icehawk|work> j: that's south america and north america
<Justice-P-> whatever
Quote: 16990; Rating: 191; [+|-]
TallyHoTheZebra: i love fire
TallyHoTheZebra: if i could have sex with it, i would
Quote: 16991; Rating: 316; [+|-]
<jim_the_hat> without programmers you would not be able to chat on irc 15 hours a day ally^ :P
<ally^> i know
<ally^> i could be doing something else
<ally^> like sucking dick
Quote: 16994; Rating: 281; [+|-]
<Spankle> What the fuck is a furniture cover?
<Al> Spankle: a sheet you put over chairs and shit to stop dust or dirt getting on them
<Al> like a foreskin for your sofa.
<Jre-La> And retracts when guests come by
Quote: 16997; Rating: 142; [+|-]
<Whooey> females jeans pockets are TINY
<Natasha> yes, they are
<amit> Whooey: females have a big flesh pocket to compensate
Quote: 16999; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<lasthero> i own a lot of cds
<lasthero> and i own a kick ass stereo too
<lasthero> but don't own speackers, they cost so much
Quote: 17002; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<ryano> i ain't drank dick for shit in months
<reston> try a lemondrop bodyshot
<reston> get some fly bitch and rub sugar on her tummy... lick it, take a shot of vodka
<reston> and then eat a lemon
<jonathans> is that some kind of homosexual alternative to tequila shots
<reston> yea jon
<reston> but its good
<jonathans> sugar instead of salt
<jonathans> lemon instead of lime
<jonathans> a chick instead of your hand
<jonathans> its beginning to make sense to me.
Quote: 17009; Rating: 641; [+|-]
<jonathans> i can stand on the sides of my ankles
<jonathans> both heels inward
<jonathans> i can balance on one for a bit
<clay> i can touch my penis with my hands
Quote: 17010; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<@harb> Also, the waitress at Applebee's thought we were gay.
< espo> LOL
< espo> why is that?
<@harb> Because Andy's a fag.
< espo> did she say "Are you two gay?"
<@harb> No.
<@harb> She asked if we wanted to split dessert.
Quote: 17023; Rating: 1123; [+|-]
<+TlMMAH> hey gary
<+TlMMAH> what is porno that i should download
<+TlMMAH> i am putting my dick into your hands here
<+TlMMAH> not literally but, you know
Quote: 17044; Rating: 771; [+|-]
<Laura_ken> ameeeerrrrr
<amer> why do people do that
<amer> why can't you do "amer: this is my question blah blah blah?"
<amer> why do you have to wait for a response
<Rhayde> lol
<amer> goddamit i'm here, ask your question
<amer> or say what you have to say
<amer> jesus
* amer throws up his hands and leaves the room
<amer> well?
*** Exekiel ([email protected]) has joined #lineage
<Exekiel> AMER
<amer> lol
Quote: 17047; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<Amanda`> I need to find out whether my ISP supports modem bonding
<maff> that's plain desperation
Quote: 17058; Rating: 1563; [+|-]
<D|S-Alias> my balls are in such gay positions
<D|S-Alias> they are all on one side in a cluster
<D|S-random> i fuckin hate that
<D|S-random> when they stick to ur leg
<D|S-random> ER
<D|S-random> i just wanna rip them off
<D|S-Alias> im talking about pool yo
Quote: 17067; Rating: 212; [+|-]
<Fro> i thought you had 24/7 support
<@TEKnoFLVA> yes but that doesn't mean you can use it 24/7
Quote: 17080; Rating: 163; [+|-]
<mrkikass> i mean if she took her pants off im sure id get plenty of energy real quick but other than that i didnt feel like it
Quote: 17085; Rating: 242; [+|-]
<StarlinVF> My mom watched me play Tribes2
<StarlinVF> she thinks I should go into the FBI
Quote: 17086; Rating: 564; [+|-]
<kethepoo> i remember the first time windows said "this program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down", and i was worried that they found out about the porn i had looked at
Quote: 17091; Rating: 499; [+|-]
<Cyberllam> today has been about nothing but good news
<Cyberllam> earlier i found out that I was pregnant with twins
<juntog> are they mine?
<HaLLowCat> they better not be
<Cyberllam> no, but they can be, for the low, low price of 3 low payments of 29.95 each
Quote: 17093; Rating: 756; [+|-]
<phr0id> anyone have e-txr2.001?, im on 56k
<juntog> that's like asking "anyone want to have sex? I have aids!"
Quote: 17100; Rating: 571; [+|-]
<BriTnEy77> wait why cant i see anything the video like froze?
<CatsyTECH> Refresh your browser.
<BriTnEy77> how do i do that?
<CatsyTECH> I'm sorry, but you have failed the IQ test for this chat room.
Quote: 17105; Rating: 280; [+|-]
<@KelPearl> sleeps comes after sex
<@KelPearl> gotta get tired ya know
<@mootlif3> goto sleep while having sex
<@mootlif3> it'll make dave thing he sucks
<@mootlif3> and he'll buy you stuff
<@KelPearl> whoa
<@KelPearl> sweet idea
Quote: 17115; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<felix> we're gonna start a band called "rsync", right?
Quote: 17119; Rating: 341; [+|-]
<barkode> yeah, slap can tell you about how at work he's sitting there on the
web and coding perl, while there's gunplay in the lobby and a bomb scare. We're not even kidding.
<slap> it's all true except the perl.
Quote: 17123; Rating: 427; [+|-]
Vrex989: know wonder you failed english
Quote: 17129; Rating: 319; [+|-]
<moira> o
<AnimeFreak> my new keyboard has improved my typing skills
<AnimeFreak> too bad other keyboards suck compared to this keyboard
<moira> is it an ergonomic microsoft keyboard
<AnimeFreak> no
<AnimeFreak> ibm model m
<moira> sry ergonomic is best
<AnimeFreak> no
<AnimeFreak> model m > *
Quote: 17141; Rating: 83; [+|-]
<Stuntman21> "Boys. Boys. Be My Boy! I want to feel your Body! Boys. Boys. Be My Boy! Do Not Be Afraid My Honey! Boys. Boys. Be My Boy! I want to be your lover girl! Be My Lover Boy!" I like this song. Does that make me gay?
Quote: 17152; Rating: 445; [+|-]
<sacarna> jay z - it's a hard knock life (ghetto anthem).mp3
<sacarna> otherwise its just a song from annie.
<JtHM> heh.. hardcore rappers mackin out to samples from an old musical full of 10 year old white girls.
<JtHM> seems more like R Kellys scene
Quote: 17162; Rating: 125; [+|-]
<\`es> fuck i just downloaded 5 crazytown mp3's. What the fuck is happening with me
Quote: 17168; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<Fishfood> HAHAH
Quote: 17172; Rating: 1191; [+|-]
* C|3avag3 has quit IRC (Quit: Wh0 Am |? U sure u wanna know? If somebody told u i was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world, somebody lied! This is my gift! It is my curse! Who am |? |'m Spider-Man!!!)
<Seaker> And lamest quit message of the day goes to C|3avag3
* Att|tude^ has quit IRC (Quit: I can't go on, I know not what to do, My heart is worn, I feel as If I'm through, Please believe in me. 'Cause what I need is for you.... To believe in me.)
<Seaker> Woah, tough competition today ... I think today we'll have to call it a draw.
* Love-snack has quit IRC (Quit: Quit playing games with my heart cause baby you're breaking my heart , I LOVE YOU FOREVER XXX)
Quote: 17176; Rating: 1412; [+|-]
<AJK> puff da magic hard drive lived near drive B: sorta near the power sply in a tower owned by me
Quote: 17179; Rating: 4; [+|-]
<Zanshin> Ignitor: you have to be on malt liquor to fully appreciate it. To the average american negro, slightly buzzed on malt liquor and dazed by the media stimulus of sports and bigscreen TV.. The phone, and the ability to communicate, even in the typical monosyllables of the subculture, is a complete novelty. Thus, the "wazzup" commercial represents the wonder and happiness that a group of young negroes finds in using the technology
Quote: 17183; Rating: 768; [+|-]
<_ENiGMA_> Fuckin telstra
<_ENiGMA_> They ring you up, and dont say who the fuck they are and expect you to know they are telstra
<_ENiGMA_> "Hi its sheryl here from the paramatta faults center, have you had any problems since the 26th?" ... "Umm well yeah, I've been constapated a few times and seem to wake up with erections... but aside from that Im fine"
Quote: 17193; Rating: 357; [+|-]
<dodge> oh shit, i got icecream on my keyboard
<dodge> shit, now chocolate
<dodge> i should clean it instead of mashing it under the keys
Quote: 17205; Rating: 955; [+|-]
<Funk> Hey I have a question for your mother
<zuKi> Sure thing, let me get her!
<Funk> Ask her how many Communion wafers you'd have to eat to consume a whole Jesus
Quote: 17207; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<Ickarus> no one could disguise themselves as me, they'd never pull of my buckets of charisma
<Cloud> Richie - you misspelt "Sarcasm"
Quote: 17208; Rating: 224; [+|-]
<Oldboy> mt dew shrinks your cock
<MiNdPhuCk> Tell me that again as I slam my 12 inch long, 4 inch wide cock down your throat while drinking a dew
<Oldboy> plastic doesnt count
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