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Quote: 16757; Rating: 619; [+|-]
{Sexican} oh I heard some legends about a world where you could get a gf and stuff.
{[12Lurk} its a place where women put out
{SoCK} url?
Quote: 16758; Rating: 691; [+|-]
{Plag} i liked women at 13
{Plag} even 11
{Pest} i liked woman since third grade
{Beat-Boy} ive liked men since i saw your sister
Quote: 16760; Rating: 912; [+|-]
<theTrick> Canada volunteered 10 Battleships, 4 Jet Fighters, and 200 Soldiers to the U.S. anti-terrorism cause, after the exchange rate, that came up to 4 canoes, 2 flying squirrels and 3 canadian mounties
Quote: 16763; Rating: 23; [+|-]
* +ETP checks his sweet, sweet ass, for human hands
Quote: 16764; Rating: 112; [+|-]
* ETP runs away like a one legged trialathete in the special olympics of your mind
Quote: 16765; Rating: 23; [+|-]
<Demented1> stupid Gonzaga...just unpacked my "Cinderella My Ass" Tshirt
Quote: 16766; Rating: 202; [+|-]
<Grim13> Mariah Carey's cleavage got nominated for "Worst onscreen couple"
Quote: 16767; Rating: 41; [+|-]
<cloud_171> u can't learn lots of stuff by reading
Quote: 16771; Rating: 27; [+|-]
{ExDeath} If I had a baby like Shiv, I'd shove it back in and put stitches in my wife's vagina ;(
Quote: 16772; Rating: -24; [+|-]
{Trevy} Canadians don't hate the U.S. {Ertai} canadians are too simple for such a complex emotion
Quote: 16773; Rating: 32; [+|-]
<loser> hahaha lol lol lol
<loser> you looked didn't you? HAHAHAHA
<bane> who gave you your name? your mom?
<bane> whoeva gave it to you, congratulate them for me will you?
<bane> it's appropiate
Quote: 16776; Rating: 214; [+|-]
<Pepsi> A Smith and Wesson beats four Aces.
<Tjousk> only if it's loaded
Quote: 16778; Rating: 115; [+|-]
<uno> you don't see us tossing around phrases like "throbbing cock" do you?
Quote: 16779; Rating: 1476; [+|-]
<Kevyn> So if black guys like white girls, and white guys like asian girls... what do the asian guys like?
<etoilet> hentai
Quote: 16780; Rating: 566; [+|-]
<Slime> Whenever hot chicks come up to me I always end up, like, vomitting everywhere and somehow my pants fall down, and then someone has a black eye, and everything goes wrong
Quote: 16781; Rating: 447; [+|-]
<Edge> i am right when I say there's no other reasonable explanation for anakin and amidala bringing R2D2 to naboo if not to shoot some really nasty homemade holographic porn?
Quote: 16786; Rating: 478; [+|-]
<BloodFromStone> I think my bathroom has the perfect geometry, so that no matter where or how something is dropped, it ends up in the toilet.
Quote: 16789; Rating: 574; [+|-]
<Daishi> i couldn't connect to irc, so i went out with my gf instead
Quote: 16790; Rating: -6; [+|-]
u00b7IAM-|speed|u00b7 1v1 || gay butt sex || de_bed
u00b7IAM-|speed|u00b7 1v1 || gay butt sex || de_bed
u00b7jimslimu00b7 !rules
Quote: 16796; Rating: 36; [+|-]
<Vash> wee-hee... I got two mroe week sof holidays = D
<^bat-sai> soldier of fortune holidays?
<Vash> eh?
<Samin> there the best kind
Quote: 16798; Rating: 619; [+|-]
<+subzero> =)
<@nebula> ;)
<@wickeD> =)
<Guest62972> :D
Quote: 16800; Rating: 40; [+|-]
<Bytie> speeding in dk is transcending stupidity
<Bytie> there aren't many roads up to it
Quote: 16802; Rating: 46; [+|-]
<NobleKale> old friend emails me with 'I have two special consideration exams next week. what do I study for them?'
<NobleKale> my reply: 'RTFM'
Quote: 16806; Rating: 410; [+|-]
<Zephyrr> Nobody should steal my band's name...not that they'd want it...but if they do, I'll tell my mother and she'll do stuff...
<Zephyrr> So there.
<Undine> Fear Zephs mom.
<Undine> She does stuff.
Quote: 16807; Rating: 169; [+|-]
<mptBreak> hyatt, what are you doing?
<hyatt> mpt, sitting here in my underwear talking to you.
Quote: 16808; Rating: 499; [+|-]
<[OKW]Buchwald> is it "cheating" on your girlfriend if you invite a couple of girls over to get naked, and you end up jerking off on to their tits, but you never touch them?
<[SS]Corky> NO!
<[SS]Corky> did this happen?
<[OKW]Buchwald> well, gimme a few minutes :)
Quote: 16812; Rating: 161; [+|-]
Pat877:u00a0 u00a0 nice...
OB1Jenobe: w3rd
Pat877:u00a0 u00a0 ok stop that
OB1Jenobe: wh4t?
Pat877:u00a0 u00a0 i don't under stand that crap.. and u know it
OB1Jenobe: 0 |<
Pat877:u00a0 u00a0 dick
Quote: 16813; Rating: 117; [+|-]
<B-ob> if (sleep < 0) then talk = null
<Stonefish> oh smeg off
Quote: 16814; Rating: 46; [+|-]
<Freakazoid> its like putting hotdog skins over dog turds
Quote: 16817; Rating: 39; [+|-]
<Nago> ... can you transmit aids from your hand to your cock?
Quote: 16818; Rating: 80; [+|-]
<Nago> hmm... my coke tastes a bit like flesh...
Quote: 16822; Rating: 621; [+|-]
<Packet> my boss just walked by one of the contractors that get canned friday
<Packet> and goes "HEY! I thought I fired you!"
<hmodes> "oh wait, i did..u00a0 HAHAHAHAHA!"
<hmodes> i aspire to crush people's souls like that some day
Quote: 16833; Rating: 648; [+|-]
<grier> you think you're so god damn floorless
<grier> so superior
<XfitzyX> do you mean flawless?
<girer> oh fucken leave me alone
* grier has quit IRC (Exit: i am so alone in this empty world)
Quote: 16835; Rating: 639; [+|-]
<JaYsOn``> why the fuck do i always attract gay dudes
<moonbeam> um, well you do go to gay bars
<JaYsOn``> yeah but im straight! surely theres other straight guys there
Quote: 16839; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<Tocool> Im so bored
<Tocool> I can predict my day
<Tocool> I woke up at 12:30, will sit around on computer till about 4, head to work, come back at 10:30, sit on computer till 2, go to bed
<Shaddix> pretty good
<Tocool> This isnt the normal course of action, just recent turn of events have left me with very lil to do
<Shaddix> oh
<Shaddix> impotentcy?
Quote: 16842; Rating: 1025; [+|-]
<limeking> Hey jen, ya wanna come over and we can wrap ourseves in plastic, shit ourselvves, and then eat our own shit while listening to MC hammer?
<Jennie254> Ewwwww gross!
<Jennie254> That's fucked up! Why would you even THINK I'd want to listen to MC Hammer?? .
Quote: 16848; Rating: 323; [+|-]
< espo> this movie would be better if Mel Brooks made it
< h2odragon> schindler's list?
Quote: 16857; Rating: 198; [+|-]
<roman> as soon as i wake up, i'm going to the atm to get 200 bucks..
<roman> then i'm ordering a whore
<foobar> haha roman no you're not
<roman> dude, i called one today and she was like "do you need company for tonight?" and i was like "well, maybe" and she was like "for 200, i stay an hour and a half, we get naked and we get nasty"
<roman> you order them like pizza, dude
Quote: 16858; Rating: 622; [+|-]
<manero> MANLY THINGS:
<manero> 1) JOHN WAYNE
<manero> 2) WAR MOVIES
<manero> 3) BEER BRATS
<rebrane-> 4) FARTING
<manero> 5) LARGE CIGARS
<rebrane-> 6) CARS
<rebrane-> 7) FIRE
<manero> 8) BOWLING
<rebrane-> 9) CARS ON FIRE
<ian> 10) BEAR SUIT
<rebrane-> 11) GUNS
<rebrane-> 12) GUITARS
<Primary> 13) JOHN WAYNE'S GUN
<rebrane-> there's already an 11, skitzo
Quote: 16866; Rating: 302; [+|-]
<MartinBlank> I knew a guy who dressed up for Halloween as a giant penis with ferns growing around the base, and said he was dressed as a dickweed.
Quote: 16868; Rating: 66; [+|-]
<Valkyrie> no, but Westlife is fake
<Valkyrie> Flying without wings?
<Valkyrie> PUHLEAZE
<Valkyrie> more like getting high on KFC
Quote: 16883; Rating: 167; [+|-]
<fraggle> how many days does it take to compile perl 5.6.1 on a 486?
<diclophis> haha
Quote: 16885; Rating: 471; [+|-]
< Tobester> I downloaded a file named JESSICA ALBA LESBIAN PORN SEEN DIVX at 12mb and it was a guy fisting himself
Quote: 16886; Rating: 143; [+|-]
<Jon_R> OH NO
<Jon_R> my page crashes netscape!
<Jon_R> whatever shall I do
Quote: 16897; Rating: 125; [+|-]
<@Linguica> you say "katana" and while the rest of us guys think of ninja swords, AndrewB thinks of doll dresses
Quote: 16900; Rating: 20; [+|-]
[ctcp(the_sponge)] PING
u00f9u00edu00f9 CTCP PING reply from The_Sponge: +++ATH
Quote: 16904; Rating: 256; [+|-]
<kdoom> Duke: you need a hobby
<DukeNukem> kdoom: like beastiality?
<kdoom> perfect
Quote: 16906; Rating: 246; [+|-]
<@Afterglow> .u00a0 I also have a familiarity with local area networks, including DHCP, DNS, penis, and Microsoft networking file shares.
Quote: 16908; Rating: 118; [+|-]
<endura> fuck women, I got me a national geographic and a bottle of gergins hand lotion, I'm fucking set for the next 10 years
Quote: 16910; Rating: 417; [+|-]
<@Tilt> this is the funniest thing i have ever read in a sources TODO list
<@Tilt> o Learn C
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