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Quote: 16480; Rating: -29; [+|-]
<Aatakinty> afk, im supposed to be sleeping, and i hear my mom walkin around
Quote: 16481; Rating: 773; [+|-]
<Johnny-5> i just measured my dick and i was like 'yay ten inches' then i realised i was looking at centimeters. life can be so hard sometimes.
Quote: 16488; Rating: 165; [+|-]
<@SpamapS> he was just a complete asshole to me last night... and then was talking shit about it after I left
<@Redb3ard> dude, i didnt see it haappen
<@SpamapS> I was arguing with him that ReiserFS was better for directory lookups, because it used b-trees to store meta data...
<@SpamapS> so he's like .. "Do you even know what a b-tree is?" ... I told him to kiss my ass...
<@SpamapS> He says "I have my algorithms and data structures book here... so tell me what a b-tree is"...
<@Redb3ard> um
<@Redb3ard> you do realize, that this finalizes your geekhood
<@SpamapS> At which point, I told him I didn't need this crap anymore and went to bed...
<@Redb3ard> there is no turning back, its irreversible, ta this late stage
Quote: 16489; Rating: 496; [+|-]
Quote: 16504; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<Clitlover> I am not into that.
<Clitlover> How about roleplay?
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> ok
<Nikki21[woaHOTTY]> i'll be the dungeon master
Quote: 16508; Rating: 156; [+|-]
<yesyouam> Never let drugs stand in the way of alcohol
Quote: 16509; Rating: 279; [+|-]
<yesyouam> marijuana and unix permissions don't mix
Quote: 16510; Rating: 126; [+|-]
<mb> everytime i've seen Iron Chef they always use sweet fish
<yesyouam> what's sweet fish?
<mb> the meat is supposed to be really sweet
<mb> and the guts are supposed to be bitter
<yesyouam> like ma wimminz
Quote: 16511; Rating: 298; [+|-]
<noah> no I need a way to come to terms with the fact that I wasted
<noah> my horny years whacking off to porn instead of bagging college
<noah> tail
<dr.adam> might i suggest bourbon
Quote: 16512; Rating: 492; [+|-]
<KagoniKnight>: You know how sometimes a dog humps your leg?
<Pong-Chan>: .....
<KagoniKnight>: Well, sometimes, why not hump back and show who's boss!!
Quote: 16518; Rating: 194; [+|-]
<davester> alright, in a month when i'm building this computer, everything will have changed, so i'm not going to bother now
<davester> they'll have gforce9's and p5's and terrabit hdd's
<davester> all for cheap
<Deathblend> and 256bit athlons
<davester> word
<davester> WORD
<Deathblend> you mean dword
Quote: 16521; Rating: 207; [+|-]
<NoahSoft> wizdom: Where?
<wizdom> UK :p
<NoahSoft> Is that in australia?
Quote: 16523; Rating: 12; [+|-]
<WoHo> jacob I have the highest grades in english in mah class :[
<WoHo> my only prob is that I facken write in class like I write on irc
<WoHo> my teachers comes up to me and asks
<Nold> rofl
<WoHo> wats ppl ?
<WoHo> wats r ?
<Nold> lol
<WoHo> wats mah ?
<WoHo> dude
<Nold> lolu
<WoHo> its bad :[
Quote: 16527; Rating: 999; [+|-]
<Funk> Being able to run up and down the hallway naked but for a sock on your erect penis?
<Funk> Oh.
<Funk> Man, you need a better imagination.
Quote: 16529; Rating: 1005; [+|-]
<t_h_e_o-> why do u use a period at the end of every sentence?
<dager> ROFL
<dager> BECAUSE
Quote: 16534; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<gh5046> Witness the amazing power of and ice-cold lemon lime soda as I pour it on my crotch and become sexually aroused!
Quote: 16536; Rating: 260; [+|-]
<MercyBeat04> linux command prompts are like dos on acid with a credit card out on the town. You can do anything.
Quote: 16541; Rating: 270; [+|-]
** Moses is now known as Cain....
<Cain> oh no I killed my bro ....
<KeeperS> ....
<KeeperS> what a stirring rendition of the bible ....
* KeeperS is moved to tears
Quote: 16543; Rating: 346; [+|-]
<Pest> i was talking to a gurl at school
<Pest> her name was nicole
<Koen> heh :)
<Pest> she was like how are you doing today
<Pest> i went
<Pest> well im alright..but id be better if someone named nicole was slobbing my knob
<Koen> rofl
<Koen> :(
<Pest> she smacked me
<Pest> :/
Quote: 16544; Rating: 33; [+|-]
<Cole`> I think there might have been a guy at my ptq who crapped his pants. During round 5 I had a bunch of people watching my match and all of a sudden I caught the scent of crap. I yelled out "Who in God's name shit their pants?!" A few people laughed, but I didn't catch the shitter. So round 6 I am playing this
guy and he shit. I did in fact recall him saying he wanted to go home and take a bath. I felt really horrible for this.
Quote: 16545; Rating: 363; [+|-]
ywedig: so what do you have planned this weekend?
GnaaaGnaa: I am going to kill your mother, rape your father, cut off his penis and put it in your dead mother's mouth
GnaaaGnaa: then I'm going to see Spiderman
Quote: 16555; Rating: 306; [+|-]
<@E-vangelist> are asian masturbation jokes shorter?
Quote: 16557; Rating: 91; [+|-]
<Roberto> My friend Mark said that he saw a ninja totally uppercut some kid just because the kid opened a window.
Quote: 16564; Rating: 2356; [+|-]
<billyblacktop> yo yo yo, sup my niggas?
<jimmy2toes> your not black
<billyblacktop> how do you know that?
<jimmy2toes> I hacked your webcam, and now I can see you
<billyblacktop> yeah right you cant do that
<jimmy2toes> I can and I did.
<billyblacktop> ok then what color hair do I have
<jimmy2toes> Hmmm, let me zoom in a bit. Blonde, and you are white, about 6' 2", your room has an emenim poster and your bedspread is yellow and blue.
<billyblacktop> holy fuck man im telling the cops
Quits: {billyblacktop} ([email protected]) (Quit:)
<jimmy2toes> LMAO, that was a friend of mine, I just set up his comp today, and showed him mirc, he doesnt know my nick, what a fat tool!!!
<nellcarterlookalike> A fat tool indeed.
Quote: 16566; Rating: 399; [+|-]
<jenn> BUKKAKE!
<DogBoy> ouch
<Asmodean> bukkake? isn't that the japanese rope tying fetish?
<DogBoy> no
<prefect> you're so young and innocent, asmodean
<DogBoy> lol
<Asmodean> young.. maybe.. innocent.. no :)
<DogBoy> hmm
<DogBoy> I can't even spell that
<DogBoy> I'm gonna ask my mom what it means
<Asmodean> bukkake?
<Asmodean> oh my
<Asmodean> hitting "i am feeling lucky" in google for bukkake was umm.. *sooo* not work friendly
Quote: 16568; Rating: 12; [+|-]
<clubransom> I want my isp to block this 900 number stuff.
Quote: 16572; Rating: 129; [+|-]
<[RCS]MrBojangles-nub> well if i wanted an 8" black penis in my ass id commit a felony
Quote: 16574; Rating: 190; [+|-]
<McManus-wrk> how 'bout a pr0n site? you'd get tons of hits :)
<manual_overide> McManus-wrk: LOL
<McManus-wrk> :D
<KT> when the page loads up the page should say "kiddie pr0n is uncool! you should be ashamed of yourself! your IP has been logged and sent to the nearest law enforcement agency"
<McManus-wrk> and then CLICK HERE for kiddie pr0n...
Quote: 16575; Rating: 457; [+|-]
<oreth> ever thing to yourself "Hey, it might be fun to go fuck a turkey?"
<AshPlississkin> no
<oreth> yeah. me neither.
Quote: 16579; Rating: 14; [+|-]
<kel> she's not great looking
<kel> has looked better
<kel> but has a funny nose
<kel> thin and wear tight clothes
<kel> hrm
<kel> I'm talking about 17 year old girl
<kel> I'm gonna stop
Quote: 16586; Rating: 372; [+|-]
<shagman> and here I go rollerblading in black jeans and a dark blue t-shirt
<shagman> it must be 40 out
<SourKey> your nuts
<shagman> yeah, they're hot too
Quote: 16587; Rating: 161; [+|-]
<I am Budwin>I found the meaning of life. . . And I can download it too!!!
<Revica4000>. . . . . . .
Quote: 16588; Rating: 369; [+|-]
<tipz> just remember kids
<tipz> hippos eat strawberry ice cream
<thadood> I'll keep that in mind next time I visit your mom.
Quote: 16589; Rating: 172; [+|-]
<azrael69> <----retarded
<madman`> true---^
<FlipMo> azrael69: pics plz
Quote: 16590; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<setuid_w00t> KT: and you act like you're six
<KT> setuid_w00t: how else is a 21 yr old supposed to act like?!
<setuid_w00t> don't ask me, I'm only 20
Quote: 16592; Rating: 4; [+|-]
<RtWh0> garlic ok you and me right here right now
* GaRlic_iv puts up his dukes
* GaRlic_iv ... wait.. i got fuckin no dukes
* RtWh0 pulls out ding dong and swings it around like a whip and cuts Garlics head off
<RtWh0> then some guy yells FATALITY
<RtWh0> in a mean vioce
<GaRlic_iv> RtWh0 pulls out ding dong
<GaRlic_iv> i hope thats not your dogs name dude
Quote: 16594; Rating: 175; [+|-]
Ps3000: what are you doing tomorrow at 3:45?
SocialistNinja: waking up
Quote: 16595; Rating: 828; [+|-]
Silent4042: What's another name for child molestation?
SocialistNinja: Divine intervention?
Silent4042: What?
SocialistNinja: That's what my priest tells me.
Quote: 16601; Rating: 404; [+|-]
<Weirdo> Sooty just brought a mouse into my room
<Weirdo> brb
*** Weirdo is now known as Weirdo|F00d
Quote: 16602; Rating: 275; [+|-]
<Baledood> fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftggggtfggggff
<Baledood> oops
<Baledood> sorry, was fishing a crumb from under the F key
Quote: 16607; Rating: 4; [+|-]
<`Tenshi> ass munch.
<ibutsu> yes, I do on occaision
Quote: 16610; Rating: -4; [+|-]
* Kuibi[Minakos-Guardian] gets down on one knee
<Kuibi[Minakos-Guardian]> Minako, will you marry me?
<Minako> umm ahhh well, we should get to know each other more first before that
<Minako> and and and....umm
Quote: 16611; Rating: 105; [+|-]
<countzero> chubbyken: how chubby are you?..
<markanoid> he's not chubby anymore, he's been working out.. havent you read?
<aander> i heard somewhere that his name isnt ken either
<uprightmonkey> i also read that he isnt even gay!
<aander> upright, now dont be silly. do you believe everything you read?
<uprightmonkey> true true, aander. my bad.
Quote: 16613; Rating: 187; [+|-]
<Sku||Fuck> her favorite author is irvine welsh and her favorite band is dying fetus.
<Sku||Fuck> i don't know. typically i'm drawn to the type of person that easily accepts the subject matter in that sort of music.
<rdgzt> And perhaps some violent fucking.
<Sku||Fuck> dude you listed death twice
<rdgzt> Well, there seems to be a lot of it.
Quote: 16617; Rating: 103; [+|-]
<Deke> hrm
<Deke> thats scary
<Deke> that hot korean chic from the world cup
<Deke> was a man
<|WaR|> i knew it!!!!
<|WaR|> i kept telling ppl...the neck dammit
Quote: 16627; Rating: 130; [+|-]
<The_Veteran> remember the reason you are an op DaMo
<Damo> coz I gave head
<The_Veteran> yes!
<The_Veteran> he admits it
Quote: 16631; Rating: 8; [+|-]
<jonathans> this fettucine is so thick i thought for a second i was eating noodles and semen
<jonathans> its not very salty, though
Quote: 16633; Rating: 217; [+|-]
<eller> i ate sushi today
<eller> i hoped that it would cure my hangover
<eller> but i just puked it up
<motardo> not good
<eller> raw fish is even more disgusting when it comes out of your mouth...
<eller> it swims in the toilet on its own.
Quote: 16635; Rating: 174; [+|-]
<^Fizban^> I need an external modem. Anyone have one I can download?
Quote: 16636; Rating: 138; [+|-]
Doctor_Rohipnol: bad sex is like bad pizza
neo_crashoverride: it comes back to haunt you doc?
beauty_fades_stupid_ls_forever: avoid the crust, doc?
Doctor_Rohipnol: well ya
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