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Quote: 13923; Rating: 1640; [+|-]
<djamok> wb justin
<JFlex> wb yourself, mother fucker.
<JFlex> Oh, welcome back, I get it.
Quote: 13925; Rating: 42; [+|-]
<@Jamie_M> a log that proves ZXD bought his girlfriend at wal mart
Quote: 13927; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<Meke|Sleep> Lates, thanks.u00a0 I'll tell the people of the world that IRCops aren't big bad ogres who like to hurt innocent pieces of cheese with their claws.
Quote: 13935; Rating: 461; [+|-]
<total> fucking fantastic phone
<total> phone = movie
Quote: 13936; Rating: 26; [+|-]
<V|-Nicotine> cog, i think u should go and be eaten in third world countries :P
Quote: 13937; Rating: 311; [+|-]
{TSL}-{Capo>School crams the giant cock of knowledge down your throat.
Quote: 13946; Rating: 243; [+|-]
<URinsane> i'll restart after i sync my palm
<element> oh fancy pants with a palm
<element> do you keep your bitchs digits on there
<URinsane> hell yea
<element> do you stylus them in at bars
<URinsane> i whip that shit out
<element> DONT LEAVE
<URinsane> pfft plz when u have as sexy of a pda as me you dont need to buy them drinks
<element> yeah thats just wasted money for them to find out you are a nerd and not sleep with you anyway
<element> now you have a warning device
Quote: 13947; Rating: 158; [+|-]
<KidDynamite> my tribes2 updater is out of date and i need to update my updater
Quote: 13954; Rating: 117; [+|-]
<TripleAgent> well i didnt really, but ive poked my cats testicles...theyre are big...for a cat
Quote: 13969; Rating: 531; [+|-]
<[]qube> Plz, someone tell me where i can download GEFORCE 4, i need it, i got so low fps in cs =( /msg me FAST!!!!!!!
Quote: 13970; Rating: 439; [+|-]
<TrashCanB0B> Oregon
<snowchyld> isnt orgeon a cookie ?
<snowchyld> wait
<snowchyld> thats an oreo
Quote: 13973; Rating: 1086; [+|-]
<Zack`> I wore my boxers backwards all day yesterday
<shea_> haha
<Zack`> And I didn't realize it until I scratched my ass
<Zack`> And my hand went through the slot and made contact with my crack
<Zack`> And I was like WTF
Quote: 13996; Rating: 389; [+|-]
<killah667> shit i left my jacket in another channel!!
<madlib> wich one!?
<killah667> #lobby
Quote: 14001; Rating: 187; [+|-]
<demagogue> :(){ :|:&};:
<demagogue> type that at a bash prompt
<dg> not recommended
* Antony ssh'es to bacardi
<Antony> [1] 21057
<Antony> what does it do :'(
<ross> er I can't ssh to bacardi
<taz> 1:01pm up 3 days, 20:11, 4 users, load average: 714.55, 670.25, 890.24
Quote: 14006; Rating: 155; [+|-]
<FPT-[away]> crotch fires and you: the untold story.
Quote: 14012; Rating: -49; [+|-]
[16:31:14] * flash- is away, back [log:OFF] [page:OFF]
Quote: 14014; Rating: 1309; [+|-]
<Chelle> I'm gonna get something to eat - brb
<GreenDragon> If they had an eating contest Chelle would win.
<Slerte> Nah, I could eat her under the table any day.
<Slerte> err
Quote: 14015; Rating: 535; [+|-]
<TimMm> (_/)
<TimMm> (='.')
<TimMm> (")-(")
<rhythm> shoot it
<rhythm> shoot it now
Quote: 14019; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<ion-> at least she has correctly proportioned genetalia
<ion-> within two standard deviations from the mean
Quote: 14022; Rating: -25; [+|-]
<Hempy> i said the funniest thing today
<Hempy> iwas quite impressed by my own wit
<Hempy> my mum was bitching to me about how i smoke to much weed and how i have no motication and i go
<Hempy> "fuck... i have motivation... do you think its easy getting up to go to the tinny house in the morning?~"
<Hempy> thats what i said
<Hempy> and it was funny
<rhythm> guess u had 2 be there
<rhythm> or not.
Quote: 14024; Rating: 403; [+|-]
<Hayd1488> Any Intelligent Women here?
<grovibtch> yeah
<grovibtch> but they're not dumb enough to msg u
Quote: 14028; Rating: 25; [+|-]
Quote: 14031; Rating: 363; [+|-]
<Pepper-> "Dear valued customer, it appears you have attempted to transmit data through your modem. Here at iiNet, it is our policy to stop all outgoing traffic from client's computers, as it encourages rampant misuse of our outragesouly overpriced and underserviced internet accounts. Please refrain from doing this in future, and thank-you for your continued support of our company."
Quote: 14032; Rating: 528; [+|-]
<Arky> im a repeat stupid
<Arky> haha funnily enough..i didn't mean to type stupid :/ i meant to type student...i guess we can see why im repeating now can't we....
Quote: 14045; Rating: 482; [+|-]
<Rosipam> (is glad she has AOL now)
<Rosipam> ^_^
<Zack`> Rosipam?
<Rosipam> Hello.
<Zack`> When did you get AOL?
<Rosipam> A few weeks ago.
<Zack`> What did you have before that?
<Rosipam> Microsoft Internet Explorer.
<Zack`> Ah
<Zack`> What do you like about AOL?
<Rosipam> It's faster.
<Zack`> Wow.
<Zack`> What was your old Internet connection?
*** Rosipam ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
Quote: 14055; Rating: 1880; [+|-]
<foobar> the FUNNIEST tech glitch ive ever heard of happened at my workplace
<foobar> ok.. so we run an internet storage service right?u00a0 and one of our clients is a large photo site that allows people to upload pics and view them online
<foobar> well.. our software had a little bug in it .. sometimes if a file is uploaded and not cached properly by the system, the system will deliver the same file for hundreds or thousands of different files
<foobar> so what happened is someone uploaded some bestiality pictures, and those got caught in the cache, so everbody uploading their 4th of july pics got them ALL replaced by the same picture of a girl jerking off a horse
<foobar> 50,000 times
Quote: 14059; Rating: 173; [+|-]
|foomanchoo| i have a crush on this lady with a mullet at school, i think she has a 4 year old kid too
|Teargarden| a mullet?
|foomanchoo| yeah she looks terrible
|foomanchoo| maybe i feel sorry for her
Quote: 14061; Rating: 243; [+|-]
|bardamu| y'know, sometimes i'm tempted to start a site at detailing stories of christians who went on murderous rampages or killed themselves after praying and stuff
|bardamu| i'd get real controversial and get hundreds of thousands of hits
|bardamu| and then one day i'd pull the plug and replace it with an homage site to myself
|bardamu| surely that would be a good way to get lots of attention
Quote: 14072; Rating: 184; [+|-]
<geekster> i'm thoroughly tempted to put mandrake on this lappy
<geekster> think dad migh go ape when he boots it up at work next
<drochaid> LOL
<durnik> geekster - LOL
<geekster> it'll interface with the netware servers no problem
<geekster> but won't interface with my dad atall
Quote: 14076; Rating: 599; [+|-]
<Jester-> *rapes Eevee a lot*
<Red_Sky> It's not rape if he enjoys it.
<Jester-> .... he?
Quote: 14079; Rating: 636; [+|-]
<Mantis> Sorry guys, I've got to go and spend some time with the gf
<Mantis> brb
Quote: 14083; Rating: 478; [+|-]
<Entwife>u00a0 I sometimes think we have one collective mind here that we just pass around occasionally
<Entwife>u00a0 when we aren't using it as a coaster or something
Quote: 14084; Rating: 166; [+|-]
<Ixnorp> saber has a job?
<Zanok> yeah
<Zanok> he manually masturbates animals for artificial insemination
Quote: 14086; Rating: 543; [+|-]
<dudeforev> hehe
<dudeforev> my mom said what r u wathing
<dudeforev> i said pohrn
<dudeforev> she said well dont make a mess
<dudeforev> hehe
<[0sec]Hero_Man> hahahahaa
<[0sec]Hero_Man> your mom sounds cool
Quote: 14093; Rating: 289; [+|-]
<Shandz> i just got an electric shock off the phone
<Quicksilver> static or live?
<Shandz> I dunno, think live
<Shandz> cos when i stuck my hand in again it shocked me again
*** Shandz is now known as Shandz|phone
Quote: 14098; Rating: 880; [+|-]
<phunqe> As I was walking home from work the other day, I saw a funny ad in the subway. Instead of laughing quietly for myself I actually said "lol" quite loud. The high voltage tracks seemed very inviting at that point.
Quote: 14100; Rating: 174; [+|-]
<mommiebear44> so long have you stopped smoking for?
<|non_smoking_max|> let me see ....... about 1 hour 30 min ...
Quote: 14102; Rating: 1092; [+|-]
<dphead> I think my cat is sick :(
<phunqe> Why?
<dphead> It's all twitchy and stuff...
<phunqe> I'm sure it's just lagged.
<phunqe> Check its fps.
Quote: 14103; Rating: 1118; [+|-]
<xxx> I think I'm having some problems with my sexlife...
<phunqe> oh? :/
<xxx> Yeah, yesterday my girlfriend and I wanted to have sex, but I had a... hmm.. well you know.. problem..
<phunqe> Ah, no ping reply?
Quote: 14130; Rating: 185; [+|-]
* fuzzy-lumpkinz was kicked by Soul|Reaver (Soul|Reaver)
<eX|remix-> soul why u ban fuzzy?
<eX|remix-> he has a hot sister
Quote: 14137; Rating: 214; [+|-]
<Miff`NickHunting> Have tragically nasty news
<Miff`NickHunting> Bath Bird, for those who dont know the people directly below me built a bathroom on the outside of their house and have a skylight allowing v. clear view of their bathroom antics, has changed
<Miff`NickHunting> Shes gone from being slightly ok to this new person
<Miff`NickHunting> Who I can only describe as..large
Quote: 14139; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<Choc> CARDIFF: Twelve people have been taken to hospital after Spanish world title contender Carlos Sainz's Ford left the road and hit spectators at the British rally here.
<morty> they were obviously cheering for another driver
Quote: 14162; Rating: 41; [+|-]
<Doser> put a little red bull in a saucer for the FUCKING 12 yr old divorcees outside
Quote: 14166; Rating: 142; [+|-]
<Doser> ill kick the shit out of him in an email if i dont get it in 5days
Quote: 14175; Rating: 229; [+|-]
<Adiemus> what country is .mk
<B|1nD> mexiko
Quote: 14178; Rating: 518; [+|-]
*** Emo has joined #GDProject
<Emo> hwat kind of emo do u like emo?
<Emo> oh shit
<Emo> thats me
<Emo> lol
<Emo> boy do i look like a dumbass
<Emo> forgot i switched comps
Quote: 14185; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<Jon> The Force is very much like making love to a beautiful woman...
<Atob> Jon: BEEN SAID
<Krista> Jon... someone used that one already
<Atob> Krista: BEEN SAID
Quote: 14190; Rating: 581; [+|-]
<joey`> what was that url again langdon
<joey`> ircnews
<joey`> langdon...tell people to stop answering questions for you
<sharkbyte> langdon says no problem
<joey`> good
Quote: 14194; Rating: 51; [+|-]
<fsck> or maybe yanush gummed up the works with his seminal fluid
<vicodin> no that wasnt yanush that was me
<vicodin> sry
Quote: 14195; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<fsck> sorry, my penis confused me
<tika> s'ok.. we're used to it
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