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Quote: 13063; Rating: 313; [+|-]
<hawker> just grab a gun then...
<hawker> end ur misery...
<TomServo> shooting my boss?
<TomServo> good idea
Quote: 13065; Rating: 818; [+|-]
<Rice_Boy> look at the sys requirements for interdev:
<Rice_Boy> er...
<iheartsql> HAHAHAHAHA
<iheartsql> HAHAHAHAHA
<iheartsql> PRON HEAD
<Rice_Boy> my bad
<Rice_Boy> damn
Quote: 13068; Rating: 812; [+|-]
<Rjx> is a better link
<ganonboy> what section of the site are the ROMS in?
<ganonboy> ? is it
<ganonboy> ??
<Rjx> yup
<ganonboy> I dont see any N64 roms?
<Rjx> what do you see?
<ganonboy> A sick picture...
<Rjx> click on it
<Rjx> it's an imagemap
<Rjx> click on his ass
<ganonboy> you are lying
<Rjx> did you try it?
<ganonboy> yes
<ganonboy> and nothing happens
Quote: 13077; Rating: 1426; [+|-]
corner (19:08:21): how tall is a standard guillotine?
Andrick (19:08:33): This still concerns you?
corner (19:08:39): yeah, I really want to build one
corner (19:08:47): I have short ceilings
corner (19:08:51): I wanna make sure I can keep it in my apt
Andrick (19:09:00): I have to admit that I never have committed that number to memory.
Andrick (19:09:06): But I can tell you they are *tall*.
corner (19:09:15): maybe I can make a kid's version?
Andrick (19:09:30): That is probably a wonderfully poor choice of words.
Quote: 13094; Rating: 678; [+|-]
<SexcBlnde> I want a creamy chicken pizza
<Bart> yeah same! but I want meatlovers
<SexcBlnde> Hmm
<Bart> we could get half and half!
<SexcBlnde> ?? LOL like who will buy the other 2 halves?? ?;)
<Bart> you are joking right?
<SexcBlnde> ??whatttt??
Quote: 13097; Rating: 966; [+|-]
<Beedub> How the fuck do I get into IRC?
<Swigh> You dumb fuck
Quote: 13107; Rating: -4; [+|-]
<Dr_Pain_> i need help here about a cble modem to nuke theres a girl who has take my nick and put it on a child porn chan and im unable to nuke that bitch shes on cable im in winshit
Quote: 13110; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<OreoTZA> ./ignore #k-rad
<OreoTZA> whoa, i wonder if you can actually do that
<OreoTZA> holdon, I'm gonna try
<OreoTZA> ok, hello?
<OreoTZA> HELLo????
<OreoTZA> anyone seen this?
<OreoTZA> holy shit
<Dawgyman> josh
<OreoTZA> SHIT I SEE DAWG, it didn't work
Quote: 13111; Rating: 170; [+|-]
<neia_doll> Im 5 foot 11 and 116 lbs..i lost 3 on accident..
<k-rad-bob> accident?
<neia_doll> so Im pretty skinny
<k-rad-bob> you got an abortion?
Quote: 13121; Rating: -4; [+|-]
<i_am_pi> (pvah) i wonder how funny airport security would think it would be if you walked into an airport with a cardboard box that said "BOMB" on it
<i_am_pi> i love QDB./
<pedXing> i_am_pi: I believe it's a 2 year minimum sentence, but I'm sure they'd be laughing.
<Kthulu> i doubt they'd find it funny
Quote: 13131; Rating: 136; [+|-]
<Adamus> I wouldn't care about the bot if you didn't deny me access to the
channel I that I have been using for this past year
<M[]rgue> meh
<M[]rgue> wasted youth is no concern of mine
Quote: 13133; Rating: 287; [+|-]
<OneiWilly> ah crap i accidently downloaded winzip again instead of winamp
Quote: 13148; Rating: 424; [+|-]
[aphr0] do hospitals let you keep the umbilical cord?
[aphr0] I'ma have my kid's cord made into a die
[aphr0] tie
[aphr0] or freeze it and tan it and make it into a cane
[aphr0] give it to my kid when he learns to walk so he can walk around and pimp bitches with his umbilical cord
Quote: 13151; Rating: 606; [+|-]
[ @niffie ] I have no inhabitions right now
[ @aphr0 ] would you finger my asshole?
[ @niffie ] no
[ @aphr0 ] then you have inhibitions
Quote: 13193; Rating: 471; [+|-]
<XwinGs> can i find any mensa iq test on the net ?
<Ntruder> part of the test is finding the test. good luck.
<XwinGs> oic
Quote: 13195; Rating: 1079; [+|-]
<adam1> my gf supposedly has "issues" with me
<Hiroe> Heh, my ex didn't have just a few issues, she had a fuckin *Subscription*
Quote: 13198; Rating: 184; [+|-]
[01:05] <Hiyaz> I have my Windows 95 dick from my old Desk top
[01:05] <Elysian`> hmm
[01:05] <Elysian`> win95 dick
[01:05] <magtec> some may call me desperate, but i really don't think i'd want one of those.
[01:07] <MrSparkle> magtec: you never know what kinda virus you could get from a Win95 d....
[01:07] <Elysian`> a STD
[01:07] <Elysian`> Setup Transmitted Disease
Quote: 13200; Rating: 629; [+|-]
<erisynne> he has a ctcp version fetish
<erisynne> he did it to me 7 times
<GreenMtn> did you lose your versionity?
Quote: 13211; Rating: 380; [+|-]
<PJ> Ok
<PJ> let me get this straight...
<PJ> Your pregnant wife shoved speed down your throat during sex?
<Covert22-UNS> Yup pretty much
Quote: 13213; Rating: 7636; [+|-]
<Spazz> Seems like when I say "FUCK" you get an EOF error :o
*** Quits: Ranto ( (Read error: EOF from client)
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<Bartolimis> fuck
*** Quits: Ranto ( (Read error: EOF from client)
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<Bartolimis> fuck
<Spazz> fuck
*** Quits: Ranto ( (Read error: EOF from client)
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<Spazz> fuck
<Bartolimis> stop
*** Quits: Ranto ( (Read error: EOF from client)
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<Bartolimis> we're done >:)
<Ranto> hmh?
<Spazz> Your client got an error...
<Bartolimis> yeah, we're done saying fuck
<Spazz> everytime we said f***
*** Quits: Ranto ( (Read error: EOF from client)
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<Spazz> Quit saying fukc
<Bartolimis> my bad
<Spazz> fuck*
*** Quits: Ranto ( (Read error: EOF from client)
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<Icc> Someone says fuck and he drops ?
*** Quits: Ranto ( (Read error: EOF from client)
Quote: 13250; Rating: 637; [+|-]
<+phunk> i have to send 8 photos of myself in
<@fraggle> one for each angle
<@fraggle> they're going to make you into a doom monster
Quote: 13254; Rating: 128; [+|-]
<Arno> i got kicked off a cray at school for running "pine"
Quote: 13266; Rating: 78; [+|-]
(zeki): whats a badger?
(ThinG): hes from wind in the willows
Quote: 13267; Rating: 268; [+|-]
- did you know that it is anatomically impossible to lick your elbow...and 75% of the people who hear that actually try to lick their elbow?
<SirPrux> already read that
<SirPrux> it's not funny
<Mithrandir> did you try?
<SirPrux> Yeah
Quote: 13272; Rating: -11; [+|-]
<Hell`> russ where do u live ?
<russ> delaware
<Hell`> ill come and pick ya up
<Hell`> if its on the way
<Hell`> where the fuck it that
<Hell`> i need a state !
<Hell`> i need a state !
<Hell`> i need a state !
<Hell`> not a city
<Hell`> lol
Quote: 13282; Rating: 254; [+|-]
<Ferney> WTF??? benchmarks for a fuggin VIBRATOR?
Quote: 13295; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<Ntruder> someone peed in the dating pool here
Quote: 13309; Rating: -6; [+|-]
<Moled> the only female people I have spoken to are in my family or teachers at school
Quote: 13315; Rating: 769; [+|-]
*** Joins: Tallpaul
*** Semper is now known as Smallpaul
*** Smallpaul is now known as Semper
*** Tallpaul is now known as Semper_is_gay
*** Semper is now known as Tallpaul
*** Semper_is_gay is now known as Semper
*** Quits: Semper (Kill by NickServ (RECOVER command used by Tallpaul))
*** Tallpaul is now known as Semper
<Semper> I'm a dick
<Semper> :D
Quote: 13322; Rating: 22; [+|-]
<ALegitOne> cls
<ALegitOne> oops.
<ALegitOne> lol this isn't linux or dos
Quote: 13325; Rating: 305; [+|-]
<Apocalypse23x> dids you noitiuce hitting yourself ehwne drunk dont hurt
Quote: 13331; Rating: 429; [+|-]
<BlazinIndo> you can call me mentally retarded, but i feel good right about now
<Ludwig> thats cus you're too stupid to know you're mentally retarded
<Ludwig> its a catch 22
<BlazinIndo> i dont see what your getting at....
Quote: 13339; Rating: 0; [+|-]
<zRz> Hello a question... that I have to make to be able to write in color in the devil??
Quote: 13340; Rating: 217; [+|-]
<Ludwig> thats amazing, how a company can charge you extra for what you shoulda gotten originally
<Ludwig> its like buying a hamburger, getting the buns only, then having to pay more for the meat
<@Gaile[diinet]> Ludwig, you're wrong, clear and simple
<Ludwig> only thing clear and simple is getting through your panties
*** Ludwig was kicked by Gaile[diinet] (Gaile[diinet])
Quote: 13350; Rating: 974; [+|-]
<Sam_> yesterday i saw MIB2 and mr. deeds.
<P|CK|E> i saw mib6-4 like, 6-4 weeks ago
<P|CK|E> my two key doesnt work.
Quote: 13351; Rating: -34; [+|-]
<MASTERR_4_SLUT_GIRLZ> i need a slut girl as my sex slave as i have pics of scenes i have in mind. apply on ur kneels with atleast ur topless pic.
Quote: 13355; Rating: 151; [+|-]
<[chromex]> A paleontologist is a type of dinosaur
Quote: 13358; Rating: 280; [+|-]
<MarZi^> what are you doing on Quakenet if you dont play Counterstrike?
Quote: 13359; Rating: 1218; [+|-]
<TrivBot> Question 3. A man's beard grows fastest when he ______?
<_Cozmo_> shaves it
<emul8or__> shaves
<RatAway> jacks off
<TrivBot> Here's a hint: antici
<Rjx> anticipates sex
<TrivBot> Rjx got the answer: anticipates sex. In: 5.7secs.
<Rjx> wtf?
Quote: 13362; Rating: 285; [+|-]
<Kitster17m> i don't quote meaningless blabs
<RainDown> <Kitster17m> " You are a stupid bitch ,
<RainDown> <Kitster17m> and i hate you "
<RainDown> thanks for being oh-so-meaningful
<Kitster17m> that's not meaningless, that's very deep
<Kitster17m> it's an introspective criticism concerning one's relations with another, and the social awareness of the prostitution institute
<RainDown> Screw you
Quote: 13367; Rating: 692; [+|-]
<Blaxthos> find / -name "*base*" -user your -print |xargs 'chown us'
Quote: 13370; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<HuStLe> Today I was was flirting with this hot girl in the halls after school but once again my computer screwed me over
<Netminder> How so?
<HuStLe> Well I was gettin far with her, then she me a secret about her and her ex, I went to laugh, but guess what came out.
<HuStLe> Me - "Laugh out Loud", I actually said laugh out loud. :(
Quote: 13386; Rating: 494; [+|-]
<J-Zilla> ma$e became a preacher
<DarkSerge> wtf does he preach
<d> you idiot ds
<d> ds: "WHAT DO U PLUMB?"
Quote: 13393; Rating: 108; [+|-]
<argol> Argh... There are a cuople of CD's i cant find
<[HaT]Mhor> Go look for em?
<argol> They are in another room
<[HaT]Mhor> Well.. look for em in there?
<argol> erh.. the whole room is filled with cd's litterally. you cant go into the back of the room without some climbing. and i suspect the cds are in the back. =(
Quote: 13395; Rating: 203; [+|-]
(akerom) anyone gota picture of a fat naked stomach?
(akerom) or a fat naked girl
(akerom) im making a comic of last night
Quote: 13398; Rating: 110; [+|-]
(drifter) I broke my rioport player
(jafo) how?
(drifter) but I'm just gonna take it back to the store and get it replaced
(jafo) trying to upload mpegs to it?
(drifter) plugged in the power source to the earphone jack.
(drifter) cos the power source looks like it goes there.
Quote: 13399; Rating: 1469; [+|-]
(jeek) Jesus Christ.
(jeek) How the hell am I supposed to swallow two alka-seltzer pills.
(jeek) ?
(seawolf_) put them in water first
(jeek) But then they'll dissolve
(jeek) Oh, I get it
(jeek) n/m
Quote: 13401; Rating: 193; [+|-]
(tarmac) OMG
(tarmac) PAIN
(tarmac) my nipples are chaffed
(tarmac) from running
(tarmac) with a wet shirt
(tarmac) and
(tarmac) i sprayed colonge on
(tarmac) WOW
Quote: 13404; Rating: 716; [+|-]
<@rtav> CaptainX, It is considered outdated and sexist to refer to your barbecue with "her"
<@rtav> CaptainX, Unless it is an erotic barbecue with the erotic feature set of a woman.
<@rtav> Then I propose that you are confusing a hooker with a barbecue.
<@rtav> To determine once and for all whether you are dealing with a barecue or a hooker, simply light it on fire.
<@rtav> If it runs, you are dealing with a hooker.
<@rtav> If it does not, you are either dealing with a barbecue or a dead hooker.
Quote: 13405; Rating: 449; [+|-]
<Synikal> i do lawns
<mikeyjone> plz no sexual preferences
<Synikal> i do like 2 every day almost
<mikeyjone> one day you'll answer the door and a small blade of grass will be there saying "daddy?"
<Synikal> lol
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