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Quote: 13419; Rating: 124; [+|-]
<|Rayden|> Chapter 15 - Making Your Web Sites Accessible to Impaired and International Usersu00a0 u00a0 <----does this mean drunk people?
Quote: 13424; Rating: 34; [+|-]
<diranged> silly ghost bear
<diranged> where's no sense there's no feeling
<diranged> so pointing pistol at my head is rather useless
Quote: 13426; Rating: 760; [+|-]
<Glasses> Quebec is on fire?
<Glasses> I'm sure the rest of Cananda won't be too upset...
<Paul> Upset? THey started it.
Quote: 13439; Rating: 143; [+|-]
(alan_the_gerbil) damn, ebay don't have a penis section
Quote: 13440; Rating: 35; [+|-]
<[TpL]Luke> Really? the nurse who did me was so fat, ugly and sweaty, she was cooking burgers under her armpits for lunch
<[TpL]Luke> u should have seen her cooking hot dogs!
Quote: 13443; Rating: 268; [+|-]
<[d]-kCmCg-> at least your computer didnt lock up like a nervous virgin on prom night....
Quote: 13444; Rating: 752; [+|-]
<@Shadowbuilder> haha have you ever seen that commercial
<@Shadowbuilder> theres kid talking on a chat room
<@NwG|Canucks> no explain
<@Shadowbuilder> hes cybering with some girl, and he says "moan, moan for me as load as possible"
<@Shadowbuilder> then you hear thing sound come from the corner of his house, soudns like moaning
<@Shadowbuilder> and the kid says "mom?????"
<@NwG|Canucks> lol
Quote: 13446; Rating: 204; [+|-]
<Demanicus> Well if this is how a period feels I have a whole new respect for women
Quote: 13449; Rating: 117; [+|-]
<Blue^_> xach
<Blue^_> wanna bw later?><
<Ershin> OK
<Date`Kyosuke> That almost sounds indecent. :o
Quote: 13457; Rating: 450; [+|-]
<bugg> hrm
<bugg> $280 million jackpot
<bugg> that's enough to give every man, woman, and child in the nation one million dollars
Quote: 13458; Rating: 446; [+|-]
<psychicbug> I'm gonna find some third world country, and punch a store owner in the face
<psychicbug> he's gonna start swearing at me in some fucked up language
<psychicbug> and if I like any of the words I hear, I'll make it my new nick since this one sucks
Quote: 13461; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<Zok> who here has an ip address?
<Mortimer> me
<Zok> i didnt ask you
Quote: 13463; Rating: 162; [+|-]
( Webmaster ) I'm researching cheats for my webpage in counter strike anyone that knows how to use them, plz msg me.
( jeremy ) i know how to use the ejaculator3.45 cheat
( +Webmaster ) what does it do?
( +Webmaster ) and how do i use it
( +jeremy ) it turns everyone bright white
Quote: 13467; Rating: 228; [+|-]
<Krameras> i know somebody who doesnt want to watch the Simpsons because its "too derogatory"
<CyberThor> Yeah. It's offencive to yellows everywhere!
Quote: 13468; Rating: 1378; [+|-]
<ToastyX> :b
<Powerlord> Hey toasty, what is the ascii code for the upside down P?
Quote: 13469; Rating: 100; [+|-]
<Khalal> I never did understand that quote NG
<NintendoGuru> Khalal: That's because you haven't seen a picture of Andrew Vestal
<Khalal> What does he look like?
<NintendoGuru> Think Richard Simmons french kissing and electrical outlet
Quote: 13474; Rating: 121; [+|-]
<Rottingbeef> i live in "yawn" america
<Rottingbeef> but im only 11, so dont think im some serial killer
Quote: 13475; Rating: 317; [+|-]
<Sumez> Q3 arena test
<Aximili> What is it?
<Sumez> don't you know what Quake is?!?
<Aximili> YES, I know what Quake is
<Aximili> But 'Q3' could have stood for 'Quicktime 3' as far as I know
<Sumez> Quicktime 3 arena :P
<SpyFrog> but isn't quicktime up in version 4?
<Sumez> Spy: not the multiplayer version :)
Quote: 13476; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<[cr0wz]> my dildo hurts
<_SuPeR_Fly_> my arse hurts
<wisteria101> see a doc
<[cr0wz]> i wonder why
* FadeJade sees a connection
Quote: 13477; Rating: 330; [+|-]
<MrMonkey> Erdrick: I speak your language a lot better than I speak yours, ok?
Quote: 13479; Rating: 202; [+|-]
<Powerlord> You mean... you can save your game in ff7pc? And all this time I've been leaving my computer on all night!
Quote: 13483; Rating: 277; [+|-]
<DjLizard> click HERE for free Chocobo porn.
<DET> all I got was channel info
<DjLizard> :D
<DjLizard> well, click here for free channel info.
Quote: 13486; Rating: 312; [+|-]
<ToastyX> CNQ: Use, it's new and reliable
<ToastyX> I never get peered from it.
*** ToastyX has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
Quote: 13487; Rating: 164; [+|-]
<Zeratul-SK> Cello, I'm tired of you in the top of the users list. :P
<Cellosoft> zer, I'm tired of you on the User list
Quote: 13489; Rating: 539; [+|-]
<Chariset> to run.u00a0 Fencing.
<Chariset> Bye, all
*** Chariset has quit IRC (Quit: Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.)
Quote: 13495; Rating: 116; [+|-]
<Skyphox> ahhh shoot, my spelling script has disapeared again
Quote: 13499; Rating: 585; [+|-]
<Aerion> I haven't rebooted Windows for a week and it still hasn't started leaking memory.
<AndrewT> freaky
<AndrewT> you'd better get that thing to microsoft before it starts becoming useful
Quote: 13515; Rating: 194; [+|-]
<BetaCeti> 3 + 2 + 25 = ?
<Darth-Phenom> huh?
<Darth-Phenom> 31
Quote: 13521; Rating: 23; [+|-]
< ^Tommi^ > if bill gates would play pacman in an arcadehall and every game would cost 0.5$ (and take 10 min), he could play in 6.3 million years!
Quote: 13524; Rating: 2429; [+|-]
<TunnelArmr> Cool! I finally found the Womrs 2 demo
<TunnelArmr> I mean Womrs 2
<TunnelArmr> I mean Wrms 2
<TunnelArmr> Worm 2 even
<TunnelArmr> GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!
<ThePython> having trouble saying wrmos Tunnel?
<ThePython> i mean wmros
<ThePython> i mean mrwos
<ThePython> GOD DAMNIT!
Quote: 13526; Rating: 665; [+|-]
* Huz cries.
*** Huz has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
Quote: 13529; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<MrMonkey> an aura is the spirit that surrounds all of bodies
<MrMonkey> healers use it
<MrMonkey> they claim they can see how strong or weak one's aura is
<BlurNM> thought it was something like that (if it wasn't the northern lights)
Quote: 13531; Rating: -58; [+|-]
<Alx-C> damn nickserv, op me why doncha?
Quote: 13537; Rating: 350; [+|-]
<Ajplus1> My plan is to make a steel ball, put my video games and chips in there, then roll myself into the ocean, where I'll be safe
<zardolf> how will you get out?
<Ajplus1> I don't think that far
Quote: 13541; Rating: 361; [+|-]
<MartinBr> LOOK AT MY IDLE!!!
<MartinBr> Uh.... d'oh!
Quote: 13545; Rating: 260; [+|-]
<graeme123> i dont understand
<graeme123> be more pacific
Quote: 13549; Rating: 280; [+|-]
<Sumez> so, what's happened over the last week?
Quote: 13553; Rating: 1554; [+|-]
<Phen-Away> I just figured out what scroll lock does
<AutistiCat> What does it do?
<Phen-Away> You see that light by caps lock?u00a0 Well, it turns on when you press scroll lock
Quote: 13567; Rating: 173; [+|-]
<SarahS> You can remove testicles?
<Phenom6996> Yep
<Phenom6996> and breasts
<Phenom6996> It requires special tools
<ajplus1> yeah....a knife
Quote: 13570; Rating: 813; [+|-]
* oWildKard waters the o at the beginning of his name... maybe in time it will grow to a beautiful @
Quote: 13576; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<Darth-Phenom> I've just realised something which you'll find quite remarkable
<Darth-Phenom> This place sucks
Quote: 13583; Rating: 477; [+|-]
<SinclairC> Anyone been to Taco Bell lately?
<Piccolo> No. I hate mexican. :]
<SinclairC> Taco Bell isn't Mexican, it's Taco Bell
<Piccolo> No. I hate Taco Bell. :]
<SinclairC> Taco Bell isn't Taco Bell, it's hamburgers
<Piccolo> No. I hate Hamburgers. :] Cheeseburgers are a different matter.
<SinclairC> Taco Bell isn't hamburgers, it's Dragonball Z
<Piccolo> Damm you
Quote: 13588; Rating: 252; [+|-]
<ChanPerv> #rpgfan-teensex000!!! is a restricted channel and may not be viewed by minors or residents of Alaska. If you are over 18, please type /msg ChanPerv <your credit-card number>
Quote: 13592; Rating: 311; [+|-]
* Thirty-nothingster will kick the next person who spoils
<Pong64> Darth Vader is Luke's father. =D
Quote: 13594; Rating: 112; [+|-]
* Darth-Phenom tries not to laugh...
<SarahS> Never supress a laugh, or it ends up the other end.
Quote: 13599; Rating: 800; [+|-]
<Sumez> Jar: I can't believe you don't know what a Skoda is
<Aximili> Sumez: I can't believe you don't know what a Hasemalphaginnojinglanaporphomism is
<Sumez> Axi: I do, oh I do
<Aximili> What is it, then?
<Sumez> Axi: a reversed contradicting metamorph phrased as an anagram
<Aximili> Sumez: Damn.. you did know..
Quote: 13600; Rating: 463; [+|-]
<Mort-Hog> How do u spell Encylop(a)edia?
<Flirbnic> Insyklepudier
Quote: 13603; Rating: 209; [+|-]
<Sumez> how hard can it be to change two words in my legend?
<Fuujin> Extremely. You see, he can only do it during a sunspot minimum or maximum, and those only happen once every eight years. Also, it has to be a blue moon and a summer equinox at the same time. Plus, the year must be a prime number. The sum of the day of the week (Sunday = 1, Monday = 2, etc), the date, and the month must also be divisible by three.
Quote: 13605; Rating: 316; [+|-]
<SarahS> With my large internal capacity to hold water, and your creative igeniuty, we can rule the world!
Quote: 13607; Rating: 987; [+|-]
<NintendoGuru> Yoda of Borg am I! Assimilated shall you be! Futile resistance is, hmm?
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