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Quote: 8248; Rating: 943; [+|-]
<EK> What if the war in Afghanistan was fought with midgets!
<Jei> With midgets as infantry, or as ammunition?
Quote: 8249; Rating: 399; [+|-]
* IllIIIllI ([email protected]) has joined #suicide
<IllIIIllI> any slut attention whores here need a man to make themselves feel important let me know i can be that guy if you aren't ugly/fat
* IllIIIllI ([email protected]) has left #suicide
Quote: 8250; Rating: 651; [+|-]
<Amenace> so your a fifteen year old girl that thinks my wife is hot, hang on while i have a wank
Quote: 8251; Rating: 384; [+|-]
<AnneRobinson^> Do Canadians really like fart jokes for entertainment???
<shagman> fart jokes rock
<shagman> take this classic canadian joke for example
* shagman farts on IEatChildren
Quote: 8252; Rating: 660; [+|-]
<HomerHendelBergenHeinzel> ur so mean :L
<q> is that the frowning face of a stroke victim?
Quote: 8253; Rating: 327; [+|-]
<Hamsters> is there any tips that i can pass my writen test?
<shagman> hamsters, learn english
Quote: 8254; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<Hamsters> i'm trying to get me self one at downtown BUT they got those stickers on the glasses and said that i need to be 19 older
<shagman> only for tobacco
<shagman> not pipes and papers and crap
* Owyn blinks
<Owyn> Shag: smaller sentences
<Owyn> You'll break his brain.
Quote: 8255; Rating: 321; [+|-]
<shagman> k, keep words like cock and fuck out of here
* Runnigan fucks shagman with his cock
Quote: 8256; Rating: 297; [+|-]
<BounceWithMe> Shagman... 8==ou00a0 suck it.
<@shagman> BounceWithMe... ())========D choke on it.
Quote: 8257; Rating: 476; [+|-]
<+Incantation> shag's 100% let you cry on his shoulder and make you think he cares so that he can manipulate you into sucking his cock
<+Julie42> HOLY SHIT! Good. Because here I was thinking I had to think of things to cry about, just so I could suck on his cock.
Quote: 8259; Rating: 358; [+|-]
<akumapan> yous ound like poopoo
<andy> You type like poop.
<andy> and your mother was suspicious that it took her nine whole months to take a crap, so she named it just in case.
Quote: 8260; Rating: 223; [+|-]
<JBB> I'm looking for a laptop that I can just use on the net. Something below $300.
<BondOO7> You'd have better luck shoving your cock into a telephone jack for the internet.
Quote: 8262; Rating: 358; [+|-]
<jeer> I have to move to mississippi soon..I wish I had a sister or cousin there.
<jeer> who am I going to date?
Quote: 8264; Rating: 1123; [+|-]
* fo0bar has silverware now
<jk> is that a new kind of heatsink?
<jk> :D
<fo0bar> no, it's a metal-based bio-nutritional transport system
<jk> the thing... you use to... dig... food.
<jwz> it's more of a food shim.
<fo0bar> appearantly the technology has been around for awhile, but I haven't been able to afford the genuine metal equipment...u00a0 I've had to use the plastic replicas
<fo0bar> though proper transport systems are appearantly a requirement when an xx chromosome pair is introduced into xy's atmosphere
Quote: 8265; Rating: 651; [+|-]
* The_Paco went to the GE appliance store today, crouch-walked up to one of the large black super-fridges, ran my hand over it while humming the theme to 2001, stood up, and smacked my bud... they threw us out shortly thereafter.
Quote: 8268; Rating: 195; [+|-]
<Grinderwald> my dick is hard
<moo|cow> always a bowl of wisdom grinder
<Grinderwald> :D
Quote: 8269; Rating: 470; [+|-]
<xTaVx> im bored
<EvilChatOp> you're aways bored
<EvilChatOp> go masterbate or somethign
<xTaVx> brb
Quote: 8271; Rating: 1204; [+|-]
*** Haggis has quit IRC (Quit: Sometimes I try to masturbate long words into a conversation. Even if I dont know what they mean.)
Quote: 8273; Rating: 216; [+|-]
(caraKATT): great, i found ready whip in the fridge and I wanted to put it in my coffee, but I think my roomate huffed it, cause it won't foam
Quote: 8277; Rating: 49; [+|-]
(Moose_): what's your language of choice ?
(rich): english?
Quote: 8278; Rating: 279; [+|-]
<the__man> does anyone know if any brothel is open at this hour? i need some action right away
<+Octane> the__man: you've been blessed with two hands and ten fingers. go figure it out.
Quote: 8282; Rating: 578; [+|-]
<sum1tolded2medatvirtrghey> i thought you did music?
<baygledawg> oh i wish
<baygledawg> that would be my second dream job
<sum1tolded2medatvirtrghey> what's your first? professional sperm producer?
<baygledawg> ok, writing music would be my third dream job
Quote: 8283; Rating: 437; [+|-]
<Silent|Study> These Christian rock ads on tv are so pathetic
<Silent|Study> Its like they assume people are going to suddenly think "OMG! JESUS! I never knew!
Quote: 8284; Rating: 160; [+|-]
marmor: Mutru: i am trying to compile an an simple example .. that works fine, but all i get when i run the program is a window that is all black ..
Aprogas: is your monitor on ?
Quote: 8285; Rating: 944; [+|-]
<Weirdo_God_of_Insanity> Communism is like Spandex. Good idea, but then real people started using it. Things got real ugly from there.
Quote: 8287; Rating: 477; [+|-]
<Adiemus-Away> [GleebAway] Adiemus has returned from doing the dishes (Away for 1day 15hrs 23mins 39secs)
*** Adiemus-Away is now known as Adiemus
<Adiemus> damn that's a lot of dishes =
Quote: 8289; Rating: 226; [+|-]
<Vegeta> I would go through anything for you
<Vegeta> Lets start with your bank account
Quote: 8290; Rating: 827; [+|-]
<Vegeta> I would go to the end of the earth for you
<Girl> Yes, but would you stay there?
Quote: 8291; Rating: 589; [+|-]
<darkness> anyone heard about the new startrek movie yet?
<darkness> ...did he just say what I think he said?
<questie> I believe he just admitted to being russian, but I'm not quite sure...
Quote: 8293; Rating: 142; [+|-]
<sarahlee> got hooked on those stupid video chatrooms
<deepcut> the kind where you see old guys jacking off into a sock and stuff ? :\
Quote: 8294; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<tytyt> the--kav if you were not a man I'd hug you
<deepcut> but as it is, he's too afraid of his own latent homosexuality to dare
<tytyt> there are support group for that
<deepcut> tytyt: I was referring to you
Quote: 8296; Rating: 449; [+|-]
Under the fence: if your mom were a farm animal, she'd be a sloth
Hobbes659: a sloth isn't a farm animal
Under the fence: damn it, theres gotta be a sloth farm somewhere around here
Quote: 8297; Rating: 193; [+|-]
<BadAndy> leechers wanna stop leeching for a bit?
<frankster|kickme> that's like asking them to stop breathing for a bit
Quote: 8300; Rating: 1290; [+|-]
<kat-moffobsessing> why do dongs always gain length when played live?
<kat-moffobsessing> SONGS!
Quote: 8305; Rating: 1384; [+|-]
<Saber> just when I manage to convince myself I'm a superior being, I walk into a door
Quote: 8307; Rating: 283; [+|-]
<Saber> ow damnit
<Saber> HA
<Saber> That'll teach you
<Saber> damn gummy bears
<c_thur> Saber: i can relate...i think
Quote: 8309; Rating: 406; [+|-]
<Xunil96> because i have a metric ass-ton of perl to write
<Dr_V> would a metric ass have 10 cheeks?
Quote: 8310; Rating: 279; [+|-]
<kat-write> disturb me and suffer castration
<Doppelganger> that almost sounded interesting till I remembered what that meant
Quote: 8311; Rating: 436; [+|-]
* Anderlan raises a cheek off the chair
<Anderlan> farting is offensive, but raising a cheek in preparation is even more so
<gears> it's a good way to show people "I am not interested in what you have to say.u00a0 Leave my cubicle at your soonest convenience."
Quote: 8315; Rating: 371; [+|-]
<Offline> i still cant bleave people dont know what a fudgepacker is
<Log> I do, Zack
<Log> my friend's fiancee is a fudgepacker :o
<`Zerp> they work at candy factoryies right log
* Offline pounds his head on his desk
Quote: 8317; Rating: 558; [+|-]
<cov\sick> Solitarie almost never crashes. They should employ the person who wrote it to head the WinNT team.
Quote: 8320; Rating: 1290; [+|-]
Quote: 8322; Rating: 285; [+|-]
<ac> just messaged this girl I use to know back home with "Welcome back hottie"
<ac> The response was "This is katie's mother"
<ac> ...
<ac> not a good thing
Quote: 8323; Rating: 169; [+|-]
<dt--> womb- im a big proponent of enviroment conditioning the youth
<wombrood> dt: 'environment,' for future reference
<djthrush> also, believing that something is true does not make you a
<djthrush> 'proponent' is closer in meaning to 'advocate'
<dt--> im aware of its meaning
<dt--> but thanks webster
<djthrush> i don't think you are! since you used it wrong and all
<dt--> how did i use it wrong?
<djthrush> i just explained it to you
<djthrush> are you some sort of illiterate fag?
<djthrush> are you a homeless boozer who just wandered into an internet
cafe? what?
<djthrush> i mean, really
Quote: 8324; Rating: 23; [+|-]
<Phettachu> cherry coke - letters at the end = herry coku00a0 LOL LOL LOL
<Phettachu> GET IT HERRY COK?!?u00a0 HAIRY COCK?!?!
<Phettachu> LOL
<Phettachu> maybe only gays get it
Quote: 8327; Rating: 877; [+|-]
knobsthebear: How the hell did Korea find time between StarCraft and Diablo II to make it this far into the World Cup?
Quote: 8329; Rating: 352; [+|-]
<a> i wish i had some vr goggles or something
<Loc-Dog> a: for porn?
<a> so nobody could tell i was playing games
<a> games being interactive porn
<Loc-Dog> a: they'd be able to tell when you pulled out the "joystick" to manuever your "character" in the "first person shooter"
<a> Loc-Dog: i use the keyboard.
Quote: 8330; Rating: 343; [+|-]
<AgntBukk> I played grand theft auto 3 the other day.
<spacetwin> how was it!
<AgntBukk> I beat up some chick.
<AgntBukk> and then I kicked her repeatedly in the head until she died.
<spacetwin> haha
<AgntBukk> so, all in all, I was happy with the experience.
Quote: 8335; Rating: 404; [+|-]
<Gorilla> all the other kids got cool sutff like "Air!" "Earth!" "Fire!" and the poor little Indian kid kinda sheepishly whimpered at the end "....heart...."
<neored13> They should've given him Metal.
<GKSetzer> he could be like a glam rocker
<Zephy> oh yeah. then he'd have been gary glitter.
Quote: 8336; Rating: 617; [+|-]
<Sanji> I eat people.
<Sanji> I'm a humanitarian
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