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Quote: 773234; Rating: 379; [+|-]
<MadClown> i have your soul
<fall0ut> no, some pine tree had my soul one night
<fall0ut> when I was drunk
<fall0ut> I chopped it down and dragged it through a field for 2 hours
<fall0ut> and got my soul back
<fall0ut> kthnx
<fall0ut> ^-- true story
<MadClown> for some strange reason, i beleive you
<eclypse> yea.. i can honestly say i dont doubt this
<fall0ut> nothing like an axe in one hand
<fall0ut> a beer in another
<fall0ut> screaming at the tree
<fall0ut> then tying a logging chain to it and dragging it around a field
<fall0ut> ....
<fall0ut> yea.....
Quote: 773253; Rating: 336; [+|-]
<Sea_Bass> Hahaha, by the way, guys, how awesome is this:
<Sea_Bass> I went to the snackbar with a couple of mates today
<Sea_Bass> and while sitting there, this truck drove by
<Sea_Bass> And I was like "Wow, that's a loooong truck"
<Sea_Bass> so it had passed, and I looked over my shoulder, and in doing so, I caught the license plate
<Thomp> was it long cat being moved?
<Sea_Bass> which was 90-TL-DR
Quote: 773258; Rating: 93; [+|-]
theDELIv3ranc3: omg
theDELIv3ranc3: this schematic said astable multivibrator
theDELIv3ranc3: and all I see is "ass vibrator"
theDELIv3ranc3: oh god
Vad3rZ: LMAO
theDELIv3ranc3: I hate bash
Quote: 773519; Rating: 913; [+|-]
<Manson> and I think I had a virus
<Manson> something about jewish dating
<GrEmLiN> you got the jew virus?
<Manson> I think so...
<Kirby> lemme guess, it took all your cache?
Quote: 773594; Rating: 321; [+|-]
<danien> Here, Palden-, have this sample dildo I found in my mailbox.
<Palden-> is it used?
<danien> No, it's still vacuum-sealed.
<Palden-> pfft, then i don't want it
Quote: 773608; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<Haddock> there are easy marks on CPT5
<Haddock> it gives you some html
<Haddock> and you have to draw what the page would look like
<Haddock> you have to be careful not to confuse <br> and <p> and shit like that
<Haddock> but they're worth like 5-7 marks
<Numi> lol
<Numi> i'd laugh if they gave you wankers of questions like
<Numi> "draw this page, which features browser-specific bugs, as it would render in IE6"
<Haddock> lol
<Haddock> i'd just draw a bsod
<Numi> HAHA
Quote: 773804; Rating: 279; [+|-]
<Asuna|Sola_and_Sleep> Heh, I just plugged in a printer for the first time in a year
<Asuna|Sola_and_Sleep> and a homework assignment that I needed 3 months ago immediately printed out
<me[dot]> hahaha
<Asuna|Sola_and_Sleep> Yeah
<Asuna|Sola_and_Sleep> Isn't that great?
<me[dot]> Modern technology, always expediting our needs
Quote: 773844; Rating: -124; [+|-]
<Elan> There once was a man from nantucket.
<Elan> with a dick so long he could suck it
<Elan> and he said with a grin as he wiped off his chin
<Elan> if my ear was a cunt I would fuck it
Quote: 773924; Rating: 1233; [+|-]
<IMlifelike> I flushed a bag of skittles down the toilet yesterday and watched a NASCAR race in 8 seconds flat.
Quote: 773975; Rating: 290; [+|-]
<Paranoua> Okay, this is the *only* right answer to the question "Do You Think I'm Fat?":
<Paranoua> "No, because if you were fat I'd leave you."
Quote: 773988; Rating: 774; [+|-]
sup lyndz: "That's what you tell your parents if they catch you masturbating. I WASN'T MASTURBATING. I WAS CLEANING IT AND IT WENT OFF."
Quote: 774024; Rating: 331; [+|-]
[vvandering_nomad] I took some of that fake blood one night, and made it look like my eye was gushing blood. I walked up to the front office of the complex where this poor cute little asian gal was working.
[vvandering_nomad] I walked up to her and said "Is Student Health Services open?"
[Lehsa] ROFL
[vvandering_nomad] I scored some free wet-naps!
[Ku'vah] LOL
[Lehsa] you are so mean Nomie
[Ku'vah] I need to get some fake blood
[vvandering_nomad] She almost called an ambulance, until I convinced her that I was "getting some pills for it." and that it "Happens every winter."
[Lehsa] LOL
[Lehsa] rofl
[Ku'vah] LOL
[lvlarein] Haha
Quote: 774029; Rating: 115; [+|-]
<THC|Rawk> Okay, so here's the plan...
<THC|Rawk> At the premiere of the next Harry Potter movie, me wearing a black cloak and a Darth Vader helmet
<THC|Rawk> Walking up to some fucktard dressed up as Harry Potter himself, going "Dumbledore lied, Harry. I am your father!"
<THC|Rawk> Then ditch the helmet, pull up the hood on the cloak, and try and pass myself of as a dementor.
<THC|Rawk> Some fucker is gonna be sooooo confused for the rest of the evening!
Quote: 774114; Rating: 693; [+|-]
<echin> regexman, regexman, matches text when no one can
<mguzman> parses text, any size
<echin> captures strings, on the first try
<echin> look out, here comes the regexman
<tooth> You're all a bunch of fucking nerds
<yangman> so awesome
Quote: 774347; Rating: 528; [+|-]
<TxT> hahahhahahahahaha i read that bash quote where the guy renamed mirc.exe the .doc he needed to turn in
<TxT> so i did it with my paper, i get an email today from my teacher "Sorry, I opened your document and it seemed corrupted. Do you know what happened? If not, just resubmit your essay."
<TxT> and i sent him my now finished essay this morning and got a reply just now, "Thank you. This version seems to be working just fine."
<TxT> ty bash!
<+hydeph> hmm didnt you say a while ago that your teacher reads bash?
<TxT> ...
<TxT> dude thats not fucking cool
<+hydeph> its ok, tyler norris.
<TxT> ...
<TxT> shit.
Quote: 774476; Rating: 950; [+|-]
<AesteroidBlues> what is it about every ninja gaiden game that makes it so it has to be IM-FUCING-POSSIBLE
<Ph33rESP> because ninjas gots to do intense fucking difficult shit
<Ph33rESP> thats why they're ninja
<Ph33rESP> if everything was easy then it would be called business major gaiden
Quote: 774491; Rating: 1131; [+|-]
<orlando> There's no such thing as reverse racism; racism doesn't have a direction.
<justin> So it's a scalar.
Quote: 774539; Rating: 173; [+|-]
<TehGherkin> I punched the shit out of like several lampposts and some shrubbery.
<Yoshiboy> ouch
<Smoson> XD
<TehGherkin> The shrubbery accosted me as I walked there and I'm pretty sure one of the lamp posts cast a dispersion on my mother.
Quote: 774552; Rating: 98; [+|-]
<Leeloo> Mutiny on the high IRC
Quote: 774608; Rating: 269; [+|-]
<DevilsArms> I hate the saying "Their are plenty more fish in the sea".
<DevilsArms> As soon as you get your tackle out in public you get arrested.
Quote: 774626; Rating: 990; [+|-]
<Aelfinn> I'm psychic
<Aelfinn> I can predict what will happen in the future
<Gundulf> Yeah, then what am I going to say next?
<Aelfinn> Wrong
<Gundulf> ...touche
Quote: 774628; Rating: 338; [+|-]
<R_M> being drunk is kinda like having a really low framerate
Quote: 774765; Rating: 705; [+|-]
Prizes_for_contests: Hey, how much would it cost To get someone To find me a cost-free downloadable Hentai date sim for my mac?
bommer: what?? lol
Ich: think you're asking in the wrong place
Prizes_for_contests: where do i go then?
Eiljwa: there is no right place to ask something like that
Quote: 774876; Rating: 938; [+|-]
<Sp3cial> STEP 1: Spout retarded crap about beardy guys and overlords.
<Sp3cial> STEP 2: Live in a time when people are retarded.
<Sp3cial> STEP 3: ?????
<Sp3cial> STEP 4: PROPHET!
Quote: 775171; Rating: 14; [+|-]
<Woosta> Isn't America at war against the Middle Endians?
Quote: 775321; Rating: 3938; [+|-]
atlasthealmighty: Did I tell you my idea of injecting heroin into your balls, so when you ejaculate, it's heroin... And then the chick will think you just gave her the most amazing orgasm in the world, and she'd become addicted to sex with you
nullphi: i would like to subscribe to your newsletter
Quote: 775570; Rating: 891; [+|-]
< tmbg_> anyone given thought to using accelerometers from laptops as entropy inputs?
< tkoskine> "Generating a new encryption key, please shake your computer" ? :)
Quote: 775579; Rating: 160; [+|-]
Sunspot: They don't make 'em like they used to. That's all I have to say.
Bobby: Nope, they sure don't.
***Sunspot jumps in his Time Machine (don't forget the flux capacitor) and goes back to watch some cartoons.
Sunspot: Seriously. I want to get a Delorean and ducttape a blender on top.
Sunspot: Sad thing is, very few people would get the joke.
Sunspot: And even sadder, I'm saddled with a Delorean with a blender duct-taped to the top.
Quote: 775587; Rating: 68; [+|-]
Foxpaws Zupe: Me and my BF talked about children today
Foxpaws Zupe: I think we're going to have to rock paper scissors
Foxpaws Zupe: to see if our child will be cut or uncut
Quote: 775634; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<uberclops> they brought new printers to our work
<uberclops> it's awesome because they're not the size of the titanic and don't require a degree in mechanical engineering to change the toner
Quote: 775635; Rating: 1762; [+|-]
<fenriz> my mother found some of my porn the other day
<fenriz> I'm not sure which folder she found, but I can safely assume she only scratched the surface
<fenriz> because she complimented me on my taste
Quote: 775699; Rating: 247; [+|-]
<Mac> Hi I'm a mac
<PC> And I'm a PC
<Mac> So what you doing PC?
<PC> Upgrading my Graphics card, RAM and Processor.
<Mac> Oh.... Ummmm
<PC> Don't you just love a good upgrade!
<Mac> Well actually, I can't. If you want to upgrade you'll have to buy a new system.......
Quote: 775778; Rating: 1762; [+|-]
cromar: If there is a God, why does he/she allow disasters like earthquakes and Microsoft?
dvice_null: Are you comparing a disaster that causes billions of dollars financial losses and thousands of people to lose their home every year, to a natural movement of tectonic plates? That's low.
Quote: 775791; Rating: 742; [+|-]
<GfK> these dumbass church people on tv
<GfK> they just said god made the internet
<NoelCower> Bet they're internet creationists and reject ARPANET
Quote: 775793; Rating: 392; [+|-]
<Ravsieg> My firewall just blocked itself from accessing the network.
<Ravsieg> I wonder if this is a good or a bad sign.
Quote: 775834; Rating: 53; [+|-]
<[Chris]> oh yeah baby, concatenate those strings... do it just like that
<neura> I'd think you'd want to insert, not concatenate...
<[Chris]> now you're just being nasty
<neura> no, nasty is noting that you'd wanna be real careful with chop and split :x
<[Chris]> as long as we aren't getting into a strlen fight
Quote: 775869; Rating: 4561; [+|-]
<@HEMI> I got in a car accident on the way home from work.
<@HEMI> I rear-ended someone.
<@HEMI> Guy gets out of his car; I get out of mine. He's a dwarf.
<@HEMI> We're sitting there waiting for the police to arrive and he goes, "I'm not happy."
<@HEMI> I said, "so which one are you?"
Quote: 775900; Rating: 358; [+|-]
<JTP> You know you've been playing too much Need for Speed when your first instinct when you see a cop driving down the street is to hit the NOS and ram him.
Quote: 775926; Rating: 1090; [+|-]
CeePlusPlusKid: so I saw the most AMAZING thing today
CeePlusPlusKid: I was stopped at a stoplight, and heard hardcore gangster rap blasting next to me.
CeePlusPlusKid: I turned to look expecting it to be some teenagers, or maybe an older black guy.
CeePlusPlusKid: It was two 70 year old white guys bobbin their heads in a buick.
Quote: 776098; Rating: 1179; [+|-]
<Creeper> when they neuter a dog do they actually like remove the balls or do they just cut a wire somewhere
<~Vash> NO NOT THE BLUE WIRE!!!!! *dog explodes*
Quote: 776099; Rating: 364; [+|-]
<Valaris> Q: How do I get child pornography?
<Valaris> A: Start a free image hosting site.
Quote: 776360; Rating: 1251; [+|-]
--> hindenburg ([email protected]) has joined #overclockers
<a474645> hindenburg like the german zeppelin disaster?
<hindenburg> what can i say
<hindenburg> blimpin aint easy
Quote: 776421; Rating: 130; [+|-]
<Chris> If I were a Greek god, my name would be Testicles
Quote: 776488; Rating: 615; [+|-]
<Meltro> the song you are referring to is 'Dueling Banjos', as made famous in some hickish movie I don't remember
<Meltro> Requiem for a full set of teeth or something
Quote: 776534; Rating: 1489; [+|-]
<Dionysus> Intelligence is alcohol soluble.
Quote: 776606; Rating: 865; [+|-]
<Sword_Saint> God, I hate conspiracy theorists
<Sword_Saint> I almost wish they were right
<Sword_Saint> so the government would abduct and kill them
<Sword_Saint> and shut them the fuck up
Quote: 776609; Rating: 891; [+|-]
Jentsu13: i just had an idea for a cool picture
Jentsu13: that would be highly offensive and inappropriate
Jentsu13: twincest jesuses
Jentsu13: titled
Jentsu13: jesus fucking christ
Jentsu13: yeah i'm going to hell for that one
Quote: 777054; Rating: 2592; [+|-]
<Mike> Kentucky Freud Chicken
<Mike> It's Mother-fuckin' good.
Quote: 777172; Rating: 430; [+|-]
<Adun|Oblivion> "The ejaculation of a dolphin carries so much force with it, that it could decapitate you."
<ChaosSmurf> You know
<ChaosSmurf> This is why Dolphins are ALWAYS happy
<ChaosSmurf> They're just sitting there going "Yeah, bitches, I can decapitate you with my sperm"
Quote: 777224; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<mikesch> aliens need to lay off the acid on crop circle nights.
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