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Quote: 2887; Rating: 526; [+|-]
<McMoo> those presents are wrapped like motherfuckers.
<McMoo> like very thoroughly wrapped motherfuckers.
Quote: 2888; Rating: 432; [+|-]
<AnGeLFiRe> go screw a dog
<Pharaohe> come over to my house then babe
Quote: 2889; Rating: 733; [+|-]
<Berzerker> Life is hard.
<Berzerker> unfortunately, you arent.
<Berzerker> call the national impotency hotline. 1-800-GET-BONE
Quote: 2892; Rating: 93; [+|-]
<FLoBBaSKo> That'd be cool if there was a hermaphrodite that had their dick coming out of their vagina... they wouldn't be able to walk without having an orgasm.
Quote: 2893; Rating: 590; [+|-]
<Berzerker> i shit too big
<Berzerker> i clog up the toilet without using toilet paper
<Berzerker> my parents think i use too much
<Berzerker> and im starting to get in trouble for doing it
<Berzerker> i dont wanna tell them "i shit big, sorry"
Quote: 2895; Rating: 372; [+|-]
Quote: 2897; Rating: -19; [+|-]
<Pyre> Gumby's mom is hot
Quote: 2898; Rating: 81; [+|-]
<XxDeThxX> thats what the sperm whales do..they check out the females then all the males rub against eachother til they spooge
Quote: 2899; Rating: 383; [+|-]
*** hypr changes topic to '.'
<LkChaCha1> Ahh. . .hypr had his period. Must be that time of month.
Quote: 2902; Rating: 73; [+|-]
<k> hm yes i believe to say d0f would be the correct way out of this interpretation situilimintation
Quote: 2903; Rating: 5; [+|-]
<Berzerk0r> eD farted and it smelt like bvaD
Quote: 2904; Rating: 728; [+|-]
<Berzerker> they gave christopher reaves a standing ovation
<Berzerker> and like
<Berzerker> he cant even stand up
<Berzerker> so hes like
<Berzerker> wtf
Quote: 2905; Rating: 374; [+|-]
Quote: 2906; Rating: 267; [+|-]
<EFX> take a banana .. cut off the top .. squeeze the banana out gently keeping the peel intact.. get a empty toilet paper roll .. put the peel inside of it .. warm it up in the microwave .. and then stick your cock in it
Quote: 2907; Rating: 348; [+|-]
<Berzerker> hey
<Berzerker> you hear about the new game they play at the white house?
<Berzerker> swallow the leader.
Quote: 2908; Rating: 354; [+|-]
<DEMI1999> ed's hit an all time high of un-understandability
<DEMI1999> <eDz0ph_gb> d0f eye ,ent n0am
Quote: 2909; Rating: 67; [+|-]
<blazemore> i saw a big crack in front of me, then this flash of light.. after that, i can't remember anything.
Quote: 2910; Rating: 89; [+|-]
<Berzerker> like one time i shit on a bench in my school playground
<Berzerker> and like it smelt so bad
<Berzerker> and i covered it with playground gravel
<Berzerker> and like when the cafeteria aid came the next day she cleared it off with her hand
<Berzerker> and like
<Berzerker> poop!
Quote: 2911; Rating: 952; [+|-]
* Berzerker gets hungry
* Berzerker eats his e's
*** Berzerker is now known as Brzrkr
Quote: 2912; Rating: 493; [+|-]
<IceWizard> What the HELL is up with these candy companies? Little teeny bars are called 'Fun Size'.. Damn, Whats so fun about a smaller candybar?!?
Quote: 2913; Rating: 214; [+|-]
<Berzerker> what are you goign to pick?
Quote: 2915; Rating: 379; [+|-]
<EFX> What's a dikfor?
Quote: 2916; Rating: 1035; [+|-]
<DaRkShaMe> hi santa
Quote: 2921; Rating: 484; [+|-]
(Fungus): idler, define " life " please :)
(Idler): Fungus: Life is the thing that grows in my fridge
(Idler): Starting to get really big now
(Idler): Might have to kill it some day
(NX): did u try to eat it?
(Idler): NX: No, that's what I should have done a long time ago
Quote: 2922; Rating: 59; [+|-]
<Snag> on another note
<Snag> you know any fake tan shit i can buy?
<eldee> fake tan shit?
<eldee> wtf?
<Snag> ya
<Snag> i have supah white arms
<eldee> go to a tanning booth, give the bitch 5 bux and stick your arm in the pipe dude
Quote: 2923; Rating: 437; [+|-]
<michael-> shut up
<michael-> i sucked a lot of cock to get where i am today
<kisama> heh
<kisama> at least you got to suck cock and not be ass raped like the rest of us
Quote: 2925; Rating: 379; [+|-]
<Slant> evenpar123: What's up dog, word?
<evenpar123> dog?
<evenpar123> That's my slave name.u00a0 My new name is "dogg"
Quote: 2927; Rating: 266; [+|-]
<CmnstR> so i calls it ScRnr?
<Lord-Data> CmnstR: you call it a screener
<Lord-Data> the only reason you would type ScRnr would be if your e key wasnt working
Quote: 2928; Rating: 470; [+|-]
<Kazz> Everybody kept screeching "DON'T DO IT LOOK AT ALL YOU'VE GOT TO LIVE FOR" and he was like "no im gona do it" and I said "How?" and he said "Knife through the heart" and I was like "Wicked.u00a0 Send pics."
<Sharkey> My favorite one was back in #verge years ago. Finally after I ribbed her for about an hour she said that she'd slashed her wrists because of me. I asked her if she was typing with her tongue.
<Kazz> I suggested he fall on a chainsaw.u00a0 He liked the messiness.
Quote: 2929; Rating: 564; [+|-]
<neck> btw... bought an ice cream maker today :)
<qu4ntum> dont you mean a donut maker ?
<Lord-Data> very easy to get those confused ..
<neck> oh hell yeah
<neck> oh crap... it was a donut maker
Quote: 2930; Rating: 490; [+|-]
<Muskratt> How can people like you guys survive infancy without bursting into flames from some major god (I don't care who) 's anger?
<MightyQuinn> easy
<MightyQuinn> we carry fire extinguishers
Quote: 2931; Rating: 288; [+|-]
<profuse> its rather good, this is the first of anything of his that ive listened to
<profuse> heh im talkinglike im british or some shit
<al-x> hey
<al-x> americans say "rather" too
<al-x> except they say "i'd rather have a big slow car that's flashy than a car that isn't flashy but runs better"
Quote: 2933; Rating: 121; [+|-]
<eldee> welp, i got some coding to do.. smell ya later
<eldee> Aimee: for you that's a literal statement
Quote: 2934; Rating: 1702; [+|-]
<Potato> I've known her for years and I've always wanted to fuck her.
<Potato> But her last boyfriend was a 6 foot 7 black man.
<Potato> So I just don't try.
<Potato> I'm above average, but he was a giant black man.
<Potato> I mean, c'mon.
<Potato> He was like Godzilla, but black.u00a0 Like Shaftzilla.
<memo> Did he smash Japanese skyscrapers with his dong?
<Potato> Yes.
<Potato> Yes he did.
Quote: 2935; Rating: 445; [+|-]
<Object> booya my roommate, got in a fight last week.. this week, booya was starting a new job .. he gets in and finds out his new boss is the guy he fought last week, we thought it was pretty funny
Quote: 2937; Rating: 334; [+|-]
<exbawx> $465 in debt. good luck to me.
<novocain> its yer own damn fault that 1. you work at taco bell 2. that you only work 4 hours a week
Quote: 2938; Rating: 770; [+|-]
<BlackDeth> man this sucks
<BlackDeth> why is it that all drugs make you lazy and useless
<BlackDeth> they should invent one that motivates you to do homework and shit
Quote: 2940; Rating: 535; [+|-]
<T_hibiki_> you catch your lady in bed with another man what do you do ?
<sparatik> tell him she has an STD
Quote: 2941; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<BlackDeth> the only effect cocaine really has is it makes you want more cocaine :D
Quote: 2942; Rating: 347; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #cars
*** Topic is 'No gay sex talk please thanks'
<spazzer> no gay sex talk eh?
<spazzer> this channel is going to be quiet then
Quote: 2949; Rating: 290; [+|-]
<al-x> pam anderson had implants
<al-x> had them taken out
<al-x> just had them put back in
<al-x> she proly has zippers
<al-x> under her arms
<al-x> or somethign
Quote: 2952; Rating: 282; [+|-]
<nstylz> i want to make a site that the people run it and then just forget about it and watch the $ go in
<Deadbolt> sorry, we already have a slashdot
Quote: 2954; Rating: 277; [+|-]
<dregan> THE SEARING, UNENDING.. UN.. mmm..
Quote: 2955; Rating: 54; [+|-]
<trccccc> I was going down on this one girl once.... and her clit was the size of my pinkie... I was all DAMN and exscused myself and went back down to the party
Quote: 2956; Rating: 296; [+|-]
<blazemore> my chair is starting to smell bad from me farting in it so much
<blazemore> either that or it's the underwear i've been wearing for 4 days
Quote: 2957; Rating: 234; [+|-]
<trccccc> virus: go fuck a leprocohn
<brucel33t> I bet they give good head
<trccccc> maybe he will give you his bag of gold
<Reul> or what's in his sack
Quote: 2958; Rating: 313; [+|-]
<datz510> u prolly race grandmas goin tot he grocery store too huh
<BenK> no
<BenK> I race hardcore racers
<BenK> people with tinted windows
<BenK> and 20 inch rims
<datz510> Ben.. like other hondas?
Quote: 2959; Rating: 811; [+|-]
<Entomorph> blazemore, I know you
<Entomorph> oldskewl emu guy right?
<blazemore> heh yeah
<Apoc> irc is just wierd
<Apoc> no where else can you run into old friends that you have never met
Quote: 2960; Rating: 655; [+|-]
<waterfire> All women are gay, or at least that's what they tell me
Quote: 2962; Rating: 302; [+|-]
[jstepka-w] it's not gay, there are several key nerve endings in your prostate
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