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Quote: 2647; Rating: 735; [+|-]
<sm0ke>u00a0 and crash them into tents
Quote: 2648; Rating: 463; [+|-]
<inverse> dick is like the most popular first name for congressmen
Quote: 2652; Rating: 347; [+|-]
<+Cypherus> what is a splash-screen?
<Nagaika> when your screen falls into the bathtub
Quote: 2653; Rating: 454; [+|-]
<asm> SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<mmx> STOP FUCKING SHUT THE FUCK UPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote: 2657; Rating: 96; [+|-]
<Confuzion> ok all females: 1) Get in fron of webcam 2) take off shirt 3) focus on boobies 4) *click* 5) /dccsend confuzion boobie.jpg 6) repeat process for bottom portion of body. *note* do not mix up steps please follow corect order. thank you.
Quote: 2662; Rating: 902; [+|-]
(CitizenC) You know what I don't understand? Why my bank requires me to have a hardcore, uber-encrypted password so I can see how much I have left to pay on my MasterCard. Fuck... if somebody else wants to access my account and pay it off, be my guest.
Quote: 2664; Rating: 1027; [+|-]
<DTOX> I just spent 20 min arguing with the manager at McDonalds that I gave him a $20 instead of the $10 they thought I gave them.u00a0 Finally he gives me a $10 back + change and I go home and find out it really was a $10 I gave them and I'm an asshole.
<DTOX> I drove back and apologized and gave them back the $10 they gave me
<CoMBo> stick it to the man
<DTOX> combo:u00a0 I have a fucking job, I don't need to lie at McDonalds to make money you lazy fucking raft nigger
Quote: 2666; Rating: 1003; [+|-]
(robb): my father passed away suddenly on thursday, and insted of spending time with him durring his final days i was too busy flooding your gay ass channel cuz you faggots decided to ban me.
Quote: 2667; Rating: 621; [+|-]
<eldee> uNF = universal noise of fucking
<BombScare> usually the only thing i hear when im fucking is "who the fuck are you"
Quote: 2680; Rating: 706; [+|-]
~ frOsty- giggles.. in a manly, tesrosterone-filled sort of way.
Quote: 2681; Rating: 323; [+|-]
*** CSGpunk ([email protected]) has joined #winprog
<CSGpunk> anyone live in raleigh, nc and know where i can get drugs
Quote: 2682; Rating: 243; [+|-]
*** [ircnic] ([email protected]) has left #trance
Quote: 2683; Rating: 85; [+|-]
<PolestaR> nah you can survive short periods
<PolestaR> in space
<PolestaR> but its cold isnt it aswell
<PolestaR> I donno for sure
Quote: 2685; Rating: 396; [+|-]
<nird> no i would never associate myself with ravers. i listen to intellegent music like nirvana, rush, and tori amos
Quote: 2694; Rating: 325; [+|-]
(drmatitis) ya, i've graduated from the rockstar mullet to the NASCAR mullet
Quote: 2701; Rating: 611; [+|-]
<necrofile> i wonder what happens if u put your playlist in your playlist
<DigDug> OMG DON'T!!!!
Quote: 2702; Rating: 223; [+|-]
(wd) there's like a whole dentist syndrome thing called "mountain dew mouth"
(wd) in which your teeth are just fugly
Quote: 2705; Rating: 246; [+|-]
(kap) damn im gassy tonight
(kap) too bad eSmell went out of buisness
(kap) i could punish you guys forever
Quote: 2706; Rating: 255; [+|-]
(adm) No definitions found for "verio", perhaps you mean:
(adm) SUX
Quote: 2707; Rating: 556; [+|-]
(driz) sometimes i bring my mom on irc
(crystalize) whats her nick?
(driz) i usually give her the nick Coupon_Master
(driz) because we're jewish, etc.
Quote: 2708; Rating: 1042; [+|-]
(ashke) id like to take someone from the 1950s
(ashke) like some 15 year old kid
(ashke) and show him the internet
Quote: 2713; Rating: 352; [+|-]
(zoo0oop) has anyone ever been known to get frostbite from being in a data center for many hours without a hot drink?
Quote: 2718; Rating: 883; [+|-]
<Furan> the only 2 types of women that don't bitch and moan are gifs and jpgs
Quote: 2721; Rating: 359; [+|-]
<MiddleSF2> wow 80 people eh? I thought irc would be closed on x-mas eve ^_^
Quote: 2723; Rating: 436; [+|-]
<CodeMason> You lack belief in all the thousands/hundreds of thousands of supreme beings that have been believed in at one point or another. So to them you are an atheist.
<Kyonshi> CM is sooo smart ^_^
<CodeMason> Kyo: It feels good to know my statements warrant an anime smilie face.
Quote: 2724; Rating: 1102; [+|-]
<JDigital> Say, how long would 600Mb take to download on a 1.5Mb connection? Lets assume I were to download an entire CD from
Quote: 2725; Rating: 319; [+|-]
* CanuckSaq screws with people's minds way too much
<mindrape> CanuckSaq: you must have a little weewee, cuz i didn't feel you were screwing mine :/
<CanuckSaq> mr: a) I have a gigantic cock, and b) you assume you actually possess a mind
Quote: 2728; Rating: 269; [+|-]
<neutrl> i don't have any tables
<mAimZ> da wheels 'o steel...
<mAimZ> you should get some... And get all your favorite tunes on LP... It's more fun than 4 hookers and a jimmy hat!
<hypr> i highly doubt that
Quote: 2730; Rating: 469; [+|-]
[xite] i hate movies with abrupt endings
[xmas_hate] ya i hate when i only download clips of porn too
Quote: 2731; Rating: 240; [+|-]
<Camo> i licked the adhesive on the envelope cuz i thought it would be erotic
Quote: 2732; Rating: 462; [+|-]
<im3t8> my last nightmare was of my computer trying to kill me
<Apathetic> really?
<im3t8> but in the end it was just the mouse
<Apathetic> maybe that's metaphoric for something
<Apathetic> :/
<im3t8> its a microsoft mouse
<im3t8> :/
Quote: 2735; Rating: 273; [+|-]
<snag> i once jerked off in my face, just to see what it was like
Quote: 2738; Rating: 344; [+|-]
<ckx> xmas was fun back before i was blessed with pubes and still had hopes and dreams and such
Quote: 2742; Rating: 422; [+|-]
<hobbes`> I cracked the shits at ppl knocking on my door last night and answered it naked - teach them to ever ask me for money again stupd door spammers
Quote: 2743; Rating: 262; [+|-]
<doctor`> "hallo! i am reeecki marten! sex masheen! i love all the preeety gerls! lets us have secks! constantleee! i am south american sensation! bulging spaniard genitals!"
Quote: 2744; Rating: 264; [+|-]
<Longi> i'm going to go moisturize my testicles.
Longi is gone (02:23AM): vitamin wank
Quote: 2745; Rating: 360; [+|-]
<doctorb> i want au00a0 microwavable dildo. i'm sick of the cold plastic.
Quote: 2746; Rating: 343; [+|-]
<******> "oh yeah, i got me a 643gb ultradrive, with 23 supermegs of zingram, and i have a 160000 channel cable installed by telstra, a proto router which goes into each of my 16 terminals around my house, and i am having sex while typing this all, and taking copious amounts of drugs aswell."
Quote: 2752; Rating: 259; [+|-]
* aiel wonders why the load on his O2 has passed 3.0
<core> aiel: netscape ?
<xL> aiel: I told you VRML pr0n was a bad idea :)
Quote: 2753; Rating: 373; [+|-]
<vman_> wow
<vman_> 2 iranians in here
<vman_> amazing
<vman_> HAHA!
Quote: 2755; Rating: 623; [+|-]
Quote: 2757; Rating: 525; [+|-]
*** Now talking in #honda
*** Topic is '<xessor> anyone know how to make fire come out the tailpipe?'
Quote: 2760; Rating: 323; [+|-]
<evenpar123|Dean> how much is long distance?
<Slant> evenpar123|Dean: Depends on your carrier.
<evenpar123|Dean> Satan
<Slant> 666 cents a minute.
Quote: 2761; Rating: 265; [+|-]
<evenpar123> "I believe" "But how do you know that you exist to believe?" "Becuase I believe I exist to believe"
<evenpar123> and so on
* evenpar123/#sydvoc is hungry, assuming evenpar123 exists
Quote: 2765; Rating: 439; [+|-]
<Waters> i had a dream about masterbating...thats sad isnt it :(
Quote: 2767; Rating: 1625; [+|-]
*** civicsi was kicked by Raegen (KK: go away jason)
civicsi is [email protected] * Jason Preston
civicsi on #cars
civicsi using Toca's Miracle
civicsi End of /WHOIS list.
*** civicsi ([email protected]) has joined #cars
<civicsi> uhhh
<Tokae> we are l33t
<Darn> haha he hacked you
<KK> shutup jason
<civicsi> how did you do that?
<Tokae> you will be fuct over jason if you act out of line.
<KK> Mr Preston
<civicsi> I hope you know that I have logs of all hacking attempts
<civicsi> and I WILL forward them to the DOJ
Quote: 2768; Rating: 39; [+|-]
*** CHAOS_IS_BLISS ([email protected]) Quit (
<nomis_nehc> whoa
<nomis_nehc> wtf, all those peepz off at the same time, or what's up?
<nomis_nehc> power outagae somewhere maybe?
Quote: 2770; Rating: 253; [+|-]
<VmprHntrD> magic: the gathering of lower lifeforms
Quote: 2771; Rating: 516; [+|-]
<Elfin> Santa Claus broke in through my window last night.
<Kashan> did he leave you a new window
Quote: 2773; Rating: 582; [+|-]
<michael-> Complaint : Seller won auction but did not send payment
<michael-> Response by [email protected] - son was killed in a car crash, extremely insensitive and impatient seller
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