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Quote: 179137; Rating: 866; [+|-]
* Khross flies a 757 into andy
* andy flies a 757 into Khross's 757.
* aen blocks them both with twin towers.
Quote: 179327; Rating: 677; [+|-]
<mr_smith> fuck, i toasted my cablemodem yesterday...
<asshat> heh,
<asshat> how did you do that mr_smith
<goatasaur> raise your glass and go "to my cablemodem!"
Quote: 179566; Rating: 1259; [+|-]
<NiM> I went to church with my friends
<NiM> and they had all the alter boys being commissioned or whatever its called
<NiM> and we pours salt and viagra in the wine
<OttoDestruct> LOL
<NiM> And like 4 of the alterboys spat out the wine
<CF|Okra> hahahah
<NiM> and the priest was like OMFG U SINNERS
<NiM> thats the blood of christ!
<NiM> And the ones that didn't spit it out where walking around in their fucking robs with boners
<NiM> it was the funniest shit ever
<NiM> We where kicked out
<NiM> of the church
Quote: 179616; Rating: 2175; [+|-]
< skel> I just patented an atmospheric bio-oxygen extraction device..
< skel> now I'll sue anyone breathing
< skel> mwuhahahaha!
< skel> i was just kidding guys
< skel> you can let your breath out
< skel> =P
< skel> guys?
Quote: 179649; Rating: 289; [+|-]
<gpi> -:- BitchX: Join to #brocku was synched in 0.153 secs!!
<gpi> i love the double exclamation mark
<gpi> as if that's shattering some world record
<trigga> lol
Quote: 179746; Rating: 601; [+|-]
<Yajinden> I like this temperature-based designation system we have.
<Yajinden> it's good to be hot, and it's good to be cool, but it's not good to be frigid, and it's not good to be flaming.
Quote: 179966; Rating: -131; [+|-]
<Tremolo> All right, you want a story eh? Welll fine
<Tremolo> "One day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up for a fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise and came to shoot the two dead boys. If you dont believe this lie is true, ask the blind man he saw it too,"
Quote: 180081; Rating: 11272; [+|-]
<kylev> hahahahaha
<kylev> some girl just came onto our floor
<kylev> and was yelling "sexual favors for anyone who does my sociology paper"
<kylev> i just asked her what the paper was about
<kylev> and she said the accomplishments and growth of feminism
<`Neo> bahahahaha
Quote: 180129; Rating: 868; [+|-]
<Freakdoom> you know
<Freakdoom> i love all my friends
<Freakdoom> your like a second family to me
<Freakdoom> just say my entire family was killed somehow
<Freakdoom> would you let me live with you?
<Freakdoom> :D
<Zy> of course
<Freakdoom> yay :D
* Freakdoom is away: killing family
Quote: 180145; Rating: 774; [+|-]
<AL9000> my fatty little brother is pissed b/c I wrote "treadmill" on his Christmas list
Quote: 180150; Rating: 1553; [+|-]
*** YOU has joined #gamedev
<Waxycat> teh
<Waxycat> it says i recieved a fatal error
<posit> Waxycat: oh that happens some times, you have to press alt+f4 to fix it
<posit> *sometimes
<Waxycat> that quits irc
<Falnom> ALT+F4 quick!
<Waxycat> why?
<posit> you have a fatal error
<Waxycat> otherwize?
<posit> if you don't restart it may damage your system
<Waxycat> it says i have 30 seconds
*** Waxycat has quit IRC []
<posit> damn yeah
<Palish> bahhahah.
*** Waxycat has joined #gamedev
<Waxycat> what happened?
<Waxycat> again?!?!
<Waxycat> it says it again!
<posit> again?
<Waxycat> what should i do?!
<posit> maybe a config problem
<Waxycat> what will happen if i don't quit?
<posit> not sure exactly
<posit> but I don't think it's good
*** Waxycat has quit IRC []
Quote: 180803; Rating: 340; [+|-]
<+_chester_> i think the dentist might molest me while i'm under
<@End11> and your dissapointed you can't be awake for it?
<+_chester_> i want to see his technique
<@Psybrid> lol
<+_chester_> i mean, good god, if i need 4 days to recover, the guy is pulling more than teeth
Quote: 180952; Rating: 1120; [+|-]
<r4v3n> there is just NO good excuse, if caught in my gfs room in the middle of the night
<r4v3n> "hey mr c...was walking by your house and i dropped my fell into your daughter, but i've collected it now and will just"
Quote: 181046; Rating: 249; [+|-]
-!- marlies [[email protected]] has joined #gamesoc
< marlies> ello all
< Jops> welcome to the tumbleweed zone
< kev> o.
< kev>u00a0 u00a0u00a0 'o
< kev>u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 `o
< kev>u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0u00a0 o'
< marlies>u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 u00a0 o,
< kev> congratulations, you have won tonights star prize!
-!- marlies [[email protected]] has quit [Client Quit]
< kev> freedom from irc
Quote: 181120; Rating: 332; [+|-]
<Gareth>: i was tryin to make a :S face in real life while at the doctors, and all these handicaps walked in while i was doing it
<Gareth>: and they sat down next to me, and started stroking my head and stuff, saying, "friend, friend"
<Gareth>: Thats When i Realised.........
<Bill>: .......yes.......what did u realise
<Gareth>: I Fucken realised there were a bunch of retards stroking my head!!!
Quote: 181129; Rating: 495; [+|-]
<fosheeze> i ate oatse for breakfast
<BigBrother_> was that a typo of oats, or goatse?
<BigBrother_> I'm hoping it was oats, or do you eat horribly disfigured anus?
Quote: 181260; Rating: 395; [+|-]
<@Usama> I am gonna get a tattoo of a $100 bill on my penis.....because women like to blow money and I like to watch my money grow.
Quote: 181400; Rating: 1320; [+|-]
<goran> "I once said "owned" to a black man before. talk about awkward moment..."
Quote: 181500; Rating: 1344; [+|-]
<Xizer> Winzip is such a girl...
<Xizer> "Uh hey. 30 days are up could you stop using me? No? Well I'll just ask again tomorrow..."
Quote: 181575; Rating: 231; [+|-]
meg32185: you're weird
meg32185: where do u think you can find wholesale socks on the internet?
Quote: 181581; Rating: 1416; [+|-]
The U.S. Government today changed its emblem from an eagle to a condom because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance. Condoms stand up to inflation, halt production, destroy the next generation, protect pricks, and give a sense of security while actually screwing you!
Quote: 181604; Rating: 140; [+|-]
<magpie> why am I watching spice girls behind the music
<magpie> am I that bored
<jeff> you obviously need to spice up your life
Quote: 181629; Rating: 336; [+|-]
<barryk> Pillows: do you believe Iraq posed a direct threat to US homeland security ?
<`dA> yes
<`dA> iraq was an asshole
<spikeb> and the us military was a giant penis
Quote: 181791; Rating: 867; [+|-]
<jws> You just *know* you have a virus when you see this:
<jws> (D:) Local Disk
<jws> Total size: 66631337 GB
Quote: 181901; Rating: 352; [+|-]
<the|navigator> I want a doormat that says: Home Sweet Localhost.
Quote: 181913; Rating: 107; [+|-]
<Milo> the karma chameleon is gonna come by one day, give you a fatal illness, and then piss in your mouth
Quote: 181923; Rating: 38; [+|-]
<Luna-Chan> I'm bleeding
<Forte> Don't shoot the messenger.
Quote: 181998; Rating: 333; [+|-]
<skunk>What's a slut like you doing in a classy joint like this??
Quote: 182036; Rating: 845; [+|-]
<TeamGato-Mumbo> oh god, my cat is being eaten by racoons
<TeamGato-Mumbo> brb
Quote: 182044; Rating: 296; [+|-]
<@Serge`> LOL
<@Lord_Saros> stfu you fuxing noob
<@Lord_Saros> AOL kiddie !
<@Deadpool-> somone uses aol here?
<@Lord_Saros> Sxales does
<@Sxales> ha
<@Deadpool-> you make me sick
<@Lord_Saros> He just keeps his aol line on a low profile
*@Sxales hides it under a rug
<@Sxales> what?
<@Lord_Saros> Nothing (:
<@Sxales> i'm too fucking cheap to use aol, i just yell in binary real loud
Quote: 182055; Rating: 456; [+|-]
<Fubar> Reminds me in class, when some teacher was going off on us about feminazi shit, she goes "A woman can do anything a man can!" and my friends goes "well you can't produce sperm!"
Quote: 182069; Rating: 162; [+|-]
<Twinkle> Microsoft has just announced that their revolutionary new "Yboy" will weigh less than 10 pounds and be able to fit in a small backpack
Quote: 182098; Rating: 463; [+|-]
<xtort> I smell homosexuality!
<|Spanky|> got your head up your ass again?
Quote: 182125; Rating: 743; [+|-]
<joshua_> AaAAAAAAAAAAAAAACC.............................!
Quote: 182181; Rating: 491; [+|-]
<CrackyMcZap> why don't we get a Straight Pride parade?
<Kaejo> they're called gun & knife shows
Quote: 182201; Rating: 1800; [+|-]
<daem0n_> i got new car radio the other day, its pretty cool. you shout soul and it plays soul, you shout rock and it plays rock. the other day some kids ran past my car and i yelled "FUCKING KIDS" and it played michael jackson.
Quote: 182213; Rating: 2702; [+|-]
<Ephialtes> ugh
<Ephialtes> I.
<Ephialtes> Am.
<Ephialtes> Wet.
<Ephialtes> infact I am BEYOND wet
<Ephialtes> I am soaked
<Ephialtes> no wait, I am beyond soaked
<Ephialtes> I am drenched
<Ephialtes> and I may be beyond that
*** Ephialtes has been kicked off channel #ev3 by zambezi (flood)
Quote: 182256; Rating: 817; [+|-]
.+vera: wtf is a manga
.+sheep: its a fruit
.+sheep: retard
.+vera: k
Quote: 182354; Rating: 641; [+|-]
<Havard> I think baptizing babies is wrong.
<Havard> I mean, they don't have a say in it.
<ithil> Yeah, but what if they die and go to liiiimbo?
<STL> Well, then their parents will have to go fuck with the Merovingian
<ithil> In a terrible sequel to the Bible
Quote: 182461; Rating: 861; [+|-]
<+[G-Prime]> Microsoft Aims for Software in Every Car
<+[G-Prime]> Oh great
<+[G-Prime]> Now our cars will crash
<@Crucial> blue windshield of death
Quote: 182469; Rating: 1242; [+|-]
<Turtle> FUCK i just accidently stapled my homework to the wall
Quote: 182538; Rating: 222; [+|-]
<Viper187> ok
<Viper187> I don't like Alcohol
<Viper187> fuckin auto-eject
<Viper187> It read the Halo CD, then spit the CD back out at me
<Viper187> causing the CD tray to knock my goddamn glass off the desk
Quote: 182600; Rating: -18; [+|-]
<JuSTiNb> this old cleaning lady at burger king said she was gonna beat me with a broom
Quote: 182706; Rating: 298; [+|-]
Myke`: Bush's national security adviser is named Condoleezza Rice
Myke`: wth kinda name is that?
dodee: sounds like a mexican side dish.
Quote: 182718; Rating: 498; [+|-]
<Bl1tz|> lol I think Tatu arose out of a secret expiriment to log the average American's web search
<Bl1tz|> and they came up with 'young teenage Russian lesbians'
Quote: 182743; Rating: 922; [+|-]
* larra has joined #Hentai
<larra> u people are terrible!
<larra> my brother attacked our aunt becuae of hentai!
* larra has left #Hentai
Quote: 182778; Rating: 660; [+|-]
<goatasaur> my name is Spalding, i believe you've played with my balls
Quote: 182779; Rating: 991; [+|-]
~ Carrotz: Question: In 'alice in wonderland', with what were the words 'eat me' written on the cake
> Azrael: icing
> Azrael: blood
~ rh|semiafk: arial
> Azrael: rofl
Quote: 182812; Rating: 102; [+|-]
<Aliya> Who is peer?
<Roudi> No one can be... told what peer is.u00a0 You have to be peered for yourself.
Quote: 182816; Rating: 2425; [+|-]
<pixistix> I like sending out messages in a bottle.
<pixistix> But I'm creative.
<pixistix> "I have been shipwrecked at sea, while bringing an important message."
<pixistix> "Do not, under any circumstances, allow President Kennedy to go to Dallas"
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