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Quote: 182885; Rating: 487; [+|-]
<+u00a0 XmasCola> "this screener has been electronically coded to assist in tracking illegal duplications.u00a0 unothorized duplication of this screener is stricly forbidden."
<+u00a0 XmasCola> "if you copied it, we know who did it, so you might as well just turn yourselves in and then we won't punish you as bad"
<+u00a0 XmasCola> "we swear we're not bluffing"
<+u00a0 XmasCola> "we saw hackers"
Quote: 182893; Rating: 1242; [+|-]
<Potato> A couple years back, my friend had the greatest christmas tree of all time
<Potato> We were 'round at his place, having a post-pissup drink/laugh at lightweight bastards and two cops came in because of a noise complaint
<Potato> One of them walks towards the open back door while the other does the usual "Why are you making so much noise" question routine
<Potato> The friend in question goes pale as he sees the cop stick his head in the door and only look one way before deciding they were wasting their time
<Potato> When they'd fucked off, I asked him what was wrong, he pointed in the other direction and told me to go check out the christmas tree the cop missed
<Potato> I stick my head in the door and lo, a 6 foot tall pot plant, complete with tinsel and presents around the base, is sitting in the corner, facing me off, taunting me, goin' "Yeah, fucker, I'm a 6 foot tall pot plant. Ya wanna piece of me, bitch?"
Quote: 183329; Rating: 314; [+|-]
<ACAB> 1st time i delt with a dead body i had to remove all personal belongings and put the lady in a body bag when i was an intern at the hospital ER... i put on all her jewlery and got in trouble :(
<baggle> That's some fucked up shit man
<ACAB> i put on her wedding ring and was like "Sorry ladies, im taken"
Quote: 183340; Rating: 2058; [+|-]
<%Hamtaro> I tried to register the AIM name "Your mother"
<%Hamtaro> And got this
<%Hamtaro> Create a Screen Name
<%Hamtaro> Sorry, Your mother is already in use
Quote: 183392; Rating: 825; [+|-]
* Solid_Snake has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
<@Master_Tang> rofl
<Shaytan> LOL
<Corellion> LOL
Quote: 183524; Rating: 1441; [+|-]
<DRLEGO> my gf bought me a xmas gift
<DRLEGO> off amazon
<DRLEGO> but she used my account to do it
<DRLEGO> so it charged ME
<tuffguy> haha
<tuffguy> owned
Quote: 183537; Rating: 284; [+|-]
<KTP> Having... seizure... and... erection... at.. same time... call 976
Quote: 183544; Rating: 6296; [+|-]
<Edofnor> #1 pickup line of all time: "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?
Quote: 183584; Rating: 414; [+|-]
<Kublah> stealing from drug dealers is like takin candy from a well armed baby
Quote: 184069; Rating: 794; [+|-]
* Spanky-G has parts of the old testament in his lungs
<Angel``> ??
<Spanky-G> I ran out of cigarette paper...
Quote: 184296; Rating: 227; [+|-]
<xCytheriAx> imagine losing your entire arm from a shark attack.. eek, that poor girl
<BluECliQ> thats a shame..
<xCytheriAx> she said how she believes God has a plan for her and doesn't think it's for her to get bitten by a shark twice
<BluECliQ> she might not get bit twice but if she falls off the board i cant imagine her swiming to shore with only one arm
Quote: 184381; Rating: 2217; [+|-]
<AL9000> I think it would be funny to bust up into somewhere wearing a trenchcoat and start shooting people with a brightly colored Super Soaker, and then after the intitial shock is over and people are laughing or getting pissed off, you pull out a real gun and start taking them down
<AL9000> But that's just me
Quote: 184416; Rating: 743; [+|-]
<ped> man hotmail is so gay
<ped> ecspecially now
<JC_Omega> ped, I've told you before its hotmail not
<@SJr> LOL
Quote: 184461; Rating: 613; [+|-]
RegEdit: Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste. Wow. Even toothpaste can be extreme
hyt: YEAAAAAAAAAHHHH... and to the next event... extreme gargling
RegEdit: It's called bukkake
hyt: Ewww
Quote: 184504; Rating: 769; [+|-]
<MJL> The only thing that pisses me off is when someone randomly enters my room at night during happy time.
<MJL> It's like a mad scramble to look innocent
<MJL> And it's a lose lose situation
<MJL> Because it's obvious you're trying to cover it up
<MJL> But I guess it's better than staring at your mother with your penis hanging out and asking what's up.
Quote: 184529; Rating: 69; [+|-]
sUpRbritt420: im writing a persuasive essay on why the drinking age should be lowered and breathalyzers should be installed in cars while they are being built
sUpRbritt420: how do you write a persuasive essay ------like are you allowed to ask a question?
VV1Z0: Sure
VV1Z0: You can start with a question like "Ever wondered why there are so many underage drinking arrests? Because it's fun, that's why.u00a0 We should let teenagers get as drunk as they want, so long as they don't hurt others."
Quote: 184538; Rating: 959; [+|-]
<RDrR> i was tryin to do that spray whippd cream snorting thing
<RDrR> i filled my entire fukin nasal cavity with whipped cream
<RDrR> fuck its bleedin
Quote: 184560; Rating: 312; [+|-]
<me|sleep> Friends, let me regale you with a story of my past and enlighten you with wisdom far beyond the reach of your feeble minds...
*** Signoff: me|sleep (Excess Flood)
Quote: 184655; Rating: 25; [+|-]
longislandicedtea: What about New Jersey? It has all the glamour of NYC with half the price
BarbiefromBR: whats in jersey
longislandicedtea: Nothing
longislandicedtea: Toxic waste
Quote: 184664; Rating: 1125; [+|-]
[ Smitten ] My computer just asked me if i wanted to install 'Icons for blind users'....
[ Smitten ] HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT WORK?!!?!?!?!
Quote: 184863; Rating: 444; [+|-]
<Pursey> Spam has dropped to new lows
<Murphy> is that with gps coordinates?
Quote: 184957; Rating: 126; [+|-]
( jamesog )u00a0 grr
( jamesog )u00a0 heh, milk seems to stain CD-Rs rather well
( kevin )u00a0 dude thats not milk
Quote: 185063; Rating: 573; [+|-]
<Jenova4> i eat whatever's in the panty
<NeroMan> I am lightweight
<Jenova4> pantry*
<MattW> what the
<Karva> YES!
<MattW> whoa
<MattW> whoa
Quote: 185353; Rating: 571; [+|-]
<Caedar[SOT]> God, I hate people with no game experience who work at game stores.
<Kaelo[LoR]> yeah me too Caedar[SOT] ... You want what?u00a0 Gay Sex 2?
<Kaelo[LoR]> *sigh* nonono, DEUS EX 2
Quote: 185361; Rating: 9217; [+|-]
<Fenris> My mom found me perusing and looking up quotes about incest, and was like OMG!
<Fenris> Now she actually goes there regularly to make sure there aren't any new text words that have been searched for
<Fenris> I saw her looking at the site yesterday, and was like, "WTF??"
<Fenris> And she said she was just checking to see what kind of stuff I look at online.
<Fenris> I swear, someday I'm just going to rape that bitch.
<ctone> ...
<ctone> now theres a quote for
<Fenris> Don't you fucking dare.
Quote: 185398; Rating: 2590; [+|-]
Mario has joined #teens
<Mario> Hi r there ne hot gurls in here
<Coolguy3432> Sorry Mario, but the Princess is in another chatroom
Quote: 185593; Rating: 282; [+|-]
<faded> i found a pocket pussy in my cousins room last night
<SpaceGoat> even fat chicks
<SpaceGoat> hahaha
<dfury> hahaha
<faded> so i put it in the dish washer
<faded> to clean it so i could use it
<faded> and it fucking melted
Quote: 185611; Rating: 331; [+|-]
<whitcomb> there's this thing on the news about what to do if someone cheats on you
<whitcomb> the simple answer, whether this is a relationship or a video game, is to kill them
Quote: 186343; Rating: 35; [+|-]
<SpAz> watch me rap
<SpAz> <rap>
<SpAz> yo yo yo
<SpAz> nigga bitch hoe
<SpAz> slap fuck bling
<SpAz> bling eskalizzle beeoch
<SpAz> yo
<SpAz> word.
<SpAz> </rap>
* McBilliam applauds
<Wyder> glad to see you listen to music.... (sarcastic)
<SpAz> thank you my record contract is in the mail with def jamz
Quote: 186668; Rating: 937; [+|-]
<LexMortis> you know what would be nasty?
<LexMortis> if a pack of condoms said "tested on animals"
Quote: 186807; Rating: 936; [+|-]
<Comatosis> wow this room is empty! we have it all to ourselves :-p
<Alain> yup, just you and me :-)
* Comatosis gets naked
<Alain> uh, my mom is sitting here next to me, i dont want her to think i chat with perverts
* Comatosis put his clothes back on
<Comatosis> sorry
Quote: 186873; Rating: 1053; [+|-]
<luxe rabbit> did u hear about the 2 guys who robbed a calendar factory?
they each got 6 months
<djmaximus16> hm ?
<djmaximus16> i didn't hear about them
<djmaximus16> what happeend
Quote: 187073; Rating: 458; [+|-]
<Oceania> you penetrate my mouth
<Oceania> your in-and-outs are furious
<Oceania> sometimes a hair get stuck between my teeth
<Oceania> you always leave that white tasty liquid in my mouth
<Oceania> good ol' toothbrush
Quote: 187110; Rating: 1586; [+|-]
paper: shit
paper: flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?!
paper: shit i gotta warn bob
Quote: 187136; Rating: 759; [+|-]
* Eudoxus has joined #math
<Eudoxus> Can anyone help me write 1/(x^2-3x+2) as a power series in x and find its radius of convergence?
<vrover> No
<vrover> But we can give you a lollipop
<vrover> Have a lollipop?
Quote: 187228; Rating: 337; [+|-]
<Valen> I'm doing a quick essay on differences between genders.u00a0 Anyone got any point they think I should make?
<Ten> one has a penis, one has a vagina
Quote: 187355; Rating: 1136; [+|-]
<Ich> broadband sucks in the sense that goatse loads before i can close the window
Quote: 187385; Rating: 843; [+|-]
<mizery> woot, I so got owned
<mizery> my laptop is dead
<aabnusar> ?
* aabnusar laughs at mizery
<Rhodz> lol
<Rhodz> LMAO
<Rhodz> omfg
<aabnusar> lol
<Rhodz> wow what a typo to make
Quote: 187415; Rating: 2114; [+|-]
<g-core> Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long 1, Michael J. Fox has a little one, Madonna doesn't have one and the Pope has one but doesn't use it.u00a0 What is it.
<pip> last name
<pip> no wait
<pip> penis
Quote: 187498; Rating: 573; [+|-]
taz10021: sleeeeep
VindicateD: Writing Paaaaaper
taz100: lol
taz100: you're still awake?
taz100: heh
VindicateD: No...this is the world's smartest away message talking.
VindicateD: ;)
taz100: not if you couldn't figure out that was rhetorical
taz100: ;-)
VindicateD: touche
Quote: 187595; Rating: 1180; [+|-]
* Snake is now known as Snake|Food
* Magus steals snakes food
* Snake|Food is now known as Snake|
<Magus> lol
<Magus> score!
* Snake| is now known as Snake[[Food]]
<@Snake[[Food]]> it's in a cage
<@Snake[[Food]]> leave alone
<Magus> fux
Quote: 187608; Rating: 1042; [+|-]
<Kris> fuck!u00a0 someone stole all my beer and drank it and left the empties all over my apartment!
<Kris> either that or I now know why I have a headache and no real memory of anything after 21:00
Quote: 187661; Rating: 231; [+|-]
<_TP_> "My name is Reginald P Linux and ever since my wife died Ive been VERY depressed"
<SanityClause> He should recompile her kernel
Quote: 187673; Rating: 130; [+|-]
<Rhesirus|Work> yah, i could see how using a code would activate some buggy code that would cause it to malfunction, i don't see any way it could physically damage the media
<Tamutnefret> The special "read CD as if vinyl" code
Quote: 187706; Rating: -73; [+|-]
<+nH|BradGTS> canada is like a loft apartment above a really good party
<@TnH|Chick> yeah it is brad, and they're always bitchin
Quote: 187846; Rating: 198; [+|-]
<aml_> i mean, if you decapitate someone with a sword, it's not fucking ceremonial
<dabblerblue> unless you're the highlander!!
Quote: 187922; Rating: 516; [+|-]
* sipr has joined #winprog
<sipr> Where can I find information on dynamic data exchange?
<drano> 1994
Quote: 187930; Rating: 626; [+|-]
Flint62704: Maybe someone should invent floating point D&D
Flint62704: Roll a d[1,6]
Flint62704: I got 4.4546347578554!
Flint62704: Sorry, he still has 0.000002425 hp left
Flint62704: You lose
Quote: 187938; Rating: 1236; [+|-]
<Fina> After American Idol, they came out with The Sims : Superstar
<Fina> After this Harry Potter crap got popular, they came out with Makin' Magic
<Fina> lol What if next year we get a bunch of WW2 movies?
<Fina> The Sims : Hailin' Hitler
Quote: 188022; Rating: 29; [+|-]
khoveraki: anyway, Desert Storm is so blank to me
khoveraki: I don't know much about it
khoveraki: did we even finish that one?
Screamer499: Nope.
Screamer499: We stopped when we hit Baghdad
khoveraki: figures
khoveraki: any of our guys still there?
Screamer499: It's the same country we're fighting now, man.
Screamer499: so yeah.
Screamer499: A LOT of our guys are there.
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