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Quote: 76467; Rating: 769; [+|-]
<andy> I want to live in a camaro, not a van.
<WIP> You can't put a waterbed in a camaro.
<andy> that sounds suspiciously like a bet.
Quote: 76488; Rating: 236; [+|-]
<Bizarre`bbl> Going to the LA County Museum of Art and the LA Library
<Bizarre`bbl> Be back in a long while.
<Bizarre`bbl> (what a geek date)
<Destruya> A GEEK date would be going to the science museum
<Destruya> Going to an art museum is an excuse to make you "artsy"
<Destruya> Soon it'll be the opera.
<Destruya> And then.........painting classes.
<Destruya> Before you know it, your dick falls off and you begin laughing at "Will and Grace"
Quote: 76490; Rating: 93; [+|-]
<well-howdy-doo> does anyone know stuff about laptops and their connections?
<well-howdy-doo> well we have it connected to the dsl-works fine
<well-howdy-doo> but it wont connect to phoneline
<CowBot> RJ-45 connectors (ethernet) won't plug into a phone line, well-howdy-doo
<well-howdy-doo> is there a way to configure it-cowbot?
Quote: 76491; Rating: 174; [+|-]
<zippidee> can a computer be equipped to play dvd's? download a dvd emulator or something?
Quote: 76504; Rating: 271; [+|-]
<goatTRICKS> i used to go to this daycare
<goatTRICKS> and there was a big black retarded guy and he had nicknames for everyone that didnt make any sense
<goatTRICKS> and mine was Jukebox Brian
Quote: 76507; Rating: 170; [+|-]
* y0mm4|CoBRa ([email protected]) has joined #England
* WhiteMagicWorld sets mode: +v y0mm4|CoBRa
<+y0mm4|CoBRa> what is this kind of channel
<@datafreak> its a porn channel
<@datafreak> we are all naked
<@datafreak> with webcams
<+y0mm4|CoBRa> how can we see
Quote: 76515; Rating: 278; [+|-]
* {JPM} is now known as {{{JPM}}}
<{{{JPM}}}> does this nick make me look fat?
Quote: 76541; Rating: 341; [+|-]
<bairavee> small things amuse small minds i guess :)
<Gothmog> which is why you play with yourself ben?
Quote: 76548; Rating: 1138; [+|-]
<Abstruse> Bush: Iraq, you'd better get rid of your nuclear weapons or we'll bomb you!u00a0 Iraq: We don't have any nuclear weapons.u00a0 N Korea: We do.u00a0 Bush: Well then get rid of your chemical weapons!u00a0 Iraq: We don't have those either!u00a0 N Korea: Ummm...we have nukes now.u00a0 Bush: We KNOW you've got chemical and nuclear weapons!u00a0 Get rid of them!u00a0 Iraq: Even if we did, which we don't, we can't even hit the USA!u00a0 N Korea: We can nuke California all we want.
<Abstruse> Bush: Shuddup North Korea, no one cares!u00a0 Iraq, you'd BETTER disarm!u00a0 Iraq: But we don't HAVE anything!u00a0 N Korea: Oh fuck it, blow up Los Angelas...u00a0 Bush: Iraq, I'm warning you...u00a0 *BOOM*
<doppelganger> bush: "we are sick and tired of your missiles hitting us, iraq...but we cant understand why they are flying in from the pacific ocean!"u00a0 north korea: "he CAN'T be that stupid."u00a0 saddam: apparently he is.u00a0 i myself havent even made any missile that goes beyond walking distance."
Quote: 76569; Rating: 349; [+|-]
* Les16F is now known as guywants3some
Quote: 76577; Rating: 195; [+|-]
<lost-and-found> a firewall is just an internet condom
Quote: 76579; Rating: 13; [+|-]
Schlik: i saw your mom
LckyLuciano8: where?
Schlik: naked so did adam, we were watchin
Schlik: and dont call us stockers
LckyLuciano8: stockers?
LckyLuciano8: or stalkers?
Schlik: hey fuck off
Quote: 76583; Rating: 30; [+|-]
<Midnight> Damn... You 56k people will wait forever to download stuff.
<[56K]Dragonsbook> that's because we have the patience of rocks^^
Quote: 76586; Rating: 102; [+|-]
<AddictArt> "My dad can kill you with his little finger" <- put that into modern age talk and you get....
<AddictArt> <Mako> you wanna get pingered by a dual 1.7 megabyte modem? and a OC3 line if I call my friend?
Quote: 76595; Rating: 301; [+|-]
<%NuttO> Yeah, kids are stupid. I open up the back of my van and say, "Hey, kid, want to see something cool?" and they always fall for it.
Quote: 76596; Rating: 633; [+|-]
<InkyGhost>Is it wrong to root for Tom Hank's character's death in "Castaway"?
<Rob> No, because its Tom Hanks.
<Rob> He starred in Mazes and Monsters, a blantant anti DnD film.
<Rob> Staring in porn is more respectable than being in that shit heap.
<Morrigan> Rob, that was before he was established. You have to take roles like that so you can get better ones.
<Rob> I don't care. Staring in porno would be more respectable than that.
<InkyGhost> You seem to have an unnatural fixation about seeing Tom Hanks in porn.
<Rob> Shut the fuck up, Ghost.
<Himi> Busted.
Quote: 76608; Rating: 87; [+|-]
<sobek|afk> you know its gunna be a good day when you dont even bother putting on any clothes, just throw a dressing gown over the towel and think about getting high
Quote: 76628; Rating: 409; [+|-]
<Kinsy> my gf thought i was a raging paedo friday
<Kinsy> i said i was taking photos of 15 year olds
<Aries> i wonder why shed get suspicious
<Kinsy> i forgot to tell her i was taking photos of her mates little sister who was 15 and was out on the piss
<Aries> ....
<Aries> and you were taking photos because?
<Kinsy> because we were wasted and were having fun
<Aries> with 15 year olds?
<Aries> you were drunk, having 'fun' taking photos of 15 year olds?
<Aries> how does that NOT sound wrong in your head kins?
Quote: 76639; Rating: -54; [+|-]
<RangeRXT> fucking norwegians
<RangeRXT> lord I wish the internet was +b *!*@*.no
Quote: 76642; Rating: 6; [+|-]
<phren> seriously though, ozone hates you
<dragnet> oic
<dragnet> he hates you more
<phren> so?
<phren> he's just jealous cause his mom left him for me
<dragnet> what is your thesis on why he hates me?
<phren> something about your general suckiness
<phren> drag rhymes with fag and he likes to be the only gay one in channel
Quote: 76653; Rating: 269; [+|-]
<germonik> pot is the one truth in the universe.
<germonik> it will neverget pissed at you and not wanan hang out.
<germonik> it never freaks out.
<germonik> it never whines.
<germonik> it never argues with you over stupid shit.
<germonik> even if all my friends abandoned me, pot would still be there for me.
<germonik> pot's a member of my family.
<FDR> That's because it's dead and it lacks the ability to move.
Quote: 76676; Rating: 593; [+|-]
<Joe_Fox> i'm a little n00bie short and stout, here is my nickname here is my SHOUT!!!1 when i get all flamed up hear me SHOUT!!1 ban me forever, kick me out
Quote: 76677; Rating: 85; [+|-]
<Warskin> I like to paste her face on ben afflecks body,u00a0 and pretend I am marrying it
Quote: 76679; Rating: 425; [+|-]
<ItBurn> when I'm drunk the other stuff dosent matter :P
<ItBurn> I could be mining coal and it would be fun :P
* Moraelyn ignores the dirty reference
<ItBurn> mmm
* NaHaliel is contemplating not ignoring it
* Belzebub forces NaHaliel to ignore it
<NaHaliel> so... mining coal, eh?..u00a0 I don't mind if you swing that way, I guess.
<ItBurn> I was saying minig coal as in THE ROCK THING
<NaHaliel> it's ok burn, we still accept you for who you are
<NaHaliel> :D
<ItBurn> in a mine, with shafts and helmets
<Belzebub> Sure Burn...we all believe you.
<NaHaliel> shafts, yeah.
<ItBurn> ack
<Belzebub> Isn&#1169;t that kinda advanced S&M?
<ItBurn> lol :P
<Moraelyn> Helmet Burn?
* ItBurn shuts up
<NaHaliel> you know, morey.u00a0 the helmets you put on your shaft when you mine for coal?
<Moraelyn> Um, we need to move on...
Quote: 76680; Rating: 239; [+|-]
Quote: 76681; Rating: 174; [+|-]
<greener> i don't want sex anymore. nasty strippers grossed me out yesterday
<greener> i'm a born-again virgin
Quote: 76684; Rating: 90; [+|-]
<ogw-iii> but the normal windows aim client sucks balls
<Guyver3> right
<Guyver3> in that magical universe you live in
<Guyver3> amazingly in my universe, the real one, it does exactly what it needs to, IM other users
Quote: 76691; Rating: 370; [+|-]
<The-Jim> women can tell when other women are on though.
<harr|away> this family has a dog, a cat, and just added a bird
<harr|away> The-Jim: yes, generally by pheromones
<crickett> i can tell when girls on their their period too
<crickett> generally by the shouts
<crickett> followed by the "i love you" 's
* crickett was kicked by harr|away (You are the weakest link. Goodbye!)
* crickett has joined #artuproar
<The-Jim> no crickett that's not why they won't have sex with you.
<Ronwe> /nod
<crickett> i fail to see why i would be kicked for that comment
<The-Jim> Harr = woman
<crickett> thanks The-Jim
<The-Jim> Crickett = man making period jokes
<crickett> i dunno why that would offend
<crickett> i mean my slave didn't say anything about my black jokes
<crickett>u00a0 ... that might be because i cut his tongue out
* crickett was kicked by harr|away (You are the weakest link. Goodbye!)
Quote: 76697; Rating: -22; [+|-]
<Etruscan> i guess i have downloaded that much
<Etruscan> maybe more
<Etruscan> in 16 days
<Etruscan> when i downloaded anime :/
<Etruscan> 200mb a night
* Etruscan sighs
<Etruscan> mmm
<Etruscan> i luv kiddy pr0n
<Etruscan> i mean
<Etruscan> anime pr0n
* Etruscan winks
Quote: 76699; Rating: 267; [+|-]
<Luggage_> ban him for a day, let him know he was a dick
<Luggage_> i can't see his address, i'm using stupid ol' mirc
<SixOfFive> IRBMe you got it, or want me to?
<IRBMe> let Luggage_
<IRBMe> *!*@
*** X sets mode +b *!*@ for #VB
*** Luggage_ was kicked by X from #VB :Reason ((Luggage) Intentional Flooding, 2 Day "Time Out")
<IRBMe> lol
<IRBMe> gullible fool
*** Luggage_ ([email protected])u00a0 has joined #VB
<Luggage_> nice one IRBMe
<SixOfFive> too funny hehe
<SixOfFive> Luggage_
<Luggage_> didn't even check the address
<Luggage_> if i looked, i'de have seen it was mine :)
<ThFabba> n1 @ irb
<IRBMe> I wish I could have seen Luggage_'s face though.
<Luggage_> IRBMe: it was a look of surprise and confusion, quckly followed by a look of realization and humiliation
Quote: 76705; Rating: 500; [+|-]
<NeoMatriX> Two friends, /exit and /quit sitting in the garden, /exit goes away,who is still there??
Quote: 76707; Rating: 192; [+|-]
chefantiuser: I'm playing that 20 questions game where the computer tries to guess what you're thinking
chefantiuser: the computer is dumb tho
ellesmelle: hahaha, aren't they though
chefantiuser: You were thinking of whiskey.
chefantiuser: Do most people use this daily? you said Sometimes, I say No
Quote: 76710; Rating: 164; [+|-]
<Jess> What the hell?
<Jess> Winamp says "installer too small"?
<Tetsuo> didn't you know jess?u00a0 Size DOES matter
Quote: 76715; Rating: 31; [+|-]
<@Lufia> i'm bored so i'm fucking my server up
<@RATT> lol
<@RATT> Use a condom
Quote: 76716; Rating: 210; [+|-]
<tps^snoogans> i only yell at my penis when moms not home
Quote: 76719; Rating: 675; [+|-]
@demalavor: more proof my brother is gay, he is eating popcorn out of a bowl with a spoon
Quote: 76720; Rating: 417; [+|-]
<@tribljedi> can anyone recommend a registry cleaner?
<@Znarl> tribljedi : Linux
<@tribljedi> can someone who won't give me useless suggestions recommend a registry cleaner?
Quote: 76726; Rating: 456; [+|-]
<@Ne[r]d> my father just walked behind me, and saw one of the buttons on the taskbar "AltaVista's Babe..." :O
<@Ne[r]d> he wanted to see it :p
<@Lizard> lol
<@Vader> lol
<@Vader> Sure, dad, translate away!
Quote: 76734; Rating: 238; [+|-]
<Malefecent> I want to see Blue Man Group
<mrLang> Buy a drum set and watch the Smurfs.u00a0 Same thing.
Quote: 76736; Rating: 183; [+|-]
<JeffreyAtW> Heha, just played ParaParaParadise for the first time
<JeffreyAtW> Probably my last time too. I alredy beat the hardest song with no problem at all, and I'm not that good at freestyling... nor have I ever seen anyone ever dancing ParaPara
<Sumez> I am so amazed by your extreme geekiness
<JeffreyAtW> Yes. I have danced like a Japanese schoolgirl.
Quote: 76833; Rating: 216; [+|-]
<yarso> COULD NE1 HELP
<@zenhove> with what? caps lock?
Quote: 76838; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<dorkmo> Hey what do you do when a cop asks you too walk on the line?
<Technofrek> uh,.... ask which one?
Quote: 76839; Rating: 676; [+|-]
<cHiiZukAMi> lol, my gf knows how to play mario, thats so sexy
<cHiiZukAMi> i let her borrow my gameboy for band and she did all these secret areas i forgot about
<cHiiZukAMi> who cares if a girl cant do your laundry or stuff if she can get you to the donut secret ghost house?
Quote: 76841; Rating: 289; [+|-]
<Scogeta> screw you.
<ShadowZirus> a/s/l?
Quote: 76843; Rating: -32; [+|-]
coolkid8245: ... .. .u00a0 .... ..
Jersey Eleven: What the hell?
Jersey Eleven: Trying to do morse code over the internet is like coming out of the closet
Jersey Eleven: Even if you do, you're still a fag.
Quote: 76844; Rating: 246; [+|-]
<BBR-SpeZ> do you know in mexico its illegal to wash your sink on a sunday
<BBR-SpeZ> just so you know
<BBR-SpeZ> making sure you dont, ya know, go washing any sinks in mexico
<BBR-SpeZ> i know what they r like, wave $50 in your face and tempt you with a washcloth
<BBR-SpeZ> 'go on buddy you know you wanna try it, just imagine all that dirt just sliding away....'
<BBR-SpeZ> i was a 20 sinks a day man :(
Quote: 76847; Rating: 170; [+|-]
<thugangel> vivaitali, i'm about 9 hours and 60 minutes away from houston, texas
Quote: 76850; Rating: 198; [+|-]
<Kyle> blue cat5? heh
<xstraightedgex> MAGE
<xstraightedgex> ive got that
<xstraightedgex> and yellow
<waffle> all the cat5 I see in institutions is blue
<Ed> Yeah, I see that pretty often.
<Kyle> heh
<waffle> the high school I went to had it
<xstraightedgex> what about YELLOW
<Ed> Yellow too.
<Ed> I've seen yellow more often in crossovers, though.
<waffle> i was about to say that
<Graphic_V> My cat5 is blue.
<Graphic_V> This is the nerdiest conversation ever.
Quote: 76851; Rating: 173; [+|-]
<ZS> hey i just realized
<ZS> i think my isp gives me some hosting space..
<wh0re> cool
* waffle waits for zs to try to host warez on 2mb of space
Quote: 76855; Rating: 175; [+|-]
<@ShoelessJoe> fuckit, i'm about to go buy a xp upgrade
<@HyBriD-HoNdA> buying microsoft products supports terrisom
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