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Quote: 75834; Rating: 138; [+|-]
<entheh> oh noes
<entheh> my xmms has frozen
<entheh> err oh, it did
Quote: 75836; Rating: 103; [+|-]
(WAREZmunkeY) omg some1 has pushed a condom through our letterbox
(datafreak) lol
(datafreak) used? :P
(WAREZmunkeY) i dunno
(WAREZmunkeY) i havent been to look that close at it
(Noodle[AFK]) well presumably it's unpackaged
(WAREZmunkeY) it is
(james) lmao
Quote: 75837; Rating: 367; [+|-]
<@|Holo|> one of my cats got me banned from warezguild once, sat on the keyboard and spammed
<@|Holo|> sat on the numpad
<@|Holo|> so it was all like
<@|Holo|> 0
<@|Holo|> 6454
<@|Holo|> +65
<@|Holo|> ++52213
<+solbaid`> should've just told all the nerds "sorry, i was getting pussy"
<+solbaid`> they'd have worshipped you
Quote: 75838; Rating: 322; [+|-]
<Grim> I have figured out a way to cut email spam in half
<Grim> Instead of "Make your penis larger" and "Lose 20 pounds", we can just have "Redistribute your weight".
<Grim> :p
Quote: 75843; Rating: 28; [+|-]
<friisi> see...i wanna make a homepage, and a person told me that frontpage is a good beginner-program. Now...i am looking for a program i can make graphic with, fx. Microsoft Photoshop...but i dont wanna Microsoft Photoshop...i want another (free) program...
Quote: 75845; Rating: 137; [+|-]
<Balamutas> games suck :P
<Dr.Evil> and swallow
<Dr.Evil> :P
<NoXeR> i wish i have this game
Quote: 75848; Rating: 136; [+|-]
[Cask] |
[Cask] |= - - - - - - - - - - - - *|
[Cask] |= - - - - - - - - - - - - */
[Cask] |= - - - - - - - - - - - - *__
[Cask] I= ^|^
[Cask] erp
[Cask] I find it difficult to express myself accurately in irc
Quote: 75891; Rating: 170; [+|-]
negativecreep973: you know that feeling you get when your licking some randoms persons nuts and you stop to think "wow, theres balls in my mouth and there are starving children in africa"?
Quote: 75902; Rating: 142; [+|-]
<Zug_REAL_ULTIMATE_MM> Just about anything flicks his switch. However, it's not wired up to anything.
Quote: 75905; Rating: 190; [+|-]
<[Basil]Ruger> Flashing backgrounds make eplileptic Jesus cry
Quote: 75927; Rating: 33; [+|-]
<RJO> a pipe, as armed as a candian gets, just ask the army
Quote: 75937; Rating: 101; [+|-]
<ShowDowN> having a formatted drive and a fresh install of windows is better then the feeling just after youve finsihed shaving
Quote: 75938; Rating: 158; [+|-]
<omgbruce> i learn in school today that "sup" is really "what is up " shorten
Quote: 75939; Rating: 443; [+|-]
<alpha[nB]> Lets have mirc war!
* alpha[nB] was kicked by de|Legacy`away (i win)
Quote: 75941; Rating: 319; [+|-]
Shark: there was one kinda funny bit in unreal2
Shark: i was waiting around in this defence bit.. and i was pickin my nose
Shark: and suddenly one of my guys yells BOGIES!! BOGIES!!!
Shark: i was like haha omg? ..oh he means incomming enemy :|
Quote: 75942; Rating: 195; [+|-]
<RageFury> looking for Web Dev. ASAP (Williamsburg, Brooklyn)
<RageFury> I guess they will be interested in server side push technologies.
<RageFury> Their clients can't move themselves.
Quote: 75946; Rating: 251; [+|-]
* Topic is '<Bush> Dude! Wheres My War?'
Quote: 75949; Rating: 382; [+|-]
visualwealth: you know whats funny?
visualwealth: i was writing my paper for like 8 hours straight now
visualwealth: and ive achieved more in last two hours than the six hours before
visualwealth: i really have some concentration issues
onkeybutt87: haha
onkeybutt87: seriously...
onkeybutt87: maybe you should go to, like, a concentration camp
Quote: 75950; Rating: 197; [+|-]
<JDAcura> i need to take a crapola
<JDAcura> brb!!!!!!!!
<xwred1> i just took one on your mom's chest about an hour ago
<^9ine> i downloaded the video aobut 30 minutes ago
Quote: 75954; Rating: 417; [+|-]
<ModIWD> these girl scouts on this box almost look old enough
<ModIWD> to uh
<ModIWD> be selling cookies
Quote: 75956; Rating: 119; [+|-]
<artfag> stfu n00b
<artfag> rtfm
<Cap'n_Andy> rtfm?
<Cap'n_Andy> are you just throwing out every random acronym you know?
<Cap'n_Andy> come on, make a zero wing reference and be done with it
<Cap'n_Andy> say it or I will
<Cap'n_Andy> all your base are belong to us!
<Cap'n_Andy> ha! warned you
Quote: 75962; Rating: 384; [+|-]
(Fus|on) Well did any1's grandfather die today????
(Fus|on) cause mine did
(Fus|on) :(
(Patrol) thats off topic
Quote: 75963; Rating: 506; [+|-]
<Mike_Works> Mr. Rogers is gone. ;_;
<ZS> there goes the neighborhood
Quote: 75966; Rating: 57; [+|-]
<dbnmale20> i dont believe in beatles ... i just believe in me.
<dbnmale20> John lennon ;)
<k-lee> ok fair enough
<k-lee> but hes gonna die soon isnt he then wat??/
Quote: 75975; Rating: 129; [+|-]
<SaMmYJ> y u got 5 pc's for
<My`Albanian`Ass> something to do
<SaMmYJ> u sound like u got no freinds
<My`Albanian`Ass> nah, friends come over
<My`Albanian`Ass> and have a pc to themselves
Quote: 75980; Rating: 295; [+|-]
<brislane> apparently porn is degrading to women, and leads to a violent atmosphere
<akawaka> when its switched off
Quote: 75983; Rating: 137; [+|-]
< Duckman > i had 12 hours sex the other nite
< Duckman > i was jerking off n fell asleep
< Duckman > so i was still had it in my hand
< Duckman > for 12 hours
Quote: 75988; Rating: 181; [+|-]
<PuffinFreshWog> when people call me fat, i grab my man boobs and jiggle then around a bit
Quote: 75992; Rating: 400; [+|-]
<grendel> whoah leasbian schoolgirl porn
<grendel> oh wait tatu video...
Quote: 75993; Rating: 104; [+|-]
* Dark is listening to his roommate play Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
<Durandal> Dark : Isn't there a bonus level where you can rape Mike Tyson's wife?
Quote: 75994; Rating: 65; [+|-]
[Animosity]: anyone got any bubble wrap they can dcc me >?
Quote: 75995; Rating: 133; [+|-]
<geekster> ssh on 56k is about as fun as a frontal labotomy with a chainsaw
<geekster> and don't even thing about downloading anything, then it's like castration with the same chainsaw, after the labotomy
Quote: 75998; Rating: 361; [+|-]
*** Quits: phrenic (Erection reset by beer)
Quote: 76003; Rating: 186; [+|-]
<edgeh> think i crapped myself
<edgeh> no wait, i went for a crap
<edgeh> damn my memory sucks
Quote: 76004; Rating: 442; [+|-]
<jabowah> When I jerk off I feel good for about twenty seconds and then WHAM it's right back into suicidal depression.
Quote: 76005; Rating: 218; [+|-]
<Jake> ?
Quote: 76012; Rating: 144; [+|-]
<SkeleFoDoh> this bot sucks ass
<tony|werk> i wish it did
Quote: 76013; Rating: 326; [+|-]
< []ikkebra[]werk> my brother uses Musicmatch Jukebox to play MP3s
< []ikkebra[]werk> we don't talk anymore
< []ikkebra[]werk> I think he just got married awhile ago
Quote: 76017; Rating: -67; [+|-]
<Flippy_D> angst ^_^
Quote: 76020; Rating: 111; [+|-]
<@madCoder> i need to decide .. do i curl up and go to sleep and waste the rest of the day, or do i go to my 2pm class? :|
<@Hatcher> what class
<@madCoder> calculus problem section
<@madCoder> i took calc in high school, got one of the highest grades on the exam last week :| do I really have to go? D:
<@madCoder> its not even the real class
<@madCoder> some grad student does a bunch of problems on the chalk board
<@madCoder> if you let me keep talking, i'll convince myself that school sucks and hibernate till after spring break
<@madCoder> ok then, that's settled
* madCoder is away: sleeping, be back in a few weeks
* madCoder is now known as madCoderhibarnating
Quote: 76027; Rating: -175; [+|-]
<cornflake> holy shit
<cornflake> i just found out my best friend is planning to kill himself
<cornflake> fuck this im out guys i will be back later
Quote: 76034; Rating: 112; [+|-]
<Sean> ahh yes, things like that interest me. putting things in awkward places
Quote: 76043; Rating: 219; [+|-]
Rangsk: anti-grav units would put a new spin on weight-loss programs
Suicidal Insanit: but not mass loss :P
Rangsk: people don't care about that :P
Quote: 76044; Rating: 191; [+|-]
<Sean> i'm addicted to just feeling my iPod, holding it and twiddling the buttons
<Mike> omfg
<Sean> such a neat little thing
<Mike> You know you're a nerd when you have a fetish for your mp3 player
Quote: 76045; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<sexygurlah> well ya he's kinda nice n everything..
<mAdmAn6> i guess its ok with you
<sexygurlah> we had sex together already, it was pretty great, actually
<mAdmAn6> oohh.. thats fast
<ohlyo> erm, now i wanna get laid.
<sexygurlah> one thing annoys me - my balls slap so hard when i'm having sex with him
<ohlyo> o_O
<mAdmAn6> ugh. you still wanna get laid?
Quote: 76047; Rating: 291; [+|-]
<@Neurowave> YOU!
<@Neurowave> DOWNLOAD!
<@Neurowave> ALL!
<@Neurowave> SONGS
<@Neurowave> THEN
<@Neurowave> LISTEN
<@Neurowave> NOW
<sEnDarK> that sentence is not gramatically correct, its "all your caps belong to us"
Quote: 76049; Rating: 278; [+|-]
<Castle> To drive a cab in NYC, you have to get at least a B in Crazy Taxi
Quote: 76052; Rating: 391; [+|-]
(]Joey[> how wsas the party?
(avarrin-> [oe
(avarrin-> pine
(avarrin-> JO9WWkn
(avarrin-> pinw
*** avarrin- has quit IRC (My damn controlling terminal disappeared!)
(]Joey[> damn, must have been good
Quote: 76053; Rating: 173; [+|-]
<Castle> Why was Helen Keller a bad driver?
<Bizarre> Because she was deaf and blind?
<Castle> No, she was a woman.
Quote: 76064; Rating: -17; [+|-]
<Zero-G> i made out with the woman at work i was chatting up though
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> made out with her bf?
<Zero-G> no
<Zero-G> made out with her
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> boyfriend..
<Zero-G> ok, its all a lie
<Zero-G> i made out with you Jesus^Freak|Clanless
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> yep
<Zero-G> you were great
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> haha
<Zero-G> can i have another go?
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> nope
<Zero-G> please?
<Zero-G> you dont have to pay me this time!
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> how can you have another go if it never happened?
<Zero-G> are you in denial now!?
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> no, denial is a river in egypt
<Zero-G> no, thats the nile
<Jesus^Freak|Clanless> yes thats what i said
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