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Quote: 49953; Rating: 141; [+|-]
<ljtyk> damn school
<SoulBladeKai> it suX0rs
<ljtyk> i'm gonna be so happy when i graduation
<SoulBladeKai> uhh...that's an IF not a WHEN
<ljtyk> fuck u l33t boy
Quote: 49957; Rating: 133; [+|-]
<Zer0th> You know you irc too much, when you don't have to read anymore, cause you allready know all the quotes...
Quote: 49969; Rating: 150; [+|-]
<Decimus> raped any white women lately?
<Lord_Mervyn> i resent that remark
<Decimus> k
<Decimus> was she fat?
Quote: 49973; Rating: -6; [+|-]
<EmersonOw> so he is a how do i put it
<EmersonOw> "funny guy"
<EmersonOw> not funny ha ha
<EmersonOw> but funny GAY
Quote: 49974; Rating: 275; [+|-]
* gjinn[a] points to his atheist side
* EmersonOw points to his love for underaged boys
<EmersonOw> i mean my catholic side
Quote: 49978; Rating: 274; [+|-]
<via_> okay, so my white trashiness knows no bounds
<via_> my dad had to thaw out the turkey quickly
<via_> so guess how he does it?
<antiuser> blowtorch?
<concaf> deep fry?
<via_> he throws a 25lbs turkey in the spa for 20 minutes
<concaf> HAHAHHAH
<via_> worked like a charm
Quote: 49980; Rating: 84; [+|-]
<CROC-ANOSTRA> Mort: are you PRO American?
<Mort-Hog> Pro American? I'm no proffessional. Nor am I an American citizen.
Quote: 49981; Rating: 291; [+|-]
* Q-ball shoots SpoonRanger in the head with a 9 millimeter.
MrCoulomb> how can you shoot someone with a length mesurement?
Quote: 49984; Rating: 205; [+|-]
<BlkDrgn> man, i am itching for ram
<dela> it's cheap these days
<BlkDrgn> at the same time, do i really need it?
<BlkDrgn> sometimes i just want to toss the PC out so i can start doing "real" things
<BlkDrgn> like watching tv
Quote: 49992; Rating: 49; [+|-]
<Jules`> +b [email protected]
Quote: 50000; Rating: 144; [+|-]
<scott> you know I wish there was a -violent flag, so you could have some spectacular way of erasing a package you really hate
<Munger> scott: fdisk
<scott> because Id install nano every day just so I could do a : emergeu nmerge -violent nano
<scott> you know, something with explosions
Quote: 50006; Rating: 9; [+|-]
(Threeboy): nintendo kicks so much ass it's not funny,
(Jynxy): Nintendo do own!
(Jynxy): And its not only the games
(Jynxy): it what the games leave in your heart that really makes nintendo special
Quote: 50007; Rating: 208; [+|-]
<Phylitsa> I think i found out how to get back on the forum! :D
<Phylitsa> I need to delete something called "my cookies"
<Phylitsa> unless the guy was making a perverted joke
Quote: 50031; Rating: 190; [+|-]
<APE_> i always feel like im entering launch codes for norad when i have to get nickserv to release my nick
Quote: 50038; Rating: 187; [+|-]
<RingLass> I'm
<RingLass> leaving
<RingLass> night all
* RingLass removes her enter key
Quote: 50039; Rating: 20; [+|-]
<RingLass> wow ... too much ...
<RingLass> kazaa lite has an add that says "Don't Share Unprotected" and I did a double take reading it before I realized they were talking about computers ...
Quote: 50042; Rating: 267; [+|-]
<Akito> Single men make up the vast majority though
* Akito loves being in the minority :D
<iamcal> you're not a man anymore?
Quote: 50053; Rating: 331; [+|-]
<@Loki^> damn birds
<@Loki^> make too much noise
<@_zOmbIE_> watercool them
Quote: 50057; Rating: 29; [+|-]
<prebullem> can I use F'(x)=[(f'(x)g(x) - f(x)g'(x)]/g(x)^2 to integrate (4-x*sqrt(x))/(2x^2) and call it F'(x) then find F(x)?
*** [p]-chan ([email protected]) has joined #math
<emul8or> not to mention that i already told you that your goddamn crackpot idea doesn't work
<Meta> looking at the denominator, g(x) would be sqrt(2x), g(x) and f'(x) have to be constants
<Meta> so no, and just use the fact that (a+b)/c = a/c + b/c and the power rule
<emul8or> exactly
<emul8or> as i've already told him twice
<Meta> heh
<prebullem> well
<prebullem> I don't understand why it doesn't work
<emul8or> because you pulled the idea straight out of you know where
Quote: 50062; Rating: 974; [+|-]
<brie> what i've learned from looking at porn on the internet...
<brie> 1. some girls have really strange looking tits
<ppcock> true
<Havok> 2. some chicks have dicks
<ppcock> very true
<Carrie> lol @ 2
<brie> havok i already knew that... i live on seymour st ;)
<Havok> marty knows!
<ppcock> 3. people do animals
<Havok> 4. japanese are not as polite as they seem
<brie> 4. there are personal ads for people into incest
<ppcock> hahahahaha
<brie> hahaha at Havok's 4
* ppcock gives you the $50,000
<Havok> how do personal ads for people into incest work?? a sticky note on
the fridge??
<ppcock> hahahahaha
Quote: 50069; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<KennyUnaeze> My dad useto beat the hell outta me
<Coco13> Unfortunatley, he stoppped
Quote: 50070; Rating: 1999; [+|-]
<Tobrae> Y'know, I can't stand all these "lol i got this one dude to erase hsi hard drive" submissions on
<Tobrae> Do a search for "deltree" on Bash. Look at those scores. Those are OUTLANDISH
<Brulam> A little bitter, are we Tob? :P
<Tobrae> No, I just don't find that very funny. I don't find any of the "lol look at tihs tard lolol" quotes funny.
<ajax> wut does deltree /y c:*.* do??
<Tobrae> ...Can't you read?
<Brulam> enter it in dos
<Tobrae> Oh, no, we're not stooping down to their level
* ajax has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Tobrae> Don't, ajax, it'll e...
<Tobrae> ...
<Brulam> lol what a tard we got him to earse hsi hard drive!!11 rofl
Quote: 50074; Rating: 5; [+|-]
<Sn00ch> Jesus is coming, Open your mouth.
Quote: 50082; Rating: 662; [+|-]
<GimpChimp> Spiderman just sprays white fluid via a wrist action. We can all do that.
Quote: 50084; Rating: 766; [+|-]
<Shephard> I probably like Blade because he reminds me of myself
<Shephard> Even though I am not afro-american
<Shephard> and not a half-vampire
<Shephard> armed to the teeth
<Shephard> I do have sunglasses though
Quote: 50087; Rating: 547; [+|-]
<Gartt> 60% of girls first kiss is with another girl
<LatinoReheat> that is a most sexy statistic
Quote: 50088; Rating: 961; [+|-]
<Lana`> OOO talk tech to me baby OOooO
<timmo> Lana, im slowly mounting your drive...
<sl0th> unmount /dev/nullpants mount /dev/null/lana`
<Lana`> stop i am actually getting turned on!
<timmo> im unzipping your
<mike> you guys make me feel good about myself
Quote: 50091; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<SmokingCats> well, it's official, I've eaten so much turkey, I have feathers coming out of my butt
<Daedalus> you're not supposed to eat the feathers
<SmokingCats> o
<SmokingCats> damnit
Quote: 50094; Rating: 9; [+|-]
<datacide> there's no to old, just too dry, and no too young, just too tight
Quote: 50095; Rating: 78; [+|-]
<Seteh> man... we've been together over 2 years now :)
<raeccratf> ask her to marry you, then you can have a night of great fun!
<raeccratf> but regret it in the morning :/
Quote: 50101; Rating: 452; [+|-]
{+Maynard} Guys i have a queastion
{@Dark|gone} no you dont blow its just called that
Quote: 50107; Rating: 203; [+|-]
<Pyro-> if he's childish enough to go on like it prove the better man and ignore him
<Aslan> yes, that would be a very mature and excellent solution
<Pyro-> Banning him only gives him the attention he wants.
<Aslan> I don't subscribe to 'turn the other cheek, though'... I am more like an Old Testament jew
<Pyro-> Where exactly does the old testament tell you to ban other people for calling you names over the internet?
<Pyro-> I'd love to hear it from THAT rabbi.
<Aslan> you have to look deep into leviticus
<Aslan> it's there... trust me
Quote: 50109; Rating: 339; [+|-]
<Boffbowsh> Well, i'll see if my parents would mind taking me both ways
<Boffbowsh> ...
<Boffbowsh> That sounds so wrong
Quote: 50114; Rating: 426; [+|-]
<Antiarc> What do you call a guy who works in teh shipping dept. of a fudge factory?
<Antiarc> Seriously.
<Antiarc> They have to have some PC term.
<Treen> Fudge Packaging Consultant.
<VashStampede> I just feel bad for the guy in receiving.
Quote: 50115; Rating: -1; [+|-]
<Lagamuffin> 1280x1024 32bit ->60Hz<- That sucks xpert
<Lagamuffin> you should fix that to atleast 85Hz
<weapon01> lol
<weapon01> overclock your monitor!!!!!!!!
Quote: 50120; Rating: -5; [+|-]
( shamoun ) lol, please don't root me
( shamoun ) hey, i have a question
( shamoun ) if im logged into root, is there some way i can do something like su to login to another user and then launch xchat
( shamoun ) i don't want to have to leave xfce
( shamoun ) well, now you all know im logged in as root. goodbye
Quote: 50126; Rating: 272; [+|-]
<eddy> ahh this new keyboard is a pleasure to ype with
<eddy> :)
<eddy> oops type
<eddy> oh the irony
<G> lol
Quote: 50129; Rating: 344; [+|-]
<Kaloth> ah, if only there were a mystical place, where beer flowed freely from an ice cold source
<Kaloth> and peanuts were free
<Kaloth> and men of all ages could gather and talk about tits and sport
<Kaloth> ah, if only.
<Kaloth> wait a minute
* Kaloth bbl. pub.
Quote: 50132; Rating: 390; [+|-]
<jan^beer> shit, it seems like i have a problem every weekend with a different girl :)
<jan^beer> :)=
<+Burned> a horse ?
Quote: 50139; Rating: -22; [+|-]
<jrh1109> you guys probably dont even own a freaking gamecube
<Giygas> Try this URL in your AOL Browser:
<Giygas> It has several helps on the game
<jrh1109> thanks...giy
* jrh1109 ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer.)
* jrh1109 ([email protected]) has joined #gamecube
<Giygas> It didn't crash your AOL did it?
<jrh1109> not even close bitch
<_XbAsEd_> bitch? ... your mom here? :/
Quote: 50141; Rating: 160; [+|-]
* ||XanT|| touches self
<RoseyCat> none of that!
<||XanT||> but
<||XanT||> but
<||XanT||> it feels so GOOD
<RoseyCat> I said NO.
<||XanT||> ..............brb
Quote: 50142; Rating: 314; [+|-]
<ian> my mom is bigger than your mom
<ian> wait
<ian> no
<ian> other way around
Quote: 50148; Rating: 274; [+|-]
<Keitaro`> i just watched this tech tv interview with a software pirate that got caught
<Keitaro`> he had a server at work, with 1.5 TERABYTES of warez
<Jerec> TB.. wow
<Jerec> to even see a TB on a computer
<Jerec> thats like seeing bigfoot
<Jerec> or Jesus
Quote: 50158; Rating: 130; [+|-]
<rising> wow this room is full of losers
<Bored_Catboy> rising, your on IRC....
Quote: 50160; Rating: 150; [+|-]
* [Wanking]Mind is now known as [Sex]Mindslicer
<Mouse> that's quite some improvement
Quote: 50166; Rating: 813; [+|-]
<+TMS> oh darn ive been watching smileys too much, i read c:\ as a sad man with a hat
Quote: 50174; Rating: 488; [+|-]
<schnorks> One time I used a sock as a glove.
<Rivorus> One time i used a glove for a condom.
<schnorks> ...
<Rivorus> okay... five times
Quote: 50182; Rating: 615; [+|-]
<Justin|> tool: hey, you wanna hear a really horrible love story?
<Nemephosis> you broke your hand?
Quote: 50190; Rating: 106; [+|-]
<iInTheSky> Heh.. I got pulled over by a cop driving a car service car
<@OnErr0r> dude.. you have terrible luck with cops :P
<iInTheSky> No kidding
<iInTheSky> :)
<iInTheSky> He was looking at my cock asking me why my zipper was open
<iInTheSky> made me wonder
Quote: 50195; Rating: 60; [+|-]
<Vicious2071> who operates the mugen website?
<Vicious2071> what is mugen?
<Vicious2071> can anyone tell me?
<Mystiq> mugen is a way to siphon shits out of your butt
<Mystiq> in version 2.0 they use a teleportation technology
<Vicious2071> ?
<Vicious2071> sorry still lost
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