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Quote: 46310; Rating: 721; [+|-]
<decifer> you should've seen the chicks clawing each other at the beach to get to me when they heard about my 231day uptime
Quote: 46313; Rating: 407; [+|-]
Rangsk: I'm watching a movie and I hit some key by accident... dunno which
Mmytacism: haha
Rangsk: and all the sudden something seems... not right
Rangsk: after about a minute I realize that the sound is going 2x as fast but the video is still going 1x
Mmytacism: hahahahaha
Rangsk: and I'm like... wtf... why would someone program that as a FEATURE?
Quote: 46315; Rating: 33; [+|-]
<@chucky> . <= a map of the world zoomed out alot
<@Diesi|> ha-ha
Quote: 46316; Rating: 220; [+|-]
<ryda> earlier, i was lookin up doom 3 stuff
<ryda> and i clicked on this doom 3 screenshot link
<ryda> and it redirected to a pornsite
<ryda> and then my mum comes up to me and offers me a pringle
<ryda> and im just like sheeet
<milenko> ahhahaha
<milenko what did she say?
<ryda> i couldnt get it off the screen
<ryda> she pretended not to noticed
<ryda> alt f4 wasnt workin lol
<ryda> thing is, it looked really really gross
<milenko> what was it, cumshot?
<ryda> im not sure
<ryda> but i think it could have been tranny
<milenko> dude, YOUR FUCKED
Quote: 46324; Rating: 635; [+|-]
<w|zzy> had to help sister in the shower
<w|zzy> fuck
<w|zzy> as in she couldn't get it hot enouguh
Quote: 46327; Rating: 192; [+|-]
<Diablo-D3> RichiH: only you would have a chainsaw strapon.
<RichiH> yeah, this completely redefines "treehugger"
Quote: 46338; Rating: 338; [+|-]
<Kai-jin> violence is always an answer
<Aan|trigu> :P
<Kai-jin> yes it may not the *the* answer...but it is always *an* answer
<Aan|trigu> well so is bestiality
Quote: 46347; Rating: 359; [+|-]
(+_Penguin) ican typw qirh my wywa ckoswd
Quote: 46375; Rating: 149; [+|-]
<flawed> they got a weight loss patch now
<flawed> if you're a sexually active fat chick who also smokes, you could be wearing three patches.. one for weight loss, one for birth control and one for quitting smoking
<NuFrost> patent the multipatch(tm)
Quote: 46386; Rating: 400; [+|-]
<FeSTeR> oh ya great job pullin out of the parking lot almost hit a woman
<GABAR> dude if i was any good at pulling out, you wouldnt be alive
Quote: 46391; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<Eticam> omg
<Eticam> there's a hole in my pants, right at my asshole
<Eticam> how the hell did that get there? :/
Quote: 46396; Rating: 395; [+|-]
u00ab+ aisu_kurimu u00bb damn right
u00ab+ aisu_kurimu u00bb wait i think i messed up my ghetto lang
u00ab+ aisu_kurimu u00bb damn straight*
u00ab+ aisu_kurimu u00bb ughhhh 17 years in the ghetto, you'd think i'd pick up something
u00ab@Xellos-sanu00bb yeah, herpes
Quote: 46411; Rating: 48; [+|-]
<Guyp> like a week ago this indian
<Guyp> interviewed my english teacher
<Guyp> and he didnt know english
<Guyp> so he said
<Guyp> excuse me, my english bad, because class is boring and when teacher are teaching i smoke out class
<Guyp> it was so funny
<Guyp> ;[
Quote: 46420; Rating: 278; [+|-]
<Angelz> cya bskfdhdt
<Hoopy> can I buy a vowel? :/
Quote: 46421; Rating: 660; [+|-]
<gbp> er det noen som har Silence Of The Lambs
<dortch> i have silence of the lambs
<dortch> but i dont know what the fuck you just said
Quote: 46424; Rating: 257; [+|-]
<ef~ian_> I saw a hot chick working at Radio Shack once.u00a0 I think it was a mistake.
Quote: 46427; Rating: 440; [+|-]
<crushdmb> blah
<crushdmb> I HATE EXES
* crushdmb kills all exes
<vap0r> hahaah
<vap0r> why?
<crushdmb> 'cuz my ex is an asshole
<vap0r> i thought you meant .exe
Quote: 46431; Rating: 150; [+|-]
* Admiral_Justin shoves vex into /dev/null
* Vex Quit (Connection reset by peer)
Quote: 46445; Rating: 331; [+|-]
* DocHopper is now known as DocRestarting
<DocRestarting> brb
* DocRestarting has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Sean> that was so pointless
Quote: 46449; Rating: 113; [+|-]
<generic> but ive decided to switch this lappy to mandrake instead of linux
Quote: 46461; Rating: 16; [+|-]
<miv>u00a0u00a0 final meals of people who are on death row
<miv>u00a0u00a0 "Justice, Equality, World Peace"
<miv>u00a0u00a0 what kind of request is that
<miv>u00a0u00a0 U CANT EAT THAT! moron
<miv>u00a0u00a0 if it was me i would have asked for a 6 year old japanese girl
<miv>u00a0u00a0 i'd eat her out
Quote: 46471; Rating: 548; [+|-]
<stern_7> on CNN, story number 1: North Korea has a nuke.
<stern_7> story number 2: Does standing on your head cure hiccuphs?
<stern_7> This is what happens when AOL is allowed to own the news.
Quote: 46472; Rating: 182; [+|-]
<magusXXX> I think it's funny that roxio wants to buy napster.
<magusXXX> "You steal it, we'll burn it!"
Quote: 46475; Rating: 128; [+|-]
<fahd> stop making fun of my religion.u00a0 islam isn't funyn, it's serious
<fahd> now shutup, i have to study for calculus
<Hat> Fahd, is Allah good at calculus?
<fahd> >:(
<Hat> Yeah, I guess not.u00a0 He's only good at bomb mak.... I mean chemistry.
Quote: 46485; Rating: 9; [+|-]
<Tibor-> grr. . .I don't have adobe, though, and I don't know what the hell "vector" is, nor does it outline the process of "converting" it :(
<Darth-Phenom> Tib, by Adobe do you mean Photoshop?
<Tibor-> Yea, probably, Phen. It just says Adobe Illustrator and such
Quote: 46496; Rating: 356; [+|-]
<nirosys> whoever decided it'd be a good idea to rar an iso up, then throw it in a tar... then gzip it...
<nirosys> should be shot..
Quote: 46498; Rating: 176; [+|-]
<World_Corrupt> I once knew this guy who was 45 and we were good friends. and i was 11 then
<ascian> you didn't meet him in a bathroom, did you?
Quote: 46504; Rating: 400; [+|-]
<Grumman> man, tough week for my fantasy hockey team
<JustNoodle> any luck with your fantasy sex life?
Quote: 46517; Rating: 330; [+|-]
<+The_Steel> I scored a 96% on the procrastination test
<+The_Steel> I'm not suprised
<+emul8or_> i put off the procrastination test till tomorrow
Quote: 46526; Rating: 38; [+|-]
<MistaED|CrazyTaxi> ARGHH
<MistaED|CrazyTaxi> Crazy_Taxi.Deviance.ShareReactor.bin.exe, it doesn't bloody work
<[whee]Kris|bah> don't run the file, ed
Quote: 46541; Rating: 794; [+|-]
* Sep mst find a working free ISP for gods sack
<BlazeHedgehogAdvance> God's Sack? Isn't that..
<BlazeHedgehogAdvance> Sack-religious?
Quote: 46550; Rating: 1378; [+|-]
<BlazeHedgehog> Cripes. ANYTHING is innuendo nowadays
<BlazeHedgehog> "I had a glass of milk." "WHOA GOOD JOB, HOW WAS SHE?"
<BlazeHedgehog> "No. I mean, I poured milk into a glass and drank it." "You sure did!"
Quote: 46552; Rating: 104; [+|-]
<Wheeze> "yo baby...we all urinate...wanna do it?"
<BIGmog|site> wanna urinate?!u00a0 that's your pick up line?
<BIGmog|site> you need to put something in between then
<BIGmog|site> otherwise you're gonna get pee'd on
Quote: 46559; Rating: 610; [+|-]
*** Ugly_Stick is now known as Bueghty_Stick
*** Bueghty_Stick is now known as Buehty_Stick
*** Buehty_Stick is now known as Buhty_Stick
*** Buhty_Stick is now known as Beuhty_Stick
*** Beuhty_Stick is now known as Beugty_Stick
<Beugty_Stick> how the hell do you spell beughty!
Quote: 46565; Rating: 193; [+|-]
<Scott> i dunno, Bill Gates porn would get sooo many hits
<Scott> they'd wanna see how micro and soft he really is
Quote: 46581; Rating: 221; [+|-]
ComNerd1: would you have sex with anybody?
Auto response from KarpenkoSoup: No women, no kids
ComNerd1: oh, ok
KarpenkoSoup: Yeah, those are the rules.
Quote: 46589; Rating: 20; [+|-]
<Killrbyte> I hate faggots.u00a0 They stole our word.
<Killrbyte> Gay used to mean you were happy.u00a0 Now it means you have a sore ass.
Quote: 46593; Rating: 375; [+|-]
<kmad> ppl should stop using worn-out cliches because they're not funny anymore
<}}T-DuB--> is that your final answer?
Quote: 46598; Rating: 919; [+|-]
<Guest17888> its me Where can i mk trilogy doiwnload???
<Garret> Just go here.
<Guest17888> garret its true or false
<Garret> It's true.
<Garret> I'm getting it at 400KB/s!
<Guest17888> garret its not true
<Garret> You clicked the link?
<Guest17888> yes garret and.....
<Garret> You do realize you just searched for warez, porn, sodomy, illegal, microsoft, and mortal kombat right?
<Guest17888> fuck ya all
* Quits: Guest17888 ([email protected]=) (QUIT: User exited)
Quote: 46608; Rating: -17; [+|-]
<AlBo^StUd> eyyyyyy
<AlBo^StUd> i have a virus i fink
<AlBo^StUd> like wen im on the net
<AlBo^StUd> my mouse goes nuts
<AlBo^StUd> n cliks everywere
<AlBo^StUd> n wen i move it it makes it worse
<AlBo^StUd> d only way i kan get it off is by d/c my mouse n reconecting it
<My`Albanian`Ass> u running windows 98?
Quote: 46610; Rating: 19; [+|-]
(&) rak ([email protected]) is trying to send you Gayness.exe(20 kb) on port 3283.
Quote: 46611; Rating: -11; [+|-]
* Anaconda doesnt feel to well :\
< josie> whyyyy?
<@Anaconda> stomach virus going around down here atm
<@Anaconda> think if got it
<@Anaconda> was painting the toilet bowl last night.. if u get what I mean
Quote: 46619; Rating: 283; [+|-]
<cin> i have friends in my bum
<cin> My mum says they're worms
<cin> But I know better
Quote: 46621; Rating: 432; [+|-]
<|MonK|> I have a 16X dvd rom drive,u00a0 so why dose it still take an hour andu00a0 a half to watch a whole DVD?
Quote: 46630; Rating: 208; [+|-]
<_Godless_> what can say to the ex that killed a part of you that you'll never get back ... with out souding bitter?
Quote: 46632; Rating: 232; [+|-]
<flook> bugger, I accidentally printed a page of all black and now I have no ink left :-/
<Steve_Cajun> flook> practising your goth poetry then? :)
Quote: 46634; Rating: 233; [+|-]
<Kobe> I just got an sms before.... " This message cost 22 cents. This could feed a muslim boy in afganistan for a whole day. Send this to 7 of your friends and starve the c**t for a week "
Quote: 46635; Rating: 400; [+|-]
<-- Matias has quit (Exit: Some people are like Slinkies . . . not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs)
Quote: 46637; Rating: 246; [+|-]
<SLURPee> i remember in yr 9 i questioned something
<SLURPee> ohh about genesis and the order in which it occured
<SLURPee> her response was
<SLURPee> 'as catholics we don't question. we just accept'
Quote: 46640; Rating: 90; [+|-]
<Udeth> i fucking HATE counterstrike-players
<Udeth> i hope they all die.
<Udeth> irl
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